In The Dark ✓ (BoyxBoy)

By ButteryBreadsticks

61.7K 1.7K 717

[Completed] Braden and Colin are roommates at Jadeville Academy, a preppy school for rich kids. Braden has li... More

In The Dark | Characters
In The Dark | 2
In The Dark | 3
In The Dark | 4
In The Dark | 5
In The Dark | 6
In The Dark | 7
In The Dark | 8
In The Dark | 9

In The Dark | 1

10K 253 193
By ButteryBreadsticks

Braden tried not to focus on his roommate, Colin, who stood in their dorm room shirtless, with his gray sweats hanging loosely off his hips. Colin knew that Braden was gay, and he didn't have a problem with it, but he didn't know that Braden liked him.

Braden himself was a small boy, with golden blonde, curly locks, and freckles spread across his nose. They brought out his light blue eyes, and cute facial features. Colin glanced over at Braden, noticing that he was staring. Colin raised an eyebrow, and Braden quickly averted his gaze to the floor.

Colin was a fit boy, with a light trace of abs, and toned arms and legs. He was well known around the school, and quite popular, though he was not mean. He had handsome facial features, with a chiseled jawline, and messy brown hair. No matter how he tameed it, his hair was always all over the place.

He had chocolate brown eyes, that Braden thought were absolutely breathtaking. "You gonna get ready?" Colin asked the smaller boy, glancing in his direction. "Uh, y-yeah." Braden stuttered, mentally scolding himself for acting like a fool in front of his crush.

Although Colin was oblivious to the feelings that Braden had for him, he didn't mind having him around. He liked Braden as a friend, but did feel butterflies when Braden was in the room from time to time. Braden stood up and tugged his shirt off, leaving his tattoo of the illuminati on full display.

Colin found his gaze traveling to Braden's exposed stomach, getting a familiar sensation of butterflies in his stomach. Braden suddenly felt self conscious, thinking that Colin was silently judging him. Braden did regret the tattoo to some extent, remembering that he'd gotten it at a street fair when he was completely hammered.

Braden hurried to the bathroom, shutting the door and locking it. Colin was a little disappointed that he didn't get to see Braden shirtless for that long, but then quickly remembered that he needed to hurry and get ready so he could meet his friends before class. He quickly pulled on his uniform, along with his shoes, and fixed his hair in the mirror.

Satisfied with his look, he grabbed his bag and went to find his friends. Braden quickly finished his shower, and dried off, wrapping a towel around his waist. He walked into the room, and grabbed a clean shirt and a clean pair of dress pants, throwing them on. He put on his shoes, and walked back to the bathroom to tame his wild curls.

He brushed his hair and his teeth, grabbed his bag, and left the dorm room to go find his best friend, Finn. Once he found his friend, Braden and Finn set off to class, talking about unimportant things as they walked. After about a two minute walk from the dorms to the academic building, the boys stopped outside of their first class. English.

Braden hated English. It was the only class that he did poorly in, so naturally, he had it as his first class. They bid farewell, and Finn continued down the hall to his class. Braden walked into the classroom, sitting in his seat. He closed his eyes and propped his head up with his palm.

All he did was blink, and apparently fell asleep. Suddenly, his teacher Ms. Biggson was in front of his desk. "Sleeping in class again Braden?" She said sharply, and Braden gulped. He really didn't like Ms. Biggson that much, and knew he would probably get detention. "Shit, sorry ma'am." He sighed, running a hand through his messy blonde locks.

She rolled her eyes, and glared at him. "Watch your language, Braden. You will have detention after school today." She said, walking to the front of the room. Braden let out another sigh, and grabbed his English book out of his bag. He flipped it open to the page written on the board, and listened to Ms. Biggson drone on about some famous poet that died in like, the stone age.

Braden slipped a notebook onto his desk, and began to mindlessly doodle. It wasn't until he felt eyes on him that he glanced up, and noticed that Colin was looking at him. Braden felt himself blushing, and quickly ducked his head. He had been sketching a picture of the school, and a pretty good one at that.

Colin looked down at the picture and gave Braden a small smile. "That looks really good." He whispered, the smile not leaving his face. Colin loved the way Braden's cheeks lit up at the compliment. He thought it looked adorable on the smaller boy.

