July Raine

Από louloufritz

102K 3.1K 700

At Sixteen, Melonie fell in love with Rainey when they spent a summer together. They had no hope of ever maki... Περισσότερα

July Raine ( Prologue)
Mommy, My name is Raine.
So, how does this work?
I always keep my promises
Looking back, Looking forward
Living life on a roller coaster.
The Truth..in all its glory
Bubble Baths and Fresh Air
Do You Like to Run?
An Easy Run...
Jumping In
Let the Good Time Roll.. Yeah Right!
Tell it like it is...
Explain Yourself
Back to July
Not our first rodeo
The Morning After
Prelude to a Date
Fear and loving in Tahoe
Great Expectations
Red High Heals
Will we say I do?
Polar Opposites
Come together.. Right now...
It's a great day
For a white wedding.
That Ship has Sailed
Going to the Chapel of Love
Looks like we made it.
Epilogue (Look How Far We've Come)
Author's Note IMPORTANT
Preview to The July Moon
The July Moon

The Family...

3.3K 95 12
Από louloufritz

***** Hey guys, this is unedited.  I apologize ahead of time. I wanted to get this out tonight since I will be busy the next few days. I wrote more than normal I was on a roll tonight. There is a lot of dialogue in this chapter. I hope you enjoy!  Comment or Vote if you like! :) ***

The walk from the cabin had been a nice one. There were moments of silence and moments of interesting conversation. It was nice to have some adult conversation every once in a while. Sometimes, I've wondered what it would be like to have a life partner. Someone who I could talk to every night before I went to bed, someone who could be my partner in crime. I wondered if Rainey and I could ever have that. It just seems that too much had changed. 

When we reached the cabin door, we both stopped for a moment. Partly preparing myself for what was going to happen the moment I opened the door.

The silence was interupted by Maddy speaking, well rather almost stuttering. "Thanks for asking me to walk with you. " He put his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heals. All I could do was nod my head. I looked down at my feet and then back up at Maddy. In that moment, I felt like an awkward sixteen year old girl. This was something I did when I wasn't sure what was needed to be said in that moment. I guess at times I can be an awkward person, but I like to think it is only occasionally.

 "You think I'm ready for this?"

" I dunno, you tell me."

I let out a sigh, " I guess as ready as I'll ever be."

When he opened the door for me, July was in full on story mode. She was going on and on about a story I'd once told her about Rainey and I swimming in the lake at midnight. She was sitting in Rainey's lap with a huge smile on her face. The next words came out of her mouth that really cut me deep. I wasn't sure why, but my heart skipped a beat.

"Mommy said that was when she knew she fell in love with daddy." 

I laid my hand across my chest and let out a sigh. This action brought attention to Maddy and I. When July spotted me, she jumped to her feet and ran to me. I loved that feeling. The moment that your child comes running to you, the moment that they fall into your arms. It felt as though I'd been away from her for way to long.

I picked up July and placed her on my hip. She was getting way to big for this, yet it never got old. I brushed the hair out of her face and kissed her nose. " Have you been a good girl, while I was gone?"

"Of course Mommy. I'm always a good girl."

I tilted my head and gave her the stare, and pursed my lips at her. " Is that so?" 

"Okay, Okay, maybe I'm not always a good girl, but I was today I promise." This created laughter from the entire room.

At this point Rainey's mom came rushing over and gave us a hug. " I am so glad you could make it. I just wanted to say for what it is worth that I'm sorry, about everything." Tears came to her eyes. I really didn't like to see people cry, so I tried to defuse the situtation.

"It is in the past, we can talk about it another time." I tried to pass on the pleasantries. I wasn't ready to get into all that, especially at that very moment.

She hugged me again and I continued speaking. " I think we've all had enough excitement for one day. Let's just enjoy dinner."

At the word dinner, she pulled away from me. " Oh right dinner, this has been one crazy night."  She ran her hands through July's hair and then headed towards the kitchen.

"Rainey set the table." She said in an abrupt manner.

Rainey's mom had a intimidating look about her. She was very petite, but she put off a vibe that said 'do as I say or else'. Don't get me wrong, when she was speaking to me and hugging me she had kind eyes, but the moment she wanted someone to do something for her, her demeanor changed and she meant business.

With that Rainey was on his feet. "Yes, mother."

