
By baby_dagger

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Louis Tomlinson. He is the typical ideal athlete at his school, Hayfield high school. Everyone thinks they kn... More

Marcel Styles
It was him
I guess he wasn't bad after all
Wanna skip school?
Ice Cream, Movies, and a Head Injury
Marcel's Baby, Louis' Home Life, and People From The Past
A Fight, A Party, A Prankster and New Friends
Hangovers, Bobby's Diner, and An Unexplainable Change
Being Late, Burying a Body, a Fake Name, and An Apology
Michael's Gone, Right? Then Who's in Charge Now?
Isn't He's Like 80?
I-I think I Like Him
You Didn't Have To Do All of This To Get Me Against a Wall
One Johnathan is a Nightmare, but Three of Them is Just a Horror Show
It Was The Little Things
Time and Space
Baby's Rules
The Talk
If You're Wondering How This Is Possible, There's a Simple Answer
Who's Sherlock Holmes?
It Was Self-Defence
Would You Fancy Having Dinner With Me?
Are You Planning on Donating an Organ Sometime Soon?
When I Get This Fucking Bullet Out, I'll Answer Your Qestions
Everybody, get down!
Stay With Me Louis!
Kiss Me
Well Besides Hentai
To New Friends And New Beginnings or Whatever People Say in Clichés
"Hi" And "Oops" Started It All
I Could End This Wretched Nightmare
It's Not Tea With The Queen
You Are Such A Tease
You're The Only One I Can Trust
He's Alive
I Didn't Know If It Was Too Cheesy
Live a Great Life, Harry.
Take A Deep Breath, And Start When You Can
Are You Going To Keep Staring At Me Or Are You Going To Kiss Me?
You're Expecting A Lot Of Fights?
Diseases Love To Linger In Groups
My Hero

There's No Way You Can Fit 20 Marshmallows in Your Mouth

276 11 9
By baby_dagger

Amar's POV

My head snapped up at the sudden sound of Billie Eilish's voice. I groaned and reached out for my phone. I pressed the snooze button and dropped my head on the pillow. After hitting the snooze button three times, I finally turned it off. I groaned and propped myself up on my elbows. I scanned my room for expressly nothing then rubbed my eyes.

Mornings aren't my thing. At all.

I groaned and plopped back down. I seized my covers and threw them over my head. I didn't want to go anywhere today. As I was drifting off to sleep, I heard clattering downstairs. My head snapped up, the covers acting as a sort of hoodie if that makes sense.

"Mum!" I yelled. No response. "Dad!" There was no response again. I threw the covers off and got up. I got up way too fast because I doubled over and clutched onto my bedside table to gain my balance. I got dizzy and tightened my grip on the table. I let out a deep breath and let go of the table. I took a step forward to make sure I wouldn't fall and pass out. Once I was sure, I opened my door and poked my head out. I stepped out and went towards my parent's room. I knocked and leaned my ear to hear. No mutters or shuffling of the bed. Instead, I heard more clattering downstairs. Taking a deep breath, I walked downstairs. I crept slowly down the stairs. I stopped immediately and winced when the stairs creaked under my feet. I continued down the stairs. When I reached the living room, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. There was no one in the living room, thankfully. I was about to head back upstairs when I heard more clattering. This time it was coming from the kitchen. I looked around and grabbed a green vase. I cautiously walked towards the kitchen. I pushed the door open and stepped inside. There was no one in sight. I sighed and set the vase on the counter. I noticed a plastic bowl on the floor and figured it must've fallen. I placed it back in the sink and sighed.

"You have officially watched way too many horror flicks," I muttered to myself. I exited the kitchen and went back to my room. I quickly made my bed and grabbed a towel. I went to the bathroom and started the water. I stripped out of my pyjamas. My torso still looked like a unicorn puked on it. The scratches on my face were healing quickly. The black eye was taking longer to fade. The hints of purple had disappeared, but it was still pretty big and black. I sighed and stepped into the shower.


I wrapped the towel around my body and walked back to my room. I dived into my closet and looked for clothes then went back to the bathroom. I blow dried my hair and decided to leave it like that. A beanie wouldn't look good with this outfit. I took out the bottle of concealer from the first drawer. I had told Tyler to take me to the store first. I stole a bottle of concealer and more rubbing alcohol. What? I didn't have my money on me, sue me.

