Snatched {BDSM}

By TairBlossoms

191K 2.3K 187

If you behave I will reward you, but if you misbehave I will punish you. For my pleasure!" He purred the last... More

Snatched- Prologue
Chapter- 2
Chapter 2.2
Chapter -3
Chapter- 4 Part 1
Chapter 4 part 2
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter- 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter- 17
Chapter- 18
Chapter 19
~~Update~~ ¶

Chapter 8.6

4.9K 78 12
By TairBlossoms

Life went on as if there was nothing missing. Eva sat with us at meal time or when Devin needed to feed, but other that she stay in her room, not causing any problems. Mia was unseen since she was forced out of the house.

Kelly's coming by today, I'm so happy. I haven't seen her or Lindsey for three whole months, I guess life must be good. I walk to my closet in Devin's room finding a black tank top and red shorts. I walk down the stairs to find Bruno. He was in the kitchen talking to our personal chef Brandy.

"Bruno you must go take Mia some food. Devin said Brandy can't anymore." I pause looking out the kitchen to see if I saw him. "I know she hasn't been eating right."

He frowns. "She gets three meals a day, Milady."

I look over at the 5'5 milk chocolate thick lady that has thick short black hair. Her goofy but mean personality "What is he feeding her." I ask.

"Fruit for breakfast, sandwich for lunch, and sandwich and chips for dinner."

"Is that good enough for my baby?" Devin's voice creeps up behind me, unspoken anger sends chills down my back.

"No, she needs a fresh meal. Let her come out and eat lunch with Kelly and I." I pout and bat my eyes. "Just this once."

"Sure, just this once." He grabs a water and walks from the room. I smile then frown. I don't know where she is. She needs to be clean and dress by noon and its already ten.

I walk to his office and sit in the right chair. I listen as he talks to clients, in a voice that kind of scared me and turn me on at the same time. When he finally hangs up I start talking.

"Devin can I go tell Mia the good news." I ask hoping he'll say yes. He walks from behind his desk to in front of me. I look up and admire the view. Oh how I've fallen in love with him. But I don't understand why. He was a weird man who buys girls from a slave swipe.

I guess you find love in weird places.

"You know I don't want you two talking," He pauses I frown. "But you know I can't say no." He grabs my arm pulling me to my feet, my dress I had changed into flowing at my feet. I turn for the door and start walking. He pulls lightly on my arm, moving toward the couch. "But first things first."

He lays me down and pulls my dress up my legs, moving my panties out of the way. Next thing I know he is licking my pussy and oh my does it feels good. I get lost as the pleasure takes over. Moaning as the feel of one of his finger sliding inside of me then two. He kisses up to suck on my breast, I arch my back as his finger move faster taking me higher as I climax.

"There now we can go see Mia." He smile picking me up walking out the door and into the bathroom. We clean up then walk outside. The pool now had a cover over it and the canopy's no longer had beds. Winter was coming and he didn't want his stuff ruin, hmm, how funny.

We walk to the far side of the house where it meets the hill. The was a silver door I hadn't seen- not that I was looking- he twist the lock and opens the door. I walk in and look around, at first I saw nothing. Then Mia comes into view siting in the back of the cold cell on the floor.

I run over to her. "Mia, are you okay?!" I ask nearly screaming, she was so pale and thinner. Oh my baby looked bad.

She pushed me away yelling, "Don't touch me it took you three months to remember me! Was his dick that good you forget about your first love? The person who has taking care of you since you were ten. And this is how you repay me. I gave up my family for you." She weeps.

I look over at her, my frown deepens. "I've been asking to see you since the day he put you in here. He said no there was nothing I could do. And no one would show me where you were. I'm sorry, but I never ask you to leave your family." I pause and lift her face. "You use me to get away from them you were suffocating."

"Whatever, I don't care! Just leave me alone. I hate you so much. Did you know you ruin my life!?" She pauses as tears threat to fall. "Well you did. If I never would have met you I'd be in college right now dating my future husband living the dream life. But no I had to go fall in love with a lost girl with dreamy eye and a body to die for. Then she leaves me for a prick of a stupid vampire who could really kiss my ass. I hate you more then life its self. Because of you I'm here, stuck in this cell, cold and hunger. I haven't shower in about a month and the outhouse thing keep getting stopped up. So no, I don't want to talk to you, you stupid dick sucking Bi..."

We both jump as Devin growl sounds through the cell, making me turn around. He look ready to attack. "Don't you dare blame this on Gia. This would have happen at one time or another." He says walking in the cell. I walk into his path.

"Well since I see your mad, and need time to clam down and accept our fate. I wanted you to know Kelly and Lindsey moved out three months ago, and Kelly's coming over for lunch. But I know he's not going to let you out now. And I don't want to talk with you anymore. And I was trying to help you. Bye"

I grab his hand and walk from the cell. Willing my tears away I have to be strong. We slightly walk back to the house. God that cell smelled like rotten death.

"You joining me in the shower?" Devin smiles and takes his shirt off as I turn the water on. We got in and the only thing on my mind was the calming water. I couldn't believe she had said those thing... to me of all people, I guess we were over.