Rainey seemed almost like a young child again , it was kind of refreshing that he respected his mother enough to do as she asked.

July wrapped her arms around my neck and squeezed tightly. I returned the same gesture. "Mommy where did you get this jacket, it is really too big for you."

I looked down realizing that I was still wearing Maddy's jacket. " Oh, Mommy was cold and Mr. Maddy was nice enough to let me wear his jacket." I pointed to Maddy to make sure July knew who I was talking about.

"Well thank you for keeping my Mommy warm Mr. Maddy." At that moment Rainey's eyes darted in our direction. I could tell he had been eavesdropping on our conversation. I wasn't sure why but he continued to stare in our direction. I put July down and bent down on her level. "July why don't you go help Daddy with setting the table, it looks like he might need a little help."

July looked in his direction and then back at me and giggled, "Looks like he needs a lot of help." She attempted to wink at me, and I winked back. Then, she headed towards the dining room table. I could barely hear her speaking, but I did her say... " No, no no daddy, this is how you do it." 

I have such rambunctious little girl.

I removed Maddy's jacket and turned back in his direction. I held it out to him. " Thank you for loaning me your jacket."

" Well, it was my pleasure."  He took one  hand and grabbed the jacket, with the other he put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. " Good luck tonight, I think I'm going to see if I can find Patrick" He removed his hand and headed towards the stairs. On his way up the stairs he had one final remark. " See you at dinner." 

I felt a little out of place once Maddy left. At least with him here I felt as though I had someone to talk to. Rainey had yet to make any attempt to speak to me since I entered the cabin. July and Rainey were setting a large dining room table. Janie was in the kitchen cooking with Carl. I wasn't sure where Rainey's sister and husband were, but I was sure they would join us for dinner. For several minutes I just stood and watched the happenings of the cabin. I was trying to take in the surroundings and get a feel for Rainey's family. July seemed to fit right in.

After setting the table July jumped into a bar stool that sat at the kitchen counter. I watched her as she spoke to Janie. " Gigi, can I help you cook?"  She nodded her head and past a bowl of ingredients that needed to be mixed and told July to stir. July got up on her knees on the stool and started to stir. I wasn't sure what she was stirring but she was working hard at it.

I stood awkwardly into the foyer. I didn't know if I should just go in and sit down, or wait to be asked to sit. At this point I was beginning to think that neither was going to happen because I was afraid to sit down and everyone else was doing their own thing.

Rainey must have noticed how awkward I was being because he made his way to where I was standing.

"You can sit down you now."

"Thanks." I made my way to the sectional and sat down on the edge of the cushion.

Rainey followed behind me and sat down as well. He sat more comfortably than I did. He sank his body into one of the two recliners than faced the television. He looked at me for a long time as if he wanted to say something. He tapped his foot lightly on the floor. Occasionally, he would look down and then back up again. Finally I decided to break the awkward silence.

"Are you have a good time with July?"  At the sound of her name, it was as if his demeanor change.

" We are having the best time, she is so smart. How did she get so smart?"

I laughed inwardly, " I ask myself that everyday. She really keeps me in check."

" I bet, she is a fireball, she has been talking non-stop since she got here. She has been telling stories on me all evening."

I blushed a little, " Yeah sorry about that, I've told her every story I could think of. I wanted her to know as much about you as she could."

He nodded his head. " I'm glad you told her about who I was when I was a teenager. She reminds me of who I used to be."

"I know this may sound if as if I'm trying to make light of the situation, but can we just leave all the serious talk for another time, today has just been a long and confusing day and I would just like to just relax and get to know everyone. Do you know what I mean?"

"Yeah I absolutely agree. We have all the time in the world to talk about this."

I wanted lighten the conversation. "So, your friends seem great. Do they always vacation with you and your family?"

"Actually this is the first vacation I've been on with my family in many years. After I went off to college, I distanced myself from them. We are trying to get to know each other again. After my dad died last year, we all got a reality check on how important family really is."

"I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, if you don't mind me asking, what happened."

" I don't know if you remember but my dad was an alcoholic. He was going to AA meetings and tried to get back on track. He was doing good but my step mom Maggie left him, he feel off the wagon. One night he went to the bar, got drunk and make the decision to get behind the wheel. He was almost home when he lost control of the car. He hit a car head on, it was a fatal crash all around."

