Sweet Torment (boyxboy)

By TheLYProject

200K 6.6K 656

Simon has grown up a pariah in his own home. When he leaves at eighteen, he thinks he's finally free. Adult l... More

Sweet Torment (BxB)
Chapter 1: Eventful Night
Chapter 2: Discoveries
Chapter 3: The curse
Chapter 4: Free
Chapter 5: Journey
Chapter 6: Not out of the woods yet
Chapter 7: Assessment
Chapter 8: Hide&Seek
Chapter 10: Sweet Rutabaga Pie
Chapter 11: Juicy Problems
Chapter 12: To what do I owe
Chapter 14: Memories
Chapter 15: Trust Issues
Chapter 16: Taken out
Chapter 17: Pressure
Chapter 18: Nightmare
Chapter 19: Hot mess
Chapter 20: Worrying
Chapter 21: Fight
Chapter 22: Better view
Chapter 23: Parental consent
Chapter 24: Evil Eye
Chapter 25: I can't fight this feeling
Chapter 26: Always and forever ~Fin~
Extra Extra, read all about it!
Run little rabbit, run

Chapter 13: Whirlwind

5.6K 212 21
By TheLYProject

----------Hola. I have been pleased with three special commenters lately, and this chapter goes out to Cassandra_Lives_On, werewolflove, and again to kraziigurl <3 I might have some actors for the main characters thx to^^^^^^her, but i would still like suggestions. Hit me up=]--------------------------------------

I woke with a start to the sound of howling outside, nearly giving me a heart attack. I rub my eyes and look out the windshield, met with the starry night sky. When we left it was morning! I feel eyes on me, because to my right chory is smiling down at me, and to my left Juicy happens to smiling up at me. O.O' Weirdos! Geez! I mean am I that ugly? I decided to address Juicy first since she is creeping me out. Major.

"Er, what?" I mumble unintelligibly. I am half asleep and I have no idea what time--oh, it's almost seven. How long did I sleep!? 

"Ah Simon, dear boy. You are awake. You must have been increasingly weary. We have not long to go. It has been a long trip, but a necessary one nonetheless. Our destination is known to very few people, including me. You are not to inform anyone of our whereabouts. Is that clear?" She suddenly has a serious expression, and I am extremely curious now about where we are going. 

"Um, I won't tell a soul. But, can I ask where we are going and why?" I ask. I should have asked earlier, much earlier, but apparently my brain thought it'd be a grand idea to conk out on chory's shoulder like a drunk at a bar. Speaking of chory, he is hunched forward listening to juicy with interest as well. 

"We are headed to a safe house of sorts. It is protected by old Magik, my Guild and I have cast ages of protection upon it, for this very reason." Huh? What reason? I know that she said she had waited so long for something back in flower paradise, but I did not know what she was talking about. 

"What are you going on about? For what reason?" She looks at me steadily, a look that says I had better listen because this is important. 

"Simon Alexander Dubois, I Juicy of The Guild of GACHNE guardians, have been assigned to you since your birth."............EH?! 

"Whoa whoa WHOA. Hold on.  Assigned? How do you mean? By whom? Why? Am I in danger? What is a GACHNE? Are imply-mmpf!!" I was cut off by her hand over my mouth, and it was then I realized that we were stopped in front of a regular one story house. Despite my panicking and disbelief, I noticed that the house was painted black. No windows, and NO DOOR.

Alrighty then. I turn wide eyes back to her and then flit them over to chory. He is sitting forward still locked upon juicy, watching her like he is watching a movie or something. I then get frustrated as she is just sitting with her hand over my lips like it's no big deal. Ok. Licking time. I do just that and she jerks her hand away and wipes it on her brown vest, with a disgusted look on her face. 

"Simon! That is unnecessary!" she exclaims, glaring. Oh, you wanna go there?

"Unnecessary?! I don't even know what the bloody hell you are talking about! You surely can't just expect me to believe you right away?'' I form it as a question as she raises her dainty little eyebrows at me. 

"Did you not believe chory on a whim? Why should I be treated any different?" She says, and I am sure if she could put her hands on her hips at the moment she would have done so.

"I trust him more than I trust you! Not to mention you drag us here with no explanation, looking like a female version of Bob Marley! That's it! You must be on drugs or something!" I say with a snap of my fingers. Her jaw drops as she stares at me with an appalled look.

"I can not-" she was about to argue but chory this time placed his own hand over her mouth, which made me raise MY eyebrows and grin at the same time. She narrows her eyes at chory and gently removes his hand.

"Is there something you wish to input, Chory?" She says icily. He removes his hand from her grasp and has a small cheeky grin of his own turning his lips upward. 

"I just believe that perhaps we ought to head in, if it is possible? I do have to use the lavatory again, if you please. I also presume we may discuss matters better if we are sitting comfortably in our destination? I am rather curious as well." He trails off as he takes my hand. Again. Why?! 

"Shame to see that the practical newborn is smarter than the graduate."She turns her nose up and exits the car at this note. Oh hell naw. 

"Hey! You are one to talk! HEY!" I scramble over chory and exit my side, prepared for battle. 

I look and see she has already made it to the house thing, as we parked rather close. I wait for chory to exit as well, seeing as he is still attached to me by the hand. Once he is out I don't bother to close any doors since we are in the middle of nowhere.The house is literally sitting in the middle of the dirt, desert like terrain surrounding us. I march up and see Juicy with her hands held out to her sides, as though waiting. 

"Come. Each of you take a hand. They are waiting for our joining to bring us in." Why does that sound sexual and creepy at the same time? Chory releases my hand to take her left, and I pout. Wait, why pout? I shake my head.

"Simon hurry up! I never thought that you would be this slow!" Ugh, what an obnoxious lady. I grin wickedly and lick my hand all over, before placing right smack in hers and clenching tightly. She snaps her eyes open and her head jerks my way.

"Simon! You-" Again she is, or we are cut off as I feel a twisting in my stomach, suddenly the world blackens, then brightens to breathtaking colors. Swirling around like I am the one on drugs. Some weed, mate. I smell, baby powder? And feel a wind blowing harshly against all sides of me, and next thing I know everything is black again. The thought going through my weird brain at the moment? How did she know my middle name?!

--------------yay! one update after another! Wooooooo!! Comment por favor, I promise you....how about, a Mitch Hewer on top? He will be playing Simon <3 Thank Cassandra_Lives_On for that! Oh and kraziigurl has him as her profile pic so check her out.----------------------------------------------

Alyssalovescupcakes is my best friend<3

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