A Starless Existence {boyxboy}

By FKNichols17

240K 12.9K 1.7K

"You like it, baby?" Ambrose purred in Kyree's ear, "I picked the colour out just for you, remembered just ho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 8

8K 412 56
By FKNichols17

Kyree was awoken by something licking his cheek and hot breath on his face. He grimaced, a soft groan slipping out of his mouth as it curved into a smile.

"Amb, this is so not a sexy way to wake someone up," Kyree muttered groggily, rubbing his heavy eyes.

"As hilarious as it would be to wake you up this way, it's not me," Ambrose remarked from across the room, leaning in the doorway to the bedroom. Kyree opened his eyes slowly, then a melodic laugh trickled from his mouth.

"Endwin," Kyree beamed at the dark coloured animal sat on the bed in Ambrose's place, "you brought my dog here? What are you buttering me up for?" Kyree asked, ruffling the fur on Endwin's head as it rested on his lap. Ambrose smiled innocently, gazing around the room.

"What on earth would make you think that? I just thought you would like your dog up here with us," Kyree cocked an eyebrow, causing Ambrose to chuckle, "OK, I may have something I would like to talk to you about," Ambrose perched on the bed, stroking his hand up over Kyree's leg gingerly.

"What would you like to talk to me about then?" Kyree said after a few seconds of Ambrose merely staring at his hand resting on Kyree's thigh. Ambrose blinked a few times, rousing himself from whatever daydream he had drifted into.

"That dream you had, a few nights ago," Kyree sighed at the mention of that Goddamn nightmare, when it wasn't haunting him in his mind Ambrose was pestering him about it, "I was waiting until you opened up to me about it to tell you this, but at this rate I don't think I would get to tell you this century," Ambrose paused for a second, simpering when he noticed Kyree still staring at him, "I had the same dream."
"What? What are you talking about?" Kyree sat up, far more intrigued by Ambrose's little confession than he thought he would be.

"I woke up seconds before you. I had the same dream. I know exactly what it was. I wanted to make sure before I told you but you refused to open up," Kyree frowned, deep in thought.

"I've never heard of anything like this before, you're sure it was my dream? How do you even know if you don't know what my dream was?" Ambrose expected denial, he had been focused on the stupid nightmare for days.

"It's difficult to explain. I wasn't in a body in the dream, more like in spirit. I followed you, just watching. But I woke up just before I could see his face, who was it, Ky? Who was hanging?" Kyree grimaced, the image from that nightmare truly would be burnt into his brain for the rest of eternity, "was it Alexander?"

"No," Kyree said softly, locking his worried gaze with Ambrose's, "it was you," shocked, Ambrose was silent, his eyes a little wider than before, "I need to take Endwin for a walk, do you want to join me?" Kyree asked as he rose to his feet, his muscles rippling as he stretched his arms above his head.

"Yeah, sure," Ambrose said, but his voice was distant. Kyree bent down in front of him, caressing his cheek with his thumb.

"Hey," Kyree coaxed Ambrose to look at him with his beautiful grey-blue eyes, "whatever this is, whatever is going on between us, we're gonna figure this out, OK?" Ambrose nodded weakly, yet Kyree was not satisfied, "Amb, we're OK. This shit isn't normal but neither of us are dying, OK? We're gonna be fine," when Ambrose's lips finally curved into a small smile, Kyree stood, pressing a chaste kiss on Ambrose's forehead along the way. Kyree threw on a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt, not bothering to collect a jacket on his way out with it being relatively tepid outside.

With one hand clasped in Ambrose's and the other holding Endwin's leash, Kyree led the way to a nearby park. For some reason, the fact that he had shared a dream with Ambrose didn't affect him as much as really it should have. Then again, sharing a dream was much less daunting than what he had been through in his life.

"I see now why you like to come up here so often," Ambrose smirked, eyeing a couple of men who walked past shirtless as Kyree threw a stick for Endwin. Kyree chuckled, glancing at the men then at Ambrose.

"I've seen better, I'm looking at better right now," with Kyree in a seemingly good mood, Ambrose couldn't resist wrapping his arms around his waist. Kyree's back fit so well against Ambrose's chest as if they were moulded to go together like pieces of a puzzle.

"Who would have thought I would be stood in the human world, holding a demon and throwing a stick for a dog? It's amazingly domestic," Ambrose's breath tickled Kyree's ear, causing his grin to widen. Kyree rested his hands over Ambrose's, kissing his cheek as he felt his chin rest on his shoulder.

"Too domestic for the prince of hell?" Kyree responded, keeping his voice low to ensure no passing humans caught any of their conversation.

"No, I think I quite like it up here. I do often wonder why we are no longer allowed to roam freely on this plane," Ambrose let go of Kyree for a second, leaning down to throw the stick for Endwin then returning to his position immediately.

"Because of what happened to Alexander," Kyree's voice didn't falter, although he still felt the gentle tug of pain when Alexander's name touched his lips. He was getting better, which pleased him.