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up." I felt so sorry for him, I shouldn't have even asked.

"It is fine really, we are trying to past it. It really brought us back together. Mom was so sad, even though they divorced many years before, she loved him. He was the father of her children."

I let out a sigh, " I can understand that."  I really could, no matter how things turned out, I would always have some kind of love for Rainey, he would always be her dad.

"I don't want to talk about sad stuff, I'm sorry I even brought it up.." He ran his fingers through his wavy hair and changed the subject. " Maddy, Patrick and I, take a spring break trip every year to one beach or another. Plus we've had some European adventures as well."

It was amazing the things that Rainey had been doing while I was raising our daughter. Even though he knew nothing of her. In a weird way I resented him for being able to have a normal life, which I struggled to raise July. It is funny how life turns out.

" Wow, Europe, I've been to Canada once. I took July on a road trip over spring break this year.  It took me two years to save up, but we had a good time."

In that moment his face fell. " I sorry I wasn't there to help."

"It is fine, we do okay. July has everything she needs. It's not like you can help it. You didn't know."

"Yeah me too."  I relaxed a little and leaned back into the couch and crossed my legs.

As soon as I felt completely relaxed, I heard what sounded like a herd of elephants coming down the stairs. Maddy was running down the stair full speed with who I assumed to be Patrick, hot on his tail. Maddy ran behind the chair that Rainey was sitting and tried to use him for protection. They both circled the chair a few times. Then, both of their attention changed and they dog piled Rainey. 

From the kitchen I heard Janie say. " Boys grow up and act your age."

July came barreling into the room like a flash of lightning. " Leave my Daddy alone!" One hand was on her hip and she meant business. She proceeded to stomp her foot a few times, and that got their attention. They both stood and faced July. July gave them both the stink eye and placed her other hand on her hip. They both pretended like they were in trouble. July pointed to the couch. "Sit" Before I knew it the were on either side of me on the couch. July relaxed and jumped into her Daddy's lap. " You okay Daddy? Did they hurt you?"

He pulled her back against him. " No July I'm fine." She relaxed into him. "Good, I thought I might have to get them." He chuckled a little bit and July curled into him and before we knew it, she was a sleep.

I smiled at how she was so relaxed with him. It had only been on day and she was so comfortable with him. " I can take a her lay her down if you want me to."

"Naw, this is fine. She can stay like this for a while."  Rainey closed his eyes and then he was asleep too. It was strange seeing them sleep together in the chair. They looked so much a little. They had many of the same features. I knew she looked like her dad, but I didn't know how much until that very moment as slept peacefully in the recliner.I watched them for several moments before Maddy spoke up.

" Melonie, this is Patrick." He held out his hand to me. As I put my hand into his he said something that surprised me. " Your prettier than Rainey let on."

I gave him a puzzled expression. " What do you mean?"

"Rainey told us about a girl he met one summer when he was sixteen that he gave up his v-card to. His descriptions didn't do you justice."

Wow, I guess the reason he'd talked about me was because I was the girl who he lost his virginity to. All I could do was roll my eyes. Maddy piped in. " Pat don't be a douche."

Patrick shrugged his shoulders. " Well, I'm glad to finally meet you, we never thought we would."

"Yeah I bet."

I wasn't sure what to think about Patrick. He gave off this 'I'm an arrogant asshole' vibe, but I could be wrong. He just looked smugged. He looked like your typical fraternity brother. He was somewhat stalkey, with broad shoulders. He had brown shaggy hair which he covered with a university ball cap, that he had turned backwards. He was sporting a polo shirt with a shell necklace. He wore jeans that looked like they came from the gap and flip flops. If I could imagine what  a frat boy looked like, he would be it. Looks can be deceiving, but so far his personality hasn't proved ootherwise.

While I was in deep thought. He stood and announced that he was going out for a smoke. " I'll be out on the deck, yell when supper is ready." With those final words he was out the door.

I took out my cell phone, and pulled up my camera. I stood up and walked over to where Rainey and July were snoozing. I turned the sound of and snapped a picture of them. It was nice to be able to have a picture of Rainey and July together. I was walked back over to where Maddy was sitting and sat down beside him and held out the phone to show him the picture. He admired the picture.

"She looks like him..." he looked over at me. "But she looks like you too."

