Danger Zone

By BellaLoveLola

245K 10.8K 5.2K

Imagine being so involved and invested in a relationship that nothing you your significant other did was wron... More

1 ' Time
2 ' Meet & Greet
3 ' Drama
5 ' Psychological
6 ' Strong
7 ' Friends
8 ' Feelings
9 'Fun
10 'Gaia
11 ' Pleased
12 ' Loved
13 ' Time
14 ' Goodbye
15 ' Honesty
16' Just friends
17' Lovers
18 'Wanted
19 ' Done
20 ' One
21 ' Trip
22 ' Love
23 ' Pray
24 ' Newest
25 ' Almost
26 ' Trusted
27 ' Babe
28 ' Real
29 ' Next
30 ' Growing
31 ' Rider
32 ' Three
33 ' Nazareth
34 ' Healing
35 ' Gender
36 ' Next
37 ' 7:27 am
38 Β° 32
39 Β° Houston
40 Β°Good
41 Β° Dance
42 Β° Friends
43 Β° Baby
44. Sick

4 ' Cute

6.1K 278 184
By BellaLoveLola

Nazareth Pov

University General Tuesday  3:27 am

Been at work for twelve hours already, I am tired as fuck. But Dr. Matt is mad I wont fuck him. So he making me work sixteen hours all week, what kind of bullshit is this.

He mad a lesbian dont want him?

Who does that?

Anyways, I've been talking to this girl Janell for about four months now. She fine, she got her own business. I can say she is a legitimate makeup artist, so shes working for herself.

Her pussy is, well umm it's good.

I'm checking out her page on Instagram.

BeautyByJanell Finders Keepers Losers Weapers 😛

Badmia bitch you looking good
BeautyByJanell @Badmia thank you bff 💖💖
StanMinaj Sickinggggggggg Slay bitch
NazZaddy you do realize that's my jacket?
BeautyByJanell @NazZaddy well next time when you stop by to get some quick food dont leave it 💦💋

I didn't even reply, I was just laughing, as she got comments flooded with in seconds.

"What you laughing at?" Zach asked

"You realize we are not friends?"

"Is it because I'm gay?" He asked

"I didnt know you were gay, and im clearly a lesbian so no, you just a bitch" I smiled and put my phone in my pocket

"I can see why you say that" he shrug and walked off

"Theres a first for everything" I busted out laughing

"You have a stomach ache in trauma five" he shouted

"Alright, I'm going I'm going" 

I like Janell, she was cool. She talks about making us official and I just dont want a relationship yet, ya know.

"Hello, I am Naz. What's going on Jake is it?" I asked looking at his file

"I cant stop shitting bro, throwing up and everything" he said

"Alright let me take your temperature " he nodded, as I was taking his temperature he started to gag like he want to throw up

"Well, you have a slight fever,  what's the last thing you ate?"

"I had some Chinese food man"

"Okay, well your chart says you had that about ten hours ago? And you been sick ever since ?"

"Yeah bro"

"Okay sounds like you have food poisoning " I stated

"Fuck, ion do shots"

"I'm not gone give you no shots " I laughed

"Oh shit" he gagged

"Okay here" I gave him a bag

"What you going to need to do is, let it run through you, you'll be okay in a couple days. If it dont go away come back please. Drink water and fluids, I'm going to get the doctor to get you something for the diarrhea" he nodded and threw up on me

Like this buff ass nigga had the bag in his hands.

I walked out of the room, covered in puke for the fucking third time tonight.

"Aww" Zach said

"Shut your gay ass up" I stated

"You still smell like shit" he smiled

I went to the locker room to shower and finally fucking change again.

