That Football player

By Screaming0Shadows

152K 3.2K 1.1K

Dylan Bryan, the new girl but she isn't a normal girly girl. No, she is a football player who isn't afraid to... More

Four years in the making.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 2

8.9K 182 59
By Screaming0Shadows

Chapter 2

Every position except the quarterback position has finished their tryouts. I was standing on the sidelines. Blood pumping through my veins. I was nervous, of course I was.

"Quarterbacks to the fifty yard line!" Coach kemp yells. "Pat you're up first."

Patrick takes his place. He is nervous, I can see him shaking.

"Hike!" The play starts.

Richie, the receiver, is wide open but Patrick hesitates to throw the ball. It flies two feet over Richie's head even when he jumps for it.

"Zach!" Coach Kemp. Zack takes his place.

Once again Richie is open, Zach throws the football. It is a perfect spiral, a beautiful pass. It lands in Richie's hands with ease. It was like they had done this many times. Which they have, this whole team has been a family since the days of Little League. No wonder they hate an outsider like me.


I take a deep breath. I look to see Dean, Gavin, and Tony sitting in the bleachers. They all give me a thumbs up. It gives me the courage I need.

"Hike!" I yell.

The center snaps the ball. I look for someone to be open, Richie is covered by the defense. I have no time to think about the fact that defense and everyone is else is against me. They aren't going to make this easy for me. I throw the ball and it sails through the air. The ball lands in Richie's arms, a bit to his surprise. He stood there amazed. I had never thrown to him, usually I was put with the freshman butterfingers.

After thirty antagonizing minutes Coach Kemp finally announces who will be the first string quarterback.
"First string quarterback is," he announces, I hold my breath. "Dylan Brynn." He pauses for a moment. "I have also decided that Zach and Dylan will both be Co captains."

Coach releases us from practice. Everyone walks in a stunned silence. As I walk to the girl's locker room Zach yells my name. I turn around and take off my helmet.

"You don't deserve to be quarterback."
"Why not?"
"Because you are a girl."
"Looks like You were beat by girl." I continue walking to the locker room.

Then I feel something hit the back of my head, the forces me to the ground. I hear the team laughing. I look directly into Zack's eyes. I feel anger bubble up inside me. I want to kick him in the groin but now is not the time.

"Who threw that ball?" Coach Kemp warns. No one answers. "I'm going to ask one more time. Who threw that ball?" Still no one answers. "Fine then tomorrow you all run until your feet bleed."
"But Coach." Someone whines, Coach Kemp turns around with a murderous glare. It makes me scared.

After I get out of the shower I walk to my car where Dean and his friends are. Dean opened his arms, I run and jump into them.

"Congratulations!" He yells in my face.
"We should go for ice cream!" Tony screams in my ear.
"Ice cream is on the house." Gavin says quietly. His mother owns the diner, they make the best homemade ice cream. It's to die for. If anyone were to ever make me mad the only apology I would except would be that ice cream.

We all crammed into my car.
Did I get to drive my car? No.
Did I even get to sit in the front seat of my car? No.

I sat in the back with Gavin and was forced to endure Dean and Tony singing at the top of their lungs.

The second the car was in park I jumped out. I gasped for air is if I had been drowning.
"Too... much... testosterone." I gasp.
"Shut up and get off the ground." Dean stands over me as Tony laughs and Gavin smiles.
"Pick me up?" I smile as I see the embarrassment on Deans face. I glance over to see a group of girls, very pretty and attractive girls. "Oh, please Dean, I've fallen and I can't get up." I cry out. "Why won't you help me?"

The girls walked away giggling to each other. Dean and Tony glair at me while Gavin picks me up. I kiss him on the cheek after he put me down.

"Why don't you ever give me any sugar?" Tony poked his lip out. I touched his cheek then walked off. Behind me Dean punched Tony in the arm causing him to cry out in pain.

I pick a table in the old fashioned diner. Mrs. Jenny, Gavin's mom, walks over.
"Where are they boys-" she starts but her question is cut off by Dean and Tony.
"Mrs. J!" They diner goes quite as everyone looks at them. Gavin hides his face where as the other two bask in the attention.

It is a wonder that Dean and Gavin became friends. They might not have much in common but they had every class together because they both wanted to be teachers.

Tony and Dean had been friends since elementary school. So of course, they would go to the same collage.

"Yes, I want a vanilla milkshake." I ordered after the boys do.

We talk over milkshakes and ice cream cones. School, football, video games. We stayed until it was closing time. Then when it came time to close up shop we all helped Mrs. Jenny. Dean was sweeping, Tony and Gavin were cleaning tables, and I was in the back.

"How are things Dylan?" Mrs. Jenny asked.
"Fine." My go to answer.
"I know it must be hard for you, moving to a new state and all that has happened."
I don't look up. "Yeah, it hasn't been too easy."
"If you ever need someone to talk to you know my door is always open."
"Thank you." I clear my throat. "Thank you." I repeated trying not to sound as weak. I finished as quick as I could then left the room.

We headed to the car. I sat in the back with out a fight. Once home I went directly to my room. I crawled into bed and waited.

What for? To be honest it was Spider Man. I knew I couldn't become dependent on him but I couldn't help it.

I heard the window open. My heart started pounding.
"It's your friendly neighborhood Spider Man." His words made me smile but it quickly fell. I cling onto him and wept. "Don't cry, Dylan, don't cry. We are so proud of you, I know he would be too."

I cried.


Authors note:

I decided that I'm going to upload on Wednesday's as well because why not?

A lot is going on and I wanted to distract myself. When it rains it pours.

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