A Trickster's Euphoria | Loki...

By nxjwaazmxn

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"Lia, I have always given you what you wanted. This is the first time I want something from you. Can't you ju... More

Chapter 1 : I am a Stark anyway
Chapter 2 : Loki broke my windshield
Chapter 3 : Keep on dreaming, Loki
Chapter 4 : It's literally the same, Lia
Chapter 5 : Toodles
Chapter 6 : Tony, I'm not ready to have a child
Chapter 7 : Whoosh
Chapter 8 : Trickster and Joker
Chapter 9 : Don't bullshit me
Chapter 10 : It's called food.
Chapter 11 : Shopping with Loki
Chapter 12 : If you hadn't, I would've died
Chapter 14 : Ice cream
Chapter 15 : New friend
Chapter 16 : Hurt
Chapter 17 : Hospital
Chapter 18 : Discharged
Chapter 19 : What A Night
Chapter 20 - Look Closer, You'll Know Better
Chapter 21 - The Truth (1/3)
Chapter 21 - The Truth (2/3)
Chapter 21 - The Truth (3/3)
Chapter 22 - There will be no other guy
Chapter 23 - With Pleasure
Chapter 24 - What's the Plan?
Chapter 25 - I'm sure
Chapter 26 - Better Than Ever
Chapter 27 - Surprise!
Chapter 28 - Euphoria
Epilogue: Part 2
Author's Note

Chapter 13 : New Phone, Who this?

420 21 1
By nxjwaazmxn

  I sat down on the sofa, tapping my feet. It has been fifteen minutes and what I fear most what going back into the glass dungeon and getting Lia caught. After what she had done for me, she doesn't deserve any of those. I would be at fault.

  Why was I such an idiot to burst it out on her?

  One side of me told me that I had no purpose to feel guilty but the other told me the opposite. My heart was following the latter.

  Raiden and Jean had come in from the entrance and I could feel the tensed atmosphere the moment they stepped in. The door was slammed open and heavy footsteps were marching towards me.

  "I'm going to count to three and you better tell me what you did to Lia because it has been so long since I heard that tone of hers."

  I stood up and turned to him. He had a wooden thick stick in his hands and Jean stood in front of him, holding him back.

  "Raiden. Chill. We can settle this without having to get into a fight."

  "Fine. We'll do it her way," he said, dropping the stick. "Explain."

*Lia's Pov*

  "Hey, Maria! You got the gift?"

  "Of course I did. It's beautiful and I love it."

  "Glad to hear that, Mamacita. Sorry I didn't attend your party and sorry I didn't give it to you personally... I would've but—"

  "I know Lia. I've heard what happened yesterday. Are you okay?"

  "Oh, gee. I'm fine. Don't worry about it. I'll come to work in two days. Any documents, send through e-mail."

  "I'll tell that to Fury. Don't worry."

  I thanked her and we both went off. I bought a new phone after handing the gift to one of the S.H.I.E.L.D staffs. My sim card was in except all the numbers were gone. I'll figure it out. I can never live a week without all my best friends and partners bothering me.

  I looked out at the amazing view as I leaned against my car windshield. I was sitting on the hood. With a cigarette in my mouth, I puffed out the cloudy smoke and blew it out, disappearing into the air. The box on one corner and the lighter on another. Playing music out loud from my car, it was an absolute blast.

  I hummed to the music whilst taking another puff from my second stick. It was a peace that I hardly could find. I looked up in the bright sun with my shades on. It was a beautiful sight. A beautiful moment. To be sitting down on top of my car and watching the sky while smoking on a cigarette. It's like I'm living in a movie.

  In an action or a drama film. Like the movie, "Wayne's World" or "Storage 24". Except for those movies, they are accompanied by people. Whereas I, I am accompanied by my pack of cigarettes, car and music sung by amazing artists. I have it all to myself without anyone bothering me. But it's always these peaceful and quiet moments where someone will come in to interrupt.

  Speak of the devil.

  I heard a loud noise coming from behind and I exactly knew who it was. I chose to ignore and continued to do what I was doing.

"There you are. And I thought you went missing."

  I continued singing as I took another puff from the half-finished cigarette stick.

  "Lia— Hold up. Is that a cigarette I see?! You're smoking? Aurelia Rose Stark, get down and come here."

  Once again, he is back. Not attempting to say sorry or at least comfort me. He came back to lecture and nag back at me. If he thinks that I will be cool after what he had said to me, he has to know that my boiler has broken the scale. Especially when Loki added more heat to it.

  "New phone, who this?" I said after inhaling another puff from it.

  I was surprised that I wasn't coughing. It had been 2 years since I last smoked a cigarette. I can say that I adapt fast. I could adapt to the changes incredibly fast that even I amaze myself.

