The Wolf Among Hunters: (RWBY...

By ThaNerdyGuy

143K 2.1K 1.9K

[F/N] a wolf faunus never expected to go to Beacon Academy, nor wanted to, but circumstances have driven him... More

Pt.1 The Wolf of Beacon
Pt.2 The Wolf's Bargain
Pathways of The Wolf #1
Pt.3 Out Hunting
Pt.4 Howling at The Grimm
[F/n]'s Face
Pathway of The Wolf #2
Pt.5 A Wolf in Uniform
Pt.6 Beauty and the Beast
1K already!? THANK YOU!!
News+Pathway of the Wolf #3
Pt.8 Steele Roses
Where have I been? Plus Pathway....kinda
Pathway of the Wolf #4
Thanks for the 6.14k reads and 159 votes!
My Hero Academia Fanfic
Pt.9 The Wolf Pack Pt2
what's your opinion?
Pt.10 Truth, Lies, and Silver Eyes
So I Got Choices, Good News, & Good News!
Pt.11 The Clashing of Fangs Past
Pt.12 Magic of the Wolf
Pt.13 Team SLVR Tales: Lana Viridian
Pt.14 Strength of the Pack Pt.1
Part.15 Strength of the Pack Pt.2
Part.16 Strength of the Pack Pt.3
Pathway of the wolf, News, and Q&A
Last news insert

Pt.7 The Wolf Pack Pt1

5.4K 105 117
By ThaNerdyGuy

So a quick update and thanks to you before you read the chapter. So as far as the Book cover it may take longer then I wanted as I did a 6to6
all last week and now in the process of moving (adulthood, am I right?) So I decided to go ahead and put the chapter out so hope you guys enjoy. Also thanks for the views, I was just last week I was at 1k now it's at 2k going on 3k and I couldn't be happier, especially with all the votes and saving to reading lists so thanks again.

Also if you haven't voted on pathways #3 yet, it's still open for voting for a couple more days before I start the chapter so place your vote if you want.

(POV: Third)

"Careful with that Dust newbie, drop anymore and it's coming out of your pay!"

"Sorry boss!" The tall newbie says as he's picking up the boxes of Dust he dropped.

Right now, White Fang members are secretly moving Dust in a disclosed Vale shipyard trying to get things done quickly, and the new guy was not making it easy.

"Where did you find this guy?" Another member says to the boss.

"Some last-minute hire to help with the packing, but all he's doing is dropping everything and delaying us."

The boss sighs and he suddenly hears something move behind some crates.

"Hey, you two," he says motioning to two White Fang members guarding the area with guns, "go check over there."

They simply nodded and walked behind the crates and after a moment, the two come flying through the air and as they look at the direction, a female figure appears from the shadows in armor, with a pistol on her waist with a sheathed katana on the other. White Fang members stop to look at her as some got their weapons ready as they notice her hand hovering over her katana as she spoke,

"I will only say this once: You are committing crimes against Vale and are to stop your actions at once and turn yourselves in."

The White fang members then looked at one another before laughing as they aimed their guns at her.

"Fine then," she says getting the hilt of her blade," so be it."

At they the then begin shooting at her as she runs towards them dodging every bullet coming close to the first attacker as she slices his gun in half as she kicks him, quickly dodging more bullets.

As she begins going from member to member, the leader is getting some to attack while the rest try to stock up the Bullhead, but notices the newbie stop as he looks at another crate he's dropped.

"Newbie!" he yells as he gets closer, "stop touching crates and make yourself useful and fight!"

The newbie then looks him looking concerned.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure!" He says throwing the newbie again, "now go and fight."

"Yes sure," the newbie says as he gets up," but, I don't need a weapon. I prefer a more "hands-on" approach."

"I don't care as long as-" the leader is then cut off as he's sucker-punched knocking him out.


I shook my hand as I began to take the White Fang mask off and letting my tail out to breathe, I know pretending to be clumsy was apart of the plan, but hiding my tail definitely help for better or worse. I then looked at the members shooting at Lana, those of which hasn't noticed me or the knocked out boss yet, and decided to help. I pulled a wind Dust Crystal from one of the broken crates I was carrying and swallowed it, dreading the stomachache later, as I felt it begin to take effect as my body felt lighter and my aura began to turn a light green. I then curled my ears down, took a deep breath, and


Thanks to the Wind Dust my howl came out as a cyclone sweeping up and sending White Fang members flying. I stopped allowing Lana to come out from behind the crates towards my direction.

