Can You Save Me? [Complete]

By FanaticOfStuff

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In this alternative universe, Midoriya Izuku has become a villain. He no longer fights for justice but for re... More

Deku's Childhood
Chapter 1: A Normal Day...Kinda
Chapter 2: A Big Bully
Chapter 3: A Rocket
Author's Note
Chapter 4: Quirk-less?
Chapter 5: Ahhhhhh
Chapter Six: All Might
Chapter Seven: Coming Clean
Chapter Eight: Entrance Exam
Chapter Nine: Trouble
Chapter Ten: Reconcile
Chapter Eleven: Talking
Chapter Twelwe:
Author's Note
Chapter Thirteen: Disaster Upon Disaster
Chapter Fourteen: First Day
Chapter Fifteen: Rescue Mission
Chapter Sixteen: Villains
Chapter Seventeen: Nomu
Chapter Eighteen: Ka-Chan & Deku (Warning of Romantic Stuff)
Chapter Ninteen: Sports Festival
Chapter Twenty: Let the Games Begin
Chapter Twenty-One: Strategy
My readers are the best!!!! (Author's Note)
Chapter Twenty-Two:Cavalry Battle
Chapter Twenty-Three: Lunch Time Tensions
Chater Twenty-Four: Videos Galore
Chapter Twenty-Five: Friends
Chapter Twenty-Six: Secret's Out
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Family Day
Chapter Twenty-Eight:
Chapter Thirty: Kidnapping
Chapter Thirty-One: Three Way
Chapter Thirty-Two: Punishment
Chapter Thirty-Three: Smut
Chapter Thirty-Four: Bad Luck
Chapter Thirty-Five: Death is Inevitable
Chapter Thirty-Six:
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Its Over

Chapter Twenty-Nine: First Day at Camp

620 29 7
By FanaticOfStuff


     DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Everything should just die, except for my handsome as fuck boyfriend. Wait what? OH MY GOD!!! He cute little head is on my shoulder!!!! Maybe, I should just rest too. Yeah, I'll just put my head on his and rest. And I fell asleep immediately.

I woke up to a buzzing in my pocket and picked up my phone. And I see this shit.

Shitty Hair:

Me: The fuck is this?!?!

Shitty Hair: Uhhh, hell does it look like?

Half and Half: You and your boyfriend 😏

Zappy; BWAHAHAHAHA! Blackmail Bakubro!

Grape Boi: That's honestly cute....

Me: Y'all need to delete that shit.

Baby: What's going on here..?

Me: Why you up?

Baby: I was sleeping peacefully, until y'all went crazy in the group chat.

Me: Sorry for disturbing your shleep baby.

Baby: I ain't complaining, but that's so sweet.

Me: Thanks. 😘

Shitty Hair: The hell did I just witness..?

Boring Tape: I don't know dude.

Zappy: GUYS!! We found his weakness.

Shitty Hair: Mwahahahanaha

Me: What the fuck is wrong with y'all?

Bubbly Bitch (probably has a crush on my Deku): OMG YOU GUYS!!

Speedy: What is it?

Bubbly Bitch (probably has a crush on my Deku): Imagine What we can do with this information....

Baby: Y'all better not fucking touch my Cupcake or you can all DIEEEEEEEEEEEE

Grape Boi: What was that Midoriya?

Invisible Girl: I think they are turning into each other.

Speedy: Ah yes, I've heard about this. Some couples morf into each other.

Zappy: You don't think...

Pinky: That Bakubro will get freckles and Midoriya-Kun will get spiky blond hair...?

Baby: I wonder what that would look like...


Loser Shadow: You guys should probably let this go.

Me: Thank you loser shadow.

Loser Shadow: The hell did you call me?!

Me: ....

Loser Shadow: I totally take that back.

Me: You and your nicknames Ka-Chan.

Froggy: Kiru.

Headphones: Yo guys, why don't we talk face to face rather than text?

Creating: You are absolutely right!

Tails: You guys really get lit in the chat.

Invisible Girl: How are we lit?

Tails: IDK, just seems like it.

I sighed quite audibly and put my phone away. I looked down at my tiny puppy-like boyfriend, reading something on his phone. He rested his head on my chest and started deeply into his phone, the light illuminated his eyes and made them even sparklier than usual. He had slightly furrowed his brows and wrinkled is nose. His freckles were also lit up by the light and he looked absolutely gorgeous. I bit my lip, trying not to attack him right then and there. I continued to stare at him and he stared at his phone, all the way to our destination.

"ALRIGHT BITCHES GET YO LAZY ASSES OUT OF MY GOD DAMN BUS AND USE THEM LEGS!!" I heard Aizawa-Sensei say. Okay, he didn't ACTUALLY say it, but I could read his thoughts. Yup, totally what he was thinking. He dumped us off at a random clearing in the woods are proceeded to drive away. We were expected to get to the camp and then make dinner for ourselves, to top it all off the camp was in a valley, and we were at the base of the monstrous mountain.

"How the hell do we get up there..?" A dazed Shitty Hair asked.

"USE THEM LEGS BOI!" Pinky screamed.

"For the first time, I actually agree with something you said." I said with fake admiration.

"Ass." She muttered.

"The hell you just say?!" I screamed and balled my fists.

"Calm down, Bakubro. She just kidding." Shitty Hair said while putting an arm in front of me.

"Yeah whatever." I mumbled and started walking away.

I wanted to be alone for a little while, I couldn't handle the presence of people anymore, even Deku! So I walked to the camp, by myself and did everything by myself for the rest of the day. It was great until night, we were doing partner activities and I was forced to team up with the half-and-half Bastard. My life sucks.

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