Will you ever find me?

By skylake607

7.6K 170 70

Clary is kidnapped by Sebastian. When he gives Clary a disguise rune and sends her back to the New York Insti... More

Will I ever be free
Why brother, why?
Breaking Point
Not a chapter
Why brother, why?
SO SAD 😭😭😭...
If only...
The hunt
Lost.... or found?
Chapter 10 (sorry still don't know what to name it)
Tis it truly over?

Chapter 9 (i don't know what to name it)

402 12 3
By skylake607

Jace P.O.V  

Clary. She was the only thing on my mind. Other than Izzy that is. One of the demons got Izzy pretty good in the leg, but luckily Magnus treated her quick enough. She was still unconscious and Alec refused to leave her side. Between the two of us our parabatai energy was pretty somber and I couldn't pull any strength from Alec or vice versa. I couldn't help but let my mind wander to the time before I knew Clary. I was a much different person. Definetely not a better one. That girl rocked my world. She waltzed in with her fiery red hair and feisty personality and shook us all up. And she brought her nerdy friend Simon with her. Speaking of rat face, he was also next to Izzy. I almost felt bad for him. He was stretched pretty thin between Izzy and Clary. He was running  back and forth between the two. I understood. It was his girlfriend and his longtime best friend. I felt the same way. The love of my life and my sister. 

Magnus P.O.V. 

Clary wasn't doing well. It could go either way right now. But I couldn't bring myself to tell Jace that. He already looked drained. So did Alexander. It killed me to watch him tire himself just sitting next to Izzy. "Alexander" He turned to me. A scared look in his eyes. "Is Clary okay?" he asked sounding panicked. "Yes dear. She's fine. Its you I'm worried about." "oh" he replied sadly. "Perhaps you should go get some proper rest. Simba here will watch over Izzy." Alec nodded and stood up. Wow that was easier than I thought it would be.  I faintly heard "MY NAME IS SIMON" as we exited the infirmary, but I payed no mind to it because I know I would never remember his name. Alec sat down on the bed and almost immediately fell asleep. I chuckled and began to exit the room, but a hand caught my wrist. I turned around a heard a groggy Alec say "are you okay? you're not wearing any glitter." I placed a kiss on his forehead and whispered "I love you Alexander" but he was fast asleep.  

Simon P.O.V. 

I sat beside Izzy wishing she would wake up. Then I would move to Clary, wishing she would wake up. Then repeat the cycle all over again. It was draining. I missed my girlfriend and my best friend. 

Jace P.O.V. 

"Clary. Please wake up. I need you. I love you. I love you and their is no pretending I will love you until I die and if there is a life after that I will love you then.(sorry that might have been cringey but i just had to put that there (: and yes that is from City of Glass)  So please Clary you need  to wake up!" I was about to walk away when I heard a faint "Jace"  

A/N Hey guys! So this is a short chapter again. I know I'm sorry. We got a little Malec action in this chapter. And yes I did use a quote from city of glass, but I just had to. It seems Clary has decided the resolution of her internal battle. In other news the first chapter of my new book is up. It's called "The ride of my life" so please go check it out. As always please vote, comment, and recommend this story to your friends! I love reading your comments! Also I have to give another shoutout to @kitkatlover42 for being an amazing reader and supporting not only this story but my other ones as well! Check out her story called        Pen-Pals  because it is amazing! Hope you enjoyed! 



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