Love... What Bullshit!!!

By Navya_Mishra

1.1M 95.8K 9.8K

Two unknown people... Both incomplete in their own ways!!! Will they be able to complete each other?? Fill i... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18:
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35:
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Hang in there...
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
New Story Alert: The Fall...

Part 8

11.1K 787 18
By Navya_Mishra

Manik and Nandini moved out of mukti's place late at night as he drove to Nandini's place. The entire ride was filled with a comfortable silence as soft music filled up the car. Soon Manik parked the car in front of her house when Nandini said,

Nandini: Manik, u don't hv to take the trouble of inviting him urself. I'll do it.... U must be tired!!

Manik: But Nandini-

Nandini: Manik relax... It's fine!!!

Manik sighed at it and then nodded at her.
Manik: Ohk then.... U take it....

Nandini smiled taking up the invitation from the back seat and said,
Nandini: Thanks for the ride and also for taking me to the party.

Manik: Nandini.... Stop thanking me!!

Nandini: Good night Manik.... I'll see u tmrw at work.
Nandini said ignoring his comment and got down the car waving at him. Manik waited for her to enter the house and then drove away.

Two more days passed away and it was finally the day of celebration, the party. 25 years of RM Heights. Fab 5 and Nandini got busy in the preparations of the party. By the evening all of them left back for home to get ready for the party. It was almost time when Manik was present at the venue along with Cabir as they were checking onto the final preparations and security.

Manik was standing outside the hotel, taking to the security Incharge when he heard someone's voice.

"I told u I wanted a few refreshments at the entrance. Why is it not arranged by now?? The guests must be here any moment."

He turned around recognising Nandini's voice only to be mesmerized by the view in front of him. Nandini had her back facing him as she talked to the hotel staff. Her backless back peeping through her long hair which were curled at the end than her usual straight bangs.

Manik moved forward towards her as she turned around sending away the staff. Nandini noticed him and smiled broadly making his heart flatter at her. He reached in front of her still in daze when Nandini greeted him.

Nandini: Hi Manik!!

Manik: Beautiful....
Manik said as his were stuff over her making Nandini's cheeks heat up as she blushed and then giggled to hide it.

She grabbed his hand and moved it slowly calling him.
Nandini: Thank u for the compliment Manik!!

Manik rubbed the back of his neck smiling at her in embarrassment when Nandini asked,
Nandini: So all done??

Manik: Yeah... I guess!

Nandini: Is everyone else already here?

Manik: No... Just cabir!! Don't worry Miss Punctual, u r on time...
Manik said teasing her making her look down and smile. He shook his head and forwarded his hand to her.

Manik: So shall we?? I still want u to check everything once before anyone arrives.

Nandini nodded at him and held his hand as the two walked inside. They reached inside as Nandini kept moving her eyes everywhere to see if something was missing. Soon Cabir spotted him and smiled,

Cabir: Woah.... Nandini u look amazing!

Nandini: Thanks Cabir.. U too...

Cabir: Ohh I do look Handsome Always.... But did u two like... Match up ur outfits!!

Cabir said pointing the two of them as Manik and Nandini looked at each other. Nandini noticed Manik wearing a all Black tux along with a white shirt and then realised how her white clutch and black dress matched his.

Cabir: Guys Is something happening, that I m not aware of??

Manik: Cabir.... Shut up!!
Manik glared at Cabir whose face turned up in a grin when Nandini took back her hand from Manik's and said,

Nandini: U guys continue, I'll go check onto the food arrangements and the bar.

And before they knew she was out of their sight. Manik turned towards Cabir still glaring at him and moved forward to say something when they heard a voice.

Mukti: There they are!!

Cabir looked behind Manik to see Fab3 along with Abhi and Navya join then.
Cabir: U guys are literally saviours... Otherwise Manik was just about to kill me.

Navya: Nothing new... I m sure u only would hv done something!

Cabir: Navya... U too!!

Manik: Navya seriously, remind me again why do u love this idiot...

Navya: Believe me Manik, I hv asked this question to myself a million times.

All of them bursted out laughing when Cabir bent forward and whispered something in Navya's ear as she turned completely red hiding her face from the others.

Mukti: And now her face clearly tells how Cabir has taken this up to a whole new dirty level.

Manik: Gosh... Guys no PDA in an official party plz... See the guests hv already started arriving.

