Another Wrong Turn?

By bellaPiiink

158K 3K 186

Victoria Strauss’ life is perfect. She has her adventurous friends, her pain-in-the-butt brother and of cours... More

Another Wrong Turn?
Prologue: My Boyfriend Cheated On Me - Ouch.
Chapter One: Meet Vince Strauss, My Annoying Brother
Chapter Two: The Bubblegum-ish Thing
Chapter Three: The Jones Brothers
Chapter Four: My Brother and Best Friend?!
Chapter Five: Alone with Ian at His House
Chapter Six: My Best Friends Awesome Partners
Chapter Seven: I'm A Love Doctor
Chapter Eight: Friendly Date with Ian
Chapter Nine: Two Guys Fighting For Me... HELP!
Chapter Ten: My Heartbroken Brother
Chapter Eleven: Lance Begged For Me
Chapter Twelve: I'm In A Freaking Play... The Heck?
Chapter Thirteen: Practicing to be Elizabeth Bennet
Chapter Fourteen: Our Very First Kiss - Very Public
Chapter Fifteen: Evan's Warning
Chapter Sixteen: At the Carnival
Chapter Seventeen: Ian's Eighteenth Birthday Party
Chapter Eighteen: Letting Me Go
Chapter Nineteen: Diamond Necklace
Chapter Twenty: Mending Another Broken Heart
Chapter Twenty-One: Surprising News
Chapter Twenty-Two: Being Gullible Might Be a Good Thing
Chapter Twenty-Three: Locked Out
Chapter Twenty-Four: Mom's Home... Call 911!
Chapter Twenty-Five: Say You Love Me
Chapter Twenty-Six: Meet Philip Kavanagh
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Taken
Chapter Twenty-Eight: His Perfect Revenge
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Sensation of Burning
Author's Note

Epilogue: A Crazy Happy Ever After

4.3K 91 10
By bellaPiiink

            “Are you ready?” Suzanne asked Miranda for the umpteenth time.

            Miranda gulped and shook her head. “No, I think I’m not.”

            She rolled her eyes. “Don’t be such a ninny. You were excited yesterday!”

            “That was yesterday!”

            “Well, during the rehearsals, then.”

            “Only a few people were attending! Actually, it was just the six of us!” Miranda wailed and clutched her perfectly curled hair.

            “Hey, hey, watch the hair!” I warned her. “You’re going to ruin my work!”

            She sighed. “I think I cannot do this.”

            Suzanne stared at her. “Then why the hell did you said yes? You should have said no! This wedding was sooo expensive.”

            “You did not pay for it,” I commented, laughing.

            “Guys, this is not a joke!” Miranda cried, biting her lip nervously.

            I sighed and placed my hand on top of hers. “Don’t worry, Miranda. You’re going to get married to the person that you love the most. The person who will take care of you and will love you forever. Who would imagined that you’re getting married? Seven years ago, when we were still seventeen, you were determined to be a spinster. And here you are, on your way to the wedding!”

            “But—but what if Evan doesn’t come?” she asked, tears forming to her eyes.

            “God, you’re such a pessimist,” Suzanne complained, rolling her eyes.

            “Like you weren’t like this when it was your wedding,” Miranda snapped at her.

            “And now look at me!” Suzanne said, gesturing at her big belly. “Six months pregnant! It turned out great, did it?”

            Miranda exhaled and then inhaled. “I’m getting married.”

            I laughed. “Of course you are! Why are we going to the church if you weren’t?”

            “I’m actually getting married.”

            Suzanne rolled her eyes. “Duh. You’re wearing your wedding dress that costs bajillion dollars.”

            The limousine suddenly stopped. I grinned and open the door. I was followed by Miranda, who was still pale white and was clutching her rosy pink roses. The both of us helped Suzanne to get out of the car since she has a hard time walking.

            “This is it,” I whispered to Miranda. “This is the day you’re going to remember. The day you’re going to tell your children and grandchildren someday.”

            She smiled at me and hugged me. “Oh God, I love you, Victoria.” Then she let go of me and hugged Suzanne. “And of course you, too. Even though sometimes you’re a crazy bitch.”

            Suzanne laughed. “Who can blame me? I’m pregnant! I must have mood swings.”

            “Good, you’re here! Evan’s here already,” Miranda’s grandpa, Edward, said as he approached us. Then he smiled at his only grandchild. “You look exactly like your mother on her wedding day. You look very beautiful, Miranda.”

            Miranda sniffed. Her mother had died two years ago and she was devastated. She always got upset whenever someone would mention her mother, but now, she did not.

            “Oh Grandpa,” she moaned, tears forming at her eyes.

            “Hey, hey! The make up!” Suzanne cried out loud.

