
By PerfectionisSimple

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My father brought out his long glinting sword and plunged it into my mothers stomach. It seemed the second t... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Seven

131 4 0
By PerfectionisSimple

I got up, grabbing the book and putting it under my arm,  and tried to make my way back through the maze of book-cases.  When I go back to the tree what I saw wasn't what I expected. Damon had his hand on Callum's shoulder and it looked as though he was comforting him. I didn't want to trespass so I listened instead. 

"Look it gets easier, I promise" Damon said

"At least yours came back to you Angelina might not get up, she might not ever laugh or hug or kiss me ever again!" Callum burst. 

"You don't think I went through all of that!? I thought Vanessie was dead, or at least as good as. Even if she wasn't dead she was so in love with bloody Marcus Taylor she probably wouldn't notice me ever again!" 

Callum looked up at Damon, "Do you think she'll be okay?"

"No, I know she'll be okay" Damon said looking right into Callum's eyes. He sounded so solid, so sure I almost believed him but Angelina was counting on me and Callum to help her. In my mind she was as good as dead. I walked out from the shelves and down down hard on the sofa next to Damon. 

"What are WE supposed to do to help her!? What can we even do? We're just kids!" 

Callum and Damon both looked at me in disbelief although Damon's expression was sort of amused?

"Who invited Captain Killjoy!?" Damon said. 

For the first time in what seemed like a long while Callum smiled, a warm genuine smile. Just seeing him smile gave me hope, maybe Callum's love for Angelina would spur him on no matter what gets in our way. Maybe we wouldn't be so helpless. Mrs Havisham burst into the library, my mother hot on her tail. They were both struggling with a large pile of books. They slammed them down on a desk across the room from us. Me and Callum jumped up to see what the books were, Damon put his arm around my mothers' waist. He looked straight at me as he did, I couldn't decide whether he was assuring me he could look after my mother or trying to prove to me he could. Either way I didn't like it, I threw him a scowl and turned to the books my mother and Mrs. Havisham had brought. Mrs. Havisham took the biggest book on the pile and hauled it open. The spine itself was the length of my arm, we all gasped and spluttered as she laid the opened side of the book down, spraying dust everywhere. Mrs Havisham began to wave her hands over the open book, whispering incantations under her breath. Suddenly out of the book, an image of the world sprung off the page and into mid-air like a holographic picture. 

"We can now control this map at will and at any time. I've put a symbol on your wrists all you have to do to activate this image is focus on the symbol on your wrist and think of the words 'Show me the way'. You can zoom into the countries, set routes and track people, anything you wish!" I circled the map, 

"So we can find anyone we want?" 

"As long as you have the necessary connection to that person or thing" Mrs. Havisham replied. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well witches like me, your mother and Damon can find pretty much anything but you and Callum may have a harder time focusing on less meaningful things at a time like this" 

"So I can find Ryan!?" 

"Not necessarily, knowing Marcus and Ruby, caution will be their number one priority.  A cloaking spell will probably have been placed on Marcus and Ryan but you may be able to find Ruby? Even a strong education with anger may work?" 

I nodded, "So how..." that was as far as I got before my mother cut me off, 

"Why do you have this book?" I looked round and my mother was holding the book I found. I bit my lip, 

"Light reading?" I heard Damon laugh from behind me. 

"Don't you dare give me cheek. This book, I've been searching for it my whole life..." her voice seemed to falter and crack. 

"Look, I just found it, it fell down when I hit one of the shelves." My mother stared at me in disbelief, Damon walked round and took the book from my mother. He flicked through the pages, 

"It's blank?" My mother shot him another astonished look as she grabbed the book from his hands. 

"I...I don't understand!?" She cried frantically searching through the cook. Mrs Havisham smiled a knowing smile from beside me. The Cheshire Cat sprung to mind making me giggle a little. Callum flashed me and Mrs Havisham a strange look. My mother looked at Mrs Havisham disappearing and stormed out of the room, slamming the book into my chest as she left. Damon hurried after her ,like the lost puppy he was, leaving Mrs Havisham, Callum and myself to ourselves. 

"So what can we do?" I asked "To get Angelina and Ryan back?" 