"You know, a little warning before you howl would be nice. I almost got swept up."

"I doubt it in that armor G.I. Joe."

"G.I. who?" She asks confused.

"G.I. Joe, it's a reference to-" I started, but stopped as my ears twitched and I leaned to the right as Lana shot the White Fang member behind me.

I turned as we both look behind me, we see some of the ones stocking the Bullhead, which was getting ready to take flight, began to grab guns and head our way.

"What's the plan?" Lana asked, changing her ammo into her gun to Earth Dust rounds.

"We make our way to the Bullhead, I'll cover you while you stop the pilot and I take care of the goons."

"Giving me the fun part?" Lana says as she readies herself.

"You're getting to stop the pilot while I take care of all the fighting, I'm giving you the important part as I do the fun part," I said concentrating my aura to my toes and fingertips.

"Let's go!" I say as we both dash forward as we dodge through a barrage of bullets as I take up the front. As we get close we both coordinate together as we practiced days before as I took down the first with a swift kick as she charged past me taking out the next as I quickly took out the one after that making our way to the Bullhead as it was slowly rising into the air.

"Lana! Up!" I say as I stop and interlock my hands together as she rushed towards me and jumps into my hands as I launch her up towards the cockpit and then continue taking out the rest of the goons.

(POV: Lana)

I quickly dug my blade into the front of the Bullhead as I look into the window of the cockpit as the pilot tries to shake me off not wanting to shoot out the window, I however, felt differently as I raised my revolver shooting cracks into the window, thank you Earth Dust rounds, and broke through hitting the pilot quickly, knocking him out and gaining control of the Bullhead before it crashes. As I finally get it steady, I see [F/n] has dealt with all of the other White Fang putting them all together and signalling me its safe to land.


Seeing that Lana was landing the Bullhead I decide to look around and make sure everyone was still unconscious when my ears twitch again and I catch a weapon with my left hand and look over to see the boss.

"Oh, look who woke up. A little late to the party boss."

"You traitor!" He yells as I release his weapon and he tries to hit me again.

"Traitor?" I ask, "why? Because I'm stopping you guys? Because I refuse to kill humans? Or because unlike all of you I refuse to listen to someone just because they're the loudest."

"You really think working with humans will make them like you? Make them accept you as one of them!? You'll never be anything to them, but a monster!" The boss says taking a hard swing only for me to dodge under and uppercut him sending him flying to the side of some crates.

"Oh is this coming from the guys working with a human con-man who's known for backstabbing?" I say to him causing him to grunt a little causing me to smile, "you know, there's a saying my dad would always tell me: Before you get on your high horse, make sure your saddle's safely fastened. Right now though I don't plan on having a political debate about Faunus rights and wrong, I'll save that for talking to Blake, I just have one question, "I say as I kick away his weapon and kneel down looking him in his eyes...well his mask,"where is Roman Torchwick?"

* a few days ago in Ozpin's Office*

"This is who you're after, "Ozpin says pulling up a photo of a familiar person," his name is-"

"Roman Torchwick, "I interrupt," he's the one that hired me and the others for that Dust job."

"You remembered? Good," Ozpin says as he looks at the photo, "Roman is one of the top criminals of Vale from Lien laundering to illegal trafficking, but recently he has been taking an interest in illegal Dust smuggling."

"You believe he's getting all this Dust to sell it?" Lana asks.

"We believe that's a part of it but," he then brings up Roman talking to White Fang members, "we believe he may be working with the White Fang."

"But the White Fang hate humans," I say looking at the picture, "why would they work with a human, let alone someone like Roman?"

"That's what your gonna figure out,"Ozpin says getting up,"you two's mission is to figure out what Roman's plans are and to stop it if possible," he then looks to me,"[F/n], I need you to go undercover as a White Fang member and infiltrate a smuggling job to figure out his location."

After I heard that, it started to make sense why he got me here, a Faunus with a criminal record who could probably blend in and get in without much fuss.

"Oh, fun..." I say, not really having a choice in the matter, though I can't say I don't have a dog in this fight, no pun intended, as I wanted to find Roman and "thank him" for leaving me behind that night.

"Good," Opzin says as Ms.Goodwitch hands me white Fang clothes, "be cautious and be careful."

As I looked at the outfit in my hand I only had on thing to ask,

"Where's the tail hole?"