  "Lia, come on."

  I ignored him. The feet of his suit landed on the ground with a thud. He removed the suit but I barely cared about his well being here.

  "Lia, I know you can hear me," he said. I growled and took my last puff from the stick before flicking it away. I slid down from the hood and turned to face him. "Lia, listen—"

  "What if I don't want to listen, huh?" I cut him off. "I don't have any purpose to listen to what you're gonna say. Like what? You're still not done about yesterday? You still got something more to say?"

  "No, Lia—"

  "Even if you don't, I don't even want to hear whatever you want. I have heard enough from you. How much I was a burden to people and how much of a slut my mother was. You can talk shit about me and I won't do a thing but if it's about my mother, then I will. I don't want to see you, Tony. I don't feel the worth to even look at you."

  "Alright then don't look at me. "

  "I'm not."

  "Good because I know I've hurt you. I know I've embarrassed you and said things I shouldn't have. I was worried and angry. I definitely wasn't thinking straight."

  "That's what people say but it sounds weird for the Iron-man to say it, wouldn't it?" I snickered as I turned around to take my pack of cigarettes and lighter. "Because the Iron-man is always telling the truth. The guy that everyone loves."

  "That's my father, alright. And besides, I admit. I admit that those words that I said yesterday were true, okay? But those thoughts were long gone. Those thoughts were only real when you were brought in to me," He said.


  "Remember the first few weeks that your father passed? I was cold and calculating. I never cared for you, I never showed any love for you. I was like my dad. But things changed. You made me develop these love and caring actions towards you. You're like my daughter and right now, you're my everything. It doesn't matter if you hate me. Just as long as you won't leave me. I love you, Lia and I am deeply sorry. I am sorry for everything that I've done and I'm sorry for whatever I have said to you. Not call it even? That's fine. Just don't go missing and stay with me."

  I turned around to look at him, slipping in my pack into my back pocket. "You know Tony, I didn't need you to make a huge impromptu speech on me. All I needed to hear was "sorry". That's it," I said. "And you and I know that we both can't live without each other. I was just disappointed that it took you a day to come and meet me to apologise. Because the Tony I know would've apologised immediately. I mean that's how we roll." 

  "I know. I'm sorry... So are we cool now?" he asked whilst looking down.

  "We're only cool after you get me ice cream," I replied, giggling.

  "Thank god. I have made too many promises on you," he joked. I know deep down he wasn't joking. I'm not bragging but I know many wanted me safe. It wasn't only my parents but also others like my teachers and principal. I can say that school certainly did not go well for me. It was terrible. Never will I step in there again. "Let's go get ice cream."

  I smiled and opened the door to my car as he disassembled his suit into a case. He carried it to my car. Soon after, his phone started ringing. He answered it and I paused at the door, watching him talk.

  "At this time? Seriously?"

  He apologised, turning away from me to talk on the phone. I sighed and I definitely knew what my fate today going to be. With Loki disappearing into "thin air", the Avengers would be busy. The call ended and he turned around to face me. His expression was exactly what I expected. I grinned, letting him say what he needed.

  "That's okay. We can do it next time. Let's just go. I'll send you there."

  We both went in the car with no hesitation and I drove off to S.H.I.E.L.D. I let the radio break the silence and soon after, Tony started a conversation with me. Talking about what I did for the week off. I had to lie a lot. I say we watched a whole lot of throwback movies and did some shopping. Just some regular human things. I was only given ten minutes to have a nice talk with him before he had to drop-off.

  "Good luck in the meeting."

  "Where will you be going?"

  "Home. Where do you think I'd go? Besides, you can always find me," I smiled and waved before driving off to my house.

  I parked the car and went up to my apartment. I opened the door and stepped in to see Jean holding on to Raiden who was trying to attack Loki who was quietly sitting down, watching the TV. As expected, Loki gave no shit about Raiden trying to kill him. Raiden is probably trying to kill him because of his remarks. I would have done the same. Looking at the scene, it seemed like a moment that Raiden would find memorable. Jean touching him, practically hugging him.

  I took out my brand new phone and snapped a picture. Realising that it was getting boring, I decided to put an end to the shouting.

  "Alright. Stop it. Wanna fight? Definitely not in my house," I slapped my hands together as I walked up to them. I purposely pushed Jean towards Raiden, making her fully hug him. I landed down on the sofa, sitting closely; a little too close, to Loki. He was uncomfortable and I could feel it, although it was more to confused because I wasn't doing anything to get away from him.

  The act I did on Jean, it certainly melted Raiden because he stopped and sat down on the sofa. I asked Raiden to pass me water but he didn't budge. Instead, Jean went ahead to get me water. I took in a pill and swallowed it whole soon after Jean gave me the glass of water.