"T-Thanks." He mumbled, attempting to hide his blush, but failing. The rest of the class went by with Colin sneaking glances at Braden, neither of them listening to what Ms. Biggson was saying. Lunch finally rolled around, and Braden was walking with Finn towards the cafeteria, along with Finn's girlfriend, Maria.

The two were walking hand and hand, with Braden tagging along behind them. They were all pretty close friends, and they hung out together often. Nor Maria or Finn minded the fact that Braden was gay, and they both knew of his crush on Colin. They were the only two that knew about his crush, and Braden planned to keep it that way.

They waltzed into the cafeteria and picked up their trays, jumping into the lunch line. The food at their school was fairly good, which made sense, considering the cost of tuition to attend the school. Lunch was burgers, Braden's favorite food. It had been since he was little, when his family used to go to a little diner in their town.

Braden would always order a plain cheeseburger, and it had been his favorite food since then. They sat at their table, and began chatting about some new video game. Braden's gaze kept wondering over to Colin's table, though. He couldn't help it, seeing that Colin's uniform fit him in all the right places.

Finn snapped in Braden's face, pulling him out of his trance. "Aww, he was staring at his wittle crush.." Maria cooed. Braden rolled his eyes and playfully glared at her. "I totally ship you two together." She said, pinching Braden's cheek. Braden slapped her hand away, and he could feel blush rising to his cheeks.

"Shut up." He said, turning his gaze back down to his tray. "Why don't you just ask him out?" Finn asked, tossing a fry into his mouth. "It's not that easy." Braden said, glancing at Finn. "Sure it is. Just walk up to him, and say 'Will you go on a date with me'." He said as if it were obvious.

"No shit Sherlock, I'm not stupid. I'm just too scared to do it." He sighed, and picked up his burger. Thankfully, Finn dropped the subject, and he began talking about some quiz he'd taken in chemistry this morning. The rest of lunch was uneventful, and soon the bell rang. They all stood up and dumped their trays.

Soon school was over, and the final bell rang. Braden jumped up from his chair and grabbed his bag off the floor, hurrying out the door. He met up with Finn and Maria, and they made their way to the dorms. They decided to hang out in Braden's dorm, in hopes of Braden getting to see Colin. Maria had just laughed at him, and pinched his cheek again.

They finally arrived at the dorms, and Braden unlocked the door. The three of them walked in, and saw Colin laying on his bed shirtless, with his phone in his hand and earphones in. Colin glanced up when he heard the door shut, and smiled slightly when he saw Braden. Braden blushed and returned the smile, sitting down on his bed.

Braden plopped down on his bed, Finn sat at his desk, and Maria sat on his lap. Braden grabbed his speaker and plugged his phone into it, playing My Chemical Romance. "Mama, we all go to hell. I'm writing this letter, and wishing you well, mama we all go to hell." He sang along, closing his eyes. They talked while they listened to the music, killing time.

Maria looked at the clock on the wall and sighed. "I better get going guys, I promised I'd help Emma with her homework." She said, kissing Finn on the cheek. "Bye Braden, see you later babe." She hopped off of Finn's lap, and left the room. Braden glanced at Colin and saw him looking at Maria's butt as she left.

The jealousy bit at him, and he tried to ignore it. 'He's a teenage boy with raging hormones.' He thought. 'Of course he's going to stare at a girl's butt as she walks.' Braden sighed, and unplugged his phone from the speaker. He got his homework out of his bag, and Finn did the same. They worked on their homework for about an hour, and they finally finished at about 5:30.

"Wanna go get dinner?" Braden asked Finn, putting his homework back into his bag. Finn nodded his head, and they left the room. Colin had already left the dorm a while earlier, going to meet up with his friends. Finn sent a quick text to Maria telling her to meet them in the dining hall. They walked into the building, and got spaghetti for dinner.

They met up with Maria and sat down with her, and began chatting about some band. Maria nudged Braden and said, "Don't look now, but Colin is totally looking at you." She said, smirking at Braden. He rolled his eyes, but glanced at Colin. He was indeed looking at their table, but Braden figured he was just checking out Maria.