They all noticed a few ppl around when Nandini joined them.

Nandini: Hi guys!!

Aliya hugged Nandini when Mukti said,
Mukti: Nandini... I love ur dress!!

Nandini: Thanks Mukti, u look beautiful...

Mukti: Thank u!!

Manik: Ohk now if ur pleasantries are over!! Cabir, Dhruv, I need u two near the stage.

Both the guys nodded at them and soon they walked away. Nandini noticed Aliya stealing glances at Dhruv when she said,

Nandini: Aliya... Can I talk to u for a minute??

Aliya looked at her, startled by her serious tone when she glanced once at Mukti and Navya who nodded and Nandini lead her to the other end of the hall.

As they reached there and said directly,
Nandini: Look Aliya u know I don't like to beat around the bush... So I want a straight answer to this u straight question, "Do u hv feelings for Dhruv??"

Aliya gasped listening to her and looked up at her in shock,
Nandini: Don't look at me like that babe.... I m ur sister, I know u!! That day also at Mukti's place I saw u two dancing lost in each others eyes and right now the way u were looking at him, it tells me a lot.

Aliya blushed listening to her, making Nandini smile.

Nandini: So I m right then!!

Aliya: Yes... I think I m in love with Dhruv!!

Nandini smiled to her broadest and hugged her sister happily,
Nandini: I m so so so happy for u.... I knew that idiot was never made for u and u had to move on!!

Aliya: I know.... Its just that what I feel for Dhruv, its so different and so stronger than what I felt for that jerk. I just know now that Dhruv is the one... The one for me... The way he cares for me, the way he understands me even when I don't say anything, the way he makes efforts for one smile of mine, everything.... Just everything about him makes me fall for him more with each passing day.

Nandini: I m glad u got this smile back!!

Aliya: But I don't even know if he likes me in that way.... We hv been best friends for so long and I just don't wanna ruin anything with him.

Nandini: Aliya... That guy is madly in Love with u for God knows how long!! Its visible in his eyes.... U know what, if u don't believe me, talk to ur friends... Talk to Manik, Mukti or Cabir, I m sure they will tell u and even help u...

Aliya: U sure!!

Nandini: Damn sure....

Aliya: I love u Nandu... U r the best sister anyone could hv.
Aliya said hugging Nandini again.

Nandini: I know....
Nandini said making Aliya laugh when they noticed the hall fill up with more guests. Nandini noticed all the others standing together and talking when she said,

Nandini: I think we should go now... Its time to attend the guests and by the look at ur friends I m sure they r not moving from that place on their own.
Nandini shook her head and walked ahead followed by a laughing aliya. Soon they reached near then and Nandini tapped over Manik's and Cabir's shoulders. Both the guys turned around looking at her smiling when their smile drained away looking at her glare.

Nandini: What r u two doing here???

Cabir: Umn... Chilling??
Cabir said slowly almost unsure of his words when Nandini's glare increased.

Nandini: Guys... Isn't this an official party in which u supposedly are the hosts who hv to attend the guests!!

Manik and Cabir both looked at each other and then handed over their glasses to Nandini, who looked at them in disbelief.

Manik: Ok Thanks Bye!!
Manik said hurriedly as the two guys disappeared into the crowd making everyone else laugh.

Nandini kept the glasses away when she heard a voice behind her.
Harsh: And now u know why I asked u to handle this party.

Nandini turned around to find her boss and smiled at him as Harsh walked closer along with Nyonika.

Nandini: Hello sir, good evening Mam.
Others: Hi Uncle- Aunty!!

Nyonika: Hello guys... Nandini thanks a lot, the arrangements are amazing.

Nandini: Ma'am we all did these together... In fact they did most of the work.

Nyonika: I know... These all r best at whatever they do, but I m not thanking u for the arrangements, I m thanking u to get this done by these idiots. They really can be a head ache most of the times.

Aliya: Aunty Not me...

Nyonika: Ohh yes... Not u Aliya!!
Nyonika said smiling when Harsh laughed.

Harsh: Ohk now, lets get going with the party.

With this they all mixed up in the crowd as they moved around meeting up everyone. Nandini was didn't know almost most of them but still met the ones that she visited in the past one week along with Manik for the invitations.