"Yo what the fuck?" I snapped as Dr. Matt opened my shower curtain

"You need a prescription?" He asked

"Get the fuck out" I pushed him and wrapped the curtain around me, I turned the water off

"What the fuck is wrong with you nigga?" I asked standing in the corner of the shower

"Just giving you what you asked for" he held out the paper for the prescription

"Fucking put it down. You shouldn't even be in here my nigga. Just go" I pointed

"Bye" he stated and left out smiling

"Fucking nasty man, if I didnt need this job" I said

"Why was Dr. Matt in here?" Sarah asked

"Man, he is fucking nasty" I got out of the shower

"I told you to report him that time he grabbed your breast Nazareth, hes going to keep doing it" she handed me a towel

"I need this job to pay for my moms things"

"Naz, you dont need this job. Mika told me how well off you are from being in the Airforce"

"Well, I promised my mother I wouldn't spend none of that. She dosent want me to waste my money on her. I tried sneaking and paying for shit but she always finds out,  so I'm working here"

"Isnt it the same thing?" She asked as I got dressed

"No, she didnt want me to go into the Military, so she dont want Military money. She dont want me paying for nothing for her, Ishe said she will use her own money, but i dont want her to"

"Yall sound just alike" she smiled

"Yeah, it was worse with my dad, we all had the same attitude, and personality" I laughed making her laugh as she handed me my clothes

"That's cute"

"Are you leaving?" I asked

"Yup, my husband is taking me out to a celebration breakfast because duh dundun, I made the dance team at the university"

"A LV?"

"Yup, Miya set me up with an audition with her and the infamous Mercury'Gia and I got in" she was smiling so hard

"That's good that's real good. I'm happy for you, you always talking about dancing" I said as we finally walked out of the locker room

I was tired, hungry and ready for sleep.

Home 8:27 am

I stood in the doorway of my mother bedroom as she was sleeping peacefully. She had taken the medication I had gave her at this point nothing is working besides keeping her comfortable, two months ago they told me she had a year.

How can you put a date on someones life. Shit just got crazy after that, it's like she just get worse everyday. What am I supposed to do with out her.

"Naz I'm okay go get some sleep" she rolled over looking at me

"I'm just making sure your okay" I sat on the side of her bed

"I'm fine, I was up all night talking to Beth on the phone about her grandkids"

"Ma, I'm not ready for kids and all that"

"I'm just saying, now or never. Now get out so I can get some sleep" she pushed me

"Okay okay old lady" I joked getting up

"Yeah that ain't what yo daddy use to say" she laughed

"Ma, I didnt need that image at all" I smiled closing her door and she gave me the finger

I laid down in the bed, I was tired I was off for the next two days. I planned to finally clean out the other three bedrooms and spend a little time with Janell just chilling.

Ring ring

"I swear if this is Miya" I shook my head at the phone because it was Miya

"Miya, bru come on what?"

"Can Mercury spend the night over there? Whatever reason she went back to him and he tried to kill her in the tub"

"Why she dont go to the police?" I asked

"She wont, I keep telling her that"

"I dont need to stay at anyone house. I can get a hotel room" Mercury said in the background

"Fucking no, so he can trace it, and he knows where I live, which I dont fucking know why. Look can she stay there? Auntie isnt going to mind she loves company"

"So what if she loves comp...." Miya cut me off

"Good open the door" Miya started knocking

I hung up on her ass and got out the bed and went to open the door. She always doing some extra shit, man I tell you.

"Please come in" I said being sarcastic

"Shut up she ain't gone still shit just for today okay, I know you off tonight so shut up. I'll be back in the morning" Miya started and just left out

"This wasnt my idea, when she drives off I'll call a cab and go to a hotel" she laughed, but looking at her semi black eye she didnt find nothing funny and neither did I

"Nah, cooit's cool my room upstairs" I said

"Oh, I can sleep on the couch"

"Nah, if my mom seen you passed out on her couch she draggin you off it"

"Moms strict like that?" She smiled

"She like company just not sleeping on her couch" I laughed as we went upstairs

"That's funny" she added

"It really is, I cant how many times I got off work and she tried to brake my damn neck for being on the couch" we both laughed

"Here we are" I opened my door

"Thank you, I can sleep on the floor if you got some extra blankets or the couch there" she pointed

"Ain't no reason for that, I'm a lesbian not a predator" I joked

"Its fine, I have to at my house" she mumbled

"Nah, the bed is just fine" I told her

"Well thanks Naz" she sat on the bed taking her socks off

I got back in bed after taking my t shirt back off and staying my my sports bra and shirt. She got in bed with some shorts and a shirt on and then these long ass thigh high socks.