After a while, I was done applying the concealer. I could still see hints of black, but it was barely there. I had stolen a concealer that said it would "100% cover up breakouts". They should advertise that it would "95% cover up bruises" too. It was a great concealer. I barely used a quarter of the bottle. I would usually use more than half of the bottle. I sighed and turned the lights off. I went back to my room and got my bag ready. I shoved my essay on the Great Gatsby along with my now finished math packet. I delicately put my laptop in my backpack then closed it. I hopped around on one foot trying to get my shoe on. I sighed in relief once I was done and walked over to my mirror. I chose a striped tank top with black leggings, a jacket over it and white vans.

I grabbed my bag and my phone and headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a banana. I took a granola bar and a juice while eating my banana. I stuffed them into my bag and checked my phone. I had to leave right now or else I would be late. I grabbed my keys and tucked my phone in my pocket. I opened the door only to come face-to-face with Tyler. He had a dark blue shirt with skinny jeans and a pair of black combat boots.

I backed up, not liking being that close to him. "Lynch. What are you doing here?"

He stared at me for a bit before shaking his head. "I was about to knock. I'm here to take you to school."

I furrowed my eyebrows and scoffed. "Why? I can walk to school."

He shrugged. "C'mon, I don't want you passing out on the way to school." I sighed. "And wouldn't you prefer to get a ride to school instead of walking to school."

"I would prefer to take my skateboard," I muttered, and Tyler gave me his best puppy eyes. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "But you'll do for now."

He grinned. "Perfect! Now C'mon, we don't want to be late, do we?"

I shook my head and closed the door behind me. "Since when do you care if you're late or not?" We started walking to his car.

He bowed his head and scratched the back of his neck. "I don't, but you do." He cleared his throat and ran his hand through his hair. He helped me inside when we reached his car. I groaned in pain and took a seat.

"You okay?" He asked, resting his hand on the top of the car. I grunted but nodded. He hesitated before running to his side of the car and climbed in. He studied me, his eyes scanning each one of my features. I smiled and ducked my head, my hair covering my face.

"You seem better. Are you?" He asked and started the engine.

I pushed my hair behind my ear and looked up at him. "Yeah, it still hurts sometimes when I move."

"You're face doesn't look like you got punched repeatedly." He pointed out.

I laughed and shook my head. "The power of concealer can be efficacious."

He flashed his signature smirk and hit the gas pedal. I leaned my head back and watched as the houses and cars zoomed by like a movie playing on fast forward. We drove to school in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence. It was pleasant and quiet.

Tyler parked in front of the school and turned the engine off. The one downside of Tyler's doorless Jeep was that everyone could already see us. Tyler turned the engine off and reached behind him. He pulled his arm back, and he had a leather jacket in his hand. He shrugged it on and looked at me.


I nodded and stepped out of the car, ducking my head out. I groaned as my feet hit the ground. Tyler came around running and placed his hands on my shoulders. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it's just your car is very high." I joked.

He cracked a smile and swung his arm around me. He locked the car, and we started walking towards the entrance. All eyes were on Tyler and me. I ducked my head, not liking all the attention.

"Everyone is staring at us," I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"Let them stare, babe." He said and started rubbing circles on my shoulder to calm me down.

It was helping, but I couldn't help freak out when he called me 'babe'. I mean, babe? What the hell does that mean?

Tyler opened the doors for us, and we walked in. I avoided everyone's stares, but Tyler embraced them. He made sure to lock eyes with every single person in the halls. He was overconfident, and he liked all the attention. I didn't. I had enough attention as Janice. People hardly noticed me unless they were insulting me or looking for a punching bag. People usually ignored me and pretended I was invisible. As we walked further into the school, I neared the boys' place to meet up. Their heads snapped up and held my gaze. I tried to look away, but something kept me captivated. Maybe it was the longing in their eyes or the anger some of them showed. I didn't understand why they were angry. At the corner of my eye, I saw Tyler's hand on my shoulder. I had forgotten his hand was still around me. Wait. Were they angry because Tyler was touching me? That makes no sense. Why would they be mad at that?

