
By Komorebi_00

395 129 65

supernova ˌsuːpəˈnəʊvə/Submit nounASTRONOMY a star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a... More

Character Aesthetics
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter four

12 10 2
By Komorebi_00

When we arrived back to his house, Trev was awake, smoking a cigarette out the patio door. He eyed me weirdly when I stepped in.

"Weird time of the Mornin' to go swimming."

I cracked a grin.

Junior had calmed down on the way home and now he had decided to glue himself to my feet.

"He rarely trusts other people, but this is good for him." Oscar said quietly, when he noticed.

Junior sat by the door, and closed his eyes.

"I'll grab some towels, wait here." Oscar said as he disappeared down the hallway. Trev watched me carefully.

"What happened?"

"Someone attacked Oscar when we were walking junior. He pulled out a knife but Oscar managed to fend him off. But Junior freaked out and ran away, we found him caught on seaweed in the river so I jumped in to save him."

Realization sparked in Trev's eyes. "Ahhh, he couldn't of gone in, because of his wound."

I nodded grimly and Oscar walked back into the kitchen, holding a bunch of towels and a change of clothes. He handed me them sheepishly.

"They're Dollie's, so they should fit you."

I accepted the black leggings and old guns and roses shirt graciously and nodded in appreciation. "Thanks."

"Bathroom is down the hall, to the left."

I followed his directions, but something made me stop in realization as I saw the picture on the wall.

Oscar stood next to Dollie, they were younger there, and their parents stood in the background. I hadn't seen their parents at all, and I didn't see any other car in the driveway. Maybe they were away? I shrugged it off as I went into the bathroom, but my gut feeling told me there was something more there.


Trev was indeed going back to Hollowgrove but I had no intention of leaving without getting answers first, and I had analyzed the situation and come to a conclusion.

"I know why you were attacked." I stated, and Oscar's eyes narrowed. Trev let out a cool laugh, leaning back in his seat.

"Shoot sweet pea."

"You're in a gang."

The room went silent, before Oscar looked down in disdain.

"I most certainly am not. Do you think I've time to be running around like that? I haven't the time or energy to be getting myself involved in stupid things that don't concern me."

My eyes went wide as my face turned a few shades darker. But of course, I had to keep digging my own grave.

"Then why would someone shoot you at the party house? And then attack you while walking Junior. That screams gang activity."

Oscar cleared his throat. "I think it's time for you to be returning to Hollowgrove now."

I stood my ground. I was not going to be driven out without any answers. "I was there when you were attacked, I could've easily been targeted too. That drags me into whatever mess you're apart of, so I think I deserve to know."

He gave me a contemplative look, and I thought I was finally managing to thaw through the ice when he opened his mouth.

"No. Go home."

I glared at him, "Tell me what's going on."

He stood up abruptly. "I'm not going to drag you into this Finely. After today, you won't speak to us again. You'll go back to school and act like we've never met, you'll go back to your old life and pretend that none of this ever happened because as sad and boring as your life may be, this doesn't concern you."

I gaped at him, and his stupid self entitled audacity.

"Doesn't concern me? Was it or was it not me that was dragged here against my will after you got yourself shot. And I saved your dog from drowning because you couldn't as a result of getting shot. So you better tell me what the hell is going on or I really will not speak to you again!" I exclaimed and he threw his hands up.

"Be my guest!"

I huffed, grabbing my drenched pile of clothes and phone as I stood up. Trev stayed silent as he followed me out to his car, which was parked down the street a little. So he must have come to the party with Oscar and left his car there.

I bet he knows what's going on.

I got in, glaring ahead like a stubborn child. Oscar stayed inside as we pulled out of his driveway

He stayed silent for a few moments before breaking the ice.

"I know it might not seem like it, but Oscar just doesn't want to pull you into a dangerous situation. It's not a game Finely. Someone shot him and then tried to attack him a day after. Can you blame him for not wanting to pull you into that?"

"I'd feel safer knowing what was going on, I can't defend myself if I have no knowledge of what's going on. I don't want to act like I've never met him once we go back to school, that's just..." I trailed off, realizing I sounded kind of childish.

"You're not in any kind of trouble at the moment Finley. You should try to keep it that way, knowing will only drag you in further and it'll be hard to leave it behind."

I groaned. "When you say it like that, it only makes me want to know more."

He grinned. "Sorry kiddo, but for the record, I've known Oscar for a long time. I know that it takes a lot to build up his respect, he doesn't let people in. And when he finally does, the way he looks at them is different, I can tell, and Finely," he looked over at me, his mouth sporting a loose grin.

"He's started to look at you like that."

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