I have a child?! {z.m}

By _beaniezayn

708K 15.1K 6.6K

It was all a mystery until they were reunited. He disappeared and she made up lies. She was pregnant and he h... More

I have a child?! -Zayn Malik
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 44

6.5K 164 38
By _beaniezayn




Zayn's POV:

We've been in London for a few days now. I've missed it here and I'm super excited to be touring again. There's something about it that just makes the atmosphere cheerful and happy.

Our first concert starts in about a half hours time and it'd be a lie to say that I wasn't nervous. We're all a bit nervous but it's usual when it's our first concert of the tour.

I'm extremely excited because my family is coming to this concert (well they're already here) and I get to hang out with them for a while after the show.

"Zayn, what are you doing?! You're supposed to be dressed already!" Caroline scolded me, walking into the dressing room where I'm sitting in basketball shorts and no shirt.

"Sorry." I said with a small smile. "I'm still a bit jet legged."

"There's no time for that! Get dressed pronto! Lou is waiting for you! The guys are already ready and look at you, slacking!" She continued to scold me, hands on her hips.

I stand up from the couch and put my hands up to surrender. "Okay, okay. Sheesh."

She waits in here as I slide my shorts off and slip on my black jeans. She's seen me in my boxers before- hell, she's our outfit stylist.

I find my red shirt and place my black jacket on over it. I give Caroline a look and she nods, approving.

As I'm walking to the door and out to go to Lou, she smacks my bum. I turn back and flash her a big smile.

"That was for being lazy." She said and I chuckle while walking down the hall. I find the room where Lou is and walk inside.

Just by standing out in this hall, I could hear the crowd in this place. They're loud, that's for sure.

"Zayn." Lou said my name aggressively. "You were meant to be here 20 minutes ago. We are behind and you've only got 10 minutes until you go on."

"I'm sorry." I smiled, finding it funny how frustrated she's gotten.

"Stop smiling and sit down, boy." She said, patting the seat where I'll be when she's doing my hair.

"Yes ma'am." I responded and sat down.

Harry and Niall are in here sitting on the couch. They both flash me smiles as my eyes fly to them.

"Always late." Harry commented.

"Always." I promised and Lou smacked me upside the head and I wince.

"You better not always be late. The stress you give me because of short amount of time makes me anxious. If you're late again, I'm gonna dye your hair completely bleached blonde while you're sleeping and you can deal with that." She said, her tone sassy. The guys chuckle.

"Sorry Lou." I apologized. "I'll try to be here earlier."

She spends the next 5 minutes quickly doing my hair in its quiff position. When she's done, she applies light hairspray and adjusts it with her fingers.

"Thank you so much, Lou." I said in a weird accent. I stood up and planned to follow Harry and Niall who've already raced out of the room. I give Lou a big kiss on the cheek. "What would I do without you?!"

She gives me an eye roll but the smile on her lips satisfies me. With that said and done, I run out of the room and join the boys as we get all our microphones set up.


"Tonight lets get some! And live while we're young!"

The crowd cheers, encouraging the guys and I to be even more excited. This concert has been amazing but it's not quite over yet.

"You're so damn beautiful! Every single one of you!" Harry shouted cheekily, his voice booming through the whole place and the crowd gets louder.

The tune of our next song plays and I walk around a little bit. I wave at some insane faces who are crying, screaming, jumping, and well, panicking. Oh you know, the norm. I smile at them.

"I figured it out, I figured it out from black and white..." Niall sang his solo so softly and hits every note perfectly.

As Niall finishes his solo, Liam goes and Harry decides to be a weirdo and dance awkwardly to the beat of Liam's voice.

I laugh at my strange mate and join him myself. The crowd goes into laughter which only makes us continue what we're doing.

Soon Liam's solo is over and it's Harry's turn. Louis and Niall join me in my weirdness and when Liam sees, he does too.

Niall lays on the ground and rolls around. I laugh a little harder.

I walk a bit down the catwalk and wave at the crowd. I would talk, but that'd be rude since Harry's singing.

I wait a bit, listening to his solo and then remember that mines next and I should prepare for it. His solo ends seconds later.

"I figured it out, saw the mistakes of up and down. Made in the middle, there's always room for common ground." I sang, putting my heart into it, knowing my family is here watching.

Soon Louis takes his solo too. And we all carry through the song until the close ending.

"You and I!" I sang my solo until I was red in the face and out of breath. I'm grateful that it was completely in tune.

The crowd cheers loudly and I smile even more. There's no better job in the world than this one. I'd take that opinion to court.


Ariana's POV:

Delaney, Lexi, and I agreed that we should get our hair done before the tour. I was already supposed to but I've decided to get it done with them.

