Life//book 5 to Colby Brock s...

By laneylove38

15.3K 235 10

Last book Vivian just died... how will everyone take it? Is she actually gonna die? How is it having Colby Br... More

Beanie boy
Done with hospitals
Christmas party
Good mother
Move back
Babysitting and partys
Wedding days
Its a...
Mr and mrs Brock
Drunken kisses
Christmas eve
Birthdays pt 1
Birthdays part 2
Dinner partys
Engagement parties


120 2 0
By laneylove38

Sebastian's POV
I just got off the phone with some people telling me I have to do another panel with Chris, Tom, RDJ and Chris H. It was a reminder for it tomorrow. walked back into the kitchen where her family was and her and Grey. Everyone went home and Tom and Chris are on the phone.

"Babe" I said to her

"What's up?" She asked.

"So you know how I said I have the panel tomorrow?" I asked her.

"Yes...?" She said more like a question.

"Well you eat to come with. People wanna meet the famous Vivian Brock" I said to her.

"Wow that's odd... alright I'm down" she said and smiled.

"Good" I said and went over to her and kissed her.

Vivians POV
"You guys are so cute" Kat said.

"Thanks" I said to her. We decided it was late so we went home. I put Grey to bed and Sebastian and I went to sleep.
Next day.
I woke up at like 8 and mentally slapped myself. I got up and put this outfit on.

I put on some makeup and put my hair in a pony. The nanny was gonna be here in 10 so I went downstairs and was on my phone for awhile. I heard the doorbell go off and ran over to the door. I opened it and there stood the nanny.

"Hey" I said

"Come on in" I said. She walked in and we went to the kitchen.

"So list is on the fridge help your self to any of the food. Greys food is in the fridge uh phone numbers and times are on the list. My fiancé is asleep I'm gonna go wake him up" I said with a smile.

"Yeah that's fine go on and do everything you need to do" she said. I smiled at her and headed upstairs.

"Babe you've gotta get up" I said.

"5 more minutes please" he said and I giggled. I sat by him and started to kiss him.

"Ooh I like this" he said.

"Well I'll kiss you some more once you get up" I said. He instantly jumped up.

"Ha now go get dressed" I said. He grabbed some clothes and changed into them.

"There I'm ready" he said smirking.

"Cmon we've gotta get Tom and Chris up. The nanny's here" I said grabbing the things I need. The thing today is like Comic con. We walked out of our bedroom and went back downstairs. Sebastian said hi to the nanny and everything.

"Ugh there still not up" I said. I ran upstairs and knocked on both of there doors.

"Chris get yo lazy ass up"

"Tom get up!" I yelled to both of them. They ran out of there rooms fully dressed. I smiled and we walked downstairs.

"We should get going" Sebastian said. We all agreed and left. We all got into my car and drove to the place we had to be. It was like a hour a way. We got there and went inside.

"Finally were here" Chris said

"It was only like an hour away" I said

"So it still took forever" he said and I just giggled.

"Come on weirdos" I said and grabbed Sebastian's hand. Instantly we were bombarded with fans. We got to the people that was in charge of there panel.

"Alright good luck baby. I'm gonna go sit in the audience. I love you" I said kissing Sebastian.

"Thanks. I love you too" he said kissing me back. I went to the audience and sat in the front row.

"Now introducing some of the cast. Tom Holland, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Robert Downey Jr and Chris Hemsworth and Scarlet Johansson and The directors" The announcement said. They all came out and everyone was clapping.

"So were gonna open the questions up to the audience. Ah yes over there!" The announcer said. It was the person right next to me and I tried to hid myself.

"First of all I love you all and Sebastian can you say hi to Vivian for me? I'm a huge fan of her YouTube videos?" The person asked and I just smiled.

"Then my question is for all of you guys. What was your first impressions of everyone?" The girl asked. She was about 13.

"Why don't you say hi to Vivian you're self! She's right next to you" Sebastian said. I gave him a look and the girl looked at me and screamed.

"Dude Vivians gonna kill you" Chris said to Sebastian

"Can I have a hug and a picture?" She asked.

"Of course!" I said. I took a photo with her and she hugged me and I went back to where I was sitting.

"And to answer your question I was like meh.. no of course I wasn't. I was fanboying it was crazy" Sebastian said. Everyone else answered.