As we were passing the boys, I came up with a crazy plan. I sneaked my arm under Tyler's jacket and wrapped my arm around his waist. Tyler looked down at me and smirked. I smiled softly then looked behind me. The boys were fuming, and you could see the smoke coming out of Louis' ears. I turned back and smirked. I think I just figured out how to get back at the boys.


"You're taking notes?" Tyler whispered.

"Ms Wealchli asked us too," I explained and continued to write notes. We were watching a movie that was allegedly about the Revolutionary War. We were instructed to take notes on it.

"So? Ms Wealchli is asleep." He pointed to Ms Wealchli, who was indeed asleep on her desk. She had black sunglasses on.

I snickered and set my pen down. "What do you suggest we do, Lynch?"

He smirked and turned around. He whispered something to the guy behind us. I looked back to see what the boys were doing. They were whispering but looked up and met my stare. They flashed me a small smile. I quickly looked away.

Tyler turned back to me. "Get your stuff, babe."

Ignoring the babe comment, I slowly closed my notebook. "Where are we going?"

He grabbed his notebook and stood up, holding out a hand for me. "It's a surprise."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand. I got up with a grunt. "I don't like surprises."

He smirked. "You'll like this one. I promise."

My breath hitched. There's that word again. "What if we get caught?"

"Justin will cover for us." He flicked his head towards the guy behind us.

I sighed. "Fine,"

He grinned and pulled me towards the door. I looked back at the boys and, yet again, they were fuming. I turned back to Tyler and walked out of the room.

"Can you tell me where we're going?" I asked as we entered the lift.

He pressed the fourth floor and looked down at me. "You'll see."

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. We reached the fourth floor and walked all the way to the back. Tyler opened up a door and signalled me to go in.

"You expect me to go into a dark room with you?" I asked him, scoffing.

He rolled his eyes. "Just follow me." He walked in, and I noticed him getting tall.

I entered the room and saw some stairs. I slowly trailed behind Tyler. It was three flights of stairs before we reached a door. He opened the door and walked through it. I pushed the door open and walked through it. I gasped at the sight.

"You took me to the roof? How did you even find that room? I didn't think there was a way to get to here." I said as I walked over to him. He was sat down, legs over the edge. I took a seat next to him and brought my legs up.

He shrugged and leaned back, holding himself up with his hands. "I was bored during class yesterday, and I decided to explore the school."

"The view is amazing," I whispered, resting my head on my knees.

"Yeah, it is." He whispered.

I turned my head to look at him and caught him already staring at me. I smiled and looked away. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I shivered slightly and pressed my knees closer.

"Are you cold?" He asked and scooted closer. He wrapped his arm around me and pushed me closer to him.

"I'm fine," I argued.

"I don't want you getting a cold when you're still healing." He said, rubbing my clothed arm.

I sighed and gave in. I leaned my head on his shoulder and watched the skyline. Everything seemed to float away up there. I forgot about my issues with the boys. I forgot about Johnathan and his goons. I felt Tyler's eyes on me, so I turned around to face him. My breath hitched when I saw how close we were. Tyler held my chin with two fingers as he stared at me intently. My eyes flickered down to his lips then flickered back to his eyes. I darted my tongue out to wet my lips which caught his attention. His eyes stayed trained on my lips as he inches forward. When his lips grazed mine, his eyes darted up to meet mine. Was I about to kiss Tyler? My heartbeat picked up, and if it didn't stop, it would burst out of my chest. I closed my eyes and leaned in a little bit.

A loud bang echoed, and reality hit me like a billion bricks. I cleared my throat and looked away. I scooted away from Tyler and got up.

"Um, we should, we should probably get back. Second, second period is about to start." I was sure I was crimson red.

Oh my gosh! I almost kissed him. I almost kissed Tyler! I almost had my first kiss with Tyler!

"Uh, yeah, you're right." Tyler got up and dusted off his jeans. "Let's go."

We walked over to the door and went down the stairs. We were nearing the end when I slipped on something. I yelped as the stairs beneath me weren't there anymore. I shut my eyes waiting for impact when I felt strong arms wrap around me. I opened my eyes and saw Tyler. Although it was dark, I could tell he was blushing.

"Careful there, babe." He whispered and set me down back on the stairs.

I grabbed onto the railing and proceeded down the stairs. I opened the door as the bell rang. We blended in with the rest of the kids exiting their classes. We headed towards the lift and rode it to the first floor.