"It's not that simple" replied Mrs Havisham, "First, we need some help, we need some warriors"  Mrs Havisham placed her hands on mine and Callum's foreheads and drew a pentagram. She muttered some words under her breath and then there was a massive surge of light and power clawing its was out of me and into our world. By the time I'd opened my eyes there were two people standing in front of me. They were clad in amour carrying swords and various other weapons. The girl had a bow and arrow slung across her shoulder and her black silky hair was in a braid. The boy was carrying a horn that looked like it was made of a rams horn. There was also a long lethal looking sword hanging from his belt. There was something unsettlingly familiar about him.They both had milky, coffee coloured skin and quick green eyes. Standing side by side, they were the closest to perfection I'd ever seen. The girl flashed me a genuine smile and I instantly warmed to her.  Her brother however was another case all together. His eyes and body held pain and sadness. He stood tall and straight scowling at no-one in particular. Instead of his eyes being beautiful they were piercing and nervous. I was so bedazzled by them and their differences I didn't notice the girl start to speak. 

"You called for us Madam? I can only apologise for our mother not being here, busy?" Mrs Havisham smiled, 

"It's perfectly alright, I didn't expect her to be here. It would've been nice to have her help but you two are just as capable." Both people bowed their heads and Mrs Havisham turned to and Callum. I stood up straight trying to look like their equals, "This is Callum Denver and Jessica Taylor. I believe you know of the Lady Jessica?" 

"Indeed we do" hurried the girl. Then she did the most extraordinary thing, She got down on one knee, held her hand in a fist to her heart and bowed her head. The boy rolled his eyes but joined her. "My Lady, it is an honour" I scoffed, 

"You don't need to bow!?" I cried, "Mrs Havisham why are they bowing!?" I hissed frustrated. 

"You're a sire my love. You can call upon higher spirits, like me, hence how the children of Artemis got here. Although you Jessica, can call upon the gods themselves. The mere mention of the name Taylor sends shivers down the spines of Olympians." 

My mouth sort of dropped open, "Oh" was all I seemed to be able to manage, "So I'm...what?" 

"A High Priestess, you are next in line"

"I...I can't be! My mother?" I stuttered

"Is not born from Druid and Salem blood or from the Taylor bloodline" finished the regal looking man. I tried to form words but all I seemed to be able to do was make in-coherent mutterings. Callum chuckled and I threw him a dirty look. "Mrs Havisham have you not taught her of her bloodlines?" said the man. 

"I'm afraid not, no time has been spared, she's been in and out of hospital and every sort of disaster" The girl gave me a sympathetic look and the man just looked sternly at me and Mrs Havisham. 

"Then we must educate her" he declared, he waved his hand at the sofa beside us, I sat down and brought my legs up onto the sofa and crossed them. Then I thought that maybe it wasn't the most regal position to be in but I was 16, regal is not my priority! The man noted this as well: he raised his eyebrows as he continued to talk. 

"Salem, is originally the sight of Mount Olympus. When humans were created they had to hide Mount Olympus for fear of discovery. There was a teenager living in the village in around 1450 called Henry Taylor. One day he came across a weak point in the shield around Olympus, his presence created a sort of rift between the two worlds. He should have been blasted to smithereens but for some reason ,still unknown to this day, he survived. He wandered through the gardens of Olympus whenever he could, soaking up more and more magic until one day he was found by Zeus. Obviously Zeus was furious and he attempted to vanquish Henry but by a remarkable feat he survived. It seemed that Henry had soaked up so much power that he was more powerful than Zeus himself. In return for Henry never to return to Mount Olympus Zeus gave Henry one wish. Henry made Zeus give every man, women and child magic. So Zeus did so, over the years the town of Salem flourished with Henry's gift. Henry's family most of all with his already powerful Druid ancestry awakened by the new Salem powers, he gained extraordinary powers. One of these was the ability to call upon the Gods.  He developed a specific attachment to Artemis and Athena. Athena taught Henry all she knew and carried on doing so until Henry met the love of his life, Maria Peters.  After years of not talking to Athena or Artemis he went to them for help. He was afraid of the newcomers on the outskirts of town and he wanted to save his youngest child and send him to England, in case their family line died out in America. Athena refused to help him after being deserted but Artemis was compassionate and she agreed to help. She placed the youngest child-named Henry after his father- in the royal English blood-line.  Along with Henry a few magical families sent branches of their family to different parts of the world, although only those who taught the magic to their descendants kept the magic going.These families are called originals. Anyway, the son became Henry VII of England and as he grew up he changed his name from Henry Taylor to Henry Tudor to escape detection as a witch. He married Elizabeth of York to make peace between the two English realms and they had several children. Although ironically the only child to inherit the magical gene was his second eldest son Henry. When his brother died Henry became King of England and obviously you know the story from there. Henry married three original witches, Jane Seymour, Kathrine Havisham and Anne Boland..."

