Black Spartans

By H27_Venom

10.4K 235 88

They called him a traitor, He killed more then any. Command wanted him in chains, he broke them, He had train... More

Nothing like the Simulations
A Planets Ancient Secret
Blacked out
Heros of the people
Meeting an Old Friend
Spartans...... Forever
Before and After
Battle Brothers
One Big Family
Black Legion
A New Friend?
Reunited in the worst Way
Family of War
Family and Business, Don't Mix
Family's A Funny Thing
Declaration of War
Her Army
Calculated Risks
Let It Be Known
Hell To Pay
Summer Break

What would you do... For family?

242 5 4
By H27_Venom

(A/n ALL Credit for Red Vs Blue goes the Rooster Teeth, I own nothing from them!)

A month later Mark laid with Angel watching a movie. She moved forward to grab more popcorn and then nuzzled back into Marks arms. Mark laid his head on hers, comfortable, but, fate has a funny way of making herself known. The comm on the table suddenly buzzed loudly, and Mark stood up walking over to it, looked at it and smiled. 

"727 here, hows Alpha doing?" Mark asked.

"Hello 727! Alpha is doing extremely well! Only a couple more days  and he should be able to go on your next tour." The A.I. Tech said, Mark smiled. 

"Thats great, and.... about the other project? Phoenix?" Mark asked in a hushed whisper. 

"That.... will take a lot more time, but with the data you were able to scavenge from Alpha's data sipher.... perhaps two years?" The tech said, Mark's smile dropped. 

"It never takes that long for a A.I to compute!" Mark hissed, annoyed. 

"Easy 727, yes it doesnt usually take that long, but thats a brand new A.I. You're trying to program memories into a specific A.I, that is what will take longer." The A.I. Tech said calmly. 

"Is it that hard? Or are you trying to change her? I know what you do, and if Alpha or Cortana are changed at all... hell will rain down on you, and your families." Mark hissed, the breathing told Mark that the Tech was there, but  too terrified to speak. 

"I must ask you to apologize, or the Admirals will be told of your threat." The Tech said finally, Mark snorted loudly. 

"The Admirals would support my decision, Im part of the group that saved the world, I'm the chief's best friend... you... your just a tech, get them both repaired." Mark said, then ended the call. 

"Techs messing with Alpha?" Angelica asked hugging Mark from behind. 

"Of course they are, what else do they do?" Mark said annoyed, not mentioning his pet project, he wanted to use the data of Cortana he had recovered from Alpha to make a new Cortana. The Chief deserved her back.

 "Well come on back to the couch, the movies almost over." Angelia said taking Marks hand and leading him back. Mark had barely sat down when the comm went off again, this time, the default ringtone. Mark stood up and walked over looking at the name. (A/n, Im assuming that Allison kept her name and her husband took it.... just so you know) 

"Leonard Church? It cant be..." Mark said under his breath. 

"Hello?" Mark asked. 

"Mark Church... its been a long time Spartan." Leonard said his gruff old voice the same as Mark remembered. 

"Leonard.... my sister husband... am I correct?" Mark asked, Angelica stood up and walked over hearing the conversation. "If you remember me then you will know that-" "WHERE THE HELL IS MY SISTER?!" Mark interrupted. 

"There is much we have to discuss, come to these coordinates and we can speak... you may wish to meet your niece." Leonard added, Mark gritted his teeth as he saw the message come across. 

"Thats extremely far out, what are you hiding Leonard?" Mark asked calmly. 

"If your wondering why its so far project isnt exactly fully.... Legal." Leonard said slowly, Mark's fingers curled into a fist, he had taken his sister away and had a child without his know how? Why?

 "I can be there in a couple days.... if your not there I will track you down and eliminate you... Im not a child anymore Leonard." Mark said, his tone deadly serious. 

"Dont disappoint me Ghost." Leonard said. 

"See you in a couple of days,  good luck hiding." Mark said hanging up the call and turning to Angelica. 

"Get the Crew together... we've got personal business to attend too." Mark said, Angelica nodded slowly and picked up her comm. Mark walked out the door and onto his motorcycle, driving off.

"Ah! You finally came Ghost!" An Armor-smith said as Mark approached. 

"You said you upgraded my armor... lets see it then." Mark said impatiently. 

"Of course sir!" The Armorsmith said having him follow him. They walked up to blast doors. "The latest tech, so high tech, its the only one that exists, we spent night and day to develop it." The Armorsmith said and the doors open, revealing new armor, it looked like pure carbon fiber, but it was too dark, it was a material Mark had never seen before, except once. 

"Abysll!" Mark said amazed. 

"With a few other upgrades. But mainly correct!" The Armorsmith said ecstatically, Mark approached the armor and it melted away letting him inside.

"Impressive nano-tech, the suit feels incredible, whats the battery life?" Mark asked. 

"Indefinite." The Armo smith said smiling, then he looked to his right and nodded. 

"We also repaired your rifle, making a few more adjustments, and added a Abysll assault rifle, have fun, and kick some ass Ghost." The Armorsmith said, Mark grabbed the rifles and walked to the door. 

Days later Mark walked into the tech center in his new armor. The people around him awed and applauded, Mark walked right up to the room he dropped Alpha off. "Madam, I feel fine, thank you for repairing me." Alpha said as Mark walked through the door. 

"Is it time to go then my friend?" Alpha asked to Mark, whos helmet disappeared on command. 

"We've got to go save my sister and my niece, and kill Leonard." Mark said, Alpha seemed to enjoy this and moved to Mark. 

"Then, in your words, 'lets get a move on'." Alpha quoted, Mark smiled stepping forward. 

"Hey... Im sorry for what I said that day, I'm stressed, and exhausted." Mark apologized to the woman.

 "I figured that, you seem like a nice man,  please take care of Alpha, his tech is impossible to replicate." The Tech said smiling. Mark took the chip and implanted it, feeling Alpha enter his head. 

Then Mark turned and left the building, driving home, he found his crew waiting for him. 

"So thats the new armor Angelica mentioned? Impressive." Corbin said as Mark walked to them. 

"Everyone's here, except Conklin, he thought it best to stay home with his baby girl." Angelica said approaching, holding her helmet on her hip. 

"Of Course the Mother Fuc-" "Yeah, figured, he always was weak." Boom interrupted Warren. 

"So, we going or what? I've been waiting at the airport for at least a hour already." Cat said in Marks ear. 

"What have we got to drive? Just the Pelican?" Mark asked.

 "Negative, we've been given a small ship.... callsign UNSC Chaos." Cat said. 

"Courtesy of your father." Angelica added. 

And the Fleet Admiral of course." Cat added onto Angelica's message. 

"Rodger, ALL RIGHT PEOPLE! Lets hit the road! We got a lot of space to travel!" Mark yelled. They all piled into the convoy of Warthogs and tore down the road, arriving at the airfield within a few minutes. 

"Hello! Its the one to your 3 o'clock!" Cat yelled through the comm, they drove to the moderately sized ship and drove the Warthogs in,the deck big enough for the pelican and the Warthogs, but little else. They all dismounted and ran through the only door, leading to the command deck, the bunks, the recreation area, and the cockpit itself. 

"Permission to take off Admiral?" Cat asked, Mark shook his head, remembering the promotion. 

"Command didnt even promote the Chief... but me, I get promoted left and right." Mark sighed, then he nodded. 

"Permission granted." Mark said finally. 

"Control tower, this is the UNSC Chaos, requesting permission to take off?" Cat asked. 

"You're heading out again Havoc? Good luck with whatever your doing, permission granted." Control said, Cat smiled and took off into the air, once they reached a far enough distance Cat looked to Mark. 