"Where are you headed?" Tyler asked when we were out.

"Well, first I have to go to my locker then I have AP Biology with Mrs Dorth," I answered him.

He swung an arm around me. "I'll walk with you."

I nodded. "What do you have next?"

"I'm pretty sure I have Auto Mechanics." He shrugged and let go of me when we reached my locker. I hadn't seen the boys when we passed by their lockers.

I opened my locker and turned to Tyler as I took my books out. "Mechanics? Really?"

He flashed his signature smirk and leaned his head on the lockers. "I thought girls liked mechanics."

I grabbed my sheet music along with my Calculus notebook. "Not all girls." I shut my locker and saw him pouting. I laughed and patted his arm. "You're surely the first hot mechanic I've seen." My eyes widened at what I said.

"So, you think I'm hot?" He crossed his arms, his smirk growing.

I shook my head and started walking towards the lift. "I didn't say that."

Tyler caught up with me and pressed the button. "Yeah, but you implied it."

The doors opened, and luckily no one was inside. I pressed the second button and hastily pushed the third button. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, Lynch."

At the corner of my eye, I saw Tyler rolling his eyes but kept that smirk plastered on his face. Had I implied that he was hot? Maybe. I mean, anyone can tell you that Tyler is attractive. He gave off a bad boy vibe which did scare me at first. I had my fair share of bad boys. Tyler wasn't like most bad boys. Yeah, he was cocky and annoying, but he could be sweet when he wanted to. Out of all the 17 years of my life, I've learned not to trust charming or kind boys. Charming boys know what to say to manipulate you. A boy who says all the right words has said those words many times, to many girls. A kind boy fills you with a hope that maybe all boys aren't arseholes. When you're hopes are high, those kind boys lie to you and hurt you and prove that there are no good guys in the world.

Tyler's different. For some reason, I was letting myself get drifted by his words. I felt like he was different. My gut instinct was telling me not to trust him, but I did. I fucking believed him and trusted him.

Sorry, getting ahead of myself.

When the doors opened, I quickly pushed the button to close the doors and stepped out.

"Sorry, Auto Mechanics is on the second floor." I winked at him and watched as the doors closed slowly. "See you at lunch."

The last thing I saw before the doors closed was that fucking smirk. Did I...did I wink at him? Oh my gosh, I did.

Why the hell did I do that?


Marcel's POV

"So what did your friend dig up on Tyler?" Louis asked me as I typed on the computer.

Mrs Dorth told us that today was the last day to do research. We could still do research, but it had to be on our own time. Louis and I chose the general principles and processes of isolation of elements to be our project topic. We thought it would be easy given the fact that we had just reviewed it.

I stopped and turned to Louis. I had searched Tyler up. I, too, was shaky about Tyler. I didn't find much on him, which was weird. Nothing came up until his sixteenth birthday. There was an article about a shooting at a Tyler Lynch's party. Since then he hasn't been seen. That is until now. Before that sixteenth birthday party, Tyler Lynch did not exist. No family records or anything. After the shooting, Tyler didn't appear anywhere often. He would show on street cameras and enter stores, but that's it. He fell off the side of the earth, and only appeared for so long before he would disappear again. That was weird, too. I didn't trust him, no question about it. No one falls off the grid unless they're trying to escape or they're hiding something. I should know, I fell off the grid when I joined O.B.D. That's another reason I didn't trust him. O.B.D could've reeled him in. That would be an explanation for him falling off the grid. All in all, I didn't believe he was whom he claimed to be, and I didn't trust him.

I couldn't tell Louis all of that.

"My friend didn't tell me much, but he did say not to trust him. Supposedly, he isn't whom he says he is." I explained, and Louis nodded, taking in what I've said.

He took in a deep breath. "Okay, tell your friend I said thank you." He paused and played with the hem of his shirt. "I, I'm sorry for what I said."

I smiled and placed my hand on top of his, making his hand movements stop. "It's okay, Lou."

I could notice the hint of pink creeping onto his cheeks. He looked down at our hands and smiled.

"Okay, there's two minutes left. Start cleaning up." Mrs Dorth instructed. Kids started shutting their computers and getting up to put them away.