"You mean Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard!?" I butted in, he smiled at me, 

"Society my dear is a funny thing. Names get changed, appearances altered, inventions hidden but there's always someone who knows the truth."  His words chilled me to the bone, 'there's always someone who knows the truth'.  

"Anyway, there were three children born amongst the three women. Two by Anne and one by Jane. Of course, Edward died before he could gain his power but Elizabeth and William flourished." I was about to protest but I remembered what the man said earlier and I kept my mouth shut. "They were both children of a Druid and an Original but William moved to America when Elizabeth was crowned Queen: it crushed him. William lived happy and dandy and started to introduce the normal way of magical life back into Salem until the mid 1500's. Elizabeth was angry at William for leaving her alone to deal with Mary and her father so she sent a priest to eradicate his new 'society'. They weren't the Salem trials we think of today but they did happen. Fortunately Salem overcame the attack but this only made Elizabeth angrier. She attempted to kill her bother in 1603 but in the process turned them both her and her brother so evil Zeus had to step in. He killed them both and Salem did not grieve. Since then the original families have never pro-created with each other for fear of making another Elizabeth. That was until a Taylor got wiff of what powers another Elizabeth would hold, and well, here you are. Trouble once more" I looked up at him and this time it was my turn to scowl. 

"Are you calling me trouble?" the man smirked, 

"In short, yes" I nearly lunged for his throat, 

"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME! How can you judge?" 

"Oh I know you better than you think my love" his voice was calm and steady, "Elizabeth Taylor" he continued, his voice beginning to crack, "...was a bloodthirsty, devilish woman who did nothing but evil. She used Dark Magic to manipulate people, she played with voodoo, she even ended up killing her own sister! She was beautiful, yes, she was incredibly intelligent, yes but she was trouble. You're the only child to be a Salem-Druid in 400 years, you can't think that no-one would suspect! The Gods have kept a close eye on you and so far are pleased but I, Miss Taylor, am not convinced!" Then I saw it, the pain in his eyes, the pure hatred for my ancestor. Then I remembered the likeness, the tanned skin, green eyes, dark hair. 

"Robert Dudley" I said under my breath 

"What did you just say?" hissed the man. 

"Robert Dudley" I repeated a bit louder, "I thought I recognised you! It makes sense now,why you cannot trust me! You loved her didn't you, but she wouldn't marry you! Your pride was hurt"  A laugh exploded from my stomach which was a step too far. Dudley rushed towards me and clasped his hands around my neck and pinned me down on the  sofa. I could feel his fingernails digging into my neck and my vision was going cloudy around the edges. This is twice in a two days someone had tried to strangle me, I would have laughed again if my life wasn't in the balance. I raised my weak, shaking arms and pushed out. I felt all the weight release from my neck and a crunch of wood. I laid back looking at the ceiling, just for a minute. When I sat up Callum was edging towards me, his hands out, Mrs Havisham had her hands over her mouth staring at me like I'd killed him. The girl was bent over Dudley, her hand on his chest. 

"WHAT!?" I shouted. 

Suddenly my mother burst through the doors, Damon by her side. Seeing me she came to a halt her face taking the same expression as Mrs Havisham. I stood up and caught sight of my reflection in the window. My eyes were bloodshot and it looked like I'd smudged deep black eye-shadow all over my eyes but when you looked close you could see it was veins that stood out, dark red, and decorated my face like red lace.  I gasped and fell to the floor, my head in my hands, sobbing uncontrollably. No adult came too me, not even my mother, it was Callum who placed his arm around me and pulled me into his chest. Rocking me backwards and forwards, he mumbled into my hair. 

"Calm down Jess, think of Angelina, of Ryan. They need us to be strong. 

"What am I!?" I sobbed into his shirt. 