"I assume so. It was only a few days after Alexander's death that your father announced the ban and there were no other acts as heinous around that time," sadness swirled in Ambrose as he opened his mouth to say something, "please, I'm OK, you don't need to make any sort of apology about it. Being around you up here has helped significantly. At least I don't start throwing punches the minute anyone mentions his name," a compassionate smile spread over Ambrose's face as he tightened his grip on Kyree, pressing a few kisses on his shoulder.

Scoffs and loud grumbling nearby ruined the moment between Kyree and Ambrose. Two other men around the same age as Kyree looked were scowling at Ambrose embracing Kyree, disgust plastered across their faces.

"Scum," one of them spat, igniting an anger in Kyree that he hadn't felt since Alexander was alive. Anger fuelled by the discrimination of who he chose to love.

"What did you say?" Kyree growled, glaring right back at the men, fixed in his place by Ambrose's strong grip.

"I said, fuckin' scum," the taller man who had spoken before repeated, venom in his tone, "you're sinnin', lyin' with another man, it's fuckin' disgustin'," the man grunted, his thick accent revealing Southern American ties in his bloodline. Kyree's blood was boiling, every fibre in his body screaming at him to rip the two men apart, but he was in public, it would reveal what he was.

"I advise walking away, whilst your legs are still attached to your body," Kyree threatened, the sensation of Ambrose's hands on his hips the only thing keeping him grounded at that moment. Fear flickered across the men's faces as a low snarl rippled through the peaceful atmosphere of the park. Kyree knew it was Edwin and he so desperately wanted to allow his hellhound to attack. But he knew that soon enough Endwin would grow to be the size of a grizzly bear and there would be no explanation for that.

"Endwin, down," Kyree commanded, a glimmer of pride crossing his face as Endwin instantly sat, silent.

"That mutt should be on a Goddamn leash," the other, smaller man spoke that time, venom also in his tone, but more so directed at Endwin.

"I thought I told you to leave. If you find us so disgraceful to your backwards ideologies then go elsewhere," Kyree snapped, drawing the attention back to Ambrose and himself.

"It's you two that should leave. We don't except scum like you around these parts," the taller man spoke again, if you could call his string of grunts and growls speech. Ambrose had loosened his grip for just a second, giving Kyree the chance to slip out of it. And out came Kyree's anger. An anger, a beast, that hadn't risen from its slumber for almost half a decade.

Kyree didn't even realise what he had done until it was too late. By the time the clouds of fury rolled away from his eyes, both men were lying limp on the grass. Kyree was knelt on the taller man's chest and he could feel the shattered ribs under his knees. Blood was everywhere. Spattered on Kyree's face, his knuckles, across his white shirt.

"Ky," Ambrose was at his side in an instant, holding him as he stared at his dirty work, "they deserved it, Ky, they weren't innocent. They're alive, you didn't kill them. But you sure as hell taught them a lesson. It's OK, let's go home," Ambrose helped Kyree to his feet, cupping his cheeks, "Kyree, don't you dare feel bad for this. First, you're a demon, you have every right to want to kill, to have an uncontrollable anger that you let out every so often. Second, people like those men are not the ones you should be feeling remorse for. It was self-defence, OK, they provoked you. Come on, we need to get home before someone sees something."

For hours, Kyree simply laid and stared at the ceiling in his bedroom. His anger was growing, despite thinking he was getting better, nothing changed regarding Kyree's temper. He was a timebomb.

"Ky," Ambrose's soft voice soothed Kyree, yet he still remained still, "Ky, I think we should go back down to the underworld," Kyree's gazed snapped to Ambrose stood in the doorway, a frown mirroring his.

"What? Why? You were the one that wanted to stay up here, why go back now?" Kyree sat up, sighing, "whatever, Ambrose, go back then. But I'm staying up here, I still don't want to anger my father," Kyree hung his head in his hands, so many thoughts rushing through his mind. Ambrose knelt in front of Kyree, resting his hands on Kyree's knees gently.

"Ky, please come back with me, I don't like the thought of leaving you up here alone," with every word that Ambrose spoke, Kyree felt a part of him relax, Ambrose truly could tame his anger.

"What's the point? I'll just hurt you, or my father will kick me out for flirting with you or-" Kyree was silenced by Ambrose's mouth covering his. It was gentle, soft, something Kyree didn't often experience. He responded instantly, lacing his fingers into Ambrose's hair and tugging him closer, wanting to feel more and more.

Suddenly a sharp pain jolted through Kyree's back, gradually flowing through his chest. His movements ceased, catching Ambrose's attention too, the pain growing to an insurmountable sensation. He could barely breathe, all air knocked from his lungs.

"Fuck, Kyree, oh my God," Ambrose gasped as he pulled away and saw the blood seeping through Kyree's already ruined white shirt. Kyree stared at him with worry in his eyes, his grip on Ambrose's arms being the only thing holding him upright.

Osiris and Anubis joined Ambrose, helping him lower Kyree to the ground as he whispered over and over that he was gonna be OK. The metallic taste of blood had already invaded his mouth and his vision was beginning to cloud. He wasn't so sure Ambrose was right.

"S-Sorry..." Kyree managed to choke out, just as the lights flickered off in his mind. 

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