I pulled my hand away and grabbed the computer. I closed it and got up. I turned back to see Louis rubbing his face. I turned back around and waited for the kids to finish putting away their computers. Once I finished, I went back to my table. Louis was tapping his finger repeatedly on the table and staring at the clock.

"You know if you stare at the clock, time will only go slower," I told him as I closed my notebook and tucked my pen in my jacket's pocket.

Louis tore his eyes away from the clock and faced me. "Well sorry for wanting to get out of here."

I chuckled. "I didn't know you were eager to get to British Lit.?"

"Not really, but not eager to spend another minute here, either." He shot back.

I snickered. "Yeah, I get that."

"What do you have next?" Louis asked.

"Computer-aided drafting."

Louis made a shocked expression. "You good with computers?"

"Uh, yeah. I've had a knack for it since I was young."

Louis was going to ask something else when the bell echoed through the room.

"I'll see you at lunch," I muttered as I walked out of the class, blending into the crowd of kids.


"I swear I can! My mouth is big enough!" I yelled.

He only shook his head and smirked. "I won't believe it until I see it."

I threw my arms up in the air and groaned. "Fine, come over today, and I'll prove it to you."

"Prove Louis what?" Niall asked as he took a seat. He had left to buy a snack at the vending machines.

"Louis doesn't think I can fit 20 marshmallows in my mouth." I crossed my arms and leaned my elbows on the table.

Niall chuckled. "Seriously?" I stayed quiet. "Wait, you're serious? There no way you can fit 20 marshmallows in your mouth! You have a small mouth."

"I swear to you I can!" I protested.

Niall rolled his eyes. "Yeah, okay, whatever. Louis, you tell me if he can."

Louis snickered. "Sure, Nialler. I'll tell you that he couldn't do it." He and Niall laughed.

I rolled my eyes and picked at my food. I wasn't hungry. I wasn't in a good mood since that morning. I didn't understand why Amar was with Tyler, or whomever he is. It was one thing to sit next to him and take a ride, but it was another to walk into the school holding each other like a couple. Amar had the insolence to wrap her arm around him. I didn't trust Tyler. I didn't know what Tyler was capable of doing, and I didn't like Amar hanging out with him so much. Then she disappeared with him during first period. I knew Amar wasn't a person to ditch classes. Tyler must've convinced her it was okay since Ms Wealchli was asleep. I didn't know where she went or if she skipped the whole day. Tyler was already influencing her in a wrong way. I didn't know Tyler's intentions with Amar, and I didn't like not knowing that. If Tyler had any connections to O.B.D, that would make the situation worse. That would indicate they want something. If there's anything I acquired from my time in gangs, is that nobody does something without any purpose. The concept of them using Amar against me wasn't pleasant.

"Marcel? You okay?" I heard someone say.

I blinked a couple of times before turning to my side. It was Liam who had talked.

"Uh, yeah. Just thinking about Amar." I explained.

He nodded, understanding. "Yeah, I saw Amar and Tyler inside."

Well, at least she didn't skip the whole day, but it didn't make me feel better. Amar had told us that she never ate in the cafeteria. She would eat in the library. Then when she met us, she sat with us outside.

"Her and Tyler skipped first period." Niall stuffed his mouth with chips.

"What?" Louis joined the conversation. "Amar never skips classes."

Zayn shrugged. "Guess Tyler convinced her to."

"Yeah, I don't like him," I said and got up. I threw away my trash and sat back down, accidentally brushing Liam's arm. "Oh, sorry."

He shrugged. "S'okay."

I looked up to see Zayn glaring at his food. Louis noticed too because he cleared his throat.

"Um, so what is your project on, Z?" Louis and Zayn faced each other and had a silent conversation.

"Um, chemical kinetics," Zayn answered and looked at Liam. "Right?"

Liam nodded. "Yeah, it was the easiest one."

"Oh, so you're partners?" I asked. I knew about their crushes, and I thought it would be fun to tease them a little.

"Oh, yeah. I, I mean, chemistry partners." Liam stuttered.

"Not like chemistry partners." Zayn rushed to say.

"Oh yeah! Not that! We're class partners, working on chemical kinetics.

There was a silence after that little scene. Louis and I made eye contact and snickered a little. The bell rang, and all of the kids got up.

"Oh, thank god," Zayn muttered as he got up.

