The billionaire in my pants ~...

By Jenniferwest2018

315K 2.4K 139

Jennifer silverstone Mervin makes her mark in her world where she claims a name for herself and also the hear... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
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Chapter 4

8.2K 318 7
By Jenniferwest2018

After dinner last night, I and Lilian prepared overnight for this course. I didn't know if I wanted to go for this trip, but she scolded me saying we were going to do this together and we were gonna get in together.

So we made researches, watched online videos and tried putting two into two so we could at least have a foundation on it.

But it was all the same being social, a not just social your relations with people both positive and negative manner.

"You know am super excited about this trip, just imagine if we get in all the crazy things we could do."

"Yeah and what's your idea of crazy?"

"I and Collins going through an adventure together it would make an awesome memory, you and I teaching Juliana a real lesson that she would regret all the days of her life"

I laughed hard, my friend is so crazy "And what kind of thing are we going to do to Juliana?"

"Uhm like putting chilly pepper in her underwear or spiders in her brazier?"

I stared at Lilian with wide eyes "You don't mean that do you, you just have to be kidding!"

"And what If am not?" she asked seriously

"I don't know babe but am not in"

"Till then" she said confidently.

We slept later on, setting an alarm to wake us up at exactly 5:30 the next day because the class was starting by eight. And punctuality was our priority right now.

I woke up at five o'clock, 30mins before our planned time. I wasn't much of a big sleeper anyways.

I went to the other room to check in on Lilian but she was sleeping like she was crushed by a road truck, tossing and snoring. She could be that way most times when she's stressed, and the stress right now was our 3hrs lesson.

I tied my hair in a messy bun, moving into the kitchen to fix something for breakfast before we got ready for our interesting exam on campus. 

I made pancakes and eggs, by the time I was done it was 5:40. Now was the time for us to get ready .

I went into Lillian's room, trying to wake her up but my efforts where in vain she wasn't responding to my touch. Then I did the worse, she was going to be angry as hell but we both needed this.

I went into her bathroom taking a bowl of water then I poured all the contents on her face.


She sprang up right, spluttering before coughing loudly.

Now I felt guilty

She rubbed her hands frantically on her face, before glaring at me "Jennifer!"


"What was that for?" she yelled with a wide red puffy eyes

She could be bitchy most time in the morning.

"I tried waking you up but you weren't responding and we are going to be late if you continued that way"

She stared at me for like 2mins, we continued starring at each other that way I guess we did that for like 5mins.

Before she blinked and then jumped from her bed"Oh! True Jenny, our trip! Our goddamn trip. You don't want to be late, go and get ready while I do the same. I need to do my make up, choose a pretty dress and shoes."

"Yeah you could have thought about that while you were sleeping like a cow" I joked while laughing

She joined in "And you are the hyenas, always awake and prepared for their hunt" she winked, before rushing into her bathroom.

Sometimes it feels like she knows that my crush on Christopher beyond how casual I make it look, I can't hide it for long I have to tell her soon. After all he is the main reason why I wanted to go for this trip.

The crazy fantasy I wish of us together. I I know is fatally untrue.

Could it be an obsession or my first time falling in love have made me into a stupid heap of vulnerability.


Lilian was trilled when she found out we had breakfast, we ate happily and she kept on praising me about being the best friend ever.

After we where done we drove in her car to school. Already this time we weren't late, we arrived at school at exactly 7:25am

The hall was already getting filled with students, I and Lilian took our seat at the middle of the class. While we waited on the rest to make it on time to school.

Finally it was 8:00am and Miss Lauretta and sir Gregory got into the classroom but this time they were with some other staffs, locking both the front and back door.

Now the hall was almost filled up with students but not as much as it was yesterday, it seems like some student had already made up their minds not to go for the trip or they were just unfortunately late.

Everyone was composed and ready for the day to begin, sir Gregory was with a big folder stacked with papers.

I wanted to make sure my Mr Christmas was in the hall so I scanned through searching for him only to find him sitting with Juliana.


I scoffed at kept my attention on Miss Lauretta who was already addressing us

Lilian stared at me "You okay girl"

"Yeah I am" I said dryly, evidently not wanting to continue the conversation by looking at the stern and focused on Miss Lauretta. 

She laughed slightly and elbowed me on my shoulders "Don't worry it's okay to feel that way"

I turned to speak but she already buried her head in her books laughing hard at me.

Let's be serious I haven't really told anything to Lilian about liking Chris. Even when maybe we happen to brush into the conversation about him I hide my emotions about it. I hope she's doesn't think I'm acting this way because of Ben, who I happen to be around few times because we meet and read together in the library. 

Yuck his not my type. Not like I have a type either. Just Chris all I want is Chris.

Mr Gregory passed the files to the staffs, and they distributed it amongst themselves before passing it to every students in the hall.

It was flipped over, so I couldn't see what was written on it. After they've passed the paper to Everyoned in the hall, they took their various post in the classroom to monitor us.

"Now the time is exactly 8:30 you can start and end at 9:00"

What?  Just thirty minutes!

I quickly flipped my papers open, to read what ever was on it and it was just there questions, they looked easy but it was complex.

Anyways I answered it, in the way I thought was right and submitted before the time was over. I told Lilian what she wanted and she told me what I wanted to hear silently.

We called it teamwork.

After the bell rang to signify the test was over, the papers where being collected. Some students where complaining about the time while some guys tried to fight with the staffs because they were not done and they got disqualified from going on the trip.

The hall was noisy, most students where murmuring and Miss Lauretta was actually laughing at us.

"How was the test students?"





She got different replies from the students, she nodded her head understandingly at them. " It's just human relations, and it was a very easy test, I don't see what's hard or evil about it" she declared

"Now am going to take your papers to scan out your answers, every student that passes the test moves to the oral that's going to be happening by one o'clock, at our office beside the science office. Just in case" She declared her eyes searching for I and Lauretta.

We couldn't help but smile to her gaze registering us as the late star students that get confused to finding their location.

"Late comings and you would be disqualified from the trip, fourteen people are going to be selected for this trip and its going to be a memorable adventure. See you in our next meeting, and to know if you been qualified for the next test you would get a notification on your email " She said smiling, while the staffs packed the papers and they all left the hall room  


"You know this human relations, is kinda funny it looks easy and then some students are already being disqualified, we had a test that's not maths and that left us cracking our brains, wow! " said Lilian in an exasperated tone

"Yeah, but why the stress, we are in this together and I know whatever it is we wrote would get us into the oral" I told her nudging her by the side.

"Yeah true"

"Now we actually have a maths class that we have to attend"

"Arrrg I want literature"

"No literature for you darling now let's go, our course mates are already leaving"

We entered the maths lecture room, and was greeted by an already angry waiting sir Martins.

He didn't even care if we were late nor early, he was just teaching and calculating on the board instead he didn't even care to look at the students

After he was done designing the board be turned to look at the already seated students in the classroom. We were all prepared, copying what was on the board into our notes, I turned to check on Lilian only to find hearts and flowers scribbled on her notebook and her designing 'Collins'.

Am not going to say anything am just gonna stare at the board. Babe has gone crazy

"Now that's your assignment, submit it on Monday to your course representative. See you next class" said Mr Martin's, while he took his bag and left the room.

Well that's how my maths lecturer is, a crazy big time nerd. Always teaching himself and talking about the course rep. Ghost in and ghost out
That's his nickname in the university.

I and Lilian were in the cafeteria almost everyone was talking and at the same time glancing to their phones. It was 12:25am and no one has gotten any notification.

Most of the students where still at the cafeteria because it was closer to the science office.

I wasn't actually really interested since I knew I wasn't fit enough socially to even make it. But what's wrong in trying.

"Am in!" shrieked Julian jumping up and down on Christopher's lap.

Rita joined in too, and one by one some few other students where screaming on top their lungs, and taking their bags to leave. I and Lilian just stared at each other, accepting our faith.

"We didn't get in babe did we? " she asked sadly

"It doesn't matter we can get our own trip" I said encouraging her

She stared down at her phone smiling sadly "Collin just texted me he said He and Christopher got in"

I smiled sadly "Good for them"

So that's a no blow of not getting to see Chris again.

We both sipped our drinks loudly and just then both our phones vibrated.

We checked our phones, Oh .My. God ! We got accepted for the oral test.

"We made it!" we both screamed holding hands and jumping up and screaming on top of our lungs like mad women.