"I don't know Jess, I don't know"

Callum took me up to my room and laid me down on my bed. He was going to stay until I was asleep but I knew that in the state I was in sleep ,and with it relief, wasn't coming any time soon. I shooed him away and lay my head back on the pillow. I looked up at the white plaster ceiling that was just over 13 foot above me. The intricate details were hard to follow and they made me feel more fatigued and annoyed. I heard the click of the door as Damon slipped into the room. I was aching and tired so the arrival of Damon was not welcome. I flicked the hair away from my face and placed my hand on my forehead to feel my temperature. My forehead was cold and clammy yet I was burning up inside, my joints were aching and every time I blinked it felt like I had lead weights attached to my eyelids. 

"Are you okay?" Damon said, concern lacing his voice. It felt weird to imagine him as any sort of father figure. He was so stern and serious the thought of a laugh or care coming from him seemed a million miles away. 

"S'pose" I mumbled, "Wonder how I'm supposed to feel when I find out I'm a frickin priestess" Damon snorted, amused. I felt him sit on the end of the bed, 

"You know you're not alone right?" Then I snorted, 

"How can you say that!? Callum's doing this for Angelina, my mother for the book, you for my mother and I've got no idea why Mrs. Havisham cares!?" Damon smiled sympathetically at me, 

"You honestly believe you're alone don't you!? I may love your mother but I love you to. You are the closest thing to a child I've ever had and all of a sudden I care about you just as much!" 

All my past annoyances and worries with Damon were still there but an overwhelming sense of trust had taken over me. I could trust him, that to me is more important than liking him. I smiled and nodded at Damon. For a minute I thought he was going to cry but instead he coughed and said, "Look, about this book..." I furrowed my eyebrows, 

"Why does my mother want it so much?" 

"It's the only thing that connects her to your father. Of course there's you but she doesn't see you as a possession. I think she wants to be reminded of all the good bits of your father without getting so close she gets hurt again."

"What was even so bad about him?" 

"Well on the outside you're father is a happy, charming, kind young man  but when you get below the surface there's only darkness. Every Taylor has it, the downside of their Druid heritage" 

"That thing that happened to me in the library, is that my inner darkness?" 

"Quite possibly but I didn't think you'd even started to bloom so early" I threw Damon a confused look, "You haven't been told have you?" 

"Haven't been told what! Ugh! I'm so fed up with all the secrets and the lies! Just tell me the truth!" I cried, Damon clasped my hand, 

"It's not your mothers fault you know? Or Dianna's, Mr Addams should have told you in your history, I think that's the lesson he teaches?" 

"Damon, Mr Addams has been away for our last History lesson..." 

"No...he wasn't, just an hour before your class started he was with Dianna, they  were with me to ask whether he should carry on with the subject of the Original families..." I was starting to get worried now, 

"But we had a substitute teacher, Mr..." Then I remembered his name, the likeness we shared, the way he reacted when I told him my second name, "Taylor" 

Damon's mouth hung open, he grabbed my arms and shook my violently, "His name! What were his initials! 'G' OR 'M'!?" I winced, he was really hurting me. 

"It wasn't my father" I replied, Damon dropped his hands and began to wring them together, 

"George" his voice faltered slightly, "It's...Surely, it's not possible?" He got up and made his way to the door, mumbling to himself. I was beginning to get really scared: Damon's face held pure terror. I jumped up and grabbed the back of his crisp white shirt, my heart was in my throat and my eyes were stinging. 

"WHO'S GEORGE!?" I cried, Damon whirled around, 

"George...George is your twin brother" I slowly relaxed as the news sunk in, a brother? Why could I not remember him? Why didn't I have any memories of him! Surely I should? I shook my head and sat down on the edge of Ryan's bed. Damon went to sit beside me but I waved my hand, 

"Just, just go will you?"  Damon nodded and flitted out the room. It was so quiet without the sound of his anxious voice and beating heart. I flopped back onto Ryan's bed and once again looked up at the ceiling. I grasped the sheets in my hands and pulled the covers over me. I laid in Ryan's bed in the darkness and inhaled his scent. It was a mixture of aftershave and the orange conditioner he put in his hair. He lingered over everything I touched, saw and felt. I missed him so much and every part of my body longed for me. My heart ached as I thought of his big strong arms that encased me from the crimes of the world. I wanted him back so much, I wanted my love back. Then a big, warm tear trickled down my cheek and onto the bed beside me. Then more followed. Soon a river was pouring out of my eyes, all the sadness from my heart and from my mind poured out until the sheets were transparent with tears. I covered my face with my hands and tried to muffle my anguished cries. It was no use, how could I stop the tear from coming out when the source of them was still so strong. I needed to cry it out. It would make me strong, make me determined. 

