I Promise {Rierra}

By gublergube

62.1K 1.2K 721

Sierra and Ramin didn't know it, but their paths would cross soon. Leading them to the most amazing love stor... More

Prolouge/Chapter 1
2- The Call
3- Rehearsals/ Jade
4- A Plan
5- Pain
6- I think I love you
7- The Escape/ The Kids
9- The Pills
10- The 'break up'
11~ Showtime!
12~ After the show
13- Home, at last
14- Phantom
15~ Vlogging
16- 'it'
17- the fight
18- As Time Goes On
19- I Dreamed A Dream
20- Great Britain
21- Old Memories and New Ones
22- Sickness
23- Stress
25- Honeymoon (shortish)
26- Oh my god.
Part two- chapter 26
27- Pregnant
28- Telling
29- Tam, he's back.
30- Vlogger 24601
31- I Love You
32- Ethan
33- I Promise
Authors note

8- Tam

2.2K 44 28
By gublergube

Hey everyone! Thanks for reading my story! I just wanted to say that their will be many different plots that happen in this story because I have lots of different ideas jumbled into my mind to put in here. So after this chapter, the second plot twist will occur, actually, two in one. One of the two will continue to haunt Sierra and Ramin through the whole story. So thank you for reading and continue to read my stories! ENJOY!

Chapter 8

Sierra tried quickly to get out of rehearsal without anyone getting on her case. She knew that Ramin would want to chat with her but she wanted to be alone right now.

As she got to her car, she almost felt proud that she got this far without anyone stopping her. She cried for a half hour, her head down on the steering wheel. She looked up to start her car, but her eyes landed on a family walking on the road. A man, a woman, and a little girl who looked to be about five, standing between them. She watched as the couple swung the girl between them and she giggled. Sierra smiled at the memory of when her and Tam would do that with her.

She shook the though out of her head and drove away. On the way, she received a call from Ramin. She cleared her throat, trying to make it sounded as though she hadn't been crying.


"Sierra, Sierra," she heard Jaiden and Hadley saying her name over and over.

"I'm here guys, I can hear you. What's up?"

"Come to our pajama party!" Hadley shrieked. "Daddy said that we could have a sleepover with you and Big Hadley!"

"Did he now? Can I speak to your dad?" She listened as the boys tried to find their father in the big hotel room, but they did find him eventually. When she was sure he was listening, she started, "A sleepover pajama party. Sounds fun." She teased.

"Hey, they asked for it. I said, why not. Let's get the gang together. So me, my boys, Hadley, and you. Are you coming?" Sierra wasn't paying attention to the fact that the red light she had been sitting at had turned green. Not until someone behind her honked and she started driving again. "Was that a car, where are you?"

"I'm on my way back from rehearsals."

"Rehearsals ended an hour ago."

"I got caught up." She stated simply as she pulled into her parking spot. "I'm here, is big Hadley already in your room." Instead of giving her an answer, Ramin held the phone up to Hadley where he was currently screaming at the tv. 'Just pass the damn ball to Sanchez! He'll actually get the damn touchdown!' "Well, that's nice. Can you come over to my room for a couple minutes."

"Is everything okay?"

"I guess. I just want to talk to you about something, but nothing is wrong."

"Alright. I'll be over in ten. Love you, bye." She then heard big Hadley in the background. 'Aww, whittle Ramin said he loved Siewa.'

She giggled a little, replying, "Love you too, bye."

Sierra went into her room and checked herself out in the mirror. Judging by the bags under her eyes and her red face, she concluded that she needed a shower. She quickly got in the shower and washed her hair, and made sure the rest of her body was clean before jumping out. She wrapped herself in a towel and went into her bedroom. When she entered she saw Ramin lounging on her bed, flipping through channels on the tv. "Well, make yourself at home, why don't you."

"Oh, thanks Sierra." He smiled sarcastically, slipping to the end of the bed. Sierra started picking out pajamas to wear to Ramin's room, but she felt eyes bore into her back. She turned to see Ramin with a dumb look on his face, clearly able to see what was under her towel.

"What?" She asked, grinning as she made her way to him. She straddled him, wrapping her legs around his waist. Ramin let out a small groan as she sat down. "You saw it all a couple nights ago, Ramin. Still surprised?"

"Not surprised, just amazed that a woman could have such a beautiful body." Sierra blushed, but they both leaned and their lips connected. Sierra felt as though fireworks were set off between them. She felt his arms slip around her waist and reach for the end of the towel, trying to tug it off her, but she pulled away, smirking.

