In The Dark ✓ (BoyxBoy)

Autorstwa ButteryBreadsticks

61.8K 1.7K 717

[Completed] Braden and Colin are roommates at Jadeville Academy, a preppy school for rich kids. Braden has li... Więcej

In The Dark | Characters
In The Dark | 1
In The Dark | 2
In The Dark | 4
In The Dark | 5
In The Dark | 6
In The Dark | 7
In The Dark | 8
In The Dark | 9

In The Dark | 3

5.4K 181 50
Autorstwa ButteryBreadsticks

Colin woke up lying next to Toby. Toby was still fast asleep, snoring softly. Colin yawned, and stretched his arms out, accidentally hitting Toby in the head. Toby groaned, scrunching his face up. He slowly opened his eyes, glaring at Colin. "What did you do that for!?" He groaned, hitting Colin upside the head.

"Ow, it was an accident." Colin said, rubbing his head. "Whatever. You woke me up, and I'm tired as fuck." Toby said, closing his eyes and rolling over. "Get your ass up, it's almost time for lunch." Colin said, glancing at his alarm clock. Toby sighed, but got out of bed. He picked his shirt up off the floor and threw it on. Colin did the same, and they both slipped their shoes on.

Right when they were about to head out the door, Braden barged in. He bumped into Toby, and glanced up from his phone. "Shit, sorry." He said, walking into the dorm. Colin and Toby left to go to the cafeteria, but Braden stayed in the dorm. He was replying to a message from Finn. 'Where were u last night??' The text read.

He quickly typed, 'I was helping Maria pick an outfit for the concert'. They texted each other for a few more minutes, and eventually went to meet up in the cafeteria.  "Jesus I'm hungry." Finn groaned, grabbing a lunch tray. "Me too." Maria said, rubbing at her eyes. Her and Braden had slept in til' 11:00 o'clock, skipping breakfast.

They usually didn't go to breakfast, since you had to wake up earlier to get there in time. The lunch ladies put sandwiches on their trays, and they went to go sit at their table. "So are you guys ready for the concert tonight?" Maria asked excitedly. "Yeah, I guess." Braden shrugged, taking a bite of his sandwich.

It wasn't the first concert Braden had been to, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. Maria had only been to a couple, so she still got overly excited when she went to concerts. "You probably won't survive in the mosh pit." Finn snickered, tossing a chip into his mouth. "I may be short but I can put up a hell of a fight." Maria said, raising one of her small fists.

"Uh huh." Braden laughed, rolling his eyes. "You're gonna die at that concert." They finished up the rest of their food, talking casually about random things. The three stood up and left to dump their trays, and then walked back to the dorms. Colin, Toby, and Valerie weren't that far behind, walking a small distance behind the three friends.

Colin began eavesdropping on them, and heard them mention the concert. "What are you guys gonna wear? We should match! Oh, that would be so cool!" Maria was saying, as Braden and Finn just nodded their heads as if they were listening. "Don't ignore me you pricks!" She said, flicking their foreheads.

They both glanced up at her from their phones, rolling their eyes. "I don't have to listen to you. This is a free country." Braden said, turning his attention back to his phone. "For now. When I'm president one day, you peasants will bow down to me." Maria said, knocking Braden's phone out of his hand.

He let out a dramatic sigh, and leaned down to pick up his phone. Colin hadn't been paying attention and didn't even realize Braden had stopped walking. He bumped right into him, causing him to lose his balance and topple over. "Ow." He said, looking up at Colin. "Uh, sorry." Colin said, blushing in embarrassment.

Braden put his hands behind his head and just lay there. "I'm just gonna stay here. You guys go ahead." Braden said, waving his friends off and closing his eyes. They laughed at him and continued walking. "Need a hand?" Toby said, reaching his hand out to Braden. "Nah, I'm good here." He said, opening one eye.

Toby shrugged and continued walking with Valerie. "You good?" Colin said, pulling Braden to his feet. "Just dandy." Braden said, retrieving his phone from the ground. Braden kept walking to his dorm, oblivious to the fact that Colin's gaze was traveling to his butt as he walked. Colin kept thinking of what Braden would look like if nothing was covering his parts.

He quickly shook the thoughts from his head and continued walking behind Braden. They reached their dorm room and the pair walked in to find Toby, Maria, Valerie, and Finn already there. They all looked up when they heard the door open, and Valerie jumped off Colin's bed. "Finally! What did you two get up to back there?" She joked.

