D.Va X Spartan Reader: Her Cu...

By Forbidden098

118K 1.5K 1.6K

After being rescue by D.Va herself, (Y/N) later gets transfer to Overwatch and has a thing for D.Va, but does... More

[ (A/N) Before We Start ]
Spartan (Y/N) Information/Equipment
The Rescue
Where am I?
Settling In + Streaming
First Overwatch Spartan
What About My Mjolnir Armor?
Reconnaissance Mission
A Day With D.Va
성남시 Seongnam
We Have a Spartan Casualties [Flashback]
From Mark V to Mark VI
Welcome to M.E.K.A.
War Game Simulation
5 MEKA vs 1 Spartan
[ (A/N) Lore information ]
One Last Stop
Doctor Visit
Key To My Heart
🎃Happy Halloween🎃
Relationship Scenarios
Battle Scenarios
Long Time No See
So This is PAX
A Panel with Heroic Icons
A Fearsome Unit
Let's Have Some Fun [🍋Lemon🍋]
🎁Christmas with the Song's🎄
Always There For Her [Flashback]
They're Just Missing In Action
Being Hunted

Back to Work

3.4K 48 69
By Forbidden098

The next day

(Y/N)'s POV

Last night was usual, still getting my butt kicked by D.Va. She would usually go easy mode on me but she had to up the difficulty since I'm getting better. My gaming fragments are coming back to me.

I woke up at precisely 7am as usual. I head to the mess hall for some breakfast. While eating my toast with eggs and sausage I noticed Hana wasn't in the mess hall. Funny she's usually here on time. I asked Genji, Lúcio, Lena and others around my table for Hana's where abouts. They say this is quite normal, she's probably sleeping in or has overslept.

When I finished my breakfast I went to my room back in the living quarters section of the base to take a shower and brush my teeth. When I walked by Hana's room, the door opened and Hana came out still in her pajamas and looking sleepy. She was rubbing her two eyes with her two hands.

(Y/N): "Morning sleepy head."

Hana: "Good *yawn* morning (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "You overslept or something?"

Hana: "Yeah stayed up most of the night to finished a game."

(Y/N): "Well if you want breakfast better get moving, they'll about to wrap up."

Hana: "Really? Ughhhhh I'll just have Doritos and Mountain Dew for breakfast then."

Hana goes to the vending machine while I head back to my room. The door to my room opened but I didn't enter it because I felt a small buzz/vibration coming from my pocket. I took out my phone and turned it on. I had received a new message. An important one. A life changer.

To all Spartans II

You're Mark V Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor has been outdated. Mark VI Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor has been introduced and issued to all Spartan II. You may all know that Black Team was issued the advanced Mjolnir prototype codename "Mjolnir Black" while all Spartan II's were issued Mark V. But now we have incorporate that technology into Mark VI and have made it available to all Spartan II.

Your Mark VI armor has been constructed and tested at a Special Warfare Center (SWC) in Seongnam
(성남) Korea. All active Spartan II have been given a meeting time to meet in Seongnam to receive your Mark VI Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor.

Note: Feel free to bring anyone you want with you.

Meeting Time: Thursday at 14:30 at Special Warfare Center (SWC) in Seongnam (성남) Korea.

From Halsey and the Spartan II Program

"Today is Tuesday so I had two more days to get to Seongnam to receive my new armor." I say to myself. I felt excited, I couldn't wait for it...

Hana: "Watcha reading?" Hana cuts me off. I turn to see Hana munching on some Doritos.

(Y/N): "I'm going to Seongnam Korea on Thursday."

Hana: *gasp* "You going to vist my country (Y/N)!?" She said very excitedly.

(Y/N): "Not to vist, just need to get my new armor. I'm allowed to bring a visitor, you want to come?"

Hana: *another gasp* "Yes I've been trying to get a reason to come back home! We can vist Busan (부산시) and MEKA while we're there!" She jumped for joy.

(Y/N): "Sure just get packed up, we're leaving in two days. I'll alert Morrison and Winston about the news."

Hana: "Yay!" She jumped for joy again and skipped towards her room.

I went to my room to get ready for the day. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I got dressed then an announcement went on.