"Coordinates?" She asked, Mark gave her the coordinates he had been given and sat down in a seat nearby, locking the harness down. 

"Juliet? You got those locked in?" Cat asked. 

"Affirmative, engaging slip space warp." Juliet said, Mark smiled remembering when they all first met their A.I. 

Alpha, say hello to everyone." Mark said extending his hand, the little version of his old armor appeared and waved. "Good to see you made it through everything Brother!" Eta said laughing. All the A.I came out and said hello, everyone marry as they moved through slipspace. 

"EXITING SLIPSPACE! HOLD ON!" Cat called, Mark braced and felt them slow, hitting the front of harness, Jumper, the only one who hadnt followed Ghost's lead in securing the harness, flew forward. 

"Serves you right, you should have seen that coming." Theta said in a smug tone. 

"Um guys, where are we?" Cat asked breaking the conversation. Ghost stood up and walked over looking at the planet. 

"I dont actually know... I think its a old simulation training planet, but if so that would be incredibly pointless." Ghost said, they all looked at the planet, before Ghost's comm rang out. 

"Hello, I detect you have entered the area, If you havent guessed it, This is a recording, but I am at these coordinates on the planet... happy hunting Ghost." The caller said. Leonard was a recording! That explained why he didnt answer Marks questions! 

"So THATS the asshole we're hunting." Boom said cracking his neck and checking his armor. 

"Find us a spot to land near these coordinates." Ghost said sending the coordinates to Cat, she descended slowly and soon found a spot flat enough to land. Ghost looked out the window at the facility it was covered in moss, clearly no one had kept up on the outside cleaning regiment, his instincts warned him of the scent of a trap. 

Hours later they made their way to the main entrance, and with a little help from Alpha, opened the door. Moving through the halls they finally found a office of sorts. 

"Stack up." Ghost ordered, Havoc obeyed stacking on the sides, Mark nodded to Boom who set a explosive on the door, blasting it open. They walked into the office and the lights flickered on. Ghost's stomach gagged as he smelled the scent, piercing through even his suit. 

"Sorry Sir, looks like your friend is KIA." Boom said inspecting the corpse with the gun to one side. 

"We got a data pad! With your name on it Ghost!" Patches said inspecting the data pad. 

"Hello Mark, if your reading this, I failed my mission, you see... I wanted to show you the new Allison." Leonard began. 

"New? Why would he need a new unless.... Oh god." Mark said slowly sliding down the wall. 

"Your Allison, was KIA shortly in a combat zone." Leonard continued. 

"You see, our daughter was raised in the my project, she was to become a weapon to beat even the chief, but it seems that was impossible, you would be proud of her skills however, and with time.... you could teach her how to be like you... I heard so much about the Black Spartans, enough to make me interested, but when I found out who you were, I shut my mouth, you wouldnt care for Project Freelancer, would you?" Leonard asked. 

"I wouldnt want anyone to go through what we went through." Ghost said, everyone murmured an agreement. 

"However, your Niece thinks she is a fugitive, which may technically be true, but that does not matter, what matters is that she may be in danger...  I believe you know of Chairman Hargrove? The judge who tried to have you killed for 'crimes'?" Leonard asked as if he was there. 

"That son of a bitch disappeared two years after you did Sir." Boom said cracking his knuckles. 

"I bet you do, and he is going after project freelancer, their armor is almost identical to yours, although it took me much longer, they are truly only copies of the best armor invented." Leonard continued. 

"So to be short, he's going after your niece, callsign Carolina, just tell her mothers full name, only you would know that." Leonard said, then the hologram turned to a map, pinging a location. 

"Cat! You getting this?" Angelica asked. 

"All of it! I've got the position locked! Lets go!" Cat said. They raced through the halls, back to the Pelican, which Patches drove while Cat drove the Chaos. They flew into the hanger and jumped out, ran up to their seats and locked in. "Punch it... I will not let my niece die for my mistake." Ghost growled. The ship started forward and soon, entered slip space.  