*Back to present*

(POV: Third)

"Thanks again for the assistance," A cop says to Lana as his squad hauls off the White Fang members, "you from Beacon right? It's great to see a young huntress who's capable of all of this."

"It's no trouble," she says, "however I wasn't alone, I-"

"I said hands behind your back!"

Lana suddenly hears as she looks to see an officer pointing their gun at [F/n].

"And I said, I'm not a White Fang member!" [F/n] yells back.

"Lemme guess, that outfit is just a fashion statement right?" The cop says getting closer.

"As I told you, I'm a student from Beacon that was working undercover in the White Fang."

"Look I won't tell you again to g-"

"What are you doing!?" Lana says getting in front of [F/n].

"Ma'am please move, I'm just trying to get the last of the White Fa-"

"He is not a White Fang member, he's my partner!" She says fiercely, causing the cop to flinch a little.


"Yes! As he told you, he was working undercover!"

" apologies then." The cop says holstering his gun and walking off not wanting to push the issue further.

"Are you alright?" Lana says looking towards [F/n].

"Yea," he says halfway out of the White Fang outfit revealing his underneath," it's not the first time I've been accused of something like this, and probably won't be the last." He as he puts his arm around her neck"thanks for standing up for me though, I appreciate it."

"O-of course, we are teammates after all so it's not too big of a deal." She says moving his arm as she walks on." now lets report to Ozpin."

[F/n] stops for a moment looking at Viridian as she walks off.

Was she blushing?

He shakes off the thought however as he decides to catch up.


*The Next Day*

I groaned as I heard the alarm from the clock Lana bought me go off. You'd think after having to be up half the night with a stomachache and telling Ozpin everything I learned and heard when I was in their ranks, none of which actually involved where Roman was or what he was really doing other than smuggling Dust, I could get some sleep, but sadly I guess not. I hit the Alarm and decided I needed a few more minutes, but was short-lived as I heard a knock on the door.

I groaned louder as I got up to answer the door and wasn't surprised as I saw Jaune in his uniform at the door.

"Morning B.B.!" Jaune says smiling.

"Hey Jaune...."

"Lana wanted me to remind you to get up for class."

"And you volunteered to do that?" I asked confused.

"Yea! Well, I mean it was more along the lines of forced then volunteering."

"Sounds like her. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I think imma skip classes today, I'm tired and don't feel up for Faunus or human interaction today."

As I was about to close the door he stopped me as he said,

"Yea she told me you would say that, so she wanted me to say that today you'd end up missing 1v1 combat class in Ms.Goodwitch's class."

I stopped as I heard this and went back to the door.

"1v1 combat is today?"

"Yea, apparently everyone in the class is gonna have a chance to go against someone an-"

I didn't listen to the rest as I dashed back in got clothes and dashed back quickly.

"Alright let's go," I said closing the door behind me.

In the way to class Jaune decided to talk and ask about things I been up to, even though I've told him plenty of times I'm not looking for friends he still insists on talking to me every chance he can. It not all bad though, as he keeps me occupied and makes me laugh when he trips or tries to flirt with Weiss so I at least humor him with conversation.

"So who do you think you're gonna be paired with?"

"No doubt one of the girls from team RWBY, at this point I feel like I'm written to be around them or something."

"You guys do all seem close, especially you and Blake lately."

"What can I say, I'm good with cats," I say laughing at myself to Jaune's confusion.

"I don't get it."

"I'll tell you when you're older."

"But...aren't you 15?"

"Your point?" I say, he was gonna says something, but decided against it,

"anyway who you hope to be paired with, wait let me guess: Weiss?"

"No...I mean if I did, that wouldn't be to bad right?"

"You vs the girl who keeps turning you down while getting a little more annoyed each time? Naaa you'll be fine" I say sarcastically.

"I just hope I'm not paired with someone too bad."

"I'm sure you'll be fine, after all, Ms.Goodwitch no doubt paired everyone up by skill level..."

*Middle if Class*

"...Man, I was so wrong." I say as Ms.Goodwitch ends the fight between Jaune and Cardin Winchester.

"Mr.Arc, "Mrs.Goodwitch says," please do keep mind of your aura, we wouldn't want you to be eaten by Grimm."

"Speak for yourself," Cardin says, well whispers as I'm the only one who apparently caught it as he goes back to his seat looking over at me and glaring.

