Voltron: Tales of the Valkyri...

By SRSInkFeather

1.3K 8 7

After Lotor is stopped and the Earth saved, Keith finds himself alone and hunted by an unknown enemy. Unlikel... More

Hunted 1
Hunted 2
Hunted 3
Secrets 1
Secrets 2
Death 1
Death 2
Death 3
Life 1
Life 2
Life 3
Lost 1
Lost 2
Lost 3
Divided 1
Divided 2
Divided 3
United 1
United 2
United 3

Secrets 3

83 1 0
By SRSInkFeather


Keith pulled the shirt around him, tying the belt around his waist. He slipped his knife behind his back.

            Star entered the room, carrying a tray with bread and milk. "Thought you'd like some breakfast. Raven is hosting the school this morning and letting them tour the palace, so you have to stay in here."

            "No problem." He eyed the food as she set it down on the bed. Their eyes locked, Star held to the floor.

            "Something wrong?"

He pulled the knife from behind his back and held the hilt out to her. "Xana came in here last night and gave me my knife. I know Raven doesn't want me to have weapons, so I figured I'd give it to you."

She took the hilt and ran her thumb along the stone. "Why'd she come here?"

"She wanted to know where Acxa was. I didn't tell her anything."

Star kept her eye off him. "Smart move. Acxa said she wanted to avoid her mother." She paused. "She knew Xana wouldn't approve of her feelings for... someone."

Keith snickered. "Don't bother being vague. I know."

She glanced at him. "I guess the feelings are mutual?"

He grabbed the bread and leaned on the stone bed frame. "Not my type." Star rolled her eyes. "Our relationship is based on not killing each other. And I'm honestly not interested."

"Tell her that. Cause she's quite interested." They laughed a little. She looked more closely at the blade in her hands. "You looked specifically for this when we showed you your gear. Why?"

"My mom left it for me when I was little. She was an alien that had landed on Earth. She had to go back to her planet, so she left me and my father. Only thing I knew about her was that knife."

Star's hand reached toward her chest, probably where her medallion was hidden under her clothes. The silence held them in place, a connection forming between them.

She tucked the knife in her belt behind her back. "I'll take care of it for you."

He smiled slightly. "Thanks."

Star exited the room and closed the door. She paused at the silver entrance. Her medallion felt warm underneath her suit, similar to the knife now tucked behind her back. Only a reminder of the past she had told him. A story left incomplete.

She'd guarded her past from strangers because of the danger it could put her in. Keith was the first in a long time she had told. At least, told what she had desired to tell. He was trustworthy, but there was no telling how the rest of her tale would affect him. The part about the ship her father had found on their world, the one he had used to attack the Galra fleet. The one that, inevitably, changed her life for the best and worst.

"Starlight." Xana came down the hall.

"Lieutenant Starlight. What is it?"

She didn't miss a beat. "A Galra flag ship entered orbit. The commander of it has requested a meeting with Lady Raven."

"Does she know?"

"Yes. Empress Haggar is landing now." The air in the hall chilled.

"Why would she be here?"

"Learning why is your job. Lady Raven requests your presence in the throne room."

Valkyries came down the hall, spears and laser swords at the ready. Star moved quickly to the throne room, Xana on her heels.

Keith pressed his ear to the door as the running footsteps passed. The silhouette of the Galra flag ship hovered in view of his balcony. Whatever was happening, it wasn't good.

The door slid open when he pressed the panel. No one stood guard. He snuck into the hall, moving in the direction the footsteps had gone. Voices carried down the hall as he found his way to the throne room.

He hid behind the open doorway before the witch saw him. Her cloaked form stood hunched before the throne, beady eyes locked on the Valkyrie. "Quite the establishment you have here. You should be proud."

Raven's voice echoed sternly through the room. "You were invited to land on our planet. I can very quickly uninvite you, so state your business with us."

"To the point. I am here for a pilot to navigate me into the quintessence field."

"You have an army. Why do you need one of us to pilot a ship into some star system?"

The witch chuckled momentarily. "The quintessence field is a dimension of pure power. Only ships built with Altean alchemy can enter. However, my trial runs have also shown that an excellent pilot is needed to navigate into the dimension. One with the will and strength to not fold to its... powerful temptations."

"And you believe that's one of us?" Raven asked.

"I had believed my son's generals would be strong enough, but since they betrayed me, I searched for similar talent. Low and behold, they got their expert training here. Allow one of your Valkyries to pilot my ship and I will give you access to unlimited power."

Keith grew closer to the doorway, hoping to catch sight of Star or someone else. Fear arose when Xana spoke. "My lady, my research has shown that quintessence can do many things. With it, we can protect our sisters and save many more."

Star's shadow darkened his doorway. "We don't need this quintessence to protect or save our sisters. And if I may, my lady, this witch fought beside Zarkon, destroyer of civilizations and conqueror of the galaxy. Haggar cannot be trusted."

"Watch your tongue, child," the witch hissed. "I deserve the utmost respect."

"From where I stand, I see the Galra's former lap dog."

She removed her hood, blue skin changing to a gnarled tan. "I am Honerva, empress to the late Emperor Zarkon and mother of Lotor, the rightful emperor of the Galra empire. You will give me the respect I deserve or be executed for treason."

Weapons were drawn. Raven's voice enveloped the room. "You have no authority here, whether you're a Galra witch or empress. I have heard enough. Leave Valkara and don't return."

What remained of Honerva hardened and gnarled into Haggar. "You are mistaken, Raven. I extended my offer out of courtesy, but I am prepared to take your entire system. My flag ship awaits the command to fire on your village. Give me what I demand, or the Valkyrie will be no more."

Shock and fear encompassed the Valkyries' faces. They inevitably turned to the throne. All but Star. She locked eyes with the witch, never wavering. Then, she lowered her gaze.

Before she could step forward, Keith stepped out. "Wait." The attention of the room fell on him.

Haggar recognized him immediately. "Harboring a traitor. Punishable by death."

"Not if they're willing to hand me over." Star silently told him not to. He kept his gaze on the empress. "My life for the Valkyrie. You leave them in peace and get the black Paladin in return."

"I have plans to destroy you and the other Paladins. Plans that require a Valkyrie. Your life isn't worth all of theirs."

His gaze lowered, finding his Galra blade on Star's belt. "I'm not just a Paladin." He snatched the knife and extended it into the Marmora blade. "I'm a member of the Blade of Marmora, traitors to the Galra empire."

"Only Galra are part of the Blade of Marmora."

He avoided Star's eye. "My mother is Galra and a member of the Marmora. I followed in her footsteps and joined. I know where the rest are. My life and knowledge is worth this entire system."

The room stilled. Haggar's gaze remained on Keith. "Are you willing to make this trade, Raven?"

"I am willing," she replied.

"I want him dressed in his Paladin uniform. One of your Valkyries will escort him, handcuffed, to my ship. I expect both of his weapons."

Keith downsized his blade. Nix took it from him and bond his hands while Raven spoke. "It will be done."

Nix began to lead him down the hall when Star took his arm. "I'll take care of this." She took his knife and led him down the hall to his room. They remained silent, neither looking at the other. They arrived in his quarters before a Valkyrie brought his suit.

Star untied his hands and turned around. "You're part Galra."

He undressed and pulled on the main black suit. "I didn't want you to find out like that, but we didn't have time."

She grabbed his chest piece, pulling it over his head. "I was going to volunteer to pilot her ship. Send her into a blackhole where she wouldn't hurt anyone."

"That's why I spoke first. So you wouldn't kill yourself." He buckled on his boots.

She grabbed his gloves. "I didn't ask you to save me."

After the gloves were strapped on, he took her hands into his. "I wanted to save you. And the Valkyries. I'm making this sacrifice of my own accord."

She ripped her hands away. "You sound like my father, all those years ago. And now I'm losing you to the Galra like I did him."

Keith buckled his belt. "You do realize I'm Galra."

She took his bayard and latched it onto her belt. "So's Nirti. And many others here. The difference between them and Xana or Haggar is that they proved themselves trustworthy. They proved to me that I can put my faith in them. The very same thing you did this morning. And when you saved Aurora on that planet. You proved yourself to me." Their eyes met. She broke the hold almost immediately, grabbing the bonds. "We need to make the trade before Haggar changes her mind."

He nodded, holding his wrists out to her. She tied them together, not looking up once. They walked out of the room and to the outside. The sun hung above their heads, rays warming the earth beneath their feet. They climbed onto a small wooden chariot, Nirti holding the reins of two white stallions. With the click of her tongue, they trotted into the woods down a beaten path.