I waited for them as they threw their trash away. I found myself following Louis' movements as he grabbed his bag from the ground. I quickly averted my gaze as he stood up straight and faced me.

"We'll see you in the locker rooms," Niall waved, as Louis, Zayn and Liam. We headed inside and towards the lift.

"So, it's pretty obvious that Zayn and Liam like each other," Niall spoke when we were in the elevator.

I snickered. "Yeah, except to Zayn and Liam."

"It seems they're not the only one who is oblivious."

I faced Niall. His back rested on the wall, his arms crossed and a sly smirk playing on his lips.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What are you on about?"

He shrugged. "All I'm saying is that Louis likes you."

I scoffed and chuckled. "Louis doesn't like me."

He got off the wall and neared me. "Yes, he does. You're just oblivious because your love life is non-existent ever since that dick broke your heart."

I dropped my gaze to the ground. Niall was right, well half-right. After Alex broke my heart, I erased all boys from existence. I never tried to get back out there. Alex left me emotionally scarred. I unquestionably believed what he said about me, and I thought that I would never feel the same way about another person the way I felt about him. I still believe that, but having Alex around has brought up some feelings to the surface. Feelings I fought so hard to keep buried.

Niall was entirely wrong about the other half. Louis didn't like me. We're just good friends who get along. I mean, why would he fancy me? I'm nowhere as attractive as he is. The only thing I'm good at is hacking into stuff and surviving. He has so many great qualities, then there me.

I shook my head and faced him. "No, he doesn't like me." He opened his mouth to object, but I was quick to change the subject. "Let's move on from my non-existent love life. How are things with you and Amy?"

He shook his head. "Hmmm, yeah, that's not a thing anymore."

My head snapped towards him. "What? Why not? I thought you were so into her?"

He shrugged. "I thought so, too. We were kissing, and Amy was about to go down-"

"Okay!" I exclaimed. "Get to the point, Niall! I don't need all the details."

"Yeah, sorry. Um, I couldn't..." He drifted off. "I, I uh, couldn't, you know, get it up."

My eyes widened. "Okay! Warn a brother next time!"

The doors opened, and we walked out. A crowd of kids pushed past us and into the lift.

"Was she upset?" I asked as we were finally out of the crowd of teenagers.

"Of course she was upset!" He retorted. "She genuinely liked me, and I didn't fancy her. I tried so hard to, though."

"You don't have control over whom you fall in love with, Niall." I shrugged. "Trust me, Niall, I should know."

He hummed in understanding, and we walked into Mr Frain's classroom. Sitting at his chair, Mr Frain looked up from his computer and greeted us with a small nod. We nodded and took our seats. Our seats were in the middle rows. Niall's chair is next to the windowpane. I was lucky to have a chair right behind him. Niall turned in his chair and rested his head on the chair.

"Don't think I've forgotten about what we were talking on the lift." He said, pointing his finger at me.

I knew what he was talking about, but I wanted to tease him. I chuckled. "Yeah, you couldn't get it up."

His cheeks flushed with colour. "Shut up! Not a word about this, okay?"

I smiled and nodded. "Okay."

As the bell rang, Amar ran through the door. She was panting and pushing her locks back.

"Oh, nice to have you join us, Ms Massarani." Mr Frain said and got up from his chair.

"Nice to see you, too, Mr Frain," Amar said and took a seat.

Amar's seat was next to Niall's. As she opened her notebook, her eyes flickered towards us. I gave her a small smile and a little wave. Hesitation was evident in her eyes. She was battling whether or not to greet me back. I completely understand why she was hesitant. If she were to acknowledge us, it would prove she was ready to talk to us, and she's not willing to do that, yet. She focused her gaze back on Mr Frain. He started the lesson, but I tuned him out.

Whatever he was talking about, we were probably never going to use in daily life. I certainly won't. All I need to know in my life is that I'm safe and the people I care about are safe. You would think I would never get attached to people ever again if I knew there was a possibility of them getting hurt or worse. I tried not to get attributed to anyone, but I failed. I got close to Oscar, and look what happened to him. My father almost killed him. Oscar was lucky enough to get out of that situation alive. I don't want to imagine what my father would do to the boys or Amar, and if she was whom I thought she was, she was in real danger.


