better now > sequel to neighb...

By evieiou

7K 223 3

As the journey continues, Mae has accepted her faith and it's time to move on. Harry realises perhaps he has... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
Twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty six
forty seven
forty eight
forty nine
fifty one
fifty two
fifty three
Fifty Four
Fifty five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
spin off

twenty five

121 6 0
By evieiou

I felt like a schoolgirl again with an overwhelming crush. My heart would beat fast when someone mentioned their name and every time Harry was near me I blushed.

Since we kissed, Harry took it upon himself to make sure I would fall for him again. Everyday he would drop in and every day he made sure he left with a kiss. Not that I minded, I longed for the day I would have Harry back - but that was when I was eighteen and in love. I'm twenty five now and I'm scared I'm going to get hurt again. And again. And again.

At first I thought it was good. We were flirting and kissing like the old days but that's exactly what was wrong. I didn't want to be back in the old days, I wanted to move forward with my life and not get dragged into Harry's evil antics again. Friends- fine. Lovers? Maybe not. But maybe. I don't know.

That's why I had El sitting on the bed with me before Harry came over with Noah for the weekend.

She brushed through my hair and tutted. "I don't know why not. Sure he fucked up but you two were so perfect for each other. Plus...he's really rich." She whispered the last part and I laughed.

"Ok so that's a pro. There's too many cons though." I reminded her.

"Let's, pro. Good dad, pro. What's the problem here?"

"Ana's dad, con. Cheated on me the entire relationship, con. Will leave once I tell him about Annabel....con. Will hurt me again, big fucking con!!" I told her.

She began to braid my hair into two French plaits and I rolled my eyes. She wasn't even listening.

"Maelynn, hun. Harry came back into your life for a reason. I've watched you two become friends over the past two years and I know you both still love each other. I think you'll be stupid not to try again." She told me.

I let her words sink in but the overwhelming fear of Harry hurting me again was too much.

I was about to reply but there was a knock on the door. I quickly sat up and brushed the braids out of my hair with my fingers before telling them to come in. Annabel, Noah and Harry burst through the door. Annabel and Noah tackled me on the couch and I laughed as Harry went to El.

"Mae-Mae!" Noah cheered. He attacked me with light punches and I stretched my head back to avoid one to the face while Annabel snuggled into me.

"Harry said we can have a movie night tonight." She whispered. I nodded excitedly. "I know, we bought lots of treats too." I wiggled my brows at them as they cheered and ran to the kitchen.

Harry and El were talking, seemingly about something serious as their faces were quite intense. I tried to tune in on the conversation but then El clapped loudly. "Ok kids, grab your pjs and treats, sleepover in aunty El's!" She yelled.

I looked at Harry for an explanation but he shrugged as El leaned down to me on the couch, her lips to my ear. "Get that dick, girl."

I grimaced and stood up. "We're fine, we were gonna have a movie night with them." I told her. She looked to Harry and I was expecting him to back me up but he stayed silent and she smiled. "I'll drop them back around noon tomorrow, so don't be up too late." She winked and the kids bounced after her in their pjs and their hands full of candy. "Bye!" They yelled at us.

I kissed Annabel goodbye and Harry did the same to Noah, until it was just Harry and I left in the room with the tv providing the only noise around us. Harry shrugged his coat off and began his way towards me.

"Can we talk before we do anything?" I asked him. I held my hands out in front to block him from touching me and he froze. "Uh, Yeah? What's wrong?" He asked.

I took a seat and so did he.

"Harry this is weird." I admitted.

His eyes fell slightly and I bit down on my lip. His dark curls framed his face so perfectly they were almost distracting me from what I was trying to say. My eyes fell down to his half unbuttoned shirt and black slacks. He was so handsome it actually hurt.

"I know," he sighed. I was surprised by this, but intrigued. I leaned closer. "You do?"

He nodded. "Fuck yeah. It doesn't mean I don't want it- I do. Trust me, I really fucking do but I'm scared." He finished, staring at me.

"Why are you scared?" I asked.

"I'm scared I'll fuck it up again. I did it once and still haven't forgiven myself for it, what if I do it again?"

I didn't know how to react. How was I supposed to try anything with him again if he wasn't even sure if he'd fuck me over again. I shook my head and tied up my hair, suddenly feeling very warm. I then noticed how close Harry was. The gold chain resting against his bare chest rose and fell as he inhaled and exhaled and I found myself in a trance before he tapped my shoulder.

"Maelynn look at me please." He asked me.

I looked at him and bit down on my lip. "We were supposed to be friends. No- I was supposed to hate you. I still should. You fucked me up, Harry." I admitted. "But I can't hate you."

"I've told you a million times how sorry I am for everything. I will never be able to make it up to you, but I think you should let me try." He mumbled, I knew where this was going. His head was inching in closer and closer.

Lips nearly touching.

Then bam, I slapped him.

The sound of my palm making contact with his skin rang through the hotel room and I gasped just as loud. I can't believe I just did that.

He clutched onto his cheek and stared at me with wide eyes. "What the fuck?"

"Harry- I'm so sorry. Holy shit I actually just did that." I laughed. Yeah, I laughed.

There was nothing else I could do but laugh. And soon he joined me. He kept looking from my face to my hand in shock and I actually felt quite relieved.

"I deserved that." He admitted.

I shook my head, still laughing. "You did. But I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that."

His cheek was red and I actually did feel bad. I carefully caressed his cheek and gagged at how soppy this was until Harry grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him. He bit down on his lip and pushed my hair from my face.

"Make it up to me." He cooed. I shifted in his lap and mentally gulped. I could either shy away and be a little bitch or show him what he's missed all these years....and I chose the latter.


Aw hell no it's about to get very unholy up in here

But I mean....haelynn is back on? Yay or nay?

Is H gonna fuck her over again? Is she gonna tell him bout Annabel? What you guys think

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