I lean back against Devin's solid body How could I ever give this up? He softly kiss my neck, pulling me closer and opening my legs with his. As his big penis slide inside me a soft moan escapes. He grinds moving in small wide circle driving me crazy. As I want more rough sex that will leave me aching. I bend over and push back he let's out a growl. "Gia.." I giggle throwing it back like there was no tomorrow. Devin grabs my hair and pull me back after I scream from all the pleasure. He pulls out and turns me around picking me up and slowly sliding me on his manhood. I wrap my arm around him as he pounds into me. I scream his name as I cum he moan my name.

"No no I'm not done with you." He says as I try to pull away. Devin leans me against the wall pounding into me."Devinnn...... ohhh Devin!" he pulls out and slides into my ass. "Tell daddy how you want it." He starts to move like really move. "Ahh fuck." I hold tighter as another organism builds. He pulls out and pushes me to my kneels. I nibble on the tip before taken his full length in my mouth. "Shit!" I bob my head faster slurping my way around. He sways his hips thrusting deep choking me. But that only turned me on more. I stand up and wrap my right leg around him and ride him until we cum together.

After we catch our breath we clean each other and get out. I walk into the bed room and look at the clock. It's 11:40 which means I have ten minutes to be dress. I walk to my closet an put on a long black and white maxi dress with black sandals.

I really just what to take a long nap. But I can't wait to see Kelly.

I walk down stairs to the living room an turn on the Tv. I smile as Spongebob laughs comes on. I sit an wait getting hungry from the wonderful smell coming from the kitchen.

Devin walks down the stairs an comes sit next to me. "Do I need to stay for lunch or can I go out?" I shrug not really listening. "You can't still be mad. Those were her words and truths not mine."

"But its because of you that she's down there." I look out the window the sun was shining bright. "I just need time."

I  fall a sleep as he watches Spongebob in silences.

There's a knock on the door. I sit up s Devin opens the door. Kelly walks in and gives me a bear hug. "Gia I missed you so much! I had no one to talk to about girl stuff." She says an looks over at Devin. "Coming on I know the big baby you are, I missed you too." We laugh an walk back to the living room. Zach comes in with a bottle of white wine.

"So how has it been?" Devin says smiling as if he already knows -probably does-.

"Yeah, you two disappear for a while, what brings us the pleasure?"

"A girl can't visit her best friend just because?"


"Okay, well me and Kelly are getting married!" Zach says all excited. Kelly held her hand up, showing off the big rock, it had to be 40 karat diamond ring. It was completely beautiful how did I miss that? I jump up an scream huging her as we jump up amd down at the good news.

Brandy walks in and say "Lunch is ready."

Kelly laughs "Girl stop be so formal we family. I missed you and Bruno." She tells her the good news, then we head out onto the pouch where baked chicken, mac n cheese, salad, fresh snap green beans, and corn bread muffins. I lick my lips as I suddenly became hungry.

We sit across from the guy, softly chatting about their trip to the Bahamas, and the guys discuss business. "Its was so much fun, we have sex everywhere."

I giggle. "So, you think of who's going to be your maid of honor?" I ask so she knows I'm open.

"Ha ha I knew you would bring that up. And yes, you will only because your the reason Devin let me and Lindsey go. And Lindsey, Briana, Mia, and Ariel will be my bridesmaids." I smile as Brandy puts up our plates an replace them with bowls of fresh fruit with caramel dip.

"And I wanted to know if Brandy would do all the cooking." Kelly smiles. "You know how I like stuff and your cakes are life!"

"Sure as long as its okay with work." She smiles walking back to the kitchen.

Once we finish we had talked up a shopping trip. But we had to call Lindsey first to see if she wants to go. "Hello." She calls sound tried.

"Lindsey!" We cheer. She screams as we scream.

"Wanna go shopping? Like now we can drop by and get you on our way." We drag Zach with us and Devin complains he has to much work he need to catch up on. So we leave him partying all the way to Lindsey's

Ѯ                                             Ѯ                             Devin POV                            Ѯ                                              Ѯ

I walk outside to the cell and open the door. Bruno's at my side in less then a second. The scent attacks my noise for the second time. "Get up slave." I yell as she had passed out.

She moans an turns on her back, her side was bruised from laying in the same spot for so long. "Get her clean and dress, we have an appointment at two." He nods as I turn and walk to my room. Where are my chains? Once I find them I grab a bright red choker and silver chain.

I need to teach that little bitch who's the boss.

I walk to the car an smile as I see a very clean and feed Mia. We get in the car and the ride is silent. I put the choker on and say, "When we get here I don't want to hear a single word. And if you try to run I'm going to sale you." I sit back an look out the window. We finally arrive forty minutes later.

Darah (was written in big red letter, it was only fitting as it means Blood)

<( ̄︶ ̄)> []~( ̄▽ ̄)~* ( ̄﹏ ̄) ( ̄ˇ ̄)

Hope you Blossoms love it!

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