No one disturbed me that night, I laid awake listening to the soft sounds of sleeping, I wondered why no body came to check on me but then I thought maybe they knew that I needed alone time. That I needed to just be with myself and- in my heart- Ryan. It's funny how I'd only known these people for a few weeks and they were already more my family than my own mother. I swung my feet out of the bed and padded over to Callum, I shook him slightly but it was enough to wake him. He turned over, sleepy, and seeing me pulled me in next to him and enveloped me in a hug. It was so strong I thought he might break me but I didn't protest. His shaking shoulders gave his sadness away, I let him hug me, feel comfort, feel a warm body next to his own. Even if I wasn't Angelina all he needed was comfort and right now, I could give it to him. 

I woke up the next morning on my own, in my own bed. I sat up and looked around me confused, I could have sworn I slept next to Callum? I shook my head dismissing the thought, I slammed back down onto the bed looking up at the ceiling. I closed my eyes and let my mind drift away. I saw myself sitting on the floor of a living room, a teddy in my hand. I was staring at the fire-place when a little boy's face came right up close to mine. He had curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes and he was wearing the cutest set of pyjamas. I laughed and shoved the little boy out of my face, 

"George" my younger self giggled, "Go away! I'll tell mum!" I whined jokingly. George blew a raspberry at me and sat down next to me. He nudged me with his elbow, 

"Hey Jessie..." he drawled, 

"Yes Georgie" 

"Do you love Daddy?" 

"Of course!" I cried looking at him with utter shock plastered on my face, "Don't you!?"

George's face crumpled into a thoughtful grimace, "I suppose, it's just, he's not very nice to me Jessie" 

"What do you mean Georgie? What's he done!" 

"He scares me Jessie, he really scares me!" George whimpered. I put my arm around him and drew him close to me stroking his soft blonde curls. 

"You and me Georgie, just you and me" 

I opened my eyes and shot back into real time. My heart was racing and my eyes stung, I did remember George! I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom, I looked into the mirror and sighed, I looked so tired! I got dressed into some leggings and my favourite blue flowery top and put my hair into a ponytail. I walked through the corridors passing several whispering and pointing students who were trying to avoid my eye. I slammed through Mrs Havishams door and into her office. I slumped into the armchair in front of her desk. 

"Well good morning to you to" Mrs Havisham said laughing, "What's wrong?" she added a little more concerned. 

"George, I remember him" I mumbled, Mrs Havisham's face took on a whole new level of concern, it sort of made me smile to think she was attempting to beat her previous level. I shrugged, "It's not a big deal, I just needed a warm place"

"I understand. You know classes are on, if you want to keep your mind off of things? It might be a good distraction?" I shook my head and played with my nails, 

"Did you know George, Miss?" 

"I did. He was a very sweet, kind boy but then he grew up to be a little strange. He was always afraid of your father and whatever he said went. You see as George was a few hours older than you and he really did not like your father so he went with your mother when she moved away and when she went back to save you and you weren't there she fell into the biggest lapse of depression I'd ever seen. Your brother didn't know what to do; he went to your father. I remember when he told me his decision, he was shaking all over and his brow was sweating. Although he was the eldest you were always the one who stood up to your father, you have more of your father in you than is comfortable. Anyway, your brother went to your father and for some reason he never came back. I suspect your father poisoned his mind against you and your mother. He's nothing but a shell filled with poisonous gas and hateful words is that's the case" 

"So it's possible George is the one trying to hurt me?" 

"No, I wish it was that easy. Your father wants to hurt everyone so he's using George to hurt you in order to hurt your mother and George." I furrowed my eyebrows and closed my eyes as I let the pain wash over me. I thought of the brother I never really knew and how I'd give anything to hug him again and tell him everything was going to be okay. "Look, tonight you need to meet me and everyone else in the library, Callum's already been told and your mother is...willing to co-operate."

"Willing? She isn't still mad at me is she?"

"Oh no Jessica, she's scared to death of you" 

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