VALDUGGERY - catch me when I...

By pheonix2012

15.6K 411 476

Can Valkarie and Skulduggery keep their feelings a seacret much longer? Dusk is back in this white knuckle ro... More

VALDUGGERY - catch me when I fall
Chapter two. VSLKARIE Sometimes silence is the best answer
Chapter Three - Only You
Valduggery - Speak To Me
Chapter five - VALKARIE
Chapter Six - Save Me
Chapter Seven - All Alone
Not a new chapter but read me anyway! X
Chapter Eight - Open Your Eyes
Chapter Nine - Love At Last
Chapter Ten ~ Love Was Meant To Last
Chapter Eleven ~ Fighting Yourself
Chapter Twelve ~ Breaking The Rules
Incredibly Important Notice. Sorry...

SKULDUGGERY (continued) owning up - continued

1.2K 28 38
By pheonix2012

Hey guys, I know I said I'd write two chapters if I got ten fans but I haven't got enough yet! Boo! But I've got the ideas so I'll try and do two chapters! I got some really great advice from a fellow Valduggery author earlier! A shout out to Vampire_Bride for all your help! Her book is AMAZING! I also need to clear up a few things... In this we pick up where death bringer left off so Valkarie is still a teenager! I haven't forgotten about fletcher though, don't worry he'll pop up soon! Thank you for reading! X


SKULDUGGERY (continued)

owning up - continued

"Skulduggery." Ghastly's voice brought him back. "if you truly love Valkarie, you go and tell her. Any feelings she may or may not have for will never know if you don't find out!" he sighed. "no one should deny his heart what it wants Skulduggery. Alive or not. And right now the heart you have hidden away all these years is yearning to be loved. Fools and cowards are the ones who say that things are better left unsaid. If you love her.... Don't hide it. By all means show it!"

For a minute Skulduggery was silent and Ghastly feared his heroic speech had been for nothing. Then...

"how should I confess?"


Ghastly leant back in his seat letting out a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding. The current search for Tanith had consumed him, body and soul. This was finally allowing him some joy.

"well personally I think you should do it the next time you get a chance! Where is she?" Ghastly tried and failed at keeping the enthusiasm out if his gruff voice. Skulduggery inclined his head slightly to the right.

"She's at the Sanctuary, the vampire we were hunting broke a rib or two." is was impossible to not note the fury in Skulduggery's voice though it was hard to tell wether it was because of the vampire or because he had to leave Valkarie with Nye. ghastly thought a bit of both.

"then tell her! Once she's healed tell her!" Skulduggery looked like he was about to say something else when the door was flung off it's hinges and the newly appointed administrator barged in.

A burly Adept, he was new to the job and hadn't yet leaned the skill of knocking on doors. His wild eyes ignored the skeleton detective as he yelled, "the vampire! I'm sorry Elder Bespoke he....we thought, thought he was unconscious! They tried moving him to a more secure cell when he broke out, he-"

But whatever the vampire was they never found out. They did however find out where the vampire was as he streaked in and in one fluid moment, sank his claws into the administrator.

Both Ghastly and Skulduggery were on their feet in an instant. Ghastly pushed at the air as Skulduggery's twin jets of flame headed for the vampire. It shrieked and blurred out the open door. They saw a sorceress that Ghastly knew vaguely from the division of Mortal rights scream and try to run, it followed.

Skulduggery ran his gun roaring as ghastly stooped to check the administrator. He was too late, the claws had sunk into his heart and the Adepts breath was quick, short.

He reached blindly out and screamed what could be just recognised as a woman's name. Rita? Rika? No one would ever know, the administrators eyes filled with tears, he screamed her name again though it was barely audible through the pain. He went limp, his muscle bound hand falling to the ground with a thud.

Ghastly straightened up and sprinted after Skulduggery, no time to mourn now. The vampire was jumping and streaking through people, sometimes you would hear a scream of pain, rather than of terror but it soon ended.

Guns blared until thy emptied, fire was thrown but to no luck. The vampire escaped through the front doors. Skulduggery spun to face Ghastly, I'm going for Valkarie, it might head for someone it remembers capturing it." and just like that he was gone.

People were running around everywhere. Some to aid others, some in terror. Feeling numb Ghastly returned to his office, the administrator was still there. Tears streaming from glassy eyes. Upon kneeling beside him Ghastly noticed a metal band on his arm. The name Risha was carved into it. He removed it as the cleavers arrived to collect the body.

Ghastly would return the bracelet of course. It was the least he could do.


I feel safe.

After half an hour of soaking in rejuvenating mud to heel her ribs and listening to Nye's threats. Valkarie was healed, her side still hurt somewhat but it git lesser with ever passing moment.

Then Skulduggery arrived and the pain was swept away. All the worries that Nye had given her left in one sweep of happiness. All that was on her mind was him, and how it had felt when he carried her.

"Vampire." he said, jerking her out of her daze of happiness at once.


"the one we caught, he got loose and attacked several people in the Sanctuary."

"did he get away?"

"he was too fast and no one was prepared. I need to get you out of here, I don't now if he will return for you." he paused, then knelt beside her. Valkarie caught her breath.

"how are you?" his glorious voice seemed to grab onto her heart and refused to let go.

"fine." she said faintly, rising, we should go. Skulduggery paused, then gently picked her up again, cradling her to his bony chest.

"I...I can walk fixed me, you can let me down... I'm-" but Skulduggery cut across her.

" I know I can, but I choose not to." Valkarie blushed again and his arms tightened around her. They walked away.

A little bit back from the departing people, Nye and Clarabell stood watching. Nye seemed to be in a light form of shock.

"my my..." he squeaked. "I never thought I'd see the day when he felt love again. I wonder why he hasn't told her yet..." suddenly Clarabell spoke fingering the hem of her dress.

"oh but thats just them you see. Neither want to say it because they don't know how the other feel." she said in that absent minded tone.

"but!" said Nye, incredulous "it's so obvious, a blind fool could see that!"

"ahhh then you don't know the mysterious workings of love!..."

"Clarabell, what are the mysterious workings if love?"

"I have no idea." and she skipped off, humming what could be recognised as 'Boys like Girls - Love Drunk.'

Nye turned back to see the Bentley roaring off. "this." he declared to no one in particular, "is going to be something worth watching.

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