The two both began blushing, and Braden quickly sat at his desk. "So what are you wearing tonight?" Maria asked, jumping on Braden's lap. "First of all, you're taken, so sit on your boyfriend." He chuckled, pushing Maria off his lap. "And second, like I said before, I'm not some fashion obsessed gay guy."

He paused, tapping his chin for a moment. "Well, I'm gay, just not fashion obsessed." He said. Maria laughed lightly, and walked over to Braden's closet. "Ooh, this one's cute!" She said, holding a black Panic! At The Disco shirt. Braden rolled his eyes and pulled his shirt off, exposing his tattoo. He took the shirt from Maria and tugged it on.

"You look hot! Ugh, why do the cute ones always have to be gay." She sighed. "I'm right here you know." Finn said, shaking his head in amusement at his girlfriend. Colin definitely wasn't gonna complain about the fact that Braden was gay. That worked in his favor. Although Colin was still a bit confused about his feelings, he thought that he might have a small crush on Braden.

Braden had known since he met Colin that he'd had a crush on him. They met two years ago, in freshman year. That was their first year of school at Jadeville Academy. They learned that they were roommates, and Braden instantly took a liking to Colin. He was gorgeous, nice, and his roommate. It was a triple win for him!

"Hey Maria, what time does the concert start?" Braden asked his friend, opening his laptop. "The doors open at 7:00, and the concert starts at 8:00." She informed him, plopping down in Finn's lap. "Alright." He said, nodding his head. "We should probably start getting ready then." "Yeah, me and Finn will meet you back here in an hour." Maria said, leading Finn out of the dorm.

Braden hopped out of his chair and pulled off his sweats, changing into black skinny jeans and converse. He combed his hair and stepped out of the bathroom. It had only been about ten minutes, so he had some time to kill. He noticed that Colin's friends were gone, and that Colin himself was getting ready.

Colin glanced up when he noticed Braden standing there, and was happy with what he saw. Braden was still in his black Panic! At The Disco shirt, but was now in black skinny jeans, that did great things for his legs, and black converse. "What concert are you going to?" Colin asked him, pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"A Brendon Urie concert." Braden shrugged, taking his phone off his desk. Colin suddenly grew nervous knowing that him and Braden were going to the same concert. "Oh what a coincidence. Toby, Val, and me are going to that concert too." Colin laughed, pulling his shoes on. "Oh, cool." Braden said, checking the time. 1:30.

After another thirty minutes passed, Braden waited for his friends to come into the dorm. Shortly after, Finn and Maria barged into the room. "Hey bitches! Ready to go?" She said, looking at Braden. "Yeah. Let's go." He said, standing up and following his friends to the parking lot. They all climbed in Braden's car and Braden pulled out of the parking lot.

Music blasted from the speakers as they rode in the car for about three hours, making a couple stops for bathroom breaks. After they finally arrived in the city the concert was being held at, Braden pulled into the parking lot of a small restaurant. The three friends got out of the car and walked into the small diner, sitting down at a booth in the corner.

Shortly after, a waitress came over and took their drink orders. She came back out with their drinks and they ordered their food. "Colin said Toby, Val, and him are gonna be at the concert too." Braden said, sipping his soda. "Really? Maybe you can finally make a move on your mans!" Maria said, playfully punching his shoulder.

"Maybe." Braden mumbled, continuing to sip his soda. Soon the waitress brought out their food, and they all ate in comfortable silence. After they finished eating, the three of them split the bill and left a tip. They walked outside and climbed back into Braden's car, leaving for the dome where the concert was being held.

Once they arrived, Braden checked the time, seeing that it was only 6 o'clock. The three looked up and saw that there was already a long line forming, starting at where the doors were and leading through half the parking lot. "Oh lord, this line is gonna be hell." Finn sighed, stepping out of the car. Maria and Braden copied him, and they all got at the back of the line.

After waiting for about an hour, the line had grown tremendously. The doors finally opened and everyone rushed inside. There was a man sitting at a booth when you walked in, taking people's tickets. They had printed their tickets a while after they bought them, so they were all set. Once they'd reached the booth, Maria handed the man their tickets and they were allowed inside.

The three friends walked further into the building, and there were security guards directing people to the mosh pit. Once everyone was inside, it was a pretty tight fit. There were hundreds of fans there, all of them waiting for Brendon Urie to come out on stage. Once it was about 8 o'clock, the lights dimmed and Brendon walked out on stage.

