Return to Narnia

By vrededromer

15.3K 260 40

Around a year after they have returned from Narnia Edmund falls ill and the doctors believe they cannot save... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 8

769 15 1
By vrededromer

It was the day of Lucy's birthday ball, and the castle was buzzing. In the past days Antonio had been fed more untrue information, and Caspian and Peter were both positive that the young Lord had send new about it to his father. They were also well aware that since many Lords, and even the Telmarines and Narnians who were living in the castle after their villages burned, would attend the ball, that their elaborate ruse would end that night. They were yet unsure on how excuse the ruse, but hoped Caspian's well tunes skills of diplomacy would help them.

'I say we just tell him we didn't trust him.' Edmund said somewhat jokingly, receiving a glare from Peter.

'Ed! This is not a joke. You made up the entire story, and now we have to make up an excuse as to why!'

'Can't we tell him that we did not want to overwhelm him? I mean, if you arrive on a diplomatic mission and would have to discuss with 5 people, I assume that would be quite difficult.' Susan suggested.

Lucy nodded with a smile. 'I like that idea. We can tell him, we only introduced Caspian as the King to make it easier for him, to only have to discuss with one of us. Caspian is after all the only one of us who was crowned as a singularly ruling monarch.'

Caspian looked at Lucy, quite surprised by her words and intelligence at such a young age.

'Right! And we can just add that Edmund let's his imagination run off with him every now and then, hence the strange story about our parents and such.'

Peter chuckled. 'I think it's the best option we have so let's go with it.'

'Well, looks like I actually have to attend that stupid ball.' Antione groaned as he downed a cup of wine.

Burez chuckled. 'I can't imagine you would be able to get out of it after helping that little child with organizing it.'

'It's a good thing there is wine at that ball. I will need it.'

'Have fun.' Burez laughed sarcastically and watched as Antionio walked out of their room.

'Well, well. Looks like Lucy did a great job on arranging this ball.' Edmund mumbled as he looked around the ball room. All main Lords from the Telmarines, the leaders among the Creatures, and the victims of the fires were buzzing around the room. There was a large table with a buffet, many tables, chairs and couches to rest, but most of the marble floor was reserved for dancing. The room was round and 2 stories high, one side opening onto a large balcony, looking out over the garden. On the other side, there was a balcony, below which one door opened. The balcony has 1 staircase on either end which lead down in an elegant curve. Another door opened out onto the balcony, through which Lucy would make her entrance.

Peter and Edmund were standing by one of the balcony doors, greeting many of the guests, when Susan and Caspian entered the room together. Susan wore her hair loose for a change, her golden crown on her hand which matched marvellously with her golden coloured dress. Caspian, wearing his own crown as well, wore his signature colour blue, and a radiant smile as he looked at the woman by his side.

'You look wonderful, Susan.' Peter said with a smile.

'Thank you, I do believe you are catching the eyes of many ladies as well.'

'Wow.' A voice from a few steps away made them break their moment, and look up. The smile on each King's face disappeared as they watched how Manchez ogled at Susan. 'Well, If you are not the most beautiful woman ever laid eyes upon, I do not know who would be.' His voice sounded slimy and Susan wanted nothing more than running away from him. Instead she put on her best fake smile and looked at him.

'Thank you, Lord Manchez, I am honoured.'

Manchez opened his mouth to utter more, slimy and creepy compliments, but he was cut off by booming horns. Caspian and Peter immediately reacted to the signal it gave them. Peter slowly walked up the stairs of the balcony, and waited at the top. Caspian walked to the middle of the room, and waited for silence.

'My Dear Lords and Ladies, I hope you are all having a pleasant evening. We are honoured to have you in our company here tonight, to celebrate this very special occasion. It was not so long ago that our wonderful kingdom was blessed with a most welcome surprise; the return of the kings and queens of old.' Caspian paused, as applause and cheers filled the rooms. He looked at Susan and Edmund who smiled widely as people around them, chanted "Long live the kings and Queens". He has to hide his smile when his gaze fell upon Manchez's confused expression.

'And although we are facing troubled times, I have faith, that together with my fellow monarchs, we can solve this problem, and restore peace and prosperity to Narnia. But tonight, we take a break from politics, sorrow and the troubles we face throughout today. For tonight, we celebrate one of the most beloved young Ladies in all the lands; Queen Lucy the Valiant.' Another loud moment of loud Cheering interrupted Caspian's speech. It wasn't just the creatures who cheered, or the victims Lucy so often went to visit, even the Telmarine Lords cheered the wonderful young girl who had managed to encaptivate their hearts. 'So now, without further ado, please welcome the ggues of honour of oir ball, and help us in wishing her a very happy birthday; Queen Lucy!'

Horns blew once more, the double doors opened, and Lucy stepped out onto the balcony. Her red brown hair was beautifully curled, her turquoise dress with silver accents wonderfully accentuated the crown on her head, and her smiled would have molten the coldest of hearts.

Down below on the dance floor everyone raised their cups, and in marvellous harmony cheered "To Queen Lucy."

Lucy smiled, as Peter walked towards her, took her arm and gently guided her down the stairs, while the people applauded.

The room was filled with laughter and joy. There was music, joking and dancing, and Lucy felt happier than she could ever remember. Peter and Edmund claimed the first two dances with Lucy, before many young lords asked Peter's Permission to dance with the beloved young Queen. Susan spent almost the entire night dancing with Caspian. Every now and then she danced with Peter or Edmund, but only one or two lords and knights got the honour of being her dance partner.

Everyone would remember it as the happiest, and most wonderful ball of the year, but behind Manchez's fake smile, his blood boiled. His eyes shot daggers at the lying and deceiving monarchs who had kept up a ruse at his expense. And he promised in that moment, while everyone around him laughed and danced, that he would do everything he could to take away the kingdom of those 5 monarchs, and make them pay for his embarrassment.

A/N Let me know down in the comments what you think ;)

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