Unexpected. (A CJ FanFiction)...

By Nick_Christiansen04

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This is a sequel to the Jyrus story I did. It takes place a year after Jonah leaves. I hope you enjoy! More

Not an update!
Not an update!
Not an update!


49 2 1
By Nick_Christiansen04

TJ's P.O.V
It's almost been a week already since basically everything happened. I know what Cyrus did. He gave me some of his life just like he did Jonah.

That means Cyrus is gonna die early just to safe us both... I need to do something big for him for helping me.

Maybe write him a song??? YES! That's what I'll do! He won't expect it coming! Hehe. Then Cyrus won't need to do anything for me.

I don't know why Cyrus is so adorable. He's like a little cute dog. Eh he's just my Little Muffin. In terms as in that being a good thing.

Eh today anyway, I got at least a C- on a test! That's good for my weird function of a brain. I gotta show Cy!

As I was passing the gym, I saw Cyrus sitting there looking nervous or scared. I was concerned so I went inside.

"You ok?" I asked.
"Yeah. Just wish I had a swing right now." Cyrus answered.
"What you don't need a swing. You have me. Talk to me." I told him.
"Turns out I was told that someone is gonna fight me tomorrow." He said.

I looked at him shocked. Why would anyone wanna fight Cyrus? He's the sweetest person I know. There's no way I'm letting this person attack him.

Wait crap! THE SONG! I have to write the song!! Hahah jokes on me.... Where do I even start Wait hang on.

"Cyrus I know you don't wanna hear this at the moment but I got a C- on my test!" I exclaimed.
"You did?!" He asked shocked. "TJ that's huge!!"

We hugged each other. He let go. I saw his big smile... Hehe it was so cute. The bell rang and I grabbed his hand to lift him up.

We headed to our classes. I heard Cyrus' scream from a distance. My actions targeted where the sound was coming from and instantly ran there.

I saw Cyrus on the floor as Alex stood tall. I clenched my fists. There's nothing more that makes me triggered.

"Hey Alex!" I shouted half way across the hall. "Leave him alone!"
"Mmhmm What are you gonna do about it?" He asked.
"You have no idea what I'm capable of." I answered.
"Mmhmm show me." Alex replied.

I sprinted towards Cyrus and grabbed him as quick as possible.

"All of you gays disgust me." Alex said.
"What was that?" I asked getting aggravated.
"Gays shouldn't be allowed to live a life." He answered.
"Excuse me? It's not like straights aren't the same as gays idiot." Cyrus told him.
"Ahem! It's strictly in the Bible saying that being gay is a sin." Alex shot back.
"Hold the fuck up." James said. "Gay is sin?! Bitch please! You better shut up if you'll hear it from me."

"Yeah? What are you gonna do?" Alex asked.
"Everyone get to class! NOW!" Mr. Keisewtter yelled.

I rolled my eyes and left. Cyrus ran after me since both of our classes were close to each other's.

I wish people can just stop being idiots for once and realize the damage that they are causing...
Cyrus' P.O.V
Well people are being quite stupid again. That's normal I guess. Oh! Earlier TJ showed me his grade on his math test! I'm so proud of him!!

He's so cute when he gets excited. Anyways Buffy walked in the classroom and sat next to me as usual.

"Hey Cyrus!" Buffy exclaimed.
"Hey." I replied. "Oh I need to tell you something!"
"Go ahead." She replied.
"TJ got at least a C- on a test." I told her.
"Really?" She asked shocked.
"It was so cute. He was so excited showing everyone his grade. He was like a cute little dog." I answered.

The bell rang as Ms. Heckert came through asking if we had the homework done. Surprisingly I didn't. I was too distracted yesterday with basically everything.

Wait what even happened yesterday? Hold on lemme try and remember this.

Ok so yesterday I came here. Got homework but not much. Then, I went home after school took a nap and then did some homework at like 8 at night. I never finished....... Damn it ok.

"Uh.... I did most of it then I had to do something and never finished it...." I told Ms. Heckert.
"That's Fine Cyrus. Just have it done by tomorrow ok?" She replied.
"Got it."
The school day was finally over and I just wanted to jump into my bed. I stayed outside waiting for TJ to come out. We always walk home together. It's the fun little thing we do.

I saw him come out and with a guitar. I was so confused at first. He grabbed my hand pulling us back into the school where no one was.

He started shredding the guitar(musical term for playing/strumming it.) and opened his mouth.

"I don't wanna be a hero. I don't wanna be a billionaire. I know it might sound crazy but I wouldn't even care. Cause the only thing that matters, the only thing that's true. The only thing I wish for, is being around you." He started singing. "I love to hear your laughter, I love the way you smile. I love you're so creative. Never goin' outta style. I love so much about you. I don't know where to start. Every time I'm with you, you always in my heart. Being around you. Being around you. I never know the words to say. The words to make you stay. It wouldn't matter anyway. I always let you slip away. But the only thing that matters, the only thing that's true. The only thing I wish for, is being around you. I love to hear your laughter. I love the way you smile. I love you're so creative, never going out of style. I love so much about you. I don't know where to start. Every time I'm with you. You always win my heart. Being around you. Being around me. I love being around you, being around me. I love being around you..."

I looked at him with tears in my eyes. More like tears flowing out of my eyes. I didn't know he could sing!

"Cyrus, I love you." He said.
"I love you too." I replied.

Ok before you rant on about how I used Jonah's song, I wanna say that I thought it was a cute lovable song that TJ could use on Cyrus. Now you are able to rant on! Bye!!

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