.𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞,π₯𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨�...

By helpmydecayingsoul

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"sometimes in life, some people... they don't break your walls down... they just wait...and simply knock at... More

.☘ namaste ☘
.gotta start it new.
.hate at first sight.
.you found your prince charming.
.hit in the eye.
.can't stop the feeling.
.past isn't just a tense.
.you only fall when someone holds you.
.the man I love.
.death doesn't come easy.
.secrets only bring sorrow.
.the time, it's away.
.this time is critical.
.blame it to fate.
.got you on my mind.
.just believe him.
.bring me back.
.i don't trust love.
.night in the woods.
.the one who cared.
.the ego he carries.
.they felt the jealousy.
.caring hurts.
.he is torn.
.you scared me.
.not a fairytale.
.she is worried.
.I ruined it all.
.i feel the pain.
.darling, you're perfect.
.you're beautiful.
.give me a chance.
.loving him is blue.
.my hot boyfriend.
.let's make love.
.you are all that I draw.
.she's gone.

.he ain't the one.

690 62 85
By helpmydecayingsoul

"The human heart is a strange vessel. Love and hatred can exist side by side."

-Scott Westerfeld


Today is Monday that means it's officially a college day. I kinda hate it, you have to keep studying until you get old but also love it because we friends spend time together. It's not like we don't do it besides college but it's fun to be with your friends in the place called hell, going through shits together, yet enjoying to the fullest.

We all went to beach yesterday and surprisingly I and Marie didn't fight to that extent. She shared her thoughts without any of her famous sarcastic replies. She asked me if I believe in love.

Well, that's a stupid thing. Love doesn't exist. They only show it in movies. Like your Prince Charming will come and save you from the evil and then you both will live happily, or some random girl enters in your life and all of the sudden you know, she is the one, she is the girl you've been waiting for all your life. This shit only happens when Nicolas Sparks describes it. Love is merely an emotional attachment, the promises of unconditional love is threat. It is not a beautiful feeling, love tortures you, it bounds you to the feeling, it brings pain.

The strange thing is, that almost nobody knows what love is. They mislead it with the most powerful emotion, but love weakens you.

She called me a cynic in love, maybe she was right. I didn't really understand the concept of love. I love myself, that's all I know. To live, to die for someone, to spend your eternity with someone, it all sounds bullshit.

It is getting weird that I and her haven't really fought and we are kinda relaxing into each other's company. It wasn't supposed to be this way. Helping her has changed a lot of things.

I took shower and wore black jeans and black and white printed button-down. I slipped my feet into my black toms and walked down. Floral shirts are Harry's type, but they look good on me, as well.

Saffa already left for her school and Walihya was busy fan girling her favorite stars on T.V and eating her breakfast. I never get chance to talk to Doniya. She is always busy with her studies or her boyfriend or her own life.

They all are crazy girls and i'm proud to say that they are just like me. They are the female version of me.

"Mom, I'm leaving. Bye." I shouted from the door. "Love you, take care Zaynie." Mom being mom. She always calls me Zaynie, I hate that.

I called Harry whether he wanted to come with me or not. "Hey, Hazza." I said through the phone.

"Ello, Zain." He sang. "I'm coming to your place and we will go together."

"Okay, also I wanted to talk about something."

I said Okay and ended the call. I saw Liam and Marie walking out of their house.

"Hey, Liam." I waved to him. "Hello, Zayn. Wanna join?" He said pointing to the car.

"You go, I'll come with Harry. Have to pick him up first."

"Okay." He said and sat in the car and left with Marie.

I sat in my car and turning on the ignition, I started driving. After ten minutes, I reached to Harry's place and honked the car. He came out with his smile and showed his dimples. This is his charming thing, girls fall for those dimples.

"Hey there, lad." He said getting in the car.  I greeted back and started driving again.

"So you wanted to talk about something?" I asked. "Hmm. As you know, we both are atheist of love, we don't believe in it, right?"

"Yes, so?" I asked, my eyes on the road. Why would he bring this topic up?

"But you know what, I feel like there actually is something about love, I mean, the feeling is really beautiful."

What? Harry, you cannot do that. I mean, that's not his style. I know him well. What is he even saying? When did he get all the feelings, the emotions of love?

"What the fuck. Harry you were sure that girls only attract you, it always will be a fling thing. Where did this come from?" I asked looking at him.

Whatever Marie said, it's coming true. She said, she knows Harry has a feeling for love, that is actually happening.