"Sebastian what is your relationship with the Vivian Brock one of the most famous models ever?" The interviewer asked.

"Oh uh it's wonderful. Actually I was gonna say something but I need Vivians permission..." Sebastian said.

"Well then let's get her up on stage! Cmon up Vivian!" The announcer said. The fucking camera panned to me now I have to go up. I walked up there and was handed a microphone. I flipped Sebastian off for making me do this.

"So Vivian what's your relationship with Sebastian?" The announcer asked.

"It's great. I love him he loves me. I'm kinda pissed off with him right now b-" I was cut off from the interviewer.

"Oh my god what's that on your finger? Is that an engagement ring?!" The announcer asked. I quickly hid my hand and the audience was flipping out.

"Sebastian can answer that" I said sighing. I looked down because I didn't wanna deal with it anymore.

"Uh actually it is" is all he answered. Everyone went even crazier. The rest of the questions were answered and we all went back stage. Seb and I walked backstage first and everyone else followed me.

"Sebastian I can not believe you!"  I yelled at him.

"What?" He answered.

"I didn't wanna go up there and I thought we agreed  to not tell our fans about our engagement..." I said looking down. He put his hand on my shoulder and picked my head up so I was looking at him.

"Babe it's ok. People were gonna find out soon and I'm sorry for bringing you on stage" he said and pulled me into a hug. I sighed and hugged him back. Everyone that was on stage awed. I stuck my tongue out at them.

"Suck it!" I yelled at them. I kissed Sebastian.

The rest of the day went slow. My instagram was blowing up and we were #1 on trending so like that's cool. We drove home and I paid the nanny. Grey was already asleep.

"Why don't we all watch a movie?" I said. They al agreed and we went to go put our pajamas on.

I walk downstairs to the 3 guys shirtless and just wearing sweats. I just shook my head.

"Alright Viv your turn to chose a movie" Tom said.  I smirked knowing what I was gonna chose. I chose I, Tonya and sat back down and cuddled into Sebastian.

"Why don't you invite your family over?" Sebastian said

"Alright" I pulled out my phone and text them. I instantly got a response in the group chat saying they all will be here.

"Alright they will be in a minute" I said I got up and made a bunch of popcorn. I went and sat back down. A minute later mom dad and Elijah, Sam and just and there children, Corey and Devyn and Nadia. And Aaron and Elton and Elton's girlfriend.

"Hey" I said.

"Come join us in our humble living room" I giggled. Everyone sat around and waited for me to press play. It came to the sex scene part.

"Woah dude I don't need to see you having sex with another chick" I said. Half way through the movie Grey started crying.

"Oh come on!" I said frustrated. I paused the movie and went upstairs. I picked him up and he felt warm.

"Oh come on sweetie let's go take your temperature" I said we walked downstairs and I was digging through the cabinets making a mess.

"Hey Viv sweetie you Alright?" Sebastian asked and everyone followed him into where I was at. I continued searching.

"No where the fuck is the thermometer?" I yelled.

"Hey Hey Vivian calm down we will find it..." dad said.

"No I can't! My son is sick! He doesn't feel good I haven't felt good all week but it's past after awhile and can someone hold Grey?" I asked. Tom took him and I ran to the bathroom. I puked my guts out and Sebastian held my hair back.

"Ok I feel way better now" I said wiping my mouth.

"You sure kiddo?" Dad asked.

"Yeah it's been happening all week I have no idea what's wrong" I said.

"You sure? I can stay with you if you want your parents with you" dad said.

"I'm okay. I have my fiancé and my kid an-" I got really dizzy and passed out.

Sebastian's POV.
"Vivian!" I yelled out and went to her side.

"Someone call 9-1-1!" Tom yelled grabbing a wet cloth.

"Vivian babe wake up sweetie" I said. Tom handed Grey to Kat.

"Please wake up. HURRY WITH THAT AMBULANCE!" I yelled out. I sat with her unconscious body till the ambulance got here.

"Mr you've gotta move. We have to take her" the paramedic said. I got up and watched them take her away. Everyone got into separate cars and drove to the hospital. I ran in.

"Vivian Brock?" I asked the front seat lady.

"She's in surgery mr. I'll have the doctor update you" she said and I sighed.

"Come on Seb. Let's go sit down" Chris said

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