"Can Genji, Tracer, Ana, Mercy, Lúcio, Hana, Reinhardt and
(Y/N) please report to the briefing room immediately."

"A mission huh. Guess it's back to work." I say in my head. When I walked out of my room I also saw Hana heading to the briefing room. I caught up to her and decide to walk there together.

Hana: "Isn't this exciting (Y/N)? We're finally being called for a mission together. I can finally show you my mech and my mech piloting skills."

(Y/N): "And I can show you my Spartan skills."

We both laughed and headed to the briefing room. Once there, there was only Morrison, Tracer, Genji and Mercy there. We all waited for a minute or so until everyone arrived. We all huddle around the hologram table.

Morrison: "Alright you were all called here because we have gotten a new assignment. Thanks to (Y/N) and Ana reconnaissance mission we have intercepted a new cargo heading there again. And if it's anything that (Y/N) and Ana got from the reconnaissance mission is that this is another important shipment. Our mission is to retrieve the package before Talon does. You have all been a signed in a squad. Each squad consists of 1 damage, 1 healer and 1 tank."

"Alpha Squad is Tracer, Mercy and

"Bravo Squad is Soldier76, Ana and D.Va."

"Charlie Squad is Genji, Lúcio and Reinhardt."

"Once the attack begins Talon defense will be mainly around the main building to ensure the package is safe." He points at the hologram of the shipping docks building. " Once we have them pinned we will attack the building through 3 entrance. Alpha Squad you attack from the left side of the building. Bravo Squad the middle and Charlie Squad the right. Everyone clear?"

All: "Yes Sir."

We all headed to the Armory to suit up for combat, I went to my locker section. While Hana went to her section where I saw her pink mech resting. I look at my Mjolnir Armor being displayed in front of a white background with LED lights. While I put on my armor I heard Hana say "Mecha online." I turn to see her in it with her mech piloting suit and with an engineer in front of it with a clipboard in his hands.

I continue to put on my armor. Before I put on the helmet I turn to look at Hana. She was just awkwardly watching me suit up. She waved at me and then quickly turn around, I wave back and put on my helmet. I grab my Battle Rifle and Magnum making sure it was cock and loaded. I set my Battle Rifle behind my back and my Magnum on my right thigh.

When I was finish I headed outside to our dropship where everyone was inside sitting, I see Hana outside her mech and sitting on a seat where I joined her.

(Y/N): "You ready to get back to work Hana?"

Hana: "It's D.Va now and Yeah!, I'm back in the game!"

Marin, Spain Shipping Docks

00:00 midnight

D.Va's POV

I'm now in my mech preparing for combat. Soldier 76 says 30 second till contact. I see (Y/N) get off his seat and stands up. He pulls out his Battle Rifle from his back and made sure safety was switch off. 10 second Soldier 76 says. The doors of the dropship open and Soldier 76 yells go go go while all of us jumps out the dropship. I came out last.

Everyone ran for cover besides (Y/N), Reinhardt and Me since we were tanks, we can take seriously punishment. We kept fighting and pushing Talon back to the building. Then I hear a constant sound of a warning beep.





I turn in the direction of the sound and I see that it was coming from
(Y/N). His recharging energy shields has gone down. Yellow electric waves were everywhere on his armor. If he takes more gunshot he may die or be severely injured. He's need to find cover to allow them to fully recharge. Unfortunately he's quite far from the nearest cover.

Not on my watch. I'm not letting
(Y/N) die. I was going to postion my mech in front of him and activate my defense matrix to buy him some cover so his recharging energy shields can recharge. But then I saw (Y/N) throw a grenade at the floor by his feet.

D.Va: "(Y/N)!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She said in a panicking angry tone.

(Y/N): "Huh?"

His Bubble Shield was activated which provided him cover so his energy shield could recharge.

(Y/N): "It's just my Bubble Shield."

D.Va: *Phew* "I thought you were killing yourself."

(Y/N): "Me kill myself? Nah. You worry too much."

D.Va: "Well it's just-"

(Y/N): "Worry about yourself kiddo."

Tracer: "Not the time to chit chat luvs" She teleported between us.