A few minutes later, she was talking to a couple, who were the son and daughter in law of one of the very renowned Businessman when she felt a hand curl around her waist. She stiffened at the sudden touch when she heard his voice,

" Hello Mr. and Mrs. Sinha! I hope u r liking the party!!"

A sigh escaped her mouth knowing the voice as the warmth of his touch passed on to her entire body. The couple smiled at Manik and began talking while she just stood there with a smile on her face. About five minutes later, she heard him say,

Manik: Excuse me, I would like to take Nandini... Plz enjoy the party!!

The couple nodded at him and Manik turned around taking Nandini with him.
Manik: So Ms. Moorthy!! Enjoying the party??

Nandini: What r u doing Manik?

Manik: Me?? Nothing!! I was just attending the guests when I got bored so I thought if u too r doing the same, then why not do it together. This way, I could introduce u to them also.

Nandini looked up at him giving him a look of disbelief when he said,
Manik: Nandini.... I know I m hot!! And u can say it on my face instead of lookin at me like that.

Nandini scoffed listening to him as she muttered,
Nandini: In ur dreams!

Manik heard her and bent a little more as he whispered into her ear huskily,
Manik: I believe in making my dreams come true beautiful.....

Nandini stilled feeling his breath behind her ear as he stood straight and walked then towards another pair of guests, while Nandini followed a bit behind him. The party went on in full swing when Nandini noticed the time and said to Manik.

Nandini: Manik.... I think it's time for official opening. I'll go and remind sir for it.

Manik: Hmn... Lets go, I'll come with u.

Both of them walked through the crowd and finally spotted Harsh and Nyonika. Nandini reminded harsh for the welcome speech and soon the couple walked up to the stage.

Harsh: Good evening everyone..... I take immense pleasure standing here and Welcoming U all to The 25th anniversary party of the RM Heights.

Nyonika: We thank u all to tale out time from ur very busy schedule and join us in our happiness...

Harsh continued his speech for a few more minutes after which the appointed hosts took up the mike.

Host: Look ladies and gentlemen.... So, I agree that this is an official party, but I don't think at its necessary for us to make it a boring one. So lets spice it up a bit.

The crowd laughed slightly at his words as his partner continued.

Host: So why don't we start with some nice couple dance..... So all those beautiful couples out there plz join us here in front of the stage....

Soon most of the couples joined them up including CaVya, MukBhi, DhruLiya, HarNika. Cabir noticed Manik standing at the back along with Nandini when an evil grin spread over his face which didn't go unnoticed my Mukti.

Mukti: What??

Cabir bent forward whispering something over to her as she copied his grin and walked forward motioning something towards the host who nodded at her.

Host: Before we start... I would like to invite another couple up here... Mr. Manik Malhotra can u plz join us with the beautiful lady by ur side.

Manik looked up listening to this and immediately removed his hand which was wrapped around Nandini's waist. Nandini looked up at him having the same expression as him, both shocked.

Host: Come on!!

Manik gives her a guilty look at which she simply smiles a little as she nods. Manik holds out a hand for her as Nandini holds his hand and he leads her out to the front. They stand along with the others when the host says again.

Host: And to make this more interesting, we'll hv a twist. After every song, u will hv to change partners. So the guys, be where u r and pass on the ladies to ur right. Am I clear??

All of them nod at him and soon everyone is standing up in a circle. The music starts with a soft song filling up the hall with a romantic aura. Manik waits for Nandini before proceeding when Nandini slowly placed her hands on his shoulder and nods. He wraps his arms around her waist as they both dance along.

Manik: I m so sorry Nandini... I m sure this definitely is some prank by cabir.

Nandini: Manik... U don't hv to say sorry!! Come on its just a dance.

Manik: Just a dance... Right!!!
Manik said smiling at her when Nandini looked to her side to find Aliya and Dhruv lost in each others eyes. A smile stretched upon her lips looking at them when Manik said,

Manik: So Nandini... As u said, its just a dance, so If at all I would hv asked u myself for it, would u hv agreed??

Nandini looked back at her as her smile increased and she nodded.
Nandini: Of course, with pleasure!!

Manik: And would u hv agreed to anyone here on the party or just bcoz it was me asking u for it...

Nandini looked up right into his eyes processing his words. Her heart beats fastened just by the intensity of his eyes while his hands created a firm grip on her bare back. A red shade filled up Nandini's cheek as her gaze shifted downwards.

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