Goddess of Air | New Avengers

By snowberrries

80.4K 1.6K 242

[COMPLETED 2012 // FOREVER REWRITING] [A New Avengers Story] Royalty sucks, and so does goddess business... More

before you read
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Four

4K 122 15
By snowberrries

Chapter Four

        I wielded my sword, Matthew drew his bow, Unity her shield, Shadow activated her suit, and Elizabeth turned into the 'mini hulk'. We walked into the room, all of us on guard. I was taking in all the destruction, "What happened in here?"

        "I don't know but, Fury told us to come down here. This has to be his idea," Shadow muttered. I nodded, it has to be just part of training right?

        We walked in a little farther before getting blasted at from something high up. Matthew was the first to see it, he shot an explosive arrow at it making it, well, explode, and fall to the ground in front of us, "What do you think it is?"

        Unity went up and kicked it, "I don't know but, it doesn't seem to be apart of S.H.I.E.L.D."

        "Do you think this is Loki's doing?" I asked.

        "You should know, he's your uncle," Matthew joked. I glared at him, he coughed, "Sorry, not a joking matter."

        We wondered around the centre a little longer, making sure everything was destroyed. The place started to fill up with debris rather quickly. Soon enough, a group of non-S.H.I.E.L.D. agents walked in. Guns in their hands, "What are you doing here, mortals? You do not belong here."

        I held out Kjorn as one walked up to me. I kept him a distance away with the sword. Unity and Shadow stood behind me, "What are you doing here? This is a Top Secret place," I nudged Shadow, as to say 'nice going'.

        The one a sword distance away finally spoke up, "I should be asking you. What are you kids doing here? And why do you have a sword?" pointing his gun at me.

        Matthew walked in front of me, arrow right at the mortal's head, "We asked you first," Elizabeth grunted in agreement.

        "Director Fury called us in," the men behind him nodded in agreement, "Now lower your weapons. All of you."

        We all lowered our weapons only to bring them up again, "You first," Unity said. They lowered their weapons, and we decided to lower ours. The man in front took of his helmet. We gasped, it was Mr. Rogers. Unity walked right up to her dad and looked at him, "Why?!" Mr. Roger's shrugged. 

        Mr. Stark took of his helmet, and started chuckling to himself, "We," he stopped and looked at Mr. Rogers, "I, thought it would be funny, and Fury approved. He said 'This can be apart of their training.'"

        Director Fury came out behind them, "Stark's right. You need to know how to handle yourselves in combat."

        "Director Fury, I, have been in combat. Countless times, I know what I am doing. This," I gestured to the entire room, "This is nothing compared to what Loki and his 'friends' can do. This was not even combat!"

        "And your exactly right, Thordottir. This is nothing compared to Loki. That's why we must train even harder than ever," I looked down, defeated. Director Fury's right. We have to train harder, or we'll never stand a chance against Loki.


        I walked back to the Avengers 'Living Room' alone. When I got back there, everyone was already there. They were all talking to each other in hushed tones, "Hey guys, what are you talking about?" I said, plummeting down into a black chair. 

        "Just how you practically stood up against Fury," Elizabeth said in her quiet voice. I formed the letter 'O' as saying I understood. 

        "Well, how about we get of the subject me and Director Fury, and on to new nicknames. We did not do a good job the first time," they all nodded, and Unity got up and grabbed some paper and a pencil.

        "Okay, I got the paper and pencil. Who's first?" we all turned our heads to Unity herself.

        "You," Matthew muttered.

        "Um, alright then," she wrote Avenger Names at the top before writing her own name down, "Well, what should my name be?" we had a few names exchanged, and so far they were all rejected.

        Lizzy started talking, gesturing with her hands. "Your dad's Captain America, right?" Unity nodded, "So you should have a name similar to his right?" another nod, "Well, I was thinking Miss America."

        Shadow jumped up and hugged Elizabeth, "Lizzy that's amazing!"

        "Indeed it is, what do you think, Unity?" I asked. 

        "It's perfect. I love it," Unity wrote Miss America down beside her name, "Barton, you're next."

        We all turned our heads to Matthew, "You guys can choose. As long as its not Eagle," we nodded our heads. We sat there a little while, all of us thinking, when all of a sudden Unity and Shadow yelled, "Blackhawk!"

        I nodded, "It is a combination between both of your parents. What do you think?"

        "I'm cool with it, and not because its not 'Eagle' or 'Blackeye,'" Unity wrote Matthew down and Blackhawk beside it.

        She turned to Elizabeth, "Your turn, Lizzy."

        I reminded them, "Remember, not She-Hulk. Anyways, Dr. Banner has a cousin who turns into a she-hulk."

        "Hmm... What about Elizahulk?" Elizabeth glared at Shadow, "Sorry, never mind."

        "What if we... stay away from 'hulk' in the name?" Elizabeth asked in her quiet voice.

        I nodded, "Yes, we should refrain from that. Elizabeth does have a point," Elizabeth nodded. I smirked to myself, I am always right.

        A few hours later, all we came up with was Shadow: Iron Girl, Unity: Miss America, Ariethena: Airy & Airethena, and Matthew: Blackhawk. We were still debating on Elizabeth's nickname. While everyone was arguing over some names, I yelled, "Quiet down! I mean no disrespect but, can we not just sleep on it? What I am saying is, if you keep arguing over it no one will get any sleep, and we having training in the morning!" I stood up and started to walk out the room.

        "Don't we always?" mumbled Matthew.

        I turned, "What?"

        Matthew looked at me, "Nothing," I turned to leave, "But I have a question," I turned to him, "What are you without that sword of yours?"

        "A goddess, who can snap you like a twig easier than you can shoot an arrow," I turned and, walked straight out of the room to my assigned room.

NOTE: rest of these chapters are unedited + not re-rewritten yet. my bad.  

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