"Nope. Not right now. I have to get dressed, and we both have to get to a party."

"Come on, just a quick one? I'm sure we could pull it off." Sierra laughed as she did drop the towel, but to get dressed. Ramin looked extremely happy as she bent over to wrap her hair in the towel. "You're making me go crazy over here!" Sierra stood up, laughing, happy that she had this power over him.

She pulled on all her clothes as Ramin watched intently. When she was clothed, she sat next to Ramin and rested her head on his shoulder. Ramin twisted and kissed her head. "So what did you want to talk about?"

Sierras smile fell. She didn't want to talk about her sorrows now. She had been so happy when she was teasing Ramin. "It's not a big deal. I don't want to talk about it right now."

She closed her eyes, taking in the silence. "But tell me something," they faced each other, "are you okay?"

Their was no way to explain what she was feeling, much less if she was okay. She stood up, pacing the floor in front of Ramin, thinking of the words to use. But she had to say it. "I'm a terrible mother, Ramin! And don't you deny it. I'm in a totally different continent than my daughter who is in America. Shes growing up every second and I'm not there to see it! You know, she called me the other day and told me she could count to ten. I had no idea she was even learning numbers, much less learning anything! It's killing me inside that I can't be the mother I want I be!" She screamed at Ramin, but when she saw his shocked face, she cowered back. "I'm so sorry, Ramin. I'm just taking my anger out on you. I didn't mean to yell like that."

Ramin was silent this entire time. He had to think fast. What could he say to her? When he saw she was crying, he picked her up and set her down in his lap. He rocked her back and forth in his arms as she sobbed to him. He began to hum a tune to her and she started to become quieter. When she was quiet enough to hear him, he spoke; "You're not a terrible mother, Sierra. You're the best damn mother on the planet. It's not your fault that you have a demanding schedule with not so flexible times and dates. None of this is your fault." He cooed in her ear, still rocking her.

She lifted her head from his chest and Ramin reached forward to wipe the tears from her face. He pressed his lips to her forehead and Sierra closed her eyes. She loved this feeling of love and tranquility. She had become so accustomed to children running around and lots of noise from them, but at this moment, they were silent. Again, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kept her eyes closed. Ramin quickly wrapped his arms around her waist. "Thank you, Ramin. I love you,"

"I love you too Sie," he sighed, stroking her hair.

When Sierra was calm again, she got up from the bed and picked up the few things she needed for this party. She picked up her pillow, a blanket or two, and her phone and keys, just in case. "Come on, we have to go it else Hadley will think up some perverted reason as to why we were gone so long." Sierra had been holding his hand and walking down the hallway with him but she stopped.

"Says the one who just asked if we could have a quicky in my hotel room!" She giggled, slapping his chest.

They were laughing together as they entered Ramin's hotel room. Hadley, and Jaiden had been anxiously waiting for Sierra and Ramin to return so they could get their party started. And as they predicted, big Hadley had a perverted image in his mind about why they had been gone for twenty minutes.

"Sierras here!" The two boys yelled, running up and hugging her. Sierra quickly wrapped her arms around the boys, not letting them go for a minute. Hadley and Jaiden tried to pull away a couple times, but she didn't let them go for a while. When she did, she pulled back and kissed each one of them on the forehead. "Ewww!" Hadley shrieked, wiping his forehead with his hand. But Jaiden had a cute smirk on his face as he kissed Sierra on the cheek. Sierra blushed and stood up, but sat back down on the couch.

"So what are we watching first?"

"We're gonna have a Disney marathon. Tangled, Toy Story 1, 2, and 3, and then Frozen." Sierra nodded, pleased with the movies.

They all settled down on the couch with pillows and blankets, Jaiden curled up beside Sierra and Hadley with Ramin while big Hadley was on the floor. Around the middle of Tangled, it was around 8:30, and Sierra jumped. Everyone jumped with her, startled by her outburst. "What's wrong?" Ramin questioned, concerned.

"I forgot to do something. I'll be right back." She ran out of the room and to her own room. She quickly spotted the pills and downed two before hurrying back to Ramin's hotel room. "I'm back. Start the movie."

She curled up next to Ramin again and Jaiden rested his head on her lap. Once the movies started, and everyone started dozing off, Ramin kissed Sierras head. "Are you okay?"

She gave him a smile. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You ran out and didn't say anything."

"I'm fine Ramin, I promise." She pressed her lips to his quickly, but savored the moment. "I love you."

"I love you too." She curled up again, closing her eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep.

When Sierra woke up in the morning, she felt alone. Sure enough, she was alone on the couch. Sierra looked up to see all the boys in the kitchen, eating breakfast. "Hey Sie, want some breakfast?"

"Ya. But why didn't you guys wake me up?"

"We didn't want to wake you up. Daddy said you looked peaceful." Sierra smiled at little Hadley. She walked over to Ramin and kissed his cheek, earning an 'ew' from Hadley.

"It's ew? Come here!" She started to chase him around the hotel room. When she caught him, she held him down, gently, and kissed him all over his face. He was squirming in her arms and when she decided he had enough, she let him go. He ran straight to Ramin and hid from Sierra.

"Tormenting my kids? GET OUT!" He joked, smiling at Sierra.

"What day is today?"

"Saturday, Sie. Don't you have a calendar?" She shook her head, biting into an apple. "So what are we doing today?"

"I think I wanna be by myself for a little. I really need to think." Ramin gave her a sympathetic look and shook his head.

"Then I guess it's me and the boys for the day!" Ramin cheered to his kids.

"Well, I'm gonna head out." Sierra decided, standing up and gathering her things.

"I'll walk you to your door." Ramin offered to which Sierra nodded and smiled. When they arrived in her hotel room, she dropped her belongings on the bed and hugged Ramin. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"I don't know. But I really just to think. I want to be alone."

"Ok. Call me if you need anything."

"Sure, I love you."

"Love you too." He kissed her once more before leaving.

Sierra flopped on the couch. She didn't know what to do. Should she stay and wait? Should she leave the show for Jade? She also had her relationship with Ramin to factor in. And his kids. So many people were depending on her and she was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

She put her head in her hands, and just as she was calming down, her phone rang. She groaned in frustration, looking at the caller ID; Tam. "What the hell do you want, Tam?"

"How dare you?!" He shouted into the phone, making Sierra jump.

"What did I do now?"

"You're going out with Raymen?"

"It's Ramin, and yes I am. Do you have a problem with that?"

"Yes I do have a problem with that. It's been less than a year since we split up and you're already dating someone?"

"I can't help that I fell in love with someone who actually cares about me! You have no say in who I date, or an opinion on anything that I do. You are no longer in my life. Goodbye!" She shouts at him, hanging up her phone.

Sierra couldn't cry. She wouldn't let herself cry. Actually, the thing that bothered me most about that conversation is that he pronounced Ramin's name wrong.

She laughed to herself, standing up. She was certain that by now, the boys and Ramin would be gone so she headed over to his room. When she entered, she made a bee line for his bedroom. She ripped open the drawer and grabbed one or two of Ramin's shirts. She found all of his stuff very comforting.

His scent, the fabric, the sense of comfort that radiated off of it.

When she returned back to her room, she quickly changed into one of the shirts, and she was swallowed by the shirt. It wasn't that big on her, but it surely was big. Sierra tucked the shirt into her fuzzy pajama pants and sat down. She smiled and curled up on the couch with a cup of tea.

Sierra was enjoying Full House when their was a knock at the door. She was confused. Who would be here, now? When Sierra shuffled to get to the door, she almost passed out.

Behind the big door, stood a smirking man. A man she never wanted to see again. A man that brought horrors to her and Jade. A man that she thought out of her life.


"W-what are you d-doing here?" Sierra stuttered, confused and flustered.

"May I come in?" Sierra opened the door wider so he could step in. When he did, he stood in the middle of the room.

"Why are you here, Tam. I don't want you here." Sierra snapped, slamming the door shut.

"I came to talk about about Jade."

"Jade is mine. I have custody. You may visit her but you will never get Jade as long as I'm breathing!" She shouts, pointing her finger at him.

"How can you even consider her your daughter? You're in a freakin different continent than her!" Tam shouts back, stepping towards her.

"How can you call yourself a father to her? You never loved her! You admitted it. The only reason you stayed with me was because we had a child and I couldn't raise her on my own! You never did and never will love her like I love her! You're just a sorry old drunk!" This statement gets Tam angry and he reacts by hitting Sierra in the temple. The hit was so forceful that Sierra was sent flying into the wall. "Get out Tam! Get out and never speak to me or Jade again!" She screeches, feeling tears. Tam storms out, slamming the door.

