Contract Husband [H2OVANOSS]...

By ZieZie66

95.1K 5.2K 3.3K

For the past ten years, the Dennis and Fong Company are the most ranked and successful companies in the world... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
[NOT A CHAPTER] Just Got Tagged
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 29

1.7K 92 31
By ZieZie66

[Yesterday after the scene at the Cafe]

Evan's POV

"Can't we stay for another hour?" Brian grumble while entering the car.

"No." I shortly replied. He then roll his eyes at me as he shut the door close before grabbing the seat belt and straping it on his side. I did it as well and start the engine.

"I didn't know you're so protective." He said with a meaningful smirk. I grunt while stepping on the gas and started driving back to the company.

"I'm just being careful on what Wilde is planning to do against us. I'm sure he has some disgusting tricks under his sleeves."

"OR. You're worried about Jon's safety." He added. I shot him a quick glare before looking back on the road.

"What makes you think of that conclusion?" I asked back. He hum and tap his pointy finger on his chin like deeply thinking. As if he really is.

"You would have just send me like the usual to check on him instead of doing it yourself." He reasoned out. I bite the inside of my cheek and force myself to not let out a displease comment.

"Guilty?" He asked. Now fully smirking at me.

"Tell me again why did you tag along? You should have just stayed in your office." I change the topic. Not wanting to let this conversation continue.

"Hey! When I heard that you're going to the cafe where my husband is also working at, obviously I'm going with you to see him."

"Brock sure is an unlucky guy." I commented. He snort and cross his arms.

"And Jon's an unlucky guy too." He remark with a sly smirk. My eye twitch and an unknown irritation is slowly coming in me. I grip the stirring wheel and made a hard right. Intentionally making his head hit the car's window. He yelp as his face hit it. I let out a pleased sigh when I heard the soft 'thud'. I bit my lower lip to prevent the pleased look that was trying to form on my face be seen.

"You dick! Do you want to ruin my beautiful face?!" He yell while rubbing his nose that was starting to turn red. The side of my mouth twitch but I ignore it and answer.

"What are you talking about? I just simply made a right turn." I stated.

"'I just simply made a right turn', he says. Fucking asshole. You did it on purpose." He mumble and turn away. Still rubbing his aching nose.

"You're welcome."


"So I heard that these past few days you're leaving early. What's the sudden change?" My father spoke up out of the blue as he look at me with a huge smile. I grunt while fixing the papers orderly. I'm currently in his office and we're discussing some changes and new ideas for the new game we're developing when he suddenly ask that question.

"Who did you heard it from?" I ask back.


Knew it.

There was a moment of silence before he spoke up once again. "So are you going to answer my question?" He insist as he raise his brow at me. I sigh and put the papers down.

"I'm leaving early so I can pick Jonathan up from work."

His eyes widen and a huge smile plastered on his face. "Really? Why? He could have just drive home himself."

I grunt and sit down on one of the chairs across him. "He doesn't have a car owned." I replied back. He then raise his brow.

"Then buy him one." He simply suggested. I shake my head and cross my arms.

"Already tried it but he refused it. Keeps telling me that he doesn't need it and it's just a waste of money." I told him as I remember that one time I told him we should buy his own car.


We were currently at the couch sitting side by side and watching a movie he picked for us to watch together when I brought up the topic.

"Hey." I said, trying to catch his attention. It did and he asked back without breaking his stare at the television.


I wait a couple of seconds before telling the thing that I want to say since the first time I gave him a ride to his work.

"Why don't you have a car owned?" I asked. Curiousness really taking over me.

He stopped munching the chips he brought and look at me surprised. I raise my brow at the sudden change of action. After a couple of seconds of him just staring at me he finally answer my question. "Because I don't want one." He simply replied. A frown form on my forehead at his answer.

"But it is much more essential for transportation rather than commuting." I reasoned to him. He raise his brow at first before shaking his head.

"It would be inconvenient. Imagine, where the hell will I park it once I get to the cafe? The parking lot is so far away and I couldn't just park it on the side of the road where people walk on. Besides, it's only a waste of money. I don't need it okay?" He replied with arms crossed and look back at the movie. The movie no longer caught my interest and instead I talk again.

"Why don't you try it first? I'll buy you one right away." I persist. He sigh and put down the chips and face his body at me. He cross his legs below him so he can fully face me.

"I already did. It didn't go well. And don't you dare secretly buy me a car or else I'll get mad at you for wasting money on such thing." He threaten as he point his finger at my face. I shut my lips tightly and simply nodded my head. He seems satisfied and let out a small smile.

