Percabeth From Now On

By LavenderBlue04

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Hello friends so my Percabeth future was getting way long and I had lots of chapters. So I had the idea to a... More

Erica in Triple Trouble
Elliot in "dreams"
Pearl in Lost
Charlie is a Middle schooler
Percabeth in Memorabilia
Penny's House
Erica and the three headed menace
Elliot's Decision
Pearl's Problem
Charlie's Girl
Percabeth babysitting Service
Penny's Jealous Babe
Erica and Anthony's Choice
Elliot's Wedding Day
Pearl's Drifting Through
Charlie the Warrior
Charlie's warrior
Percabeth in What if
Penny&Phillip Baby Birthday
Anthony and Erica potty training
Elliot and Amber Tag Team
Pearl's Personal Opinion
Charlie's Future
Percabeth in Charlie's Mom
Penny's Secrets
Erica's Got 99 problems
Elliot's Baby Sister
Pearl's Best Day
Charlie's New Girl
Percabeth in Grandbabies
Penny and Phillip... Fixable?
Erica's Biggest problem
Elliot and Amber So...?
Pearl's Bad Luck
Charlie's Friends Friendships
Percabeth Babies
Penny and Phillip Normal
Erikony Reunions and Revelations
Amber is Sick and Tired
P&B's Baby
Charlie's Prom Facade
Charlie's Prom
Percabeth Better Grandpa
Erikony : Naomi
Elliot and Amber : Hi Baby Boy
Pearl and Brandon: Loving you
Charlie the Best Uncle
Percabeth: Sister Problems
Penny and Phillip: my Daughters
Erikony: Indigo Lysander
Elliot's Girl Advice
Pearl help me please
Charlie the Party Animal
percabeth Fatherly Advice
Sabrina and Rory
Erikony : kindergarten Days
Ember Date Night
Pearl Understands Now
Charlie's Worst Day
Percabeth Too Old?!
Phillip and Penny Comfort
Rickully In Sickness
Amber and Elliot Having
What Are Big Sisters For?
Hickies are Icky Charlie
Percabeth These Little Moments
Harley's New BFF
Boys Boys Boys Girls Girls Girls
Ember: Battle of the Exes
Pearl and Brandon Terrible 3s
Cupid's Valentine's day Special
Charlie's Chapter
Percabeth Grandma Haircut
Penny and Phillip Socialbug
Erickony : Triplet Time
Elliot's Time
Love is Love
Charlie's Plans
Percabeth Terrified
Andy is Always Dandy
Landon is A Real Teen
Amber's Trying
Amy the Comforter
Charlie's Job
Percabeth Roots
Penny's Girls
Ryder is Invisible
Elliot is Thankful
Pearl is Confused
Charlie, Amy and an Awful Day
Percabeth: Annabeth's Terrible Day
Penny's Morning
Erica and Anthony are Cramped

Penny&Phillip Hear me Roar

269 12 12
By LavenderBlue04

Sabrina sighed, she just didn't want to talk. Why was that so hard for grown ups to understand. Talking hurt people. She saw what it did to her mommy and daddy. She saw what it did to the Gods themselves. Plus it was a lot of work. So she figured she'd just never talk. For the first year, heck even the second somewhat she got away with it. But now that she was three people just expected her to talk to them.

     It didn't help that her parents kept constantly taking her to big nose doctors who all gave differing opinions.
    "She'll talk when she's ready."
    "Ignore her till she talks to you!"
    "Here are some exercises that will stimulate talking abilities!"
   "Hi Sabrina you can talk to me can't you ? I'm cool right?"
    "Sabrina do you like the color of my shirt, what are your thoughts on the matter?"
   "Hi hi little one, your aura depicts a great rage....let it go, talk to me, let your aura free!"
   "Does she have siblings they probably talk for her so she doesn't think she needs to talk."
   "Maybe if you repeat everything you say to her three times she'll start to get the hang of them. "

It was ridiculous and annoying, especially the repeating one. She doesn't think she'll ever forget her dad asking her if she wanted an apple five times in a row!

   "She's just so  serious and hardened
..I don't know what to do anymore!" Sabrina frowned at her mom's words. Her aunt Skylar patted her back and her aunt Pearl whispered something to her. Probably something like.
   "She'll talk when she's ready!" Wanna bet?  Sabrina sighed looking back towards her little cousins. Kyra was patting the sand in the playground. Affectively making a large mound of sand. Amy then walked over it and they both burst into giggles.