Sierra pulled herself onto the couch and curled up again. As she calmed herself down, she couldn't find happiness in anything. The only things, or people, that could make her happy weren't anywhere near her. And she wasn't about to interrupt their day because she was just being needy.

She couldn't bare to watch any tv so she sat in her bed in silence. She didn't want to go on social media because everyone was so happy. She didn't eat or drink for the rest of the day. And that was a problem, considering that it was 11 when Tam left. She was too busy being sad and confused to think about anything other than Jade and Ramin.

She heard her phone buzz and ring many times throughout the day, but she ignored it. She knew it was Ramin and it wouldn't be long until he would beat down her door but she would just pretend to be asleep if that happened.

Sierra eventually fell asleep through the night, but it was restless. She had a few nightmares of what could happen to Jade if she went with Tam. All bad. When Sierras alarm rang the next morning she didn't want to get up.

Her head was pounding from where Tam smacked her, surely a bruise was there or forming. And overall, she wasn't in a great mood. But they had a show to rehearse for.

She took a quick shower and wiped away all signs of health disregards. For breakfast, she had a bagel, but only ate half of it. When Ramin texted her and asked if she wanted a ride to rehearsal, she quickly refused. She still needed to brace herself for everyone's reaction to her bruise. She observed it was a cross between black, blue, and purple. It really was gross. She tried to cover it with makeup, but it wouldn't work. The bruise was too dark.

When Sierra arrived at the theater, she tried to segregate herself from the others. She wasn't in much of a gossiping mood. But she knew that once Ramin arrived she wouldn't be hounded with questions from him. And she was correct.

Ramin was quick to spot the vibrant red hair of Sierras and he quickly rushed over. "Hey Sie, what happened yesterday? I tried to call you and you wouldn't answer." Sierra tried to reply, and made the mistake of looking at him. His mouth hit the floor. "Oh my god. What the hell happened to you?"

Sierra tried to lie, but ultimately failed. "I was just being clumsy and walked into the wall. It's not a big deal, really, I'm fine." She gave a smile. Sierra could tell that he wasn't buying her story.

"We'll talk about the lying later, Mrs. Boggess." He gently kissed her bruise which, honestly, made it feel better in her mind. Cameron summoned them on stage and they started to run Angel Of Music. Sierra definitely wasn't on her A game today. She was constantly forgetting or messing up on lyrics, her voice occasionally cracked here and there.

Every time she saw Ramin, he kissed her bruise. He could tell that it was hurting Sierra and that something was eating at her, but he kept distance. He didn't want to push her into telling him anything she didn't want to. Ramin was understanding.

By the end of rehearsals, Sierra had had enough. She got a nice scolding from Cameron about not performing well. Lots of criticism from the rest of the cast members, not Ramin, of course. Everyone was ready to kill her today, pretty much.

Sierra told Ramin that she would call him later, and she did. She asked to see him, with which he accepted and told her to come to his hotel room. When she knocked, he quickly opened the door and smiled at her, letting her in. They sat down on the couch together and Sierra curled up under his arm. She closed her eyes, savoring the sweet silence. But she knew that soon she was going to have to tell Ramin what happened. "Tam," she started, sighing, "he called me and yelled at me for going out with you. Then he showed up at my door and accused me of not being a good mother. Then I told him that he wasn't a good father and he was a drunk, so he slapped me. Then he left."

Ramin was enraged. "Why didn't you call me? I would have kicked the shit out of him!"

"Ramin it's alright-"

"No! How dare he insult you! How dare he lay a finger on you!" Ramin shot up from the couch and started pacing the room.

"Ramin, I'm okay. Just calm down." She laid a hand on his bicep, trying to calm him down. He took a deep breath and sat down again. "I'm fine. It's really, not a big deal." But it was. This was weighing Sierra down. She didn't know what would happen to Jade.

"Sierra, this is a huge deal. This is your daughter we're talking about!"

"I know it's my daughter, Ramin. I get that! You don't have to tell me something I already know!"

"Okay." His voice dropped a couple octaves. "I just want what's best for you and Jade."

"I know. I'm sorry." Sierra mumbled. Ramin started to absentmindedly stroke her arm which brought a sense of comfort to her. "I didn't mean to get mad at you."