Within the tall trees was a clearing. A warehouse like structure with large hangar doors contained small fighter ships and a Galra vessel. A metal platform beside it had a Galra landing ship sitting on its surface. Robotic Galra soldiers flanked the loading ramp of the ship.

Star helped Keith off the chariot and turned to Nirti. "Don't wait for me." Her cat stared curiously on her shoulder. "Lady Raven wanted me to escort Paladin Keith all the way to the ship. I don't know how long that will take." Nirti and her pet didn't back down for a while until some form of understanding seemed to pass between them. She left soon after.

"Did I miss something?" he asked. Star didn't respond. She directed him onto the vessel and rode all the way up to the Galra flag ship. The witch had gone up earlier, per Raven's request.

They climbed off the small ship into the dark hangar. The robotic soldiers led them down a wide hall. Star eyed the diverting paths, looking for something specific. She'd studied ship schematics similar to this before she had joined the Valkyrie. When she'd heard the report about the Red Lion's capture.

She unsheathed her blade and disabled the robots. She cut Keith's bonds and grabbed his wrist. The alarms were immediate as she ran down the corridor, dragging Keith behind her.

"What are you doing!" More soldiers came their way.

"Follow my lead." She let go and tossed him his bayard. They attacked, sparks flying and metal husks dropping. They continued down the hall, red lights flashing.

"This isn't the plan," Keith said.

Star slid underneath his attack and stabbed another drone. "This was always the plan."

He caught his Galra blade when she threw it. "Not my plan." They fought around each other, covering the other's rear all the way down the hall.

Escape pods lined the outer wall, access panels between them. Star opened one. "Not yours. Mine." She grabbed him by his collar and tossed him into the pod. She fought off another wave of soldiers.

Keith gagged. "No. I'm not leaving this ship. Not without you."

"Only one person per pod."

"You're small. You can squeeze in here with me." She decapitated a soldier before turning her cold glare on him. "It'd be tight, but you'll fit."

"The universe needs you, not me." More soldiers were on their way. She ripped off her necklace and tossed it to him. "Take that so the Red Lion can find you."

"Red Lion? What are you talking about?"

She fought with both blades, holding her ground in front of the pod. "My father and I found the Red Lion on our home world. How do you think we escaped the Galra and destroyed a whole fleet?"

Keith launched out of the pod and attacked a soldier. "Your dad was a Paladin."

"And the Red Lion gave him a key, which he then gave to me. Said when I was in trouble, it would glow, and the Red Lion would come." She kicked him back into the pod.

Keith rammed against the sides. "How's it supposed to know when you're scared?"

"I don't know! I was little. It probably measures symptoms of fear. Accelerated heart rate or something."

"Then there's your flaw. I'm not scared and I'm as steady as a rock. So until this thing glows, it's pointless to –"

Star silenced him with a kiss. He clenched, her lips pressed against his. Then, everything melted. She pulled away as his muscles became pudding. "Star..."


His head cleared. "What?"

She pointed at his chest. The medallion glowed a bright white against his pounding heart.

"Star, no." He tried to climb out. She slammed the pod shut. He banged against the small window. "Star. There's gotta be another way. Don't do this. Star!"

She fought off the Galra troops, giving her the time needed to punch in the launch code. Her finger hovered over the final key, Keith's shouts reaching a crescendo. She dared to look. Hands pressed against the glass, he begged her to open the door. Her hand refused to move. "I won't –"

She gasped. A spear of pure magic protruded through her chest. She collapsed, gasping for breath as it melted. Keith banged against the door even harder. Haggar's laugh echoed down the hall as she neared.

Star pushed herself up. Blood pooled around her. She crawled to the panel, lifting herself to the keys. "I won't lose you too." She punched in the final button. The pod launched, sending Keith far from the Galra ship.

Star went for her sword but collapsed before she could reach it. She took one more breath, fighting for one more moment. Her hand dropped, body limp in a river of blood.

            Haggar stood over her as life left her body. A guard of soldiers came up beside her. "Want us to dump the body?"

            "No," Haggar said. "Send a message to the surface."

            "Empress Honerva, Voltron is here."

She cursed at the announcement. "Get us out of here. Preserve the body in a containment unit. I'll need it for leverage later."


Keith watched from his pod as the Galra ship jumped through a wormhole. He couldn't breathe, Star's sacrifice playing across his vision. And he still had one more thing to say.

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