Taylor, my hair stylist has her own shop down the street and said that she wasn't getting much business today so it's reserved just for us so no one bugs us inside. She's coming on the tour too which is amazing.

We are currently sitting inside, waiting for her to finish up some things she was doing in the back. She sent home everyone except herself and two of her best workers so they can do our hair.

"What much can be done to my hair?" Lexi asked, lifting a piece of it and throwing it in the air. "It's lifeless."

I shook my head. "No it's not. She can put some highlights in to lighten it up. I think that'd look good."

"Maybe I should do that." She said, taking it into consideration. "Yeah, I should do that."

"Taylor is has every hair color ever and products. I'm sure she'd have a color good for your highlights." I smile and she nods, suddenly looking excited.

"What are you doing to your hair?" She asked and I sat down in a chair beside her. Delaney sits down beside me but doesn't speak much.

"I wanted to darken it a little bit. This blonde tint is getting a little old so I want it to be completely carmel brown or a bit darker." I explained.

"I like it." She smiles. "What about Delaney?"

"I'm not going to change any color but she is going to get an inch off the bottom." I said and she nods.

"Sounds good." She replied just as Taylor walked out followed by two ladies.

"Ariana! How are you?" Taylor asked, enthusiasm in her voice. I stand up and hug her happily.

"I'm good! How are you?" I asked while we are pulling away. She sends me a big and wide smile.

She has brown hair and brown eyes, she's very then, and she's very pretty. She's fairly young- about 25ish.

"Great. Hello miss Delaney." She looks away from me and bends down to Delaney. Delaney puts her knees up on the chair and hides her face. "Still shy as ever."

I smile and push Delaney's knee down so she can look. "Say hi." I instructed.

"Hi." Delaney peeped, her eyes drifting away from us and to the floor.

"I feel like I've met you before but I can't recall your name." Taylor said to Lexi with a sheepish look on her face.

"It's Lexi." Lexi smiles.

I had expected Taylor to bring something up about her small and unnoticeable belly, but I forgot that she's barely showing and the shirt she's wearing is a little big.

She's going to find out soon anyways.

"That sounds familiar." Taylor said with a smile. She then points to the two ladies that are shadowing her. "This is Grace.." She points to a blonde who smiles brightly. "And this is Savannah."

She points to a brunette who waves with a smile.

"I'll take Ariana as always, Grace can take Lexi, and Savannah, you take Delaney." Taylor instructed and I followed her to a chair.

Delaney sits down next to me in another chair and Lexi sits on my other side. Lexi explains to Grace what she wants done but Delaney looks at me.

Since getting a haircut takes a few minutes only, I decided on something to make it take longer.

"Would you mind waiting a little bit before doing her hair and wash her hair whenever Taylor washes mine after she colors it and then go from there?" I asked Grace.

"Wouldn't mind at all." She smiles.

"Thank you." I smile back.

"Okay, what are you wanting done, Ariana?" Taylor asked me, playing with my hair a bit.

(A/N I know Ariana uses extensions in real life but let's pretend she doesn't and all that hair is natural ;) )

"I wanted to dye it darker. Not too dark like it was a year ago, but like I want to get rid of the blonde tint." I explained. "So like a carmel brown or a bit darker."

"All right then. This way, it'll make it look more natural because it'll be closer to the color of your eyebrows." She pointed out.

"Yep." I smile.

She places the blanket thing around me and lifts my hair so he can secure it behind my neck. She lets my hair down and turns me around to face a mirror where a desk of supplies lay.

"Let me go get the color really fast, okay?" Taylor said and I nod. She soon disappears to the back again.

I look at Delaney who's sitting crisscross applesauce in the chair where she'll getting her hair done soon. She looks down at her fingers and sighs.

"What's wrong buttercup?" I asked her and she looks up at me.

"I just miss my daddy." She said in a soft voice. "So much."

I frowned. "I know you do sweetie. We'll see him soon, I promise you." I said. "Do you want to call him on my phone right now?"

Her eyes lighten up. "Can I?"

"Yes." I smile and take my phone from my pocket. I bring it from under the blanket that will keep the hair as dye away from my body and clothes.

I dial his number and when I see that it's ringing, I hand it over and she stands up and takes it, placing it up to her ear.

"He should be able to talk because it's 11pm there and their concert should be over." I told her and she nods.

Her face breaks out into a grin. "Hi daddy!"

I smile and sort of drift off into a daydream. It only lasts a few minutes because Taylor comes back with the hair color and a few other things.

"Do you guys have a pillow or something?" Lexi asked and I look to see her making a pained face. "My back is killing me."

Grace had went back to get the dye for her hair so Savannah who's not doing anything right now brings over a small pillow that was sitting on her desk. Obviously it's from a past valentines day because it's a heart and says I love you.

"Thank you. Being pregnant is a hard knock life." Lexi said with a weak smile, taking the pillow and placing it behind her back.

"You're pregnant?" Savannah asked, her tone sort of sounding surprised.

"Yep." Lexi said.

"How far along?" Taylor asked from behind me.

"About 6 weeks." She informed her. "And since I'm going with Ariana on tour, by the end of it I'll be 5 months pregnant."

"You're going on tour too? I guess we'll get to know each other better." Taylor smiles. "Congratulations by the way."

"Thank you." Lexi said appreciatively.

Grace comes back in and she and Lexi talk and Lexi tells her about her pregnancy too. I listen to their conversations for a few minutes until I remember that my daughter is still talking to Zayn.

Taylor takes my hair out of its usual half up half down style and then gathers all my hair except one section and clips it to the top of my head.

"Yeah, mommy is getting her hair done." I heard Delaney say into the phone to Zayn. "Yeah."

I close my eyes as Taylor starts to use a paint like brush to add this new color to my hair.

"So, where all are we going these next few months? I got the list but I haven't read it yet." Taylor makes small talk.

With my eyes still shut, I responded. "We are starting in America and then we have a few dates in Europe and then a few in Canada. We might have some more in Japan but we aren't sure if we will have time to add those at the end."

"Awesome. I'm honored to be apart of this." She gushed a bit.

"Me too." I admitted.

She laughs quietly and she does section by section of my hair, folding it up with foil to keep the color there. We spend the next hour talking about the tour and how excited we are. Touring is so much fun.

I'm surprised that Delaney is still on my phone talking to Zayn. It's like midnight there now and he must be so tired from the concert.

"Okay, go sit under the hair dryer, okay? I turned it on a while ago to prepare it." Taylor instructed and I take a good look at myself in the mirror before nodding.

I look like so weird with all of this foil in my hair.

Delaney hops off the chair and follows me over to the chair with the hair dryer connected to it. I sit down and place it over my head and heat swarms around me. Delaney sits down on the chair beside me and sits crisscross applesauce again- without the hairdryer on her head.

She holds the phone to her ear and smiles just as she has for the past hour.

"Mommy is sittin' under this weird thing. She looks funny." Delaney giggles while looking at me. I flash her a smile. "Yeah. Mommy, daddy wants to talk to you."

She hands me the phone and I take it from her.

"Hey, isn't it late there?" I said through the receiver right when I placed it by my ear.

"It's a little past midnight." He said, sounding tired. "It's fine though. How's my beautiful girlfriend?"

I smile to myself. "I'm doing good. We're getting our hair done today and we leave the day after tomorrow."

"Is Delaney getting her hair done?" He asked curiously.

"Yes but she's only getting her hair washed and then a few inches off." I explained.

"Oh, yeah?" His voice is raspy like it is when he's near sleep. "I love you."

"I love you too. Why don't you go to sleep?"

"Because I like talking to my girls."

"Didn't you have a show tonight?"


"You must be so tired. Go to sleep. That's an order, Zayn."

"It's kind of hot when you act all in control."

"I'm gonna hang up so you can sleep."

"Well at least let me say goodnight to Delaney."

"Okay. I love you. Goodnight. Here she is," I hand the phone back to Delaney. "Say goodnight to daddy. He's very tired."

She nodded and spoke. "Goodnight daddy, I love you!"

She smiles and I assume he said the same back. It's not long before she hangs up the phone and hands it to me.

"Mommy, why is he going to sleep during the day?" She asked curiously.

"Well, it's night where he is. There are different sections on the world and they have different time zones so while it's afternoon here, it's night there." I explained my best.

"Doesn't make much since." She responded, shrugging.

"I know. You'll understand one day." I said.

Lexi joins me in the chair beside me and places the hair dryer over her head. I smile at her.

"How's Zayn doing?" She asked.

"Good but exhausted." I responded. "I'm about to be the same way, Lexi."

"I bet." She smiles. "Your first concert is here in LA?"

"Yep. A two night event and then we go to Arizona." I informed her.

"This is exciting." She smiles.

"It's the greatest opportunity of my life."






I'm on top of updating guys :) I'm so freaking excited to get to the second book even though it'll be a while.

It's so hard to keep in all the secrets from it guys! AHHH. I need to tell someone (but I can't)!

You guys are craaazzy.

Like I updated the last chapter and got off for t w o h o u r s and I come back with 2k+ reads and 100 more votes on the whole story AAAAAAND y'all were nearly close to hitting my chapter goals. Chillllll guys lolol. Ily thanks so much for all the support.

I'll be updating probably 2 more times before I go to my uncles house in Colorado for a week on Tuesday. Idk how much I'll update then but keep your eyes pealed because there may be a chapter or two.

Ily all. Ttyl.

-Mackenzie xoxo :)

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