
By 141katiemanwell

2.5K 103 22

Katie is no one special. To her, she was a shy insecure girl that didn't have a clue of what to do with her l... More

The Beginning
Road to their Downfall
The Capitol
Damn Blue Eyes
Yellow Flowers
Starting Again
Fallen Again
The Coronation Pt. 1
The Coronation Pt. 2
New Game
The Healer
~Updated Characters~
The Finale Chapter


38 5 2
By 141katiemanwell



I really don't know how I feel about all this. The ball. Having a stylist. It's a lot.

This isn't how a young girl from Ohio is treated. Not with diamonds. Not with special parties.

But anyway, Theresa is my stylists name.

The walk to her office is long, and so I asked her if we could just run there, and her dark eyes looked at me and all she said was, "I don't run."

Looking back at the ground I quickly change the subject, "So...what is this ball for?" I ask her.

"It's to...introduce you girls to other politically important people. So they get to know you." She says.

I nod my head. " you know anything that's going on? Because I don't really know much. My friend Katie, the um...Empress has read these books that-"

"Predict all the events that will be happening now in the present and the future. The books that have determined the fate of the human race. Determined the fate for Smurfs. Yes, I know all that happens."

I pause for a second, taking this information...and not knowing what to do with it. Has she read the books? How does she know about all this? Does everyone know now? " all this stuff the news or something?" I ask her, looking down at my feet. "Does everyone know about it?"

"No. Televisions aren't working. A lot of things aren't working right now. For some reason phones still work, but not much else."

" do you know a lot of things from the books? Have people been talking about it or-"

"No, brother is Tony." She says in a whisper.

My body stops at his name. If she's Tony's sister then she's also a Smurf! So of course she knows all this information, because she must be helping him. "I didn't know Tony has a sister." I say, trying to keep my voice from cracking.

"Yeah, most people don't see us as siblings, cause we look nothing alike. We don't have the same mom. I look like my mom, and he looks like our dad."

"Are you guys close?"

"Not really. I didn't even know he really existed until I was ten. And then we never really talked. Now we sometimes."

"What do you guys normally talk about?" I ask.

She pauses, as though she doesn't want to tell me what her and her brother talk about. I bet they talk about undercover Smurf stuff- "A lot of times we just talk to each other about work. Sometimes we'll pick at each other on needing to hurry up and find a boyfriend or girlfriend." Her lip comes up in the corner, forming a slight smile. "He's actually planning on bringing my friend, Spencer to the ball, which I kinda saw. I mean he talks about her, but I only really saw them as friends."

"Why is that?" I ask, hoping I'm not pushing it to far.

"Because...he also talks a lot about your friend...Katie. The Empress. But, his mom really doesn't seem to like her."

Changing the subject I ask her, "So, what are you planning on making my dress look like? And how fancy is this party? Is it like fancy, fancy? Or is it like a prom type of fancy?"

"It's probably the most important ball...ever. So you girls are expected to be the prettiest there." She says.

"So dresses?"


"Puffy ones?"

"Very puffy."

I sigh, following her into her office.


I wasn't expecting this. Her office is dream room. There's a large desk, a black top with metal shelves holding notebooks. Notebooks filled with papers hanging out of them.

I'd like to see what the room would look like at night, because of the neon glow-in-the-dark paint on her walls. It looks like a...night club, but disguised with a desk and books, and a computer. Different cloths are hung on hangers on the wall to the right, the only wall in the office without any color.

"So, I have a couple questions for you." She says, pulling a chair towards me. She motions for me to sit down, which I do.

"What questions?" I ask.

"Just about your type I want your dress to really show who you are. I want you to stand out. I even want you to stand out more than the Empress."

"The Empress is my friend. Same with Jessica, Abby, and Jenna. I don't want to fight them on something like this." I say honestly.

A smirk appears at the corners of her lips, "Why is that? Cause you feel you'll win?" She asks. I don't respond. Not because I agree with her, but because I don't know how to respond to that. Taking in my silence, she begins to ask the questions, "Ok, when were you born? Where were you born?"


"I want to know your birth month, date, time, place. I need to fill out the chart." She says, taking a clipboard with papers on it.

"What chart?"

"This is going to sound silly, but to make sure your dress expresses you I want to know your zodiacs. You may not believe in them, but I do." I pause, but finally I tell her the information to her questions. "Ah, you're an aries." She looks back up at me, "I can see that." She writes something down on her paper, "So, how do you feel about the color red?" She asks.

"Uh, I like it?" I respond, my voice going a little higher in pitch. The next seconds happen so fast I'm not even able to really know what happened, except that she's drawing. Very fast. She goes from different shades of red colored pencils til finally, she smiles as she looks at the paper. Her dark eyes looking from me, and to her drawing she finally turns the board around, showing the beautiful dress.

I take in a breath, "It's perfect."


"What do you mean faeries?" Jess asks Katie, her hazel eyes wide as she takes in what was just told to us.

It's been a couple hours since we left with our stylists. Having eating lunch, we all finally are back in our room, but Alli is still getting styled by her stylist who was running late.

"I mean, that I had a dream. It doesn't mean it's real-"

"Well...I've been having weird dreams lately too." Jenna says. "And all my dreams seem to only ever add up to those darn books you just had to read." She continues, her voice very orotund.

