I have a child?! {z.m}

By _beaniezayn

708K 15.1K 6.6K

It was all a mystery until they were reunited. He disappeared and she made up lies. She was pregnant and he h... More

I have a child?! -Zayn Malik
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 42

6.2K 141 36
By _beaniezayn

Ariana's POV:

"Lexi, where are you?" I called, walking into her room at approximately 8:50am. She isn't in her bed or in the living room area.

After a few seconds, I start to hear noises coming from her bathroom and it takes me a second to realize that those noises are the sounds of vomiting.

Immediately, I drop my purse on the ground and rush to the bathroom door and open it.

There Lexi is, on her knees, bending over the toilet, spilling out the last meals she's eaten.

She's crying as well. We both absolutely fear vomiting which also made it difficult for me to vomit every morning for weeks as well.

"Awe, Lex." I said softly, walking over to her. I gather her hair and hold it back as she continues to spill her guts up.

She cries as she does so and all I can do is stand here, useless. I wish I could do something.

I kneel down beside her and rub her back as she finishes off. She begins to sob and still lean over the toilet. For a few moments she doesn't vomit, she just goes through the gagging motion until she falls back onto her knees and calls it quits.

I kneel off the ground and let go of her hair. I quickly flush the toilet and then walk over to the sink. My eyes wander and I see a rag and damp it with cool water.

"Here, this always helped me." I said, handing it over to her. She stands onto her feet and uses her shaky hands to grasp it. "You should wash your hands and brush your teeth too. It'll make you feel better."

She nods and wipes her tears. She places the rag on her forehead and while she's doing so, I quickly wash my hands as well.

"Thank you." Her voice is shaky too. "I hate this so much."

"It sucks so much but it gets better." I told her.

"When?" She croaked as I dry my hands. She takes her turn and washes her hands as well.

"It really depends. My morning sickness lasted 2 and a half months." I explained. "Do you want me to just go get some tests and you lay down here? I don't really see why we need the tests because it's so obvious that you're pregnant but it's to make sure, you know?"

She nodded. "You wouldn't mind going alone?"

I shook my head. "Not at all."

She dries her hands and leans against the counter. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." I half smile. "I'll be back soon, okay? Just rest for now."

She nodded again and took out her toothbrush from her hand bag that was sitting on the counter.

I walk out of the bathroom, grab my purse, and then walk out of the bedroom. Just as I start for the door to leave, I see Harry leaning up against the wall beside the door to Lexi's room with a worried expression.

"Is she all right?" He asked me immediately. "I heard her puking."

I smile sadly. "She's doing okay."

"Is she sick?" He asked, curiously.

I freeze and mentally decide whether or not I should tell him or...

"Ask her yourself and see." Is all I said before I left the condo, leaving harry confused.


Zayn's POV:

"Daddy, where'd mommy go to?" Delaney asked me, sitting on the bed. She looks at me for a response.

"To the store I think. To get some stuff with Lexi." I explained.

"Why?" She asked, peering up with curiosity.

"Because." I shortly replied. I take a seat next to her and sigh. Why am I up at 9:30am? I guess when Ariana got up, she woke me up too.

"Why did you lie?" She asked, squinting her eyes.

I give her a look. "When did I lie?"

"Just now."

"About what?"

"Auntie Lexi going to the store with mommy."

"I didn't lie. She and mummy went to the store."

"Nu uh." Delaney argued with me. "I just seen Auntie Lexi in her room. Harry went in there too."

"Have you seen mummy?" I asked.

"No, that's why I asked you." She replied like it was the most obvious thing ever while shrugging her shoulders.

I stand up and walk out of the bedroom, leaving my daughter alone. I start to walk over to Lexi's room but stop when Harry walks out, his face looking somewhat shocked.

"What?" I questioned.

"Lexi just told me that she's pregnant." He told me like I didn't already know.

"I know." I replied while patting his back. "She told Ariana and I last night."

Harry looks at me with a flat expression. "What should I do? I fancy her but would it be out of my place to? She already obviously has someone else who's gotten her pregnant so this is useless." A frown takes over his lips now.

"Mate, the father of her child doesn't want anything to do with her now that she's pregnant." I explained to him.

"What?" He asked, his voice suddenly turning harsh. "You mean he's one of those low life's that get girls pregnant and then leave them?"

"Apparently." I said, frowning slightly.

"If I ever see this guy, I swear, I will not hesitate to kick his ass." Harry cursed, an obvious angry expression over his face.

"Me too, bud." I agreed, patting his shoulder.

"I'm going to go back to Lexi." He turns around and walks to her door.

"Wait, do you know where Ariana went?" I asked.

"Yeah, she went to the store to get some pregnancy tests for Lexi. That's what Lexi told me." He responded, starting to walk into her room.