When they came out they found a huge ship near the planet, marked with a symbol Mark had not seen before. "Its the Pirates." Boom Growled. Everyone growled except Mark, who stood confused. 

"They steal gear and take innocent lives, very bad, not highly trained." Jumper said, Ghost sighed and looked to Valkyrie. "I've got a group holding against the door. Far too many troops on the other side, bio metrics say.... Oh my god, its them, the lost Reds and Blues." Valkyrie said. "No way." Boom said amazed. 

"A team of Simulation troopers from earth disappeared into thin air, no one knows where they went." Patches informed. 

"What about Carolina?" Ghost asked. Valkyrie pointed. 

"In a separate group, they seem to be fighting, but appear to be doing well, Its these here that need our help." Valkyrie said, Mark sighed. "ALRIGHT HARD DROP! I DONT WANT THESE PEOPLE TO DIE!" Ghost yelled, he walked to the door of the cockpit, and jumped out, aiming for the spot Valkyrie marked. 

Alpha moved through the air, the others moving very slow, or he was just moving very fast, he found his way to the other A.I. and heard him recording. "You do not need to sacrifice yourself." Alpha said. "What? Who are you?" the A.I asked. "I am Alpha, a war A.I. My friend is Mark Church, he is coming right now to kill the others behind the door, please, dont sacrifice yourself, there is no need for that now." Alpha said. 

"What if they cant handle them?" The A.I. asked. 

"Here is a recording from my friends helmet cam, he did missions like these for over two years, and is the Master Chief's equal." Alpha said opening a file and letting it run.

"I-I dont believe it! I have access to a file called black spartans, but I thought they were random soldiers, my name is Epsilon, thank you." Epsilon said. (A/n this is the ending I wished for, the ending I had was just so sad and depressing.) 

Ghost flew through the hull of the roof and landed on the soldiers, killing them all as his squad landed nearby eliminating the threat. 

"I recognize that armor! HOW ARE YOU HERE BLACK SPARTANS!" Hargrove screamed. 

"We are here to save my friends! And Kill a traitor!" Mark yelled out loud, then he turned to the door. 

"Alpha, can you open the door." Mark asked. The door slowly opened and Ghost saw the team facing them. "SCATTER!" Ghost yelled and they jumped to the side avoiding the barrage. "Easy guys! These are friendlies!" A voice said, Ghost peeked around the corner and saw them standing down. 

"We're Havoc, we've come to get you out of here!" Mark said entering the room. The room was quiet. 

"Wait... as in thee Black Spartans?" A man with red armor asked. "Correct, now please, follow us and we can eliminate Chairman Hargrove." Ghost said, the man broke into laughter. "You are so funny! HAHA!" The man said.

"Sarge.... he's serious, this is Ghost, these are the Black Spartans." An, A.I. said, the team looked to Havoc. 

"Are these guys important or something?" A man asked.

 "Shut your mouth Tucker, these guys are legends, for us simulation guys, these were the real deal, they fought in the Covenant war!" Sarge said. "Woah... that was years ago!" A man said. 

"Shut up! it ended like 4 years ago on earth! Its just been so long since we've been home that... well." A man in blue armor said. 

"The time is different here, for us its been 15 years, for you 4." the A.I said. 

"A very interesting concept Epsilon." Alpha said appearing. 

"Whos that! Another A.I.?" the team asked. "Im Alpha very nice to meet you." Alpha said. "Kill Alpha!" A man said charging forward, Boom caught him and threw him to the wall with ease.  

"Its not the same Alpha! This one isn't me! Its Ghost's A.I. they all have them." Epsilon explained. "Oh ok!" The man said giving a thumbs up. (CABOOSE!) 

"Jumper, Patches, take point to secure the rest of the ship, Boom, Yin, Yang, clear the way to the command deck." Ghost ordered. 

