Deceived Heart |✔️

By pennais

4.1K 773 40

Amelia is turning eighteen and that marks ten years of her having to wait for a new heart . Not everyone know... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Important , please read :
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chaper 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 52

30 8 0
By pennais

Deceived Heart

Amelia's POV :

It was around six p.m and I was getting ready to go bowling with Lauren . My phone rings on my bedside table so I quickly run to it and press accept .

"Hello ?" I say breathlessly .

"Hey , So I know that it was supposed to be just the two of us but Andrew and Louis really wanted to come with us so is that fine ?" She nervously asks me .

"Hey , it's alright ." I laugh .

"Are you sure ?" She asks .

"Yeah , the more the merrier ." I say .

"Okay , I'll meet you at The Joint in thirty minutes ." She says and hangs up .

I immediately call Zion and he answers on the third ring .

"Hey Sunshine ." He says and I smile .

"How do you feel about going to bowling tonight ?" I ask him .

"That would be lovely . Should I pick you up ?" He asks .

"Yes please ."

"I'll be there in twenty minutes ." He hangs up and I quickly get dressed in a pair of black jeans , a black sweater , a jean jacket and my black Nike's .

My mind instantly goes to Tyler and I decide to send him a message .

Me @18:17
Hey , I know that we aren't on speaking terms but we're going to The Joint . You and Cassandra may come if you would like to .

I see that he immediately reads my text but he doesn't reply . I guess he's not coming .

I hear a car horn outside and I guess it's Zion so I skip down the stairs and I close the door behind me quickly locking it up . I walk to the car and the door is opened for me .

"Thank you ." I smile at him .

"Hey look we're matching ." Zion notes as I buckle up .

"We read each other's minds from so far ." I gasp and he laughs taking my hand in his .

The rest of the ride is silent and I enjoy the feeling between Zion and I . We arrive at The Joint where I see Lauren and her family , Tyler and Cassandra too . I smile at him and he actually smiles back . I personally didn't have a problem with Cassandra and Tyler together because I saw it coming , I guess I got myself prepared for what was to come . I'm actually so undecided .

"You said you didn't touch him ." I whisper to Zion .

"He had to be restrained somehow ." He shrugs with a small laugh .

"Idiot ." I hit him on his shoulder .

"Hey guys ." I greet the group who seems excited for competition .

"Oh my gosh this is going to be so fun ." Lauren squeals like a baby .

"Well let's get moving shall we ?" Cassandra says and Lauren raises her eyebrow in my direction .

We get shoes for all seven of us and we decide to play as individuals . We walk over to our booth and take a seat next the people we came with although Tyler ends up being on my other side .

"Hey ." He says and I look at him wearily .

"Hey ." I finally say and he breathes out seeming relieved .

"Cas forced me to come ." He says and I cough .

"Oh okay ." I say .

"Hey babe it's your turn ." Zion says and I get up .

I get a strike and I jump up and down .

"Ncaw well I'll be continuously getting strikes ." He shrugs like it's nothing .

"Is that a bet ?" I raise my eyebrow amused .

"You're on ." He says going to take a shot and he does get a strike .

Cassandra and Tyler play too getting only 8 out of ten and Andrew ,  Lauren and Louis get a good amount down . We go at it for another hour and at the end of it Zion wins .

"I don't even want to know ." I mutter as he walks closer to me .

"Ncaw baby , at least you came in second place ." He gives me a fat kiss on my cheek .

"Amelia let's go get some fries ?" Lauren smirks and I get up from Zion's lap to Lauren .

"So what the hell is going on ?" She whisper shouts .

"With what ?" I ask dumbly .

"Well for starters , Tyler is glaring at you , secondly you're with Zion and thirdly who the hell is Cassandra ?" She asks .

"Hello , may I help you ?" The boy behind the counter smirks at us .

"Six large fries with hotdogs and Three coke Zero's , one apple juice , Fanta Grape and two cans of sprite please ." She orders for everyone .

"Damn its a long story ." I groan .

"I think we've got time ." She points to the kitchen staff moving slowly .

I tell her everything from what Tyler said the day he introduced Cassandra to me to the day we had a fight . The whole time she looks shocked .

"Well I definitely did not expect him to react like that . That was very immature of him , but Amelia his brother ?!" She gasps .

"I know it's bad but he's such a nice guy ." I say .

"Well I've seen how he treats you and you're all smiles and blushes ." She smiles .