(Y/N)'s armor beeping sound changed to a different sound letting him know it's fully charged.

(This sound)

(Y/N): "My shields are fully charged but my health is at the yellow now.

(This is displayed on the the top right of your HUD)

D.Va: "(Y/N) NEEDS A MEDIC!" She shouted to try to get Ana, Lúcio or Mercy attention.

Luckily Mercy was around. She flew into (Y/N) Bubble Shield. She pointed her Caduceus Staff at (Y/N) and started to heal him.

Mercy: "Heroes never die."

(Y/N): "It's Spartans never die."

By the time he was fully healed his Bubble Shield was depleted. So we all ran for cover. We kept fighting and fighting until they were finally pushed back to the building.

Soldier 76: "We all know what to do right?"

All: "Yes sir."

Alpha Squad is waiting by the left entrance. Bravo Squad the middle and Charlie the right.

Soldier 76: "OK on 3, 2, 1."

We all entered the building, clearing Talon soldiers on every room. It later got to a point where it was just me and (Y/N). I had to ditch my mech since I couldn't fit it through the door. So I'm equipped with my Light Gun.

(Y/N) kicked opened a door SWAT style. And it was clear and dark. There was only one light source on and it was shinny on top of a crate.

D.Va: "This has to be it."

(Y/N): "Yeah, but why is it left unwatched here."

We take one step forward and (Y/N) puts out his left hand which was in a fist. He signal freeze.

D.Va: "What is it?"

(Y/N): "I'm reading one enemy tango on my motion tracker."

D.Va: "I don't see him."

(Y/N)'s POV

I left standing there finding where he's hiding. Then a cloud of black smoke appears in front of me. When the smoke started to vanish a male figure popped up. He mainly wore black and had a skull mask on with a hood on. He pointed one of his two shotguns at me.

???: "Die Spartan." He said in a dark deep voice.

Thanks to my Spartan augmentation and Mjolnir Armor I was fast enough to do a barrel roll to the side to dodge his shot, I return fire but he turned into smoke again and disappear. I tell D.Va to run. She does and I walk back slowly while turning right and left constantly to try and find him.

My motion tracker tells me he is behind me. I turn around and he appears and grabs my Battle Rifle from the barrel. From this point I let go of my Battle Rifle and pulled out my combat knife in my right hand, which catches him off guard. I throw a punch with my left hand to his head and slice his chest with my knife on my right hand casuing him to fall into his knees.

I take my knife and stab him on the back. He turn to smoke again and disappear. I look everything 360° degree around me until the black smoke reform, I threw my knife in the air causing it to spin upward swamping position. I grab the knife by the blade and threw it at him, which lands straight on his chest.

I hear him grunt in pain. He pulls the knife out of him and dropped it on the ground letting more blood drip off him. He tries to aim his shotgun at me but I jumped at him pulling my fist back and then nailing it at his face causing to fall back but not completely fallen to the ground. I also managed to disarm his shotgun from the punch. He puts up his two fist.

(Y/N): "Alright, let's dance."

???: "As you wish."

We fight and fight and he's constantly keep turning into smoke and appearing from behind me. He's quite trained good at the art of hand to hand combat, I'll give him that, but I'm a Spartan, my training and Spartan augmentation made me stronger then him.

I was able to get him to fall back onto his back and I was about to finish him. But he grabs one of his nearby shotguns in his right hand and blast it at my chest. The shot impact caused me to step back and my energy shield depleted. If I take one more good shot I'll be sure dead.

To make things worst my armor got locked. I couldn't move my joints but be stuck in a still pose. I look at him and next to him appeared a shorter female. She was mainly purple, she had a wield purple hairstyle. Her hand has some computer circuit on it and she point her SMG at me.

???: "That should buy us some time. We need to leave Reaper." I learn that the skull dude name is Reaper.

Reaper: "I'm not letting this Spartan live Sombra." I learn thay the purple chick name is Sombra. "They are like demons to us."


If you didn't get that Demon part I'll tell you.

In Halo "Demon" is the Covenant (Main enemy in Halo) name for Spartans because the Covenant fear the Spartans because of their ablity to destroy hundreds of thousands of Covenant soldier. It can also mean powerful foe.