"Yes sir!" They said in unison, taking off and shots being fired, the sounds of screaming men echoing. "I almost feel bad for them." Valkyrie said. "Why? I didnt go." Mark asked. Valkyrie laughed and turned around. 

"We should get moving, the other teams are going to start moving in." She said starting off. Ghost turned back to the team. 

"You heard the woman, lets go." He said running off. 

Ghost looked back after a while to see them following him to the command deck. Only one final door left, Ghost approached Havoc, all in a firing line. "We dont have a way in!" A man said from behind them. Ghost smirked and laughed a single time. "Ha, no entrance, Boom, show these rookies how we do it." Ghost smirked, Boom and patches laid the explosives and blew them, the Black Spartans charged forward, into the smoke. Hearing the firing, Ghost stopped the other team. "They will be fine, watch this." Ghost said, right on queue the firing stopped. Havoc turned to show the burn marks but no even a dent. "Civilian weapons, pitiful." Boom said flicking off a shell that lodged itself between his armor plates. Ghost moved forward, approaching Hargrove. 

"Y-you killed my son!" he screamed. Ghost shook his head. 

"Your son was in my squad, I knew him well... I looked for him when he disappeared, and what I found you wont like." Ghost said and Alpha played video footage from before his first fight. "Mick? You in here brother? Mick.... oh god! MICK!" The video displayed the footage of Micks suicide, his blood everywhere. 

"Your son killed himself sir, he wasn't captured, he was too scared to face the covenant. Im sorry..." Ghost said, Hargrove slowly started weeping his face in his hands. Ghost stood up and placed his pistol to his head. 

"....But Traitors deserve no remorse." he said pulling the trigger. Ghost turned and walked out with his squad.

 "Why did you do that!" Epsilon asked. "No one hurts my family.... come on, you'll find out soon enough, Epsilon. "Ghost said, he walked to the flight deck and found a Pelican. 

"Patches, if you would." Ghost said. 

"He's back to his old self again, I cant tell if this is good or not. "Ghost heard Boom whisper.

 "Definitely good, remember how effective he was? They dont stand a chance!" Jumper said ecstatically. "He was also extremely reckless." Yang said. "Im fine guys, just a little bit overprotective at the moment." Ghost finally said. 

"Alright Sir, whatever you say." Yin said finally, they all sat awkwardly as the pelican soared to the other lifeforms, when it landed they all got out, the Reds and Blues first. 

When Havoc got out they were met with rifles to the face. 

"State your name!" A female voice asked, Ghost looked to the blue armored woman and snickered. 

"Carolina, stand down, these guys saved us!" Epsilon said appearing, Ghosts breath caught in his chest, he found her. 

"You're Carolina?" Ghost asked as he looked at the woman. 

"Thats me, how do you know me?" Carolina asked. 

"I think I would know the daughter of Allison Church." Ghost said, Carolina raised her rifle again. 

"You son of a bitch!" she screamed, Mark kicked the rifle away as it was fired. 

"Your father was Leonard Church, I knew your mother when she was alive Carolina." Mark said. 

"How!" Carolina asked attacking. Mark caught both her fists, and brought her to the ground, he redirected his blow so it would harm him. 

"That was a dumb move, you hurt yourself." Carolina said. 

"I meant to do it, after all, I think my sister would come back from the dead to haunt me if I hurt her daughter." Mark said, Carolina stopped moving. 

"Epsilon! Run his Bio metrics!" Carolina yelled. 

"I already did, his name is Mark Church,he's your uncle Carolina." Epsilon said finally, Mark smiled. 

"I always wanted a niece, welcome to the family Carolina." He said, Carolina let herself fall and hugged Mark. 

"I thought I didnt have anyone left." She said and Mark heard her soft weeps behind her mask. 

"Its alright Carolina, everything is alright." Mark said stroking her helmet softly.


I wont be able to update this week, im on vacation without my laptop, see ya next week!)

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