A Starless Existence {boyxboy}

By FKNichols17

243K 12.9K 1.7K

"You like it, baby?" Ambrose purred in Kyree's ear, "I picked the colour out just for you, remembered just ho... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 1

20.1K 737 211
By FKNichols17

Under the bright, pulsing lights of the nightclub, his gaze scanned the room. He was hunting that night, yearning for someone interesting to take his mind off the irritating details of his current life. So far, after sitting nursing one beer for nearly half an hour, not a single man had caught his eye. Everyone seemed so... plain.

"Not having much luck tonight, are you, mate?" the bartender sympathized, his thick Northern English accent slowly grating on Kyree's nerves.

"Doesn't look like it," Kyree's voice was much silkier, his accent American and his pronunciation creating a softer, smoother tone.

"Well, 'ere, this might get your motor going," the bartender filled a small shot glass with what looked like vodka and slid it in front of Kyree, "on the house," he added when Kyree cocked an eyebrow. With a small shrug, Kyree knocked back the shot, coughing a little as the strong liquid burned the back of his throat.

"Steady on there, big boy, the night is young," a different voice, laced with a seductive tone, drifted into Kyree's ear as a man sat opposite him, grazing his hand over Kyree's knee. Now, this had been what Kyree was searching for.

Although the lighting in that particular establishment was pretty damn atrocious, Kyree could easily see the swirling greyish blue of the man's eyes, filled to the brim with mystery and intrigue. His dark, straight locks were moulded to perfection, styled just enough to look messy yet not out of place.

"And my night just got a whole lot better, can I buy you a drink perchance?" the man gladly accepted Kyree's offer, ordering some sort of hilariously named and complicated to make cocktail. Kyree liked the man's lips, full and luscious, curved in just the right way to portray both a smirk and a soft smile. He would prefer to see them a little lower than eye level though.

"I'm Ambrose," the man held out his hand which Kyree happily grasped. They both had equally strong handshakes, but Kyree concluded that Ambrose had much softer hands, the hands of someone who didn't partake in a lot of manual labour. He couldn't help imagining how his hands would feel against his skin elsewhere, just the thought was getting him a little too excited.

"Kyree. Ambrose, like from the bible? Heavenly food or something along those lines?"

"Yes," Ambrose tilted his head to the side just a fraction, a hint of shock and bemusement flickering across his face, "I wouldn't have thought a man like you would have known much about the bible."

"A man like me?" it was Kyree's turn to convey confusion as he sipped the beer he had barely touched and was no longer interested in.

"Gay, I mean, not a lot of homosexuals are religious. I certainly am not," Kyree chuckled softly, causing those beautiful lips of Ambrose's to curve even further into a warmer smile.

"How do you know I'm gay?"

"You're in a gay bar, for one, and..." Ambrose leant in close, brushing his fingertips over Kyree's thigh and lowering his volume to a whisper, "you got pretty damn hard the second I walked over," Kyree clicked his tongue quietly, a wicked smirk forming on his own lips.

"You got me there, but since you admit my state of arousal is all down to you, it would only be fair if you took care of it," Kyree suggested, taking his turn to stroke his fingertips down the velvet skin of Ambrose's arm. Ambrose swayed his head left to right a few times as if lost in thought and contemplating Kyree's offer, even though Kyree could clearly see the smirk he was attempting to suppress.

"Tempting, but I just met you, isn't that a little bit dangerous?" Kyree chuckled, a little more sinister this time.

"Who doesn't love a bit of danger?" Kyree rose to his feet, throwing down a couple of notes to pay for the drinks, not really caring about change, just aching to be alone with Ambrose, "you coming then? Be a devil, take the risk, I promise I'm not a murderer."

"You live close?" Ambrose asked as they walked down the street together.

"I have an apartment a few blocks away," Kyree replied, clasping Ambrose's hand as they jogged across the road to avoid oncoming traffic.

Back at Kyree's apartment, Ambrose accepted the glass of wine he was offered and was left alone in the living room area as Kyree ventured into the kitchen. Kyree collected two glasses from the top cupboard and a bottle of red wine from the pantry, listening out for Ambrose's movements. His apartment was actually very quiet, however, he could just about hear the faint music coming from his stereo that Ambrose must have turned on.

Suddenly a pair of hands snaked their way around Kyree's waist, immediately landing on his belt. He could feel Ambrose's hot breath on his neck as he focused on trying not to fumble too much with the leather belt.

"Eager, aren't we?" Kyree breathed, spinning around in Ambrose's grasp so he was chest to chest with him. Their lips crashed together, with Ambrose's tongue instantly invading Kyree's mouth, his hands never pausing in their efforts to remove his jeans.

Kyree grasped a fistful of Ambrose's dark locks, satisfied when he heard a soft moan rumble from his throat and felt his hands finally remove the belt. His other hand trailed under the dark shirt covering Ambrose's muscled form, kneading the firm flesh of his hips and sides.

Ambrose pulled back slowly, a smirk once again on his red raw lips as he dropped to his knees in front of Kyree. Kyree mirrored that same smirk as Ambrose dove his hand into his exposed black boxers, his touch sending a surge of pleasure throughout his body.

Kyree wanted to tell him how amazing it felt, what his touch did to him, but all that left his lips was a succession of straggled groans as Ambrose replaced his hand with his mouth. Once again, collecting a fistful of Ambrose's hair, and hearing that strained moan, Kyree began moving in sync with Ambrose.

