The Alpha's Academy

By BettieBurton

1.6M 47.5K 2.5K

Midnight is seventeen and is considered the 'runt' of her family's wolfpack. So she finally decides to runawa... More

CHAPTER 1: Not Anymore!
CHAPTER 2: Back To The Academy
CHAPTER 3: Am I Dreaming??
CHAPTER 4: The Newbies
CHAPTER 5: No More!!
CHAPTER 6: What Am I Gonna Do??
CHAPTER 7: Did He Just Call Me His??
CHAPTER 8: The Cabins
CHAPTER 9: My First Kiss
CHAPTER 10: She Can't Swim?
CHAPTER 11: Mark Me.....
CHAPTER 12: **Mature Content**
CHAPTER 14: Unexpected
CHAPTER 15: I'm Sorry.....Goodbye
CHAPTER 16: Midnight?!
CHAPTER 17: What Next?
CHAPTER 18: Escape Into Darkness
CHAPTER 19: The Castle In England
CHAPTER 20: Sir Alpha King
CHAPTER 21: I'll Do It, Alone!
CHAPTER 22: How Could She?!?
CHAPTER 23: The Cure
CHAPTER 24: I Have An Ability
CHAPTER 25: I Love You More
CHAPTER 26: Will You?
CHAPTER 28: I've Seen That Look Before
CHAPTER 29: The King Has Spoken
CHAPTER 30: The Venom
CHAPTER 31: Before It's Too Late.....
CHAPTER 32: I'm Sorry.....
EPILOGUE: Two Years Later

CHAPTER 27: Oh..My..god..!!

29.9K 935 33
By BettieBurton


It felt so good to get away even for just a couple of days and spend alone time together without distractions or any interruptions. 

I had expected to be interrupted because of some rogues that may have trespassed onto our territory. However, nobody contacted us and we had no missed calls or messages on our phones after we had turned them back on. 

Once we were finished packing the car up, he had to use the restroom before we headed back to the castle. 

While getting ready to open the passenger door, I immediately feel myself being knocked hard onto the ground by something heavy. 

As soon as I turn over I can tell it's some kind of a wolf who I wasn't sure if rather or not they were rogue. 

I quickly kicked them off and stood up on both my feet and glared at him as the wolf was beginning to snarl at me. 

"Who are you?" I asked, hoping they would be able to mind-link me back, but it never said anything. 

"Midnight, get in the car!" I hear Zane out of nowhere, tell me. 

"Who is it?" I asked. 

"Just get in the car." He repeats only more firm this time while not taking his eyes off of the wolf. 

I don't question him and quickly turn around and get into the car. It was then at that time that the wolf tried sprinting towards me, but Zane caught him by the sides and tossed the wolf away from the car. 

When the wolf got back up onto all-fours, I noticed Zane wasn't shifting. It was as though he wasn't scared of the wolf. 

Right when the wolf began charging towards him, Zane did the same to it, only as soon as it got close enough and snapped it's teeth too-close-for-comfort to Zane's neck, he was able to grab the wolf by it's neck and snap it, making the wolf go limp.

After Zane drops the body onto the ground, he quickly turns and gets into the car and begins speeding off towards the castle. 

"What's going on?" I ask him feeling a little worried and scared. 

"That was an ex member of my pack. He had left a few years ago after I overheard him trying to give secret information about my father and his intentions he had for the future of the council and rogues. He's been trying to kill me ever since." He begins to explain. 

"Do you think he knows my father or brother?" I asked. 

"Yes." He answers while tightening his grip on the steering wheel and clenching his jaw as he doesn't take his eyes off the road. He looks tensed. 

A few hours later, we made it back to the castle and he came over to open my door and took hold of my hand as we quickly went inside where we saw the King, Stella, Kobey and a few others from his pack. 

The moment we walk into the room, everybody turns and looks at us. 

"What's going on?" Zane breaks free his hand from mine and charges up towards his father. 

"Vince escaped." Zane's father says. 

"Yeah, I know. He found Midnight and I as we were getting ready to leave. I killed him." Zane comes right out and says. 

"Son, I have a feeling that her father and brother are playing dirty. There have been several trespassers that moved in onto our territory last night. They killed several of our pack members and I know are on their way to here."

"Do we know where they are?" I asked as I walk up beside Zane and take hold of his hand. 

"It could be any minute that they could come here." The King warns. 

"That's why I've called in everyone, including the wolves who'd helped us the other night." Kobey says. 

"Good." Zane tells him and then looks over at me. "Come on." 

We head upstairs into our bedroom and I can tell he's stressed, frustrated and even unsure?

"Zane, everything's going to be okay." I try and calm him down. 

"No!" He snaps. "Everything will not be okay! I can't risk losing you!" 

"You won't. We'll fight this. We WILL defeat my father and brother's pack." I tell him. 

"I have to fight." He says as he sits on the edge of the bed with his face buried in his hands. 

"I know." I tell him as I walk and sit down next to him while starting to rub his back. "But I'm gonna be right there fighting beside you." I smile in assurance. 

He looks up at me and right as we were about to lean in and kiss me, the bedroom door breaks down and slams hard against the floor. 

We both stand and look to see it's my brother and some from his pack.

Out of nowhere, I see Zane fall to the ground after being shot with what looks to be a dart. Then by the time I look back at my brother angrily and get ready to say something, I begin feeling lightheaded and suddenly feel myself become overwhelmed with blurry vision and then fall hard onto the floor next to Zane before darkness takes over. 

Next Chapter will be posted soon! :)

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