Temporary Puppet (Ultron X Re...

Por StarryShodow23

25.6K 748 678

After Ultron's defeat and failure of world destruction, a question arises; what is love? He sets out to find... Mais

Rise from Ashes
The Big Reveal...
Avengers Compound
The Deal
Keys to the Past/An Uninvited Guest...
Conflicting Viewpoints
The Calm Before the Storm...
The Storm is Here...

Friends in High Places...

1.8K 64 12
Por StarryShodow23

{Your POV}

We'd been working all day on the better version of Ultron and he wasn't kidding when he said it'd be advanced. It was really difficult to do but, with the A.I.'s help, I was able to push through and get the job done. We surprisingly didn't have much to do for Ultron had done the really hard projects before we even met. I was deep into my work when Ultron came over to look over my shoulder.

"Excellent work, (Y/n)." He praises which makes my heart flutter.

"Thanks." I reply smiling. "But, I can't figure out how this wiring goes..." I sit back in my swivel chair and look at the side of the body with a perplexed expression plastered on my face.

Ultron bends down and takes a look. He chuckles and looks at me. "There's  a pattern. If you take a look at the ones I did earlier, you can see it." Ultron points out.

I look at what he was talking about and my face brightens. "I see it!" I say happily and quickly fix the wiring.

After I do the wiring, my stomach rumbles and I realize that I haven't eaten in a while. I try to brush off the feeling and get back to work but, the feeling continues to pester me. I quietly groan and bend over my work. Suddenly, my chair is yanked back and stopped in the middle of the floor.

"It does you no good if you work on an empty stomach." Ultron says advancing on me.

"Really? I don't mind. I want to keep working!" I whine.

"And keep working you shall. Once you eat!" Ultron says putting his hands behind his back and coming close to my face. "I'll take over from here. You need a break anyways."

I huff and cross the room to my backpack to retrieve one of the snacks I packed in my bag. I quietly eat it while I watch the A.I. do his magic on his project. I look around the sort of platform we're on as I finish up my snack. 

"You should take a walk while it's still light outside." Ultron said not looking up.

"Um, ok." I say and walk back up the ramp leading to the workshop. I climb the flights of stairs and end up where me and Ultron landed. It was a lookout post with an amazing view. I rest my arms on the cement and breath in the fresh air. I notice the sun setting when I look at the mountain peaks painted with gold. My mind goes over everything that's happened in the 12 to 24 hours I've been with Ultron. After all the time with him, I notice that he's been giving me bits and pieces of his personality as we go along. He's unique for starters, like how he can almost always knows what I need to do to stay healthy and forces me to remain so. But, he's also in pain. He doesn't know about emotion as well as he should be. He may know some emotions such as anger, fear, and a little love but, he still needs teaching...and that's something I'll have to do because nobody else will. He also has this pain in his voice but, I don't know why. It makes my heart hurt because of it. He always seems to hide it. As if he doesn't want me to know...  As I stare off into space, my eyes focus again and see a big, black, jet with a white A on the side of it. I knew what that sign was; the Avengers were here! I immediately spring into action and rush back downstairs and down the ramp into the workshop.

"Ultron!" I say panicked. 

He instantly looks from what he's doing to focus on me. "What is it?" He says worried.

"Is the body ready?" I ask coming over to him.

"I just finished. What's wrong?" He says.

"The Avengers are here!" I say desperately.

Ultron looks up to the celling as if he knew exactly where his enemies had landed.

"Did you call them." He snapped at me, getting anxious.

"NO! I wouldn't do that!" I reply as if betrayed.

Ultron nods to himself and suddenly his red eyes turn a light blue and the body on the table jerks to life and gets off the surface. I suddenly realize what just happened; Ultron switched his mind from one body to the other! 

"That should give us sometime to hide." Ultron said, his voice coming from the better model. "Distract them." He commanded the drone  and it nodded on reply. "Let's go, (Y/n)." Ultron said to me.

I suddenly realize he's a lot taller than me. Ultron suddenly scoops me up and we fly to a higher level of the workshop. As we land, I hear commanding voices coming from the entrance of the secret passage. My heart beats faster and Ultron takes my hand. He leads me to a dark crack in the stone away from the platform. We lean up against the wall in the shadows but, my nerves remain unsettled. Suddenly, Ultron brings me close to him as if to assure my safety.

"Try to remain calm..." He says gently.

{Ultron POV}

I hold (Y/n) close to me but, she shakes like a leaf. I feel a pang if something in my core...was it sadness? Probably but, I don't have time to think about how I feel for the moment. Right now, I have to keep (Y/n) safe. I transfer my mind into the drone so I can speak to the Avengers when they come. As they come from the tunnel, I see my Vision, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, and Falcon...odd...

"Well, well, what do we have here?" I say using my sentry. "I see only half of the Avengers have come to the party."

"Well, let's just say the others are busy." Falcon said in a snappy tone. "Where's the girl?"

"The girl?" I ask in a convincing curious tone.

"The one you kidnapped!" Wanda aka Scarlet Witch said, her irises glowing a faint red.

"I haven't kidnapped anyone." I reply calmly.

"Says the guy who nabbed me when we took away the regeneration cradle from you." Widow said coolly.

"Other than that, I haven't taken anyone as a hostage." I say simply.

"We received a call from a friend saying a certain (Y/n) was in Sokovia at this location." Vision said looking at me.

"Oh, really? I don't know her. Though her name is...quiet beautiful..." I say wistfully looking off into the distance.

"Stop lying!" Widow snaps. "Tell us where you're keeping her! And we'll make your death short."

"You sure she's not wherever she lives?" I ask looking at the heroes knowing that (Y/n) and I would have to get out of the castle soon.

"We're sure. We double checked." Falcon said strongly. "We need the kid, Ultron!"

"Hmmm," I say and transferring my mind back into my better version. "No!" The drone replies and starts shooting at the four Avengers. 

I look down at (Y/n) and she still looks scared. I take her hand and we disappear through another crack in the wall and travel to the upper part of the castle...

(Your POV)

Ultron leads me back through the fort and out into the open, sunset air. I hear voices coming from behind us and I begin to panic. 

"This isn't going to fly..." Ultron mumbled, looking back at where we came. "Wait, fly! That's it!"

He scoops me up and we take off into the sky. I look down and see the Avengers looking up at us.

"Widow, give me one of your stingers!" Falcon says to his teammate.

"Here!" She says tossing her bracelet to Falcon. 

He puts it on and open his carbon fiber wings and flies after us. I begin to worry as Falcon gains on us and Ultron doesn't seem to notice. Falcon aims the stinger at Ultron and I turn my head to tell the A.I. right before Falcon fires the amination of the stinger. Out of the bracelet came a small bolt of electricity. It missed it's target but, found another one instead; me! My body was immediately jolted with however many watts was in that stinger and my body went limp. As my eyes started to close, my body slipped from Ultron's grip and started to fall through the air. The last thing I saw was, Ultron diving after me long with Falcon as if in a race to retrieve my plummeting vessel...

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