OK back to the story

Sombra: "Your hurt really badly we need to leave."

D.Va: "Yeah you better run." She had her Light Gun pointed at them with the whole entire team behind her.

Sombra grabbed Reaper's arm and they disappeared. When they left my armor was no longer locked and D.Va walks towards me.

D.Va: "Are you alright (Y/N)?" She looked worried.

(Y/N): "Yeah I'm fine. Just a scratch." My energy shields started to recharge.

Everyone was around the create. Morrison opened it and we all were shocked. The crate was empty.

Genji: "I don't understand. How can they guard an empty create.

Everyone was talking about how or why the crate was empty. I started to think.

(Y/N): "This was a setup."

Everyone looked at me.

Tracer: "Explain luv?"

(Y/N): "They knew we were coming so they set up this distraction to fool us. The real package was probably being transferred behind us all the time."

Soldier 76: "That could be a possibility but we can not comfirm this nor denied it."

We all headed to the dropship that just landed to report back to base. I sat down next to Hana and everyone was giving me a compliment on how well I did.

Tracer: "Did anyone see (Y/N) when he was in front of a squad of Talon soldiers."

Mercy: "I saw that."

Hana: "Yep" She shaked her head up and down.

Lúcio: "I don't remember seeing that."

Tracer: "Well you missed it luv. Everyone had there guns pointed at (Y/N) and all (Y/N) did was put his gun aside and said "Boo". "

Lúcio: "What really?"

Ana: "I remember seeing that through my scope."

Genji: "Mada Mada."

D.Va: "LOL."

Tracer: "Some Talon soldier ran for there lives while others started shooting at him. (Y/N) took those bullets like it was nothing."

(Y/N): "They weren't even aiming that good."

Lúcio: "Then what happened?"

Tracer: " (Y/N) just started punching them to death, he didn't use his gun." *laughter*

Everyone had a laugh except for Soldier 76 who was just standing with his arm crossed.

Lúcio: "Wow that sounds cool, wish I was there to see it."

(Y/N): "I aim to please."

Genji: "Did anybody saw Hana's reaction when (Y/N) threw his Bubble Shield on the ground.

Everyone except for Soldier 76 laughed.

(Y/N): "You thought it was a grenade didn't you Hana." I jokingly nodged her arm.

Hana: "Laugh it up guys, its not that funny." She crossed her arm and look away.

Soldier 76: "It was kinda funny." Everyone turned to see Soldier 76 had a small laugh behind his mask.

There were more stories about me to go around but people decided to take a nap on this long flight back to base. Hana fell a sleep on my shoulder. Which might not be most comfy spot to rest your head on hard cold armor. I looked at her for a bit. She looked cute when she sleeps. I stayed up for the entire flight making adjustments to my shoulder trying to comfort Hana's head as best as possible.

When we arrived at base most of the team woke up and left the dropship to sleep at there comfy bed while others just straight up slept in there. I looked at Hana, she still was sleeping on my shoulders. I didn't want to wake her up since she looks too cute sleeping.

I cautiously picked her up bridal style trying not to wake her up. I brought her to her room and tuck Hana nicely into her bed. Placing her head on her soft pillow first and then wrapping her whole body in her pink bunny blanket. I took off her headphone and place it on the night stand next to her bed. I was about to leave her room until a thought hit me. She was missing something. I try to walk lightly back to her, but in an armor that weights half a ton; it was difficulty, but I managed. I rubbed Hana's forehead before pressing my lips on it, giving her a kiss on her forehead. "Good night Hana, sleep tight." I whispered into her ears. I left her room and went into mine's to call it a day.



Phew another chapter done and next chapter (Y/N) and Hana will go to Seongnam Korea to receive (Y/N) new Mark VI armor. And yes this is canon I didn't pick a city in Korea just to connect the two characters.

Hana in Busan because MEKA and her city

(Y/N) in Seongnam because Mark VI Armor

In Halo 2 mission The Armory Master Chief puts on his new Mark VI Armor and Master Gunns says

"Your new suit's a Mark VI, just came up from Seongnam this morning. Try and take it easy till you get used to the upgrade."

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