            Edward laughed. “You two go in now. Your partners are waiting for you.”

            I nodded and smiled at Miranda encouragingly one last time. Then I guided Suzanne inside the church. We stopped on the second pew from the church.

            “Oh there you are,” Vince sighed as he saw Suzanne. “Thought you were giving birth already.”

            She gave him a look. “I’m only six months pregnant. I’m not due until September!”

            “Okay, okay. Don’t get angry.”

            “I wasn’t angry!”

            I laughed at the bickering couple. Suzanne sat beside Vince and I sat beside Ian. He was wearing his black tuxedo and as I sat beside him, he whispered, “You look beautiful.”

            “You’re not that bad yourself,” I commented, smiling at him.

            He chuckled quietly and the wedding tune played.

            “Congratulations, Mrs. Jones!”

            Miranda grinned and hugged me. “Oh, Victoria! I can’t believe it! I’m married! I’m actually married! Who would have thought?”

            “I know, right?” I laughed. I smiled at the man beside her, Evan—the man who caught the guy who almost killed me. It was a lot of years ago—seven years to be exact. “Hey there, Evan. Take care of Miranda, all right? She’s quite a handful.”

            He grinned. “I think I can manage her.”

            “Of course you can,” I said and winked at him. “I better go and join Ian and the others at our table.”

            I bade them goodbye and walked back to the table that I was sharing with Ian, Vince and Suzanne. When I reached them, Suzanne was already eating the food and Vince was watching her, amused.

            “Hungry?” I asked her as I sat on the chair beside Ian.

            “Always,” Suzanne replied, flashing me a smile.

            I snuggled closer to Ian who placed his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. “You know,” he whispered at my ear, “you’re the only unmarried girl in your group.”

            I laughed. “Yeah. I always thought I’d get married before Miranda. Who knew she would be the first one?”

            Ian smiled and played with my blonde curls. “Would you want to get married?”

            “Are you trying to tell me something?” I teased him.

            “Would you like to dance?” Ian asked, changing the topic.

            “Of course.”

            “Hey, Vince, Suzanne, Victoria and I are going to dance,” Ian informed them.

            “That’s a good idea,” Vince thought aloud. “Hey, Suze, do you want to go dance?”


            “But, Suze—.”

            “I said no! We can’t dance properly! Can you see my overly-large stomach?”

            I rolled my eyes at them as I stood up. After all these years, Suzanne and Vince was still a cute couple. I slipped my hand on the crook of Ian’s arm and he led me to the dance floor. Miranda and Evan have already danced the first dance and their guests were already dancing.

            I placed my right hand on Ian’s right shoulder and he placed his left hand on my waist. His right hand clasped my left hand and we danced. “You are very pretty, Ms. Strauss,” he commented.

            “You said that already,” I laughed.

            “I did? I didn’t notice.” Ian flashed me his perfect smile. “But you really are.”

            “I believe you,” I said, winking at him.

            We continued dancing for the next three minutes. When the song was done, all of the couples stopped and moved back to their seats. I smiled as I let my hands fall to my sides. “Let’s go back to our table?” I suggested.

            But Ian didn’t move. He just… stood there.

            “Ian?” I asked. “Is something wrong?”

            He took a deep breath and turned to the orchestra. “Okay, guys, this is it,” he called.

            “Alright, boss!” one of the guys from the orchestra said, grinning.

            Ian gulped and turned to me. My eyes widened as realization dawned.


            It cannot be.

            The orchestra started playing the song My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion. It was my favorite song since Titanic was my favorite movie and Ian knows that.

            Ian smiled nervously at me and then went down to one knee. “Victoria Strauss…” he paused and then: “will you be my wife… forever? Well, ‘will you marry me’ sounds so cliché, don’t you think?”

            My mouth opened slightly in shock. A tear dropped from my eye and I quickly wiped it away. Everybody was looking at me but I never noticed them. The only one who matters to me is the man in front of me, who is asking me to marry him, to be with him forever.

            And the answer is very obvious.

            “Yes, Ian, I’ll be your wife,” I replied, smiling happily.

            Ian exhaled and got up. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back. When I let go of him, he kissed me softly. And everyone went, Awwwwww.

            “I love you, Ian.”

            “And I love you, too, Victoria.”

            “We’ll stay like this forever,” I promised.

            “And always,” he agreed.

            “Forever and always, Ian. Forever and always.”   


Awwww, it's the epilogue! :( Oh well, this was unexpected, wasn't it? Hahahahaha. :> So yeah, this is the ending, hope you liked it! 

The song of this chapter is My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion. ;) A nice song, indeed. I also love Titanic and this song so this is the song I chose. :D Haha.

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