The crowd went wild, and Brendon was just riling them up. Finn let Maria up on his shoulders, and she went crazy when she saw Brendon. She was squealing like a major fangirl, and Braden found this quite funny. Once the music started, the crowd went berserk. Brendon began singing High Hopes with the crowd singing along.

He sang a few more songs, including Say Amen, LA Devotee, Death of a Bachelor, Hey Look Ma I Made It, Emperor's New Clothes, Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time, and King of Clouds. There were a couple other songs played after that, and everyone was dancing around, having a good time. Finn and Maria were jumping around like they were on crack, and Braden was just laughing at them.

But something caught Braden's eye. Somehow, out of hundreds of fans, Braden spotted Toby, Colin, and Valerie. Colin and Val seemed pretty wasted, and Val was grinding on Colin. Braden couldn't help the jealousy that he felt. 'Why can't he dance with me like that?' He thought. Braden just couldn't take his eyes away from the pair.

But what happened next, Braden was not expecting. Val pressed her lips to Colin's, and Braden's heart sunk. He tore his eyes away from them, and felt his vision go blurry. He felt a hot tear run down his cheek as he frantically wiped at his eyes. "Braden, what's wrong?" Maria asked in concern, noticing Braden's change in mood.

"Braden?" Finn said, turning his attention to his best friend. "Can we leave?" Braden choked out, looking directly at the floor. Maria looked behind Braden and saw Colin and Valerie locking lips. Her mouth formed an o shape, and she pulled Braden in for a hug. "I'm sorry Braden." She said, holding him close to herself.

Finn looked past his friends seeing Colin and Val, and he immediately felt bad for Braden. Braden felt more tears forming in his eyes, and pulled away from Maria. "Let's just go." He whispered, and his friends just barely heard him over the music. "C'mon Finn." Maria said, dragging Braden and Finn away.

More tears rolled down Braden's cheeks as he tried to wipe them away. He didn't want his friends to think he was a crybaby. "Braden, it's okay. Let it all out." Maria said, rubbing his back soothingly. They pushed their way through the mosh pit and made it back out to the concert hall. They left the building, and Braden gave Finn his keys so he could drive.

"It's okay Braden. You can do better than him." Maria said, pulling him in for another hug. "Why can't he just choose me?" Braden whispered, letting the tears flow down his cheeks. Is this what it felt like to be heartbroken? 'Cause this was the shittiest Braden had felt in his entire life. Even worse than when he broke his ankle in a rollerskating accident.

This wasn't physical pain though, this was emotional. Braden hung his head as Maria held him, and Finn drove to the motel they were staying at. Once in the parking lot, the three friends went inside to the front desk. Finn checked them into a room and they took the elevator up. They made it up to the fifth floor and Finn unlocked their room.

Braden trudged into the room and fell down face first on one of the beds. Maria and Finn decided not to bug him since he probably didn't feel like talking, so they just sat on their bed and channel surfed. They finally decided on some reality show and began watching it. Braden moved his head up and looked at his best friends.

They were sat together cuddling, just enjoying each other's company. Braden just wanted a relationship like that with Colin. But of course, Colin was straight. But Braden was unaware of the fact that Colin had a crush on him as well, and that the kiss with Val was a drunken mistake. Braden walked into the bathroom and started up the shower.

He stripped out of his clothes and hopped in once the water was hot. He washed his hair and body with the cheap motel soap, and got out of the shower. He dried off and wrapped a towel around his waist. He walked back into the room and glanced up at his friends. They were watching him curiously, seeing if he was okay.

"I'm just gonna try to get some sleep." Braden said, changing back into his clothes he wore to the concert. "You'll be okay Braden. You can do better than him." Finn said, trying to cheer his friend up. "I don't care about Colin! Obviously he doesn't like me back, he likes Val. If he wanted me, then he would've said something. So just drop it!" Braden snapped, regretting what he said.

He hadn't meant to snap at his friend, he was just angry and sad. "Sorry, Finn. I-I just.." Braden trailed off, running a hand through his wet hair. "It's alright, Braden." Finn said, giving Braden a reassuring smile. Braden sent him a forced smile back and crawled into bed. But his mind kept wandering off to Colin. He just wished that Colin returned his feelings.


Hi, thank you for reading! I know this story is probably trash, but if you like it then I guess you can vote and comment. Thxxx! :P

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