I smile and wink as he no doubt remembers our first encounter and has surprisingly been off my radar since then. Though he loves giving me his little glares, I turn my attention as I gear my name being called.

"Next up: Mr.Big Bad vs Ms.Yang Xiao Long."

I smile as I look over to Yang who smiles back, I knew it, I thought as we both headed down.

"So are we gonna continue where we left off?" I say to her smiling.

"Sure, but remember. No grabby hands below the waist."

"Trust me, if I'm grabbing anything, I won't be below your waist," I say causing her to laugh and elbow me in the side before we take our spots.

"Just try and see what happens Little Pup."

I then look up to Blake who then looks away.

"Looks like the cats been taking things out of the bag," I sighed as I dreaded the talk at lunch about that pet name, but quickly get ready, "now, I believe it was your turn."

"Yep, you think you got the chops to beat me or are you just all bark?"

"Oh I definitely got some bite goldilocks, you think you'll be just right when you face me?"

"Only one way to find out," Yang says slamming her fists together.

(Pov: Third)

"Oh god, there about to start again aren't they..." Weiss says groaning.

"Looks like it..." Blake says sharing her sentiment.

"Um, what exactly are they starting?" Pyrrha says behind them.

"The other day, "Ruby explains, "Yang and [F/n] were debating on who was funnier and began seeing who knew more jokes, so one would say a joke and the other would give the punchline."

"I mean...that doesn't sound so bad," Nora says.

"I guess, but they decided that the best way to give punchlines was to do it while punching each other and to only use....wolf jokes..." Blake says dreading this fight.

"Begin!" Ms.Goodwitch says as Yang and [F/n] began fighting each other both dodging and attacking as they told each other jokes.

"Why did the boy cry wolf?" Yang asked.

"To get a Howling experience duh, what do you call a lumberjack wolf?"

"A Timber wolf, what do you call a wolf with carrots in his ears?"

"Anything you want because he can't hear you!"

This went on for the remainder of the fight causing everyone to groan as it was apparent they were more interested in the jokes than the actual fighting and after awhile Ms.Goodwitch couldn't take it anymore.

"That's enough!" She says loudly quickly regaining her composure," you two are....definitely skilled however I'd stick to the combat besides comedy. Class dismissed."

"Everybody's a critic..." Yang says as they both fist bump walking to lunch.

*At Lunch*

"So there we were, in the middle of the night."

"It was day."

"Surrounded by Ursi."

"It was Beowolves."

"Dozens of them!"

"Two of them."

Everyone was sitting together as Nora decided to tell us about there last mission and how cool they were as Ren corrected her on details. Everyone was eating as she retold it, but Lana wasn't listening as she was chowing down on her lunch.

"Jeez Lana, your lunch isn't going anywhere," Yang says noticing causing her to stop and look embarrassed," is it that good? Your practically [F/n]-ing it down."

Everyone groaned except for [F/n] who chuckled a little and Jaune who was looking confused.

"What are you eating anyway?" Weiss as she noticed she wasn't eating the cafeteria food.

The food was in a bowl and it was a meat of some mixed with shredded veggies in some type of cheesy sauce.

"It's...Braised Chaunk Pork..& Asparagus in rice and a lite cheese sauce."

"Wow, did you make it?" Ruby asks.

"No...*mumble* did..." She says.

"Who did?" Weiss says not hearing the middle part.

"I think...she said [F/n] did," Blake says as they all then turn to [F/n] who was practically grinning ear to ear.

"YOU...can cook?" Weiss asks skeptically.

"Yep, it's may not be as fancy as what you're used to Snow White, but it's far from terrible."

"Ohhhh I wanna try some," Nora says excitedly. Everyone agreed.

"Sure,"[F/n] says," I got permission to cook in the kitchen today so I'll make something," he then looks to Weiss winking, "even you'll be asking for seconds."

"Hm, I'll be the judge of that little pup." She says smiling.

"Speaking of that,"[F/n] says looking to Blake, "I've been called little pup instead of B.B. by all, but one of the RWBY team now, you wouldn't know anything about that would you?"

"Sorry, It just kinda..slipped out as I was reading and they asked me about the date." She says smiling a bit," besides I figure if you have a nickname for us, we should have one for you little pup."

"That's cold, but I guess fair enough," he says grinning not wanting to dread on it any longer, "anyway how was the book?"

"It was great, honestly I may just read it again."

