The Alpha's Academy

By BettieBurton

1.6M 47.5K 2.5K

Midnight is seventeen and is considered the 'runt' of her family's wolfpack. So she finally decides to runawa... More

CHAPTER 1: Not Anymore!
CHAPTER 2: Back To The Academy
CHAPTER 3: Am I Dreaming??
CHAPTER 4: The Newbies
CHAPTER 5: No More!!
CHAPTER 6: What Am I Gonna Do??
CHAPTER 7: Did He Just Call Me His??
CHAPTER 8: The Cabins
CHAPTER 9: My First Kiss
CHAPTER 10: She Can't Swim?
CHAPTER 11: Mark Me.....
CHAPTER 12: **Mature Content**
CHAPTER 14: Unexpected
CHAPTER 15: I'm Sorry.....Goodbye
CHAPTER 16: Midnight?!
CHAPTER 17: What Next?
CHAPTER 19: The Castle In England
CHAPTER 20: Sir Alpha King
CHAPTER 21: I'll Do It, Alone!
CHAPTER 22: How Could She?!?
CHAPTER 23: The Cure
CHAPTER 24: I Have An Ability
CHAPTER 25: I Love You More
CHAPTER 26: Will You?
CHAPTER 27: Oh..My..god..!!
CHAPTER 28: I've Seen That Look Before
CHAPTER 29: The King Has Spoken
CHAPTER 30: The Venom
CHAPTER 31: Before It's Too Late.....
CHAPTER 32: I'm Sorry.....
EPILOGUE: Two Years Later

CHAPTER 18: Escape Into Darkness

40.9K 1.2K 69
By BettieBurton


Both Midnight and I looked at the door after we heard a knock. I began to growl a little bit before Midnight calmed me down by having me look into her eyes.

"I'll get rid of them and then we can try and find a way out of here." She tells me quietly.

"Okay." I give her a quick kiss on the lips and head into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

I overhear her and one of her brother's Delta's. Right now, I wanna slash his throat opened and continue a killing spree with the rest of them including Aaron and his dad.

I try and keep myself calm as I hear my mate's sweet voice. It doesn't take too long for the asshole to finally leave and she opens the bathroom door.

"Are you alright baby?" I asked. Hoping he didn't touch her.

"Yeah. But they want me downstairs in five minutes." She says worried.

"Alright. Put some clothes on and we'll leave out the window." I suggest.

"Okay." She nods.

She walks over towards the closet and takes out a shirt and pair of jeans as well as some flats. Then she puts her hair in a ponytail and right as I open the window back up, we hear the bedroom door open up and both turn and see her brother along with a few of his other pack members.

"Well look who we have here." Aaron smirks.

Right away, I move Midnight behind me.

"I'm taking Midnight with me." I tell him.

He starts to laugh and the rest of his guys quickly join in.

"You're in MY house." Aaron points out. "You have no authority here."

"You sure about that? I'm your future Alpha King. Not to mention that I'm the reason your whole entire family are still alive." I remind him.

"No. You and your father are the reason my mother was killed." He snaps.

"The hell it was. Your mother didn't come to us when we had told her to. If she had come sooner than she would've been protected more, but she didn't listen to us and she wasn't asking us for protection. She asked us to kill your father." I tell him.

I quickly look at Midnight after saying that. Shit, I think I just blew it again with her forgiving me.

"I'll explain later." I tell her with pleading eyes and she surprisingly smiles at me.

"Okay. I trust you." She says.

I then look back at Aaron who looks confused and yet pissed off.

"You're full of shit!" Aaron exclaims.

"No. Ask our father or even the elders at the wolf council. They'll tell you the same exact thing." I assure him.

"Liar!" He growls loudly towards me.

Aaron looks like he's getting ready to shift into his wolf but the Beta grabs Aaron's arm to try and calm him down.

"No, your father is!" I snap back at him.

He growls even louder and lunges towards me. I push Midnight out of the way and both him and I fall out the window and onto the ground.

Once we land we both quickly get up onto our feet and start to slowly walk around each other as if we were each other's prey.

Then the next thing I know, we start fighting each other using both of our wolf strengths while still remaining in our human forms.

He gets a couple of punches in as do I and we continue going at it for a while until he finds a way to punch me really hard in the side of my ribs, causing me to fall to the ground. I next feel him pulling my head back to look up at him as I winced in pain and could feel blood running down from my mouth and nose.

"You're pathetic and will never be King." Aaron threatens.

Right after he says that I see both Stella and Kobey come sprinting out of the woods both in their wolf forms and Stella goes after Aaron right as soon as he changes into his wolf quickly and while Kobey starts attacking the Beta before he's able to get to help out Aaron. Then suddenly, I hear a yelp and turn to see that it's Stella. She's clutching onto her stomach with both arms and is now in her human form.

I try and get up and shift to help her out, but the pain is almost unbearable and has me not able to stand. Then the next thing I see is MY mate, jumping onto Aaron's wolf and she's clawing at him and they both begin going at it with each other. And all I can say is that I need to remember not to piss her off.

I feel that this might not end well since we are out numbered and both me and Stella are already injured badly. So I do something I rarely do unless it's an ABSOLUTE emergency...I start howling loudly for any wolf nearby that I've made allies with to come and help us.

Not five minutes later, did a pack of wolves come running in and started going after Aaron and his pack.

Then as soon as I could, I stood up, holding my side and started looking for Midnight when out of nowhere, I'm knocked hard back onto the ground and as I turn onto my back and see it's Aaron's father on top of me in his wolf form.

"How dare you try and kill my son!" He mind-links me. While trying to snap his sharp teeth at me while I hold him back.

"Fuck you! You and your son will be punished for what all you have done to MY mate and YOUR future Queen Luna!" I snapped back at him while struggling to get him off of me.

"She will NEVER be the new Queen Luna and I will NEVER EVER bow down to her nor you!" He says.

Right before I grab his neck, he manages to bite my wrist and as I feel his razor sharp teeth sinking into my skin, I find whatever strength I have left to finally push him off of me hard, causing him to hit a tree hard.

I start looking around me for Midnight and through all the wolves fighting, everything goes black.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Don't worry you guys will all get a really good fight towards the end of this story. Just wanted to give you all a TINY taste of something. :):);) However, I'm not sure what's going to happen with Zane. Hopefully his injury is not worse than just a few broken ribs that can be healed in a few days........I guess we will have to wait and see. :)

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