Some students where frowning at us while the others were crying and I mean crying ,like Stella one of Julian's clique, She didn't get in.


"Okay okay, we need to hurry up or else we are going to be late for our oral test" I said while trying to calm my breaths.

Taking our bags before existing from the cafeteria into the office where our oral test will be held.


We arrived at miss Lauretta's office by 12:55pm. We were five minutes early, before the scheduled time, at least we tried arriving here a bit early, we got our notification late.

If I was counting right we were twenty five in number, like out of hundreds. And out of this only fourteen students where going to be selected.

Juliana scowled at me when she saw I and Lilian, and then wrapped her arms tightly around Christopher. Like we were going to come drag him, If I was given a chance that I would.

Finally it was time and one by one they called each students, it was Christopher's turn and they where just seven students remaining.

"Jennifer Mervin! "
Finally my name was called in damn I was already getting nervous on what's in store for me by doing this oral test.

"Welcome, have a seat"

"Okay, thank you" I said as I sat down in front of Miss Lauretta. Looking at her up closely this way is more scary than when she talks on the podium.

"So Jennifer you are one of our university scholarship student?"

"Yes I am"

"What made you choose this school?"

Oh my! Is this among of the oral test.

"One of my teacher from my high school back in town, thought it would be nice if I sat for the exam, I passed it and got here"

"Why doesn't it sound like an ambitious story from you. Didn't you ever want to go school in the higher institution or it's just this university?"

"Well I do, really do and I am grateful, super grateful" i said with so much enthusiasm "... to be here but maybe I think it was all due to the fact that I made up my mind to study for my degree online and be close to my nanny so I could to be able to watch over her "

"Oh! Really, is she sick ?"

"I wouldn't say she's sick but she's always on medications and most times she needs my help to know which tablet to take at each time of the day"

"Okay, but what about your parents or your other siblings, surely you should have one of..."

I quickly cut her off from going further " My parents died when I was little and  I am the only one she has and we only have each other to look after ourselves "

"Please forgive. I am truly sorry, never was it my intentions to open closed wounds" she begged innocently

"I understand ma'am " I said with a smile. Obviously trying to seal away my pains.

"Hmm. All good, but now you are here you have a purpose to make her proud not just her but your self"

"Yes Miss Lauretta I am doing everything in my power to make that happen and I'm really glad to be in this school. Because now I can ensure I could give a better life to I and my nana"

"Beautiful. Now to your oral test, how do you relate with people, how do you view other humans that aren't your nana?"



I must say my oral test with miss Lauretta was really crazy I must say most of the answers I have were truly out of the box.  Several students had gone in so I waited for Lillian's turn and it was left withJuliana, Rita, Josh, and some other few seniors who were still to be tested.

Finally we were all done and was given a short encouraging  speech from sir Gregory before we were dismissed   I was about leaving just then Rita pulled me back to comment on my sweater.

"Gee like seriously, girl ain't those rags you have on girl"

Christopher and his friend along with everyone left in the hall stopped and turned to take a look at  my image.

"And what if it's rags she has putting on, how is that your business miss investigator of rags" Lilian said insulting her with a new title.

The guys laughed, and most people started gathering into the office because they sensed a fight coming.

Rita was dark and almost like a shorty but she was thick and beautiful but her sassy mouth always made her look stupid and ugly.

"I wasn't talking to you Lilian, why do you even hang out with this old hag, you know our gates are opened for you" suggested Rita

"And who are you to decide whom I become friends with" retorted Lilian.

"Chill babe we were just trying give you a pass because you seem helpless" said Juliana mockingly, which caused laughter from the little crowd we had hovering around outside miss Lauretta office. Luckily for this drama she wasn't inside the office but in the waiting room.

"Pass, pass? Are you stupid or you girls have lost it, I rather hang out with Jennifer all my life than hanging out with you useless beings that add no meaning to a sane human's life other than gossiping around or talking about boys who wouldn't want anything to do with you after one day or two in your pants

And just then there was a hard smack on the face.

Rita slapped Lilian.

Fight fight fight fight 💪💪

Black and white 👭

Are they really going to get into a fight, would Jennifer stop them or not.🏃✋

What's Juliana going to do?

Would Miss Lauretta catch the scene??

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&pretty please add up in your library💏

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