"Besides, you're already driving me to work and picking me up so what's the point of me having it anyway? I prefer this." He added before going back to his original sitting position and continue watching the movie.

"You sure?" I asked for the last time. He nodded and grin.

"One hundred percent." He assured.

After that talk I never brought up that topic ever again.


"Besides, I'm already giving him a ride to his work and picking him up. I guess it really is inconvenient." I added. He chuckled while looking at me.

"That's so sweet of you." He commented with a small smile on his face. I look away and didn't talk back. After a few minutes he talk once again.

"Are you two getting along well?"

Why does he have so many questions today?

"Yes, father." I said through gritted teeth. He close his mouth tightly. Finally some peace. Now, what am I going to do next-

"By the way," Oh my god. Can't he just be quiet for a few min- "your cousin will arrive this weekend."

I paused on my mental complaining and blink a couple of times as I process the new information. When I finally recover, I sat up straight and thought of it.

I already know who my father is talking about. I only have one cousin since my father is an only child and my late mom's only sister has just one child.

"Ahh. Him? I heard that he has to repeat his senior highschool."

My father took a deep breath and nodded.

"Sadly, yes. His attitude is... complicated."

I raise my brow. I thought my cousin is just stupid.

"And why are you telling me this?" I asked. Having a suspicion on where this conversation will went.

"Well, your aunt knows you are intelligent," Hm. "Mature," Okay? "and can easily influence others."

I exasperately let out a deep sigh as he dwindle with his point.

"Just get on with it, father! Where is this conver-"

"So your aunt wants you to take care of his son and change his bad attitude." He cut me off immediately before I could finish my complain. I froze.

"What?" I blurted. My fist clench and eye twitch. "You want me to be a baby sitter of a brat?"

"He's not a brat, just a hard headed and I know you can handle him. Just be patient and be nice to him. Surely you can do it in no time." He explained but I'm not going to just sit here and listen on his nonsense.

"I don't have time for that, father. There are a lot of things to finish this week, but instead, you want me to take care of that ill mannered annoying child? What benefits will I get from it?" I exclaimed. A tired sigh escape from my father's lips as he massage his temple. Clearly getting tired of this conversation. Well so was I.

"I know you don't have the best tolerance, but your cousin is going to be a heir like you. So of course your aunt wants you to teach his son how to be you."

How to be me?

"And what benefits? Maybe if you succeed on changing him one day he could be a very successful heir like you then you two could work together and be the most powerful companies." He said the last part with a smirk. "I'm leaving this task in your hand. I hope you can change him the way you want him to be. You can do this simple task, right?"

I tried my best to calm myself before defeatedly nodding my head. He finally smile and patted my back.

"That's my boy! You can leave now. I can handle the rest."

I stood up with hunched shoulders as I grab my briefcase and walk out of the office. When I finally made it outside the office the first one I saw is Brian who's sitting in the corner and only stood up when he saw me. I ignore him and keep walking back to my own office. I hear footsteps behind me and I don't have to look back to see who it is.

"So how's your talk with your father?" He asked, a teasing smile on his face. I snarl and send him a glare.

"I wish I could tape your mouth permanently."

He laugh like not minding my threat and quicken his pace to catch up with my speed.

"So is he happy?"

I frown. What kind of question is that?

"That old man is always happy whenever we see each other." I replied while turning a corner. He did as well and skip beside me.

"Well you're right but don't you think he has a reason to be happy today?" He asked again. I squint my eyes at him and study his movement. Is he planning something?

I pretend to not notice his changes of action and play along. "I think there is."

His eyes lit up and smile widen. "Really? Do you know what it is?"

I stop walking and face him. He did as well and tilt his head in confusion why I suddenly stop.

"Yes, I do and whatever you're planning I suggest that you should stop already."

After I said that I turn around and continue walking. This time he didn't follow but before I manage to get away I hear him mumble to his reply.

"If you already know then why do you keep pretending that you don't like him?"

It's because I don't.

I finally made it back to my own office and immediately sat on my swivel chair. I lean my back on it and let out a deep sigh. I put my fingers on the side of my forehead and massage my temple.

"This is totally not my day..." I grumble as I keep massaging my temple to lessen the headache.

"How did I end up to this situation?" I ask myself. Oh right. The contract.

I sigh as I sat up straight and face the computer to start working.