"Eyes on the road or we will die." I did as he said. "I thought the same, that maybe Love was bullshit and these emotions are wicked. But ever since I've met Sophia, things have changed."

"What? Marie?" I asked shocked. Did he really say her name?

"Yes. She is everything that they describe a perfect girl to be and whenever she is with me I feel something different."

I rolled my eyes. He was talking like some girl in love with the man of her dreams.

"But I thought you had something for Jasmine?" I remember what Marie told me about Jasmine liking Harry.

"She is not of my type." He said as it was an obvious fact.

"Then what about that kiss?"

"That was just a dare." This is not done. This will go all the way to wrong direction. Jasmine likes Harry, Harry likes Marie and Marie thinks Harry is just a friend to her.

"Harry, what have you done." I whispered. "What?" He asked confused. "Err. Nothing."

He gave me a look I didn't understand.

"Are you planning to confess your feelings to Marie?"

"Maybe. Soon. I think she feels the same for me."

No. She doesn't.

"She said she loves to be around me and we flirt all the time." He stated. Being around someone and flirting doesn't mean you are in love with that person. That means, you guys are really good friends and enjoy each other's company. I flirt with her too, but yet we could never even establish any kind of friendship.

I remained silent, as it would've been of no use to make him realize anything. Right now, his head is filled with the concept of love and when someone believes that they are in love, they would never want to believe anything against it.

We reached to the parking of the college. I parked the car and we stepped out. We both walked in the building. I have my first class with Marie and Lauren. Arts class, that I love the most.

"Okay, Harry. See you around."

He waved me and walked to his direction. I walked in my class and saw few students already were present. Marie was talking to Lauren. I walked to them and sat next in the their back seat.

"Hello." Lauren said flashing a smile. "Hi. You look pretty." I complimented.

She smiled. I thought, maybe after Clarissa, I could date Lauren. She is different from what that ex bitch was. She was disaster, I don't even know why I agreed to be in a relationship with her when there clearly was no emtions. It was a perfect no strings attached relationship. We both had our intentions, we got what we wanted and of course enjoyed it. But out of everyone, she had to cheat on me with the bastard. She could've picked any guy and I would let her go, but the bitch played her games.

Liam said that he likes Lauren and maybe she has something for him too. I cannot be a bad man and ruin the chance of my best friend.

"Hey, Zaynie." Marie greeted with a teasing smile.

I hate that name.

"Where did you get that name from?" I asked, already irritated of her. "Your mom said she calls you Zaynie and you love that name."

"I hate that name. Don't you dare call me that, ever again." I gave her a glare. She smirked. "Sure, Zaynie."

Our Art professor entered.

"Good Morning sketchers." He greeted. "Last time you all drew the thing you loved the most, the one that inspired you to be good, today you have to draw a thing you despise in your life, that makes you feel you want to be bad about it."

The thing I despise, that makes me want to be bad?


She is not a thing, but then, I only dislike her, maybe I do. I don't know. These confused feelings will take me nowhere. She makes me wanna punch an innocent person, something about her makes me angry, I feel like hurting her, but end up being her savior.

I started drawing and I glanced at Marie few times to see what she looks like as I was drawing her and after half an hour I completed my work. I already had her picture in my head but I wanted the sketch to be perfect. The person I despise the most has to be a perfect model to be in my sketch.

"Okay, now show me your works." Professor declared. We all handed our sketch paper to him. He started looking through papers and the students chatted with each other about their sketch.

"What?" Lauren asked, surprised. She was talking to Marie. They both started laughing about something that Marie said.

"You are ridiculous." Lauren complimented her.

"I agree." I spoke without knowing what they are talking about.

"Zayn, we are trying to a personal chat here." Marie pouted. "Don't Eva's drop." That was a cute pout. Wait, what!

"I don't know what you both are talking about but Lauren is one hundred perfect accurate about you being ridiculous." I laughed.

"You're ridiculous." She groaned. "Actually, both of you are ridiculous." Lauren laughed.

"Wow. Look what we got here." Professor stated. All the students attention drew on him. He had two papers in his hand. "These are sketches of two great artist of our class. Sophia Payne and Zayn Malik."

Now we both are the central attention of the class. The others were all staring us.

"Please stand up you both."

We both stood up in confusion. Well, I knew my sketch had to be perfect, but what did she draw? What does she hate the most?

"I asked you all to draw the thing you despise the most and I think Zayn and Sophia are very great friends. They drew each other's portraits." This made the class laugh. "You guys consider each other as a 'thing"." The professor quoted.