  "I believe it is time for Raiden and I to ciao now," Jean said, grabbing Raiden's arm and dragging him out. "Let's go."

  I thanked them both, especially Jean because she had to deal with Raiden and Loki's bickering.  I assume it was worse than mine and Tony's argument. They scoot off and I quietly wished Raiden luck. I hope one day, he will confess. He needs to because Jean is going to get a man sooner or later.

  I closed the front door and the tension had risen up. If the tension was a source of vibration, there would have been an earthquake occurring. I   turned around and walked over to my room.


  It had already turned to night. I have been in my room since the moment I stepped in here. I was making myself busy by cleaning up the mess in my room. I needed to at least spend my time wisely.

  Maybe I'll talk to him tomorrow.

  At the moment, I have been sitting down on my bed and reading my book. It was the first novel that my father had gotten me. Truthfully, the novel was from my mother. He wanted me to believe that he bought it but she secretly left a note inside of it. Honestly, it was more of a letter that she kept hidden inside the book.

To my little brave Rose,
I may not be with you when you age to grow up and I apologise for it. I have to go and believe me, it is for the good reasons. You will know sooner or later. You have met me, my child. You may not have to vision of it but someone will. Now, I am handing this book over to you. This book has been passed down from generations to generations and I hope you will keep it in the best condition. With this around, always know that I am always with you. Do not tell anyone about any of this because I believe you and I can keep our first little secret. You are only given permission to the person who you trust most. Who you think is worth to be told. I will have to go now... Take good care, my child. I love you, Aurelia Rose Stark.
- Rosalina T.

  I smiled before turning back to the page which I left off. Then I heard a knock on my bedroom door. My eyes drifted to the knock and it slowly opened, revealing Loki.

  "Do you mind if I come in?"

  "Yes, I do actually," I teased.

  His eyes saddened and intended to close the door when I stopped him.

  "I was joking. Come on in," I chuckled as I closed the book.

  I kept it by my side as I watched him make his way to me. I assured him that he could sit on the bed and he gently sat down. He stayed silent and I sat there in my spot, waiting for what he was going to say. He was thinking. Looking around, his eyes were moving everywhere.

  My right hand reached behind the pillow I was leaning on and I felt a hard item. After knowing that it was the thing I was searching for, I got a hold of it. Tightly gripping on it.

  A handgun.

  Although the way he approached me and the way acted towards me was polite and gentle and very unlikely for a villain, I can never let my guards down. It was too risky. In fact, being in the same room with him is a risk.

  I was acting natural. Didn't want to alarm him with what my other hand was doing.

  "What I said earlier on in the morning, I apologise for my outburst. For my disrespectful act of mine," he started.

  I let out a soft sigh of relief. I looked at him and his eyes drifted to my right arm that seemed to be missing. I immediately let go of the gun and pull out my arm.

  "My back had an itch," I lied, smiling.

  He snickered and looked at me in the eyes. "I know you're afraid that I might attempt to hurt you. Don't lie to me."

  "I admit. I am afraid. If I were to ask whether you'll hurt me, the answer could either be a truth or a lie. So I rather not ask."

  "I won't hurt you. For what you have done for me? For you risking yourself to get me out from the glass dungeon? I will not hurt you. I-I know I am a monster but—"

  "Woah, back up. Calm down, Loki. You're not a monster. People may think you are but you're not. You haven't hurt me or killed anyone recently. If you were a monster, you would've dropped dead on the floor," I laughed.

  "I am sorry for my harsh words in the morning. I was infuriated with things that I shouldn't bother about."

  "It was my fault anyway. I talked about Odin."

  "No, it isn't. I was being too sensitive about it."

  "There must be a reason to why you're sensitive about it. If you're comfortable to tell me with no lies, I will gladly listen," I smiled. "Come on. Sit here. Maybe with me directly looking at you would make you a little pressured."

  I pat the space beside me, smiling. I removed the book and placed it on my side table. He reluctantly made his way beside me and leaned against the headboard. He started with an exhale and I had my full attention on him.

  He began pouring out his story. From when he was young until now. Talking about when he first learned magic with Frigga's help. How close his bond with his brother was. He talked more about Frigga than Odin. He wasn't treated right. Odin was biased. Thor was in the spotlight while Loki was kept in the shadows. In fact, he was only used to bring the two worlds together. Now that Laufey; his biological father is dead, he became king and Odin no longer found the use of Loki.

  It hurts to know that he had to find out who he was on his own. I don't blame him for what he had done. I would have done the same.

  What I found weird was he did not mention anything about the New York Attack. It was more like he refused to. He had a pause while telling his story. There must be something to it.

  Could it be something good? If it is and If I am able to get it out from him, I might be able to prove his innocence.

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