"Didnt you just take socks off?" I laughed

"Yeah, these are sleeping socks" she laughed

"If you say so" I got underneath the covers and cut the lights off

"I really appreciate it"

"Not a problem " I said

She was quite for a while, so I thought she went to sleep. But then I heard her crying, I guess she thought I was sleep. I didnt want to bother her with questions so I just let her be.

It was sad though, she got an amazing career, she beautiful with no question asked. She living her best life as people would say, but she stuck in a marriage that he ain't doing no good for her. Terrible people dont know what they got til it's gone.

11:37 am

I woke up by the sound of tapping, like a foot on the ground. It annoyed me so bad, I opened my eyes and Janell was standing there with her arms crossed and her foot tapping on the floor.

"Man, stop that shit is annoying" I stated

"Who the hell is she?" She pointed, I turned over and Mercury was sleeping

"Miyas bestfriend needed a place" I sat up

"You got three other rooms. And a couch right there, and downstairs" she said

"Stop that fucking tapping, and I told her to sleep in her, chill out" I got up

"Damn you just sleeping half naked with random bitches now" she said and Mercury started to get up

"She needs to go" Janell said

"We not dating, and this is my house. You need to relax. How did you even get in here?"

"Hey" Mercury said getting out the bed

"Some lady let me" she snapped staring at Mercury

"Some lady? That's my mom bro you tripping"

"Mybad" Mercury said and grabbed her bag and walked out

"Well, I didnt know I thought it was like your fucking grandmother or some shit"

"You being disrespectful as fuck" I told her

"Baby, I'm not trying to. I came over here to suprise you with some food and you got some random bitches up in your bed"

"Look, I'm not in the mood to fuck, so you gotta go. You was to disrespectful man already. I'll just hit you up later or somthing" I opened the door for her

"Really?" She said

"Janell yes and I'm tired and need to go back to sleep" I stated

"Fine call me when you get up" she kissed my cheek and I just nodded

I dont have time for none of that crazy shit.

Janell - I'm sorry babe, I wasnt trying to be rude to your mother. I even apologize when I left

Me - well thank you

Janell - no more bitches in your bed

Me - right

I heard her text, but I ignored it. I'm tired.


Mercury'Gaia Pov

Naz House Noon

I sleep pretty good, after I went sleep as I cried. Like an idiot I went back to him only for him to try to choke me to death. I have so many good things going for me. He is just the one bad, that I cant let go.

Now he has a child on the way. What else could be worse. He always spoke about having no kids. He said he would never get me pregnant.  I take whatever he gives me.

How ever he treats me I allow, and I dont know how to stop it. Go to the cops, his buddies are cops, his friends dont really care. Half of them try to fuck me anyways.

Miya is doing what she does, but I dont want her in this mess. I don't want him to do nothing to her at all, and I know he would.

Right now I was washing some dishes I had and just some that was already in the sink. 

"Well, hello" I turned to see and older lady

"Hi ma'am sorry" I cut the water off

"And who do you think you are? Cleaning in my house?" She asked

"Sorry, I'm here with Nazareth.  Not Naz.. Hi I am Miya bestfriend Mercury, Naz said it was okay for me to stay here this morning. I can leave it's okay" I started to dry my hands off

"Oh, Naz huh?" She said

"I like you already, cleaning up behind yourself" she smiled

"Yeah, but me and Naz are friends" I said and I could see her looking at me black eye and bruised cheek

"Just friends?"