    Sabrina rolled her eyes as she started towards the slide. She was halfway up the stairs towards the slide when she saw a little boy shove Amy over. She looked to the parents they were still emersed in their conversation. Swiftly Sabrina slid down the slide and came to Amy's aide.
   "Stop it!" Kyra complained as Sabrina helped Amy to her feet. Glaring darkly at the little boy. Probably around her sister Harley's age. Said sister was swinging and talking with other kids. Was no one seeing this kid?

   "Boo hoo baby !" He shoved her over and Sabrina caught her effectively and Kyra began to cry. Loudly. Amy swiftly wrapped her in a hug as they both cried. Still none of the adults moved. Grinding her teeth Sabrina shoved the boy back with a warning look.
   "Aww what's the mute weirdo gonna do to stop me huh?" He demanded and Sabrina looked down at Amy and Kyra who were in tears. Looking up at their cousin with tears glistening in their big eyes.

Focusing all her energy Sabrina made the ground shake and she sprayed the kid with a spray of water from the water fountain pipes. The kid spluttered and spat the water from his mouth as he sat up, slightly dazed. Sabrina frowned when he stood hands clenched into fists. She flew up and tackled him to the ground.
   "what's the mute weirdo gonna do to stop me? That all you got? Come on whatcha gonna do huh?" Sabrina's eye twitched who was this kid!
   "TOUCH MY COUSINS AGAIN AND FIND OUT!!!" She screamed shoving him over. The kid's eyes widened and he scooted away as the wind whipped around him wildly. Scoffing she turned and knelt checking over her cousins for injuries.  "You guys okay?" She whispered gently.

  Amy and Kyra shared a look and nodded. Sabrina smiled in relief. She looked up and her mom was staring at her, eyes wide and mouth open. Uh oh. Well her cover was most definitely blown.

"Sabrina Annabeth Grace I know you can talk." Here she was sitting on her mom's lap, as she fiddled with the buttons on her mom's shirt. "Sabrina!" Penny complained and Sabrina remained silent. Penny sighed in defeat as she stood tucking Sabrina into bed. Obviously having given up. Sabrina sighed looking at her hands.

  After being unable to sleep she crawled from her bed and out the door. She walked past her mommy and daddy room.
   "No way she spoke!" Her daddy exclaimed. She heard a sniff and her mommy was crying.
   "She did and it wasn't mommy or was a whole sentence... how long has she been hiding this from us? Why didn't she think she could talk to us?" She sniffed again. Sabrina dejectedly started down the stairs and sat in the living room. Noticing that Harley had left her paper and crayons out Sabrina began to nervously begin drawing, as she attempted to calm her nerves.

  Once finished she started on another one. Carefully sketching out a landscape. Her eyes were focused on her picture. When the lights flickered on.
  "Sabrina?" Her mommy murmured tiredly as she rubbed sleep from her eyes. Sabrina looked down at her second picture.

She reached down picking it up she held it out to her mom. Penny frowned as she knelt taking the picture from her hands. "You drew this?" She asked eyes widening and Sabrina nodded.
  "I'm sorry mommy." She whispered softly and Penny did a double take her eyebrows raised to her hairline. She knelt down resting on her knees.
   "For what baby?" She whispered softly as she pulled Sabrina on her lap as she wrapped her arms around her kissing her cheek.
   "For not being normal." She whispered softly and Penny turned her swiftly and looked her in the eyes.

   "It's okay, I just don't like me." She murmured softly and Penny shook her head tears were spilling over her cheeks.
   "Sabrina-" Sabrina opened her mouth to speak but Penny shushed her. "Sabrina I love you. So much okay. I love you just the way you are. And if you don't like talking then that's okay. You're my smart amazing extrodinary little girl and I would not have you any other way." Sabrina rested her head against her mom's shoulder sniffing back tears.
   "Can I just talk to you and daddy?" Penny smiled rubbing Sabrina's back contently.
   "I think your daddy would really love that." She whispered kissing her temple and Sabrina yawned softly.
  "Let's go to bed then darling." She cooed standing. When  Phillip came out of his room Sabrina reached out wrapping her arms around him and murmured tiredly
   "Love you Daddy."

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