"Wow, it's that good? You gotta tell me about it."

"Sure, I'll let you borrow it."

"I mean you could, but I'd prefer if you tell me about it." He says winking causing her to blush and look away.

"I mean...I guess I could tell you about some parts if you have the-"

"Ouch!" A girl's voice interrupts as everyone looks over to see Cardin pulling a bunny girl's ears.

"Jeez, he's such an oaf," Yang says, "I wish he stop bullying Jaune.....and everyone else too."

"What? He doesn't bully me."

"Didn't he open your shield as you were going out of class?" Pyrrha asks.

"That was an accident...I think."

"Or when he threw you into a locker and shot you out of school grounds?"

"Well I mean when you say it like that, it sounds bad."

"Um, where's [F/n]?" Blake says noticing [F/n] has quietly gotten up without anyone noticing.

"Are we sure he's not a ninja?" Ruby says as they all look around until Jaune says,

"Uh oh."

Everyone then looks where Jaune's looking and notices [F/n] coming up behind Cardin and his team members.

"This is gonna be something," Yang says trying to get a better look.


I walked behind Cardin as he and his team didn't really notice me as they picked on the Bunny girl, but they did notice a grunt Cardin let out as I tightly grabbed a hand full of his hair.

"Sup Winchester, I noticed you pulling Judy Hopps' ears over here and thought everyone was doing it so I decided to come over and join in," I say this as I sway his head side to side as he grunted in pain as I then caused him to look up at me, "though if you want a partner, I'd probably pick someone who's about your size don't you think?"

He then glares at me as he releases the girl's ear as she quickly walks on.

I then release his hair as he gets up and stares at me.

"You know you, beasts should really know your place." He says to me causing his friends to laugh.

"Oh, so you and your Hyena's would know where I place is?" I say causing his friends to stop laughing.

"Oh, I think you and I already had this discussion."

"We did, and as I recall I had you on your knees as Ozpin saved you from a couple of days into the infirmary, though if you want I can rectify that."

"You beasts really aren't that smart are you." He says as his team members get up from their seats.

At this point, I notice the lunchroom is silent as his team surrounds me and as he looks at me smiling and I can't help, but smile back.

"Trust me this right here, "I say pointing to myself," isn't what you guys want."

"Oh really?"

"Yea, really," I say.

At that instant, my ear switches as his first goon tries to hit me from behind, but I quickly elbow him in the face as Cardin goes for a punch, which I quickly dodge and toss him across the table. The second goon then grabs a tray and begins to swing it at me until I grab it from him smacking him the left, then right, and then hit him upward causing him to be lifted slightly off the ground before he hit it. The first then came at me again and as I was about to go at him as well I felt a grip on my tail revealing to be the third goon stopping me from moving. I smacked him directly in the face with the tray causing him to let go just in time for me drop tray, grab the first one, knee him in the chest, and throw him at the third. Honestly, it was too easy fighting them until my ears twitch as I suddenly heard,

"[F/n] look out!"

I couldn't respond however as something blunt hit me from the side making me lose concentration for a moment and as I look I see Cardin holding his weapon looking smugly as everyone around us moved to give us space not wanting to get hit. As I looked at him I felt something run slowly down my right face and after touching it a quick pain set in as I look at my hand revealing my blood.

"You just made a Big Bad mistake," I say as I activated my aura and my sight slowly turned to red as walked towards him.

As he swung again, I dodged it slashing him across his chest leaving marks in his armor pushing him back. He then swung again, but I knocked away his weapon causing him then try to punch me, but I caught his fist, used my other hand to grab him by his chest plate, picked him up, and slammed him into a table breaking it in half.

At this point, I begin to concentrate my aura from my fingertips to my entire fist as I raised it to finish this.

"Well you drew my blood, so let's see some of your."

As I was about to punch him I felt hug my arm tightly and as I looked I saw Ruby who calmly said,

"That's enough [F/n], please calm down."

As she did I saw something dash across my eyes, and I felt a little calmer as the red started to fade.

I then looked around and noticed everyone staring at me with mixed expressions of concern and fear, looks I knew all too well.

I sighed as I got up as Ruby slowly let go as I stopped my aura.

"Looks like your saved again Winchester."

Just then suddenly the cafeteria doors open revealing Ms.Goodwitch walked in and pointed towards me.

"Headmasters office! Now!"

"Oh joy..."

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