"Yeah, plus I'm married" I smiled waving my ring, she just smiled

"Well, young lady he should stop putting his hands on you. You are very beautiful, Miya talks about you all of the time" she said

"He isnt.." she cut me off

"I can see it all over your face, I use to get so many young women in the emergency room claiming they fell or got hurt themselves. I know bruises when I see them. It wont get better" she added

"I dont know what to do?" I said

I lost my parents very early on, i didnt have women figures in my life.

"Donwhatever you feel is necessary and that includes being a Loranea Bobbitt him if you need to" she started laughing

"Who is that?" I laughed

"A women who cut her husband's dick off while he was sleeping and threw it out the window as she drove down the street because he use to rape and beat her" she poured her some coffees and laughed

"Wow" I started laughing

"Mom, what you doing up?" Naz walked into the kitchen

"I'm dying not handicapped" she pinched Naz and walked off

"She is a character" I stated

"Yeah, that is very true and good one though" she watched her mom walk down the hall

Indont remeber my parents, but it has to be hard losing one. She looked so sad.

"So is that your girllllllll" I smiled

"Oh, nah she is not" she shook her head and poured some coffee

"She was pretty upset " I smiled

"Yeah, I know for no reason"

"Well a cutie like you with someone in your bed. I mean if your talking, I'd me upset also"

"Yeah, I am cute" she laughed

"Oh hush"

"Did she apologize to my mom?" She asked

"No i was the only one out here when she left. Your mom had just got out here" i stated

"Mhmm okay" she nodded

"Were you staying all day?" She asked

"Miya told me to, but I can le..." she cut me off

"Nah, you here now. So you gotta help me clean" she smiled, she was cute

"Clean? Me you see these hands?"

"Yup, and them clean dishes" she said

"Let's go soldier" she said and walk away laughing

Naz was cool I like her. Her energy is calming.

Dance Practice  7:37 pm

They have gotten alot better with out Larissa and her little friends around I can tell you that. I am so proud of them, I'm sure they won't mind dancing at the upcoming Football game because they are.

"He just keeps calling" I said putting my phone down

"Your boyfriend?" Marie smiled

"No, my husband " I joked but Saqui wont stop calling

"Well, he misses you, you never talk about him why?"

"I like to keep my personal life and business separate that's all"

"Oh, I can see that. Well, I'm glad you kept me on the team. So when are you going to announce captain or captains?" She smiled

"I am not sure, the captain has to be the best, a leader and almost out dance me" I poked her nose

"Haha, okay" she smiled and we walked back out my office

"Okay Tyrone and boys let's me see?" I stated and sat down

"Alright, now look this is for grown and sexy okay ladies" Marcus said

"Marcus your barley nineteen" Juliana shouted

"Girl your my ex shut up" he replied

"Okay guys show me what you got" we all were laughing because Marcus is clearly gay

Marie pressed play for them.

Everyone was clapping for them and shouting, the girls were fake passing out and everything.

"Okay guys very sexy very sexy" I stated

"Yeah how about that Juliana" Marcus said  and we laughed

"Okay, guys so you know it's the girls tur...."

"Mrs Mercury" Sarah said

"Yeah, there is a man here for you" she pointed to my office

"A man" I walked towards her

"Yeah, your husband" she smiled, and my heart started beating out my chest

"Oh, okay well hold on guys"  I walked to my office

What was his point of coming here, he dont need to be here.

"Yall, are not going to believe this her husband is Larissa boyfriend" in over heard Marie

"How do you know?" Tyrone asked

"I seen them last night. Her husband is Saqui" every one started with their ohhhs and ahhhs

"Hey" I said walking into my office leaving the door open

" where the fuck have you been?" He snatched me by my hair

"Ouchhhh Saqui stop I'm at work" I tried to pry his hand out of my natural hair

"Fuck this job, when I fucking call you fucking answer" he raised his hand to hit me but Tyrone walked in

"Hey" I smiled and he quickly my hair go

"Marcus and Mike fighting again over the spot" he said, but they didnt we didnt even have a spot

"A spot?" I asked

"Yeah, for the competition tonight" he lied

"Yeah, they been fighting all day, I'll see you at home baby" I kissed his cheek and left out behind Tyrone

"I got your back" Tyrone said and started to walk behind me

"I just hope you not going home to him" he added and I shook my head no

Tyrone was about twenty three years old I was only twenty six. I walked back like nothing was wrong.