"I know, those darn books!" Katie says, her voice rising a bit, "Those books I should never have read! Those books that are ruining out lives! But guess what?" She asks, her eyes looking at all of us, "If I wouldn't have read those books, we wouldn't know what's happening next! We probably would have made contact with Smurfs back at home and been kidnapped and killed! I wouldn't have known to take a fricking van to pick you guys up!" She lets out a sigh, "Maybe those books really suck, but they've helped us survive so far." She says, her voice going quiet on the last couple words.

"Instead of freaking out, we need to piece everything together." Abby says, speaking for the first time in...a long time. "Jenna, will tell what happened in her dreams, and Katie." She looks at me and asks, "Have you had any dreams?"

"No I haven't." I say.

"Ok, I haven't either." She says, looking at Jenna, waiting patently.

"In my was like watching a movie. I could see everything happening but it wasn't like I couldn't do anything. we were going into war and we rode jets there. And when we were on the jet...the jet was shot and all of us had to jump off. And we were met by...the Smurf guy Katie falls for-"

"Tony?" Jessica says.

"Yeah. Anyway, he made this huge entrance, only adding onto the fact that the dream felt like a movie. And then he looked at Katie and told her that if she wants to save her people...if she wants to save us then she has to go with him and marry him."

"And I did go with him." Katie finishes, her gaze on the floor. "Well now that won't happen, because I'm not going to fall for Tony. So, we've got that part covered."

"What about your dream, Katie?" Abby asks.

"I had a dream similar to Jenna's. It was in third person limited. More like reading a book than watching a movie. I could only kinda know the feelings of The Warrior. She was running through a dessert, and she found a cave to stay for the night. Pretty much right away she knew it was a mistake. She was met by...Tony. And he...he killed her." Katie's voice cracks at the end, the dream must be replaying in her head.

"You mean me?" Jenna asks, standing up. "I die? Why? Why play this game with Tony if he's dangerous enough to kill us? Why don't we kill him?" She asks.

"...I agree with Jenna." I say. "I don't see the point in wasting time when we could get this war done and over with and kill the ruler."

"Well Tony is only the heir to the throne. His mother is still ruling." Katie says. "Maybe...the queen will be at the party. Maybe she will come and see how her son is doing."

"And we can kill her there!" Jenna concludes. I look over at Katie, her eyes filled with something I can't quiet read.

"Ok. There's something else I need to tell you, about the dream I had last night." Katie says, sitting on the couch again.

"With the faery?"

"Yeah. The faery said some weird things. He called me his sister. He talked about his dad as though his dad were also my dad. And he told me to eat strawberries." Katie says, a slight smile appearing on her lips.

"Strawberries?" Jess questions.

"Yeah. He told me to eat strawberries, but to make sure that my friends all get one too." My mind goes to an image just from today. And image of seeing Katie in her wheelchair, a bowl of perfectly sweet strawberries in it.

"From this morning?" I ask.

"Yeah. I went to the restroom to wrap up my um...ankle-"

"Wait...ankle? Katie-"

"Let me finish! Anyway, when I went in the bathroom the bowl was just there. I didn't really know what to think. I remember thinking of him handing me a strawberry telling me to eat one and give one to each of you. But then I thought, 'No, that was just a dream.' I thought that the strawberries could just be from like the maids or something."

I hear a snort. Whipping my head to my left, I see Abby giving Katie a look, "Why would the maids give us strawberries in the bathroom? Why would the maids even think of giving us strawberries?" She asks.

I look back at Katie, seeing a blush appear on her cheeks, "I don't fricking know, Abby. I was just...confused."

" why would a random faery showing up in your dreams want us to eat strawberries?" I ask her. Her green eyes still don't look at us. She continues to look at the ground, even as the door to our room opens.

"Uh is Katie here?" I hear a male voice ask. Looking up I see Jace, his dark eyes looking right to her, "Katie, there's a meeting and we need you. Right now."

She stands up, and walks quietly to the door, her eyes meeting Jace a light smile appearing on her lips. As if just then remembering us, her friends, in the room she looks at us, "You guys can keep talking. Just tell me what you've discussed when I get back."

"Didn't she say she was staying away from guys while here?" I ask them as she leaves.

"Yeah. But it's Katie. I'm sure she won't fall in love that easily. Plus, she's a handful." Jenna says, a smile on her face as she says that.

"True. Anyway, what should we do now? Because I still think that Katie should act...weak." Jess says.

"Why?" I ask her, my eyes meeting her blue ones.

"We can trick him! If you guys want him dead...then when Katie can get him alone she can kill him then. He won't have had any idea she was capable of it. He'll be to stunned, to surprised to do anything."

"I think that'll work. But what about the queen?" Abby questions. "And what about other heirs to the thrown? He could have siblings." That sparks something in my mind...something huge.

"Guys!" I say, standing from the couch.

Everyone looks at me and Jenna and Jess say at the same time, "What?"

"I think I know one of the potential heirs to the throne."


Thanks to all of you who ever come back to continue to read my story. I know that I am not a good all, but all I know is that I wanted this story to be put into words. The Smurf idea was inspired by a book series I've read, and everything else...I honestly have no idea. The only thing I know is that pretty much anyone I walked by at school knows that I hate Smurfs. And then I thought if Smurfs were real...what if they began destroying the world? And what if the world was then put into the hands of not only me, but also my friends? you think that Tony is the Smurf? Or is it Jace? Or...what if it's someone else?

Do you think that Katies promise to stay away from guys will be kept? And if so will it really solve all of their problems?

Do you think the plan of destroying all the Smurf heirs will just magically make the Smurfs disappear?

---Leave all your thoughts in the comments! Please! I want to know what you all think of this series!---

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