"I know she looks like him, I just didn't realize how much until now. I'm glad I had a picture of him, the memories tend of fade. After a while the only memory of I had of what he looked like was from that picture. He's really changed a lot. He looks a lot like his dad, from what I can remember anyway." 

"Yeah, your right he looks a lot like his dad."

"Not only does he look different, he also seems to be a different person. I know a lot of that has to do with the fact that we've grown up, plus we've had different life experiences that have changed us."

"Yeah, I only know this Rainey, he has been the same since I've known him."

"Anyway enough about Rainey... tell me something really random. Have you ever played the random game?" I loved playing the random game with people.

He shook his head no. " Okay so basically you try to come up with some really random fact, or statement and you have to try to top what the other person says."

"Okay so how do we know who wins."

" I don't know, but I promise we will know when it is all said and done. I'll start."

" Did you know that  approximately one third of all Americans flush the toilet while they're still sitting on it?"

He tilted his head to the side and laughed. " I have a feeling about who is going to win."

"Okay your turn."

" Did you know that John Madden is an accomplished ballroom dancer?"

"Wow, interesting. I call round one a tie."

"Okay so it is my turn again. In the Godfather movies, if you see an orange you know that a death scene is coming up?"

"Wow, how do you know that one?"

"Honestly, I don't remember. I think I read it on the Internet. Next."

" Mark Twain didn't go to school past elementary."

At the same time we said. " I win."

"You win" he laughed. " You are much better at this than me."

July started to stir in Rainey's lap. I saw her eyes peep open, then close again. Then Rainey's eyes opened. "Wow, I didn't even know I was tired. How long was I out?"

"Only about twenty minutes, you should probably find a place to lay her down. Once she goes to sleep, she is out for the night."

He looked around. " Can she stay here tonight?"

Wow that thought hadn't crossed my mind. Now that Rainey was back in her life, that meant that she might not always stay the night with me. I wasn't sure how I felt about it.

" I don't know, let me think about it over dinner."

He nodded his head and picked her up and took her into a spare bedroom off the kitchen.

While Rainey was gone, Maddy just blurted out the most random statement ever.

"The mouth is full of bacteria. When two people kiss, they exchange between ten million to one billion bacteria."

Rainey walked in during the middle of that statement. He looked very confused.

I couldn't help myself, I laughed. " You definitely win!"

"Maybe I could be good at this game after all." I held my hand up for a high five.

" I concur."

Rainey just stared at us. " What was that about?"

We both looked at Rainey, but Maddy spoke up first " We were playing the random game."

"OoooK, y'all are strange." He shook his head and walked into the kitchen.

After all that Janie announced that it was finally time for dinner. By this point, everyone seemed exhausted. Rainey's sister and her husband and baby returned for dinner. Everyone was in attendance except for July and baby Ashlynn.  No one wa talking very much. It was ten o'clock by this point. You could tell that Janie felt defeated by the whole situation. We really hadn't had much time to just sit down and talk.

"Thank you for inviting us to dinner. I'm sorry July didn't stay awake."

Janie blew the hair out of her face. " I'm sorry that this didn't work out like planned."

"I was thinking since July is already asleep in bed that.. she could just stay here if you'd like."

In the same moment Rainey and Janie's faces lit up. Rainey spoke first. " Are you sure that is okay?"

"Yeah, I won't lie I'm a little nervous because to be honest July has never stayed anywhere overnight without me, not even with my parents without me being there."

"If you'd rather take her home, I can carry her back for you."

"No, No, No. It will be fine, there is no point in waking her up when I'll only be a little ways away."

"Only if your sure."

I was really sure how sure I was. But it was going to happen sooner or later, why not now.

"Yeah I'm sure." 

Janie reached across the table and grabbed my hand. " I know this is hard, thank you for allowing her to stay here." I squeezed her hand in return.

Rainey was sitting to my right, he smiled at me. I gave a half hearted smile to reassure him that I felt as though everything was going to be fine. I turned and faced forward again. Rainey began talking to his mom and sister. It was as if the mood in the room had changed. I put my elbow on the table and rested my chin on my head away from Rainey and his mom.  At that moment I felt a hand on my left knee. He squeezed and then patted. I darted my eyes to him. He gave me a reassuring looking but never said a word. I wasn't awkward at all, which really surprised me.