Little did he know that Colin was actually checking Braden out. Although he didn't know that Maria had caught him in the act. Noticing that he'd been caught staring, he quickly looked back down at his food. "Dude, you okay?" Colin's friend Toby asked him. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said, glancing up from his tray.

"Anyway, do you wanna go or not?" Toby said, looking at Colin and waiting for an answer. Colin hadn't been listening, he was too busy looking at Braden. "Go where?" He asked. "Were you even listening to me?" Toby asked dramatically. "Uh, no." Colin said. Toby chuckled and said, "To the Panic! At The Disco concert this weekend!" He sighed, shaking his head at his best friend.

"I swear, everything with you goes in one ear and out the other." He said, chuckling. "Yeah, I'll go." Colin said, shrugging. "Cool. It starts at 8 I think." Toby said, turning to talk to Isabella. After dinner was over, Colin and his friends dumped their trays and headed back towards the dorms. "You wanna stay the night in my dorm?" Toby asked Colin once they'd reached his dorm.

"Nah, I got some homework to do. Maybe tomorrow." He said, waving at Toby and walking to his own dorm. It wasn't a lie, but Colin could've easily gotten out of not doing his homework. All of the teachers loved him, and he made pretty good grades. He just wanted to see Braden.

After he finally arrived at his dorm, Colin saw that the door was unlocked, so he assumed that Braden was already inside. He walked into the dorm and saw Braden sitting at his desk, eating a bag of chips while playing some game on his computer. "Dude, help me kill the zombies! Dammit Finn, did you die again!?" Braden yelled into his headset.

Colin chuckled, realizing that Braden probably hadn't noticed him come in. "Shit, I'm out of ammo!" He yelled, frantically smashing buttons on his keyboard and clicking on his mouse. Colin walked further into the dorm and stood behind Braden, watching him play Call Of Duty. "You're pretty good." Colin commented, and laughed when Braden nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Shit, you scared me!" He yelled, turning back to his screen. Colin laughed and watched as Braden continued playing. Colin then noticed that Braden was shirtless, and he could see his tattoo pretty good from the angle he was at. Once the round ended, Braden turned back to Colin. Braden noticed Colin staring and started blushing.

Colin started blushing as well, noticing that he was once again, caught staring. He chuckled nervously, and scratched the back of his neck. "Uh, sorry for yelling. I get really into my games." Braden said, laughing a little. "No, it's fine." Colin said, the blush finally leaving his face.

Then there was a long pause. "Well I'm gonna take a shower." Colin said, breaking the silence. Braden nodded his head, and Colin went into the bathroom. Braden ran a hand through his hair, and picked up his phone. He texted Finn saying that Colin walked in on him yelling swears at his computer screen.

Finn replied with the laugh-cry emoji, and Braden just rolled his eyes. He plugged his phone into his charger, and jumped up onto his bed. 'Why does it have to be Colin that I like' He thought. Braden tried to ignore the thoughts he was having about  Colin being in the shower, but they wouldn't go away. 'God dammit, I'm gonna get myself hard' He thought to himself, messing up his blonde curls.

If you walked into the room, you could probably feel Braden's boner. He was horny, and the thoughts of Colin wouldn't leave his mind. All he wanted to do was take care of his problem in the shower, but he couldn't since Colin was in the shower. Braden sighed, and sat back at his desk.

He just hoped that Colin wouldn't notice. He knew that would probably be the most embarrassing moment ever. But with his luck, you could never know. Once his Mom walked in on him jerking off, and she gave him an hour talk about how to use protection, which involved a banana, and a very red faced Braden.

And another time, he forgot to lock his door when he had his 'friend' Kyle over. They were friends with benefits. Well, they were, until Braden forgot to lock the door while they were about to have sex and his dad walked in on them. Braden wished that he would just shrivel up and die at that moment, because he'd already been naked and was in the process of pulling Kyle's boxers off.

Braden heard the bathroom door open and shut, and he looked up to see Colin walking into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist. 'Damn he's hot.' Braden thought, tearing his gaze away from Colin's bare chest. He sighed, and grabbed his phone off the charger. He hopped onto his bed and put his earphones in, listening to his favorite band, My Chemical Romance, drowning all other noise out.


So this is the first chapter, I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, be sure to comment and vote, thanks! Thanks for reading peoplez! Baii. <3

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