Just as he reached the edge of his climax, Ambrose cut all physical contact with him, leaving him there, on the precipice. An almost growl left Kyree's lips, mixed in with a whine, as Ambrose rose to his feet, licking his lips.

"Mmm don't want it to all be over yet, do we? We've not even got to the good part," Ambrose clasped Kyree's hand, spun on his heels, and led him to the bedroom as if it were his apartment, not Kyree's.

The second they entered Kyree's bedroom, Ambrose had him pinned to the wall, his mouth buried in his neck. Kyree moaned and groaned, tugging off Ambrose's shirt and running his fingers down the smooth yet rock hard muscles covering his chest. Neither could wait any longer, both too eager to drown themselves in pleasure.

As more clothes ended up tossed around the room, the two moved to the large, oak bed. Ambrose pushed Kyree down onto the mattress, dominating him just as Kyree loved. Ass up, face down, subject to whatever Ambrose desired.

The pleasure was intense, flowing through the men in waves as their bodies moved simultaneously, fitting into one another perfectly. They were loud, it was rough, neither cared.

Ambrose leant down, pressing a line of hurried kisses down Kyree's back, pushing him over the edge finally. Ambrose joined him, all the tension in their bodies unwinding together. Breathless, they simply collapsed on the bed, tangled in a mess of limbs and sheets, falling into a slumber so quickly neither even had the chance to notice the darkness that had taken over both sets of their eyes.

Morning rolled around too fast, Kyree thought as he was roused from his sleep by the bright light streaming through the partially open curtains. His body was aching, that warm pain that clung to him after a night like last night, he loved it. He caught sight of Ambrose in just his dark jeans, scanning the room in search of his shirt obviously.

"Leaving so soon?" Kyree asked, sitting up and tugging the bunched up covers further over his bare legs that were beginning to feel the chill of the cool room.

"Oh, you're awake," Ambrose smiled but Kyree had seen the soft grimace on his face, "I was hoping to leave whilst you were still asleep, I've never been good with the morning after these nights," who was?

"Have breakfast with me first, I would hate to think of you paying for some overpriced meal when I could easily make you one. Unless, you have somewhere to be," glancing at his expensive-looking gold watch, Ambrose shook his head.

"I have a meeting at eleven so really I need to be on my way at half ten. I can stay for breakfast if you really want," Kyree rose to his feet from the bed, allowing the covers to fall away from his naked body, stretching his arms above his head. He didn't care about Ambrose seeing his manhood, after all, that had been the intention of the night before.

"I insist," Kyree stepped over to the wardrobe, pulling on a pair of dark grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Ambrose staring at him, that same lustful expression on his face from the previous night. The t-shirt Kyree had decided upon for the day hugged his body, flaunting his defined muscles under the thin fabric.

Kyree merely chuckled as Ambrose followed him into the kitchen, knowing full well his pretty grey-blue eyes were glued to his ass. It was only 10, so Kyree knew he had another half an hour with Ambrose before he had to leave. Just enough time to make breakfast and act interested.

"So, you work?" Kyree knew the difficulties of making small talk the morning after a night like the one Ambrose and he had shared but attempted some anyway. Cracking an egg into a frying pan, he watched as it sizzled, the hot oil spitting at him, yet not burning him at all as it clung to his skin. The droplets were so small Kyree knew Ambrose wouldn't have noticed, still, he angled his body to block his bare arms from Ambrose's view. Just in case.

"Yeah, I'm high up in some political business," well that was surprisingly vague, Kyree wondered if he would ever need to use the acts of the previous night as some form of blackmail. He wasn't like that, but his mind had wandered absently to the idea.

"Politics? Sounds very..." Kyree wanted to say intriguing, his mouth even began to form the words, but he didn't like to lie and changed his mind last minute, "tedious," understanding his humour, Ambrose chuckled.

"It has its perks, can be very interesting at times. What about you? You surely can't afford an apartment like this on a low salary job," Kyree placed an omelette in front of Ambrose on the breakfast bar and watched him take his first bite, "this is amazing, thank you. Don't tell me you're a chef?"

"No, I'm..." his job, or future job that he was training for, was difficult to explain so he took a leaf from Ambrose's book, "in the protection business, bodyguards, personal security, something along those lines," inexplicit subtext seemed to be the correct way to broach their equally personal jobs.

The two continued speaking for a further 20 minutes until Ambrose finally had to leave. Usually, Kyree couldn't stand speaking to his lovers the morning after, coaxing them to leave as soon as possible, if they weren't already gone by the time he woke up, that is. Yet, Ambrose was still so intriguing to him, and talking with him was enjoyable, Kyree almost didn't want to let him go.

Kyree pondered asking him to stay another night, wanting to learn more about this man who was so unlike any others. No, that would be foolish. He had to get home, for one, and, for another, his father would not approve of him growing close to someone like Ambrose.

"You've got my number, I hope to see a call from you," Ambrose called back as he left, picking up his jacket on the way out and closing the door gently behind him with a confident smile. Kyree didn't have his number. They both knew that. There would be no call, there would be no bumping into each other in the streets, they would never see one another again. This town was yet another Kyree had to cross off his list for fear of encountering a one night stand.

Locking the door, Kyree stuffed his phone, wallet and keys into his sweatpants pocket, before tugging his leather jacket over his broad shoulders. He didn't care about any of the other clothes he had left there, didn't care about the whole month of rent and the security deposit he had paid. He would not be returning.

And with that thought, Kyree dissipated into nothing, off to his next destination, materialising as any another demon would. 

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