"Are you ready to be amazed, Louis?" I asked as I opened the door to my flat.

"I'm ready to see you chocking on at least 8 marshmallows in your mouth." He shrugged his coat off and placed it on the coat hanger. It had started raining on our way back to my place.

"You have zero faith in me." I accused as I entered the kitchen. He shrugged and followed me into the kitchen. I opened the cabinet and took out a bag of marshmallows.

"You just have a bag of marshmallows laying around?" Louis asked voice laced with judgement.

The heat rose to my cheeks immediately. I turned around and closed the cabinet. "Don't judge me." We took our seats across each other. I opened the bag and took one out. I popped it in my mouth and chewed it.

"You're eating it," Louis stated.

I nodded and swallowed. "Yeah, I was a little hungry."

He chuckled and shook his head. "I wanna see if you can do it."

"All right." I grabbed a marshmallow and stuffed it in the back of my mouth.


"16, 17, 18..." Louis counted as I stuffed my mouth with more and more marshmallows. I stopped momentarily to take a breather, then continued. "19...and 20!"

20 marshmallows stuffed in my mouth made it a little hard to talk, but I made a victory grunt, fist bumping the air.

"Wow!" Louis yelled, scanning my face and mouth like it was a new and weird species. "You really can fit 20 marshmallows in your mouth."

I turned around and walked over to the trash bin. I spit all the soggy marshmallows out and rinse my mouth.

"Told you I could do it," I said as I dabbed my face with a towel.

"I'm just glad I didn't bet on this." He laughed. I joined the laughter and tossed the towel on the counter.

Louis was staring at me with a hint of something in his eyes that I couldn't read. He wore a shit-eating grin, making those adorable wrinkles appear. His eyes sparkled as they scanned my face.

"What?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Nothing, you just have a lovely smile."

I could feel the heat rising from my neck to my cheeks. There was no way I wasn't red as a tomato.

He cleared his throat. "Um, you know Nialler won't believe me when I tell him you can do it. You're going to have to show him."

I stayed silent for a while. I pushed my curls back with a swift motion and cleared my throat. "Uh, yeah, I guess so."

Thunder echoed through the walls. I saw Louis flinch at the sudden sound. He looked a little frightened. I could tell he was scared of thunderstorms, but I wasn't about to tease him about it.

"Hey, it's pouring hard outside. You can stay here until it lightens up a bit." I suggested, and so much relief washed over his eyes. I thought it was adorable. He looked so...real. He wasn't putting up the whole 'fear me, I could break your neck if I wanted to' facade. He's sweet and has a loving heart. That's the Louis that I like to see, but I wouldn't deny that seeing him angry isn't hot.

Well, not like hot 'I'm attracted to him' more like hot 'everyone knows he's hot'.

Louis stayed up late, watching movies. I got tired of seeing him flinch every time thunder boomed, or lightning flashed. I opened my arms, and he accepted my offer and huddled into me. As the night continued, I became the little spoon in the cuddle, but I didn't mind it. Around midnight, the rain had stopped. He had left after thanking me for letting him stay while the storm passed.

That night, I oddly missed Louis' body pressed up to mine. I couldn't go to sleep until almost 3 am.


Marcel: What's your excuse this time, E?

E: Shut up, Marcel!

Louis: No seriously. We were gone for almost a month!

E: Okay now you're just exaggerating!

Zayn: Nah, I kinda agree with Louis.

E: Seriously? Is no one gonna take my side?

Liam: Sorry, E, but we were gone for a long time.

E: Niall?

Niall: Sorry, you're on your own.

E: Ugh, I guess you're all right.


Hey Lovelies!

I, uh, do have an excuse...that I've used before but it's real! I go back to school this Monday! I'm excited (not really, but I have to set a good model for the younger kids...Stay in hell- school. Stay in school...). There was a lot of preparatory doing with getting schedules and ID's and stuff. Chapters won't be coming in faster-

Louis: They never do

Ignore him. Yes, I take a somewhat long time to update but now with school, AP classes, college classes and horrible people I can't stand, it'll be harder to update. But I do promised updates. I'm loving this book and I love writing it so I'll still update when I can. I hope you love chappie 18. Get ready for the next chappie! I got a few surprises!

*Dolan Twins Voice* PEACE!!!!!!

- E

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