Professor turned our papers and in one paper was my sketch,which exactly had Marie's face and wait, in second?

My face.

Whoa, I look handsome.

I saw Marie and she was staring back, with exactly no expression on her face.

"You both dislike each other in a way that it makes you want to do something bad?" Prof. asked.

"More than anything." We both stated the exact same words. Other students started laughing again and Lauren was controlling her laugh.

After getting to know each other a little bit, trying to help each other with our flaws, we still do loathe each other. Damn, what are we?

He handed back our sketches and the bell rang. We three walked out of class and ran straight to Cafeteria. I maintained my distance from her. The others were seated there. We joined them.

"Hello Guys." Niall waved. I sat next to Niall and Marie sat next to Harry and he placed his hand on her shoulder and smiled at me. I rolled my eyes. Lauren kept her distance from Liam.

But why?

"What." Jasmine and Lily started laughing at something Lauren said them. Surely she updated them about the incident of art class.

"What happened?" Louis asked. "Sophia..." Lily started laughing. Marie's attention turned to Lily.

"And Zayn.. "Jasmine couldn't control her laughter. "What Sophia and Zayn?" Harry and Liam asked.

"We were asked to draw something that we despise the most and look what these both crack heads did."

Lauren took the paper from my and Marie's hand and placed on the table. Once the others saw our sketches, they started laughing too.

"Zayn drew Sophia and Sophia drew Zayn." Lily declared, still holding onto her laugh but then gave in and started laughing along with the others.

"The beautiful relationship you guys have. It's Complicated." Niall stated. He was rolling on floor laughing and the other students watched him in disgust. Why does Niall enjoy so much about my relationship with Marie!

"Why did you do that?" I asked her. I mean, I thought she was thankful to me.

"What? I just drew your face? Like I said I hate you." She passed on a fake smile.

"Oh damn, these mutual feelings." I smirked.

"Do you guys seriously hate each other or do you love to show the hatred though having none?" Liam asked.

Is that so? Do I not hate her? After everything that happened in these two weeks, I don't know what I call it, hatred, surely it is not. Then what is it?

She stood up and took the bottle from Louis's hand and splashed water on my shirt. The fuck is wrong with this girl. She is out of her freaking mind.

"What the fuck. Are you nuts?" I snapped. I stood up and threw rest of the remaining water on her from the bottle.

One point to me. Her hair was wet as well.

"Ugh, you Asshole." She groaned. The whole cafeteria was filled with laughter.

She walked to the food court and brought a plate of noddles, giving me a sheepish smile, she dumped the noodles on my head. The other students in the cafeteria gasped in shook. Every freaking person knows how much I love my hair. But this girl, she had no control over her mind. She cannot fucking think straight like a rational human.

Ugh, this girl! when will she grow up? I gave her a disgusted look, before standing up.

Taking the coffee cup from Louis's hand, I threw it on her dress. She let out a dramatic scream, looking at me with pure anger in her eyes.

All the students were laughing hard as we both fought. Of course they enjoyed the scene.

"What the hell is going on here?" Mr. Ainsley walked in the cafeteria and shouted. Our attention turned to him.

I and Marie stood stiff and the whole hall went silent. Fuck!

"Answer me."

"Sorry Sir." We both said in union. "Why are you both in this condition and what have you done to the place?" He asked pointing to the floor.


I giggled while looking at the floor. It was a complete mess. What have we done to this place. Haha!

"Sir, it was all his fault." I replied. "No, she is the one to be blamed." Zayn protested. Can he not stand up and take the blame on him? He is the one who made me do this. Wait no Sophia, you dumped water on him first.

"You did all that." I said, turning to him. "You threw water on me." He snapped.

"Stop it." Mr. Ainsley shouted. I stepped back in fear, I mean, this old man could never be a dangerous guy with that cute wrinkled face, but right now, he is displeased.

"You both meet me in my office for the damage caused." He said in anger. What damage? We didn't ruin or break anything, just our ego and reputation.

I'm dead. Say bye to your life, Payne!

We nodded looking down as if we were really sorry about our dead. I'm sure he wasn't, he was a rebel, he can never feel sorry about anything.

"So I came here to announce something on behalf of whole management." Ignoring us, he announced. The students carefully listened to him.

"We are completing our twenty five successful years of the College and we are organising a five days camp for four famous groups of the College and after that a dance night on the day of 25th Anniversary, 10th July for all the students."

That's weird. Who does that? I mean, if it's an anniversary, just reward us with the holiday.

"This place is known for it's bