New Dawn

By beelieveinlove

78.8K 821 383

Mare goes back to Norta months after the events of War Storm, along with Evangeline, Elane, and Farley. This... More

Epilogue: Evangeline


1.5K 25 25
By beelieveinlove

The ceremony feels like a dream. I feel as though I've awoken from the best dream I have ever had, and though I can't remember everything, I remember the joy, the love. So much love.

I squeeze Cal's hand as we watch Evangeline stand and tap her glass.

"Ahem, ahem. Friends, family, wedding crashers." She smirks and shoots a grin at Kilorn who narrows her eyes at him from Cal's other side. "Thank you for being here tonight. For coming out here to celebrate a couple I know is near and dear to our hearts, Kilorn and Cal."

Everyone in the room laughs, myself included, Cal and Kilorn grab hands and lean in as if they're going to kiss. I cackle with laughter, hearing everyone around us laugh along. I never thought I'd laugh like this again.

"Whoops sorry Freudian slip, my bad." Eve says, cracking a smile and winking at Cal. "Thank you all for coming today to witness the marriage of a couple that literally destroyed an entire countries system of government, and then rebuilt it just so they could do what bison do."

People clap, I hear whoops and cheers. And I feel my cheeks flush. Farley and Davidson are laughing so hard I'm worried they may burst. Not that they don't deserve it.

"And because of that, there's not much I can say besides, you are the best friends that I have ever had, and I am so happy that I'm at your wedding not as the bride, but as matron of honor."

We share a smile and I squeeze her hand

"So here's to you, and to the future that you represent. I wish only the best to the both of you, and I can't wait to watch you walk the path of life."

The crowd cheers again.

"To Mare and Cal!" She calls, raising her glass.

"To Mare and Cal!" Everyone echos, their glasses clinking.

All of dinner is a happy blur of talking, laughing, and drinking. When we are finished we move to the dance floor. I hear a familiar beat playing and Cal pulls me onto the dance floor.

We move together in the most perfect unison two people can be in. He glides and I follow, for once not worried about stepping on his toes. I keep my eyes locked on his, never wanting to break the stars. He has such beautiful eyes.

I rest my head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. I try to hold in my tears, but I cannot. They wet his jacket and I can't help but shake silently.

He takes my chin gently in his hand.

"Is everything alright?" His eyes are all concern.

I smile at him, wider than I ever have before.

"Everything's perfect, Cal." I say, pushing a curl of dark hair from his eyes. "It's more than perfect."

He kisses me gently as the final chord of our song plays and I wrap my arms around him.

People cheer and swarm the dance floor as more upbeat music begins. People smile and come up to us offering congratulations.

I hug more people and shake more hands than I think I ever have by the end of the night. But I don't mind.

As Cal and I make our way up to our room that night I cannot stop smiling. I am exhausted, and my feet hurt even though I kicked off my shoes half way though the night. But it was the most beautiful night of my life.

As we make our way down the hall towards our new permanent chambers, I feel his hand on the small of my back. I smile up at him until suddenly he's swept me off my feet.

I laugh and squirm in his arms,

"Cal what are you doing?"

He smiles, and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"We're crossing the bridal threshold, I have to pick you up. It's tradition."

I chuckle, but kiss his cheek anyway, content to be held in his warm arms forever. He opens the door and I gasp.

"Oh, Cal..." I say, my eyes widening.

All in the room are flowers of red flame and purple, beautiful carnations, roses, and daisies.

He crosses the threshold and pauses in the entryway.

"Welcome home, Mrs. Calore" he says, planting a kiss on my lips.

I break the kiss with a laugh.

"Don't be ridiculous, Mr Barrow."

Now it is his turn to laugh. I watch as his shoulder shake, and I feel the laugh reverberating in his broad chest.

"A middle ground then." He says with a smile, brushing the hair from my eyes.

I nod and rest my head against his chest. Mrs. Calore my foot.

"Barrow-Calore has a nice ring to it." I say, looking up at him.

A crooked grin splits his face.

"It's perfect."

Then he carries me into the bedroom and lays me on the bed, twirling a piece of my hair between his thumb and index finger as he collapses next to me. I smile at him, and run my fingers down his chest, and then through his hair.

He pulls me closer, closer.

"I love you, Mrs. Barrow-Calore" he says as he begins to kiss down my neck.

"I love you more." I breath, pulling him closer still.

I have never meant it more than right now.

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