I stood outside the cafe Jonathan was working at and patiently wait for him to be done with his job. I always came here at the exact closing of the cafe to make sure he would not have to wait for me and instead, I wait for him. I let out a deep sigh as I look at my watch at what time it already is. 8:17pm(20:17) He should already be done--

"Ah! Mr. Fong!" Someone suddenly called from a distance, immediately cutting my thoughts. I look up and saw a young guy with pale skin and bright blond curly hair walking towards my direction. He looks familiar but I couldn't exactly remember where I saw him before.

I stood up straight and study his feature. I look at where he came from and that's when I realize that it was the young guy working on the cafe. He finally reach my location and flash me a huge smile.

"Why are you just standing here? Please come inside while waiting for Jon!" He offer as he point inside the cafe. My eyes slightly widen and I quickly shake my head.

"As much as your offer seems nice but I would like to decline and prefer to wait here instead. I believe Jonathan will be out in a few minutes anyway." I replied in a calm tone. Instead of disappointment that I'm expecting to see in his face when I turn down his offer, what I saw instead was astonishment clearly shown on his face.

"Wow. You really do speak in such a formal way. It's so amazing to hear you talking like that." He mumble as he stare at me in awe. I quickly avert my eyes at the uncomfortableness of his gaze. I may be used to the praises I hear the other people say to me but I'm unaccustomed when it comes to admiration towards me.

"I... guess."

He quickly snap out of his daze and shot his eyes open wide.

"O-Oh! I'm so sorry! It must be super awkward for you! I deeply apologize! My god, I shouldn't have bothered you in the first place and-"

"No, no, it's okay. You shouldn't apologize for such simple things." I cut him off. He look at me with an apologetic smile and scratch the back of his neck.

"Sorry." He repeated. I stare at him and ruffle his hair.

"I told you to not apologize for such simple things didn't I?" I reminded him. He quickly shut his mouth and nodded. I remove my hand that was still on his head and put it in my suit pocket. He stand beside me and look at the cafe. I did the same and we just stood there in silence until he suddenly spoke up.

"I really do admire you mr. Fong." He said out of the blue.


He look at me confused. I never tear my gaze away at the cafe as I speak once again.

"Just call me Evan."

His eyes widen and he immediately shakes his head.

"I-I can't! That would be so rude of me to just simply call you by your first name without any label of respect!" He explained. Shock still evident in his face. This kid is amusing me.

"Well technically if you called me like that, it was my father you are calling instead of me." I corrected him. He stare at me first before his mouth form an 'O'.

"Oh... okay. Well then uhm... mr. Evan it is." He uttered as he play with the hem of his shirg while looking down.

"No need for formality. As you can see I'm just here to bring Jonathan home with me, not for business. Only call me that when I'm working. Got it?"

He finally look up and thought about it before nodding his head.

"Okay m-" I raise my brow and he quickly change it and cough. "E-Evan. I'll only call you like that when you're working." He continue. I let out a sigh and patted his back.

"Good. My passenger is finally here." I muttered as I notice my husband walking out of the cafe. This kid's eyes suddenly widen all of a sudden.

"W-Wait I just noticed, you said earlier that you'll bring Jon home with you? Are you two living together?" He asked as he look up at me with a deep frown.

Ah shit. He's going to be mad at me if I tell anyone about us. Especially to his friends.

I pretend to have no clue what he just asked and raise my brow. "Did I? Maybe you're just mishearing things. I said earlier that I'm bringing Jonathan home to his place." I flatly said. He look down and put his fingers on his lips like in deep thought.

"Home doesn't sound right.." He mumbled. I watch as Jonathan look around until his eyes finally landed to our direction and he immediately walk towards us.

"Maybe you're right mr- I mean, Evan. Jonathan told me before that he's just living on an apartment. I bet you're living on a mansion." He said with a smile. I patted his back in reply. Jonathan finally made it to us and he slowly raise his brow at the two of us.

"You guys looks like getting along nicely." He commented with a teasing smile. This kid laugh while I just simply nodded my head.

"Well I should leave you two now so you can go." The kid said as he started walking away.

"Hey." I called. He stopped walking and look back at me curiously.

"What's your name?" I asked. He looks shocked at first before his expression changed and a huge smile plastered on his face.



Didn't get to update yesterday. I stayed up until 4am making a popup book and poem about happiness for our project which should be a 'group project' but I'm the only one who did everything. :/ And my class starts at 7 in the morning. I really hate groupings. (For those interested, wanna read the poem that I made?:))

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