"Ladies let's go" I started clapping

"Very good job ladies, everyone was on point. And Sarah you have amazing legs girl" I winked at her

"They was alright but who won?" Marcus asked

"I would have to say......."

"Just tell us" Marie stated

"I'll post it tomorrow, and remember dinner is on me for the winners so get your places picked out" I said

"Mhmm she so full of it " Marie laughed

"Bye guys" I smiled

I sat in my car and ran my hands through my hair, and a clump fell out. I scratched it and it was dried blood underneath my nails. I didnt even know he pulled my hair that hard.

I was so scared I didnt even feel all that pain.

I just dont know what to do.

Naz  House  11:38 pm

Her mother had let me back in, because I tried calling her but she didnt pick up. Although her car was outside. No biggie, her mother told me she was about to go to sleep.

She even offered me some cake before she went to her room. She is so funny and sweet.

I took my shoes off and sat them by the door, and walked to her room, with my bag. I needed to shower so bad. I knocked on her door before I went in.

She wasnt in there, I didnt hear her shower going either. So, I got my things ready to wash up.

I opened the door and closed it I sat my things down on the counter. I walked to where the shower was and she was in the shower.

She was naked, in the shower.

"Shit" I grabbed my things

It's like the door would not open, for shit in this world. The more I pulled on it the harder it got to fucking open.

When it did open it hit my fucking toe, I closed the door so fast.

I didnt hear the damn shower going off, at all I just sat there. I mean she had a really, nice body. The tattoos she had everywhere, was like placed perfectly.

"Oh shit" I said as she walked out naked snapping me out my thoughts

"Fuck" she hurries and grabs her towel

"I didnt know you was here" sh said as I covered my eyes

"Yeah, I heard the shower" I lied

"Really, it's never been loud its actually pretty quiet" she laughed

"Yeah, umm okay" i said

"I'm covered" she said, and I peaked through my hands

"See" she smiked with a shirt and some shorts on

"Go ahead and shower" she said and I got up

"Next time, just twist the nob and push the door to open to get out" she said and I was so embarrassed, she saw me and I just lied like I wasnt in there

I didnt even say nothing I just went into the bathroom so shower. I looked fucking stupid.

I walked out of the bathroom and a kid was in her room.

"I thought it was a joke" he said to me

"What?" I laughed

"That a girl was sleeping in her room" she said

"And who are you?" I sat down

"I'm her uncle. And I am single I'm Nicky"

"I am grown and how you her uncle your like sixteen"

"Aye, I am seventeen, and i am her uncle for real"

"Sure, and I'm sure she has girls over her, plus I'm her friend "

"Trust me, a girl never slept in her bed...."

"Nicky get out my room and go the fuck home" Naz said as I put my socks on

"Bye ladies have fun" he joked and I laughed, as she closed the door

"We did clean out those rooms I can sleep in there?" I told her

"Oh, this is fine. Plus I got some good sleep earlier" she laid down

"Oh, alright" I said, as she cut the TV on

"What you about to watch? " i asked laying at the end of the bed

"Nextflix, they be having some good movies most of the time. I'm gone watch the grudge" she said

"Oh, word? I like horror movies"

"That's a plus you really gotta stay now, cause i have to see this" she smiled

"Well, i do" i laughed and hit her thigh that was by my arm

"Keep ya hands to yourself, I am Military trained to take you down physically" she stated and stared at me

I dont know what it is, or was but the way she looked at me turned me on. Right now my body was telling me I am a lesbian.

"Not with these legs I got" I laid on my back and showed off my legs lifting them in the air

"Yeah, they alright" she slapped my legs, and she sent chills throughout my body

I just laughed nervously.


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