We finished our dinner and carried on in light conversation. I learned very quickly that my suspicions were correct. Rainey was not the same boy he was so many years ago. I wasn't saying this was a bad thing, but he wasn't that same naive  teenage boy that I once knew. After a while I excused myself from the table.

" I think it is time for me to head back to my cabin for the night. I'm going to go in and check on July before I go." 

I walked into the spare room and watched as July slept. She looked peacefully. I walked over and learned down and kissed her forward.  She woke up momentarily. "Mommy is it time to go, I don't wanna go."

" I know baby, you are going to stay the night with your Daddy."

She spoke softly. " Okay, I love you Mommy."

I pulled the covers around her. " I love you too sweet pea." 

She yawned, and cuddled into the blanket and then she was out again.

Rainey walked in beside me. "She will be fine."

"I know"

"This has been a good day."

I knew it had been a good day, but it had also been a stressful day.

" I think it is time for me leave."

"Do you want me to walk you back?"

I shook my head. " If July wakes up, she will want you here. I'll be fine walking back."

We walked back into the living room, on my way out the door I looked back at July one more time. Before leaving I thanked Rainey's family for such a nice evening.

I was thankful it was a full moon that night because honestly I was a little afraid to walk back on my own.However,  I wouldn't dare let Rainey leave July just to walk me back. I was only a short distance from Rainey's cabin when I heard someone coming behind. I picked up my pace. I heard running footsteps behind me. I  picked up my pace, then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I about jumped out of my skin. " Please don't hurt me."

"Melonie it is me Maddy." I laid my hand on my chest and let out a sigh of relief.

" Oh my gosh you scared the b'jesus out of me. I was scared before I even got two steps away from the cabin. When you started running. I thought I was a goner"  I hit his chest. " You should announced yourself before you started the hot pursuit."

I turned away from him angry. Well, I wasn't really angry, I was just a little shook up more than anything. I crossed my arms and tapped my foot.

"Come on, don't be mad."

I felt like I was young again. I continued to face away from him, but I wasn't mad. I kept my arms cross, but little did he know I had a smile on my face.

"Are you seriously mad." He placed his hands on my shoulders from behind. " I said I was sorry"  I felt him rest his chin on the top of my head. I didn't understand why these moments were not awkward. Maddy was a nice guy.  It seemed like a friendly gesture, but it felt nice.

I turned around and placed my hands on my hips and tried to give him a stern look. I just couldn't take it I rolled my eyes and started laughing. "I'm not mad you goofus. I was just scared." 

He looked surprised. " You are good at pretending to be mad."

"It must have been that drama class I took."

He pushed my shoulder a little bit. "Weirdo, I came out here to walk you back to your cabin. And now we are standing out here in the cool summer night like two ding dongs."

" I hadn't noticed how cold it was until you said something. Probably all that adrenaline from almost being murdered."

"Why does it always come back to this. I don't foresee murdering you.. how about you?"

"Well I really contemplated it, when I was being charged."

"I was not charging I was trying to catch up so I could keep you safe from the creepers."

I couldn't understand why our conversations turned out to be a big joke. We had a nice banter back and forth. It was a nice way to get out of my head for a while.

"Let's go before a creeper gets us both."

I think we made it back to my cabin in record pace. I jumped every time I heard a branch break, or even the wind blow.

"You going to make a habit of escorting me back and forth between cabins? At the point, I'm doubting you could protect me." This was a rather funny thought because he was very capable with this with his height and broad built.

He shrugged his shoulder, " Maybe, next time I'll let Patrick escort you back."

I shook my head back and forth. "Please no" 

A chuckle escaped his lips. " That is what I thought. " He stood in front of me for a few moments then spoke. " I guess this is where I say goodnight." 

" I guess so, or... maybe you could hang out for a bit. I'm not used to being alone."

The corners of his mouth perked up. " Phew, thank goodness I wasn't prepared to walk back alone. Who would have protected me?"

I just shook my head as I opened the door to my cabin.

"Welcome to my humble abode, or rather my home away from home."

*** I like the support system that Maddy is providing right now. They seem to have a instant connection that is comfortable.

What did you think of Patrick?  I know he only played a small role in this chapter.. we will see more of him in the future...

Hope you enjoyed!

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