I stop him again. "Without a body guard?"

He looks back. "I guess so."

"She's so stupid!" I hissed to myself. "Last time she went out by herself, she got mobbed so bad that she still has scars on her shoulder from it!"

"I'm sure she'll be fine, Zayn. Lexi told me she took her car." He explained and then walks into Lexi's room and shuts the door.

"That doesn't mean shit." I snapped at the door. I nervously run my fingers through my hair and walk back into my bedroom.

I find my phone on the bed next to Delaney and grab it.

"What are you doin' daddy?" She asked, curiously.

"Calling your mummy." I said and dialed her phone number.

The phone rings a few times and then goes to voicemail. I call her like 10 more times and she still doesn't reply.

Ariana's POV:

13 missed calls from My baby

This is popped up on my phone when I make it back to the car. I had left my phone in the cup holder of Lexi's car by accident.

I place the bag of tests on the passengers seat and call Zayn back. He answers immediately, after only one ring.

"Where the hell are you?" His voice boomed from the other line. What's up his butt?

"The store. I got tests for Lexi." I replied. "Why do you sound angry?"

"Because, Ariana. Remember the last time you went out without a body guard?" He hissed.

I roll my eyes. "You mean last week when I picked up more of Delaney's medicine for her asthma at the pharmacy? Yeah, I remember, the line was long as hell."

"No." He replied. "The time that my fans mobbed you."

"That was a long time ago, Zayn. I'm fine. Plus, I wore a jacket I found in Lexi's car and put the hood up." I said, hoping that he'll calm down.

"It still freaks me out. You should have told me you were going alone." He said, his tone softer.

"I told Lexi. What would it matter? If someone else came with me and we just so happened to have gotten mobbed, what would be the use? Then there'd be two people in danger instead of one." I explained to him, a little annoyed.

"I'd rather be there with you." He said simply.

"Okay. I guess I'm sorry for not telling you every thing I'm going to do. For now on, I'll start coming to you to tell you everything." I said, irritably. "By the way, can I go use the bathroom now?"

"That's not what I me-"

"I gotta go. I'll see you in a little while, Dad." I said and then hung up.


I knock on the door to our condo, feeling sheepish after forgetting my key once again. I hear commotion until someone comes to the door and opens it.

It's Zayn.

"Thanks. Excuse me." I said and tried to slide in past him with the grocery bag filled with things for Lexi.

"So I'm your Dad now?" He questioned, grabbing my arm to stop me. He smiles cheekily.

Once I realize how he took that, I punch him so hard in his arm. He looks at me in shock before chuckling while rubbing his arm.

"Jerk." I muttered, walking last him and through the living room.

"What's in the bag?" Louis asked curiously.

"Pregnancy tests." I said without realizing it.

His, Eleanor's, Niall's, and Liam's eyes all widen on cue.

"What?!" Liam asked, his tone shocked. "Are you ..."

I widened my eyes as well. "No, no! I'm not pregnant again. One is enough right now. But Lexi might be. It's really not my place to tell so please be a decent person and not bag on her about it."

Nobody responds- I don't quite give them time to. I end up walking quickly to Lexi's room and then I open her door.

When I see what's happening on the bed between Harry and Lexi, I immediately regret just walking in.

No, no, they're not having sex. Slow your roll, she's prego.

But they are making out. Or at least they were before you know, I decided to intrude.

"Uh, I'm sorry to interrupt but we've got some testing to do." I said awkwardly, walking into the bathroom before Lexi. I feel my stomach drop, realizing that Lexi may have not told Harry. Whoops.

I set the bag of tests on the counter and take them out. I bought five incase some were wrong or something. Lexi comes walking in here and looks at the tests I've laid out.

"Sorry you had to walk in on that. We kind of just- I don't know. I told him about this." She explained to me, leaning on the counter. "Are these any good?"

"Seems like he took it well." I teased a little bit. "Of course they're good. Why would I have bought them?"

"I don't know." She said. "What do I do?"

"You pee on this end of the stick." I told her. "But save your pee cause you're doing it five times."

"Okay." She said. "Shut the door."

I shut the door, knowing Harry is still in her room on her bed. When I look back, she's already sitting on the toilet.

"I guess I'll hand them to you and then you'll hand them to me and I'll place them on the counter." I decided. "They take 3 minutes each to get the final answer."

She doesn't respond, she just nods. I gather all the tests out of the boxes and hand one to her. She places it down there and starts to pee.

I giggle when she stops and hands me the stick, obviously embarrassed. I take it and place it on the counter. I hand her each of them and we go in a little chain reaction until she's done all of them and empties her bladder completely.

I don't look as she pulls her pants up. I stand against the wall away from the counter. She walks over to the sink and cleans her hands. Then she opens the door and calls for Harry to come in.