"What about you and Andrew?" I smirk .

"We're trying things out to see how they'll go ." She shrugs .

"That's amazing !" I hug her in joy .

The guy helps us take our food back to the table after we pay and we talk around the table ignoring the tension around it . Apparently Tyler was the main problem according to Lauren because he was angry at Zion and he didn't like Andrew . I can't disagree there but I do miss him being around .

"So Em you're turning 18 this coming Tuesday . How do you feel ?" Cas speaks up and I don't question how she knows .

"Meh . I don't know to feel because well I've never been eighteen of course but I'll probably be excited when I realize that I'm eighteen meaning five hundred years from now ." I speak up making the table laugh .

"Any plans ?" She asks once again .

"Nope ." I say popping the p .

"That's a bummer ." She says sadly .

"As long as I've got cake I'm good ." I laugh .

"I will get you cake ." Louis says and I coo .

"Thank you so much young man ." I pinch his cheeks and he grins at me .

"Daddy always told me to keep my word so daddy can you buy cake for Em ?" He looks up at Andrew .

"Ask her what cake she wants ." He says to him .

"Em what cake do you want ?" He says slowly pronouncing every letter of every word .

"Surprise me ." I smile and he gives me a toothy smile .

I finish up my food and we put all of the containers in the middle of the table .

"Don't forget to take your pills ." Zion tells me .

"Oh damn , I almost forgot ." I grab my bag where I take out a bottle of water and my pills .

I take the pill and I swallow it showing him that I've swallowed it .

"I thought you were done taking pills ?" Tyler asks and I turn to look at him .

"I'm sick ." I chuckle awkwardly .

"What's wrong ?" He frowns .

"I got bit by something and it could have affected my heart ." I don't tell him the whole story .

"Oh ." Is all he says .

"Can I talk to you in private ?" He asks and I nod my head .

We leave the table to walk to a more quiet place .

"I'm sorry ." Is the first thing he says .

"I was quite angry having to find out that you and my brother are a thing . I've always battled with myself when it came to close things or people and I guess I just got over protective . This apology doesn't fix what I said to you and I hope you know that I'll forever be sorry . I miss you so much Amelia ." He says and I smile up at him .

"I miss you too Tyler , but you let your anger get the best of you and you hit Zion ." I hit him but give him a hug nonetheless .

"It's been hard without you . I'm sorry about how we went about this situation and I'm sorry for hitting him ." He sighs .

"It's alright as long as you're happy ." I smile .

"I am happy and I can see that Zion keeps you happy ." He says with a genuine smile .

"Yeah He makes me happy . And don't you ever do that again Tyler ! Look at your face you're hurt ." I touch his red cheek .

"I'm sorry about that ." He sighs putting his hands in his pockets .

"It's alright , just don't do it again okay ." I say and he smiles up at me .

We walk back to the table with smiles and I'm instantly pulled into Zion's lap . He places his nose on my neck and he inhales it giving me a light kiss which makes me smile .

"Is everything alright ?" He whispers in my ear and I nod my head .

"Good ." I feel his smile on my neck .

"So Cas , how long have you and Tyler been dating ?" Lauren asks curiously .

"Two days ." She says with a happy smile .

"Ncaw the relationship is still fresh ." She coos .

"What about you and Andrew ?" Cas asks .

"Four years ." Andrew says making Lauren smile and I smirk .

"What about you and Zion ?" Lauren asks with a small smirk and I chuckle bitterly .

"I haven't asked her out YET ." He emphasizes the word yet .

"You have to make it special man , with Amelia . It's go big or go home ." Tyler laughs and I nod my head .

"That's true , go big or go home ." I laugh .

"Cas how did this idiot ask you out ?" Zion asks .

"He was just like we both love each other so let's date ." She says impersonating Tyler and I laugh putting my head on Zion's chest .

"That's actually very similar to Andrew ." Lauren laughs and he blushes hiding himself with a sleeping Louis .

"What did he specifically do ?" I ask covering my eyes .

"He told me that he loves me and he was like 'can you be my girlfriend ?' And I was like 'I don't know can I ?' I laughed so hard that night and I ended up saying yes ." She tells all of us and we laugh .

"Damn it's getting late . We need to get Louis to bed ." Andrew says and everyone stands up .

We all say goodnight to everyone and we leave to our cars .

• • •


I want chips and a hotdog now 😩 . Please vote 🙈 .


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