"It's quite alright, darling." When she rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes, he lifted her into his arms and carried her into his bedroom. He placed her down on the bed and wrapped his arms around her. "Sleep." He commanded, to which she happily closed her eyes and drifted away.

Sierra was awaken in the middle of the night by small sounds of cries from the other room. She looked over, expecting not to see Ramin, but she did. And she obviously couldn't be bothered by it. Sierra figured she would take matters into her own hands. She unwrapped Ramin's arms from around her and treed into the other room. She saw Hadley crying on his bed, and Jaiden trying to comfort him. When Hadley's eyes laid on her, he reached forward. She quickly scooped him into her arms and cradled him. And she wrapped her arm around Jaiden and sat on the bed.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" She cooed, moving Hadley's hair from his face.

"Mommy, she was hurting me." He cried into her shoulder.

"He was dreaming." Jaiden whispered to her. "It happens all the time now."

"Alright, well, Hadley." He looked up at her with big eyes. "Your mommy won't hurt you anymore, okay? You're safe with me and your dad, okay?"

"W-will you be our new mommy?"

Sierra didn't know the answer to that question. Her and Ramin's relationship was just starting out. She wasn't even thinking about anything close to marriage. "I'll be the closest thing to it, Hadley. I'll be here for you two, okay?" They both nodded.

"C-can you sing? Daddy used to sing to us before bedtime." Sierra nodded and kissed Hadley's forehead, and he didn't saw ew, before getting him comfortable in her lap.

"Look at this stuff

Isn't it neat

Wouldn't you think my collections complete?

Wouldn't you think in the girl who has everything?" Sierra softly sang, getting sleepy herself.

Once she knew the boys were asleep, she tried to move, but the boys were clinging to her. She sighed and got herself comfortable before shutting her eyes again and drifting into sleep.

Ramin was confused in the morning. He was alone. He distinctly remembered Sierra falling asleep with him. Where was she? Did she leave before he woke? She wouldn't do that.

He went to wake up his kids and smiled at the sight. Sierra had Hadley is her lap and and Jaiden was nuzzled into the crook of her neck. All three were asleep. The trio looked so peaceful and he didn't want to mess that up but they had rehearsal. He carefully took Hadley and laid him next to Sierra. "Sie, wake up." He gently shook her awake and she stirred.

"What Ramin? Go away!" She moaned moving his hand from her shoulder.

He stifled a laugh, but continued. "Come on, we have rehearsal. You need to get up now." Sierra groaned, but got up anyway. She trudged back to her room and dragged herself into the shower.

Once she was clean and dressed, she headed back to Ramin's room. When she knocked, nobody answered for a second, and then Hadley swung the door opened. Sierra judged that he looked tired, but he jumped on her and have her a hug. "Hey Hadley, what's up? Are you coming to rehearsal today?"

"He can, he just has to do his homework!" She heard Ramin yelling from the bedroom. Hadley groaned, laying his head on Sierras shoulder.

"Come on, I'm sure it's not that bad. What is it?" Hadley showed her a few sheets of possibly the easiest work she'd ever seen. A sheet of addition problems, another full of subtraction, and another that regarded colors. "This isn't hard." Hadley frowned. "How about this? You work as hard as you can and when I'm on breaks, I'll help you, okay?" Hadley quickly nodded his head at Sierra's proposal. She nodded back at him and she noticed Ramin watching them. "What?"

"Nothing. But we have to go. Jaiden, come on!" Jaiden came running in with a backpack on and he was smiling.

The four piled into Ramin's car as he drove to the theater. The ride was almost completely silent, except for the occasional giggle of Hadley. Nobody knew why he was laughing, but they all let it go.

Rehearsal that day was easy. Cameron was happy that Sierra was acting successfully and Sierra was even happier than him. She wasn't getting yelled at for messing up. Sierra kept up her end of the bargain and at every break, she helped Hadley and Jaiden with their homework. They were very thankful for that.

After rehearsal, the four of them got dinner and headed back to Ramin's dressing room. They all curled up on his bed and they turned on a movie. Eventually, all of them fell asleep.

Sierra thought that her life was taking a turn for the better. She had Ramin's boys, Ramin's love, and when the show was over, she would finally get Jade back. Tam would be out of her life for good and she could live in peace. But what Sierra didn't know is that, in a month, her life would change forever. Her life would change just because of an empty bottle and a phone call.

Hey readers! So what do you think so far? Leave your comments and vote, please! ❤️💕🎀👑✌️🙈🙉🙊😈

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