He immediately walks in with a confused expression. "We're waiting for the tests to be done."

He nodded. "Whether or not you are pregnant, I want you to know that I'll be here for you. I promise. Even if I'm not the real Dad."

"Thanks Harry." Lexi said and they hug. I smile at Harry with my teeth. I'm glad he's such a good guy.

"We have like 30 seconds until they should be done." I told them. "I'm nervous."

So am I." They both said at the same time. Chuckles are shared and I count down from 30.

After an antagonizing half minute, we all exchange looks.

"I can't look at them. Please, just read them and tell me Ari." She begged.

I nodded and walked to the counter. I took a big breath and then looked down. I lift one up.

"Positive." I said, my heart racing. Lexi nodded. I lifted another one and scrunched my eyebrows. "Negative..."

I lifted another one. "Positive."

Then another. "Positive."

Then the last one. "Positive. Lexi, you're officially actually pregnant."

"Oh God." She said, taking a deep breath. "I mean, I knew I was but to actually hear it from testing makes it so much more real."

"This is so... exciting!" I squealed a little bit. Lexi flashes me a nervous smile.

"I'm not too excited for the morning sickness that's still to come." She responded. "But I guess I'm excited for the baby."

"It's all worth it, I promise you." I said, encouragingly.


The rest of the day goes the same as yesterday and here we are together, once again surrounding a nice fire on a nice evening.

Instead of me sitting on a chair, I've decided to sit in the sand and cover my legs with it. It's nice and warm.

I listen to everyone's conversations for a while, sort of just keeping quiet to myself. The waves crashing onto the beach while it's completely dark out- minus the city lights, fire, and moon, is relaxing.

I listen to my daughter squeal when Niall pokes her sides while she sits on his lap. I listen to Zayn's laugh as him and Liam share some jokes. I also listen to Harry and Lexi's conversation about coconut milk. I don't even know.

"It's nasty." Harry said to her. I glance over a them and smile a little.

"Nu uh, it's so delicious." Lexi fired back, a happy smile on her lips. I'm glad she's happy. I'm glad Harry makes her happy.

Louis and Eleanor share occasional kisses as she sits on his lap. The sort of keep to themselves just as I am- but together.

I run my fingers through the sand and let it run all over my legs. I didn't shower this evening because of being too lazy. I'll just do it tomorrow... maybe.

Apparently Niall and Louis brought fireworks to shoot off tomorrow night which will be awesome. I love fireworks. They're so attracting and just colorful. Delaney and I usually went out on the actual day but we won't be here then so we'll probably watch them from either the tour bus or a hotel room. We've certainly never shot them out ourselves so this should be interesting and ... safe, hopefully.

I lay back on the sand, not caring much if it gets all over my back and hair. I'm so tired and can barely seem to keep my eyes open.

I lay there in silence for quite some time until Zayn notices. He doesn't speak at first but I peak my eyes open a bit and see him kneeling beside me.

"I think she's knackered." He said softly. I open my eyes and look at him. He smiles apologetically. "Did I wake you? I'm sorry."

"No you didn't. I'm just resting. I'm so tired." I said with a yawn. I sit up and brush my hair out to get all the sand away.

"Here, I'll carry you to the room. We are all ready to head up there." He said and starts to lift me.

"No, you don't have to." I said. I stand onto my feet and he does too.

"I want to, babe." He said with a smile. I give in and nod and he lifts me up bridal style.

Everything from there on goes by quickly; watching everyone pick up everything, Louis putting out the fire, Harry lifting my daughter, us walking to the condo and to our room, and now Zayn laying me down on the bed.

"Come lay with me." I begged him, my eyes barely open.

"I will baby. I'm just gonna pull out Delaney's bed first so she can sleep." He explained and I nod.

I lay, barely awake for around five minutes as he prepares the bed for her. I see Harry walk in with my sleeping daughter in his arms. He lays her on the bed and tucks her in.

I tiredly smile and cuddle into a ball in the middle of the bed. It's so comfortable and I hope Delaney's bed is too.

"Goodnight." Harry said and walked out of the room and shut the door. The lights go out and I feel the bed dip down beside me.

Zayn pulls me into his chest and I cuddle closer. His firm hand grabs my bottom and holds me close.






Sorry this was kinda boring :/

Do you guys like my new cover? I found the picture on google so shoutout to whoever photoshopped them together..:)

Oh! Have any of you read the book (real published book) called The Space Between Us? I forgot the author and I'm too lazy to walk across my room to get the book lol.


I'm sad tho cause I can't tweet anything about it ...:( because I still have a few weeks without social media. BUUUUUUT

if any of you were willing to go on your twitter account and tweet "@_beaniezayn says congrats 1D" and then use whatever hashtag is trending right now, I'd adore u.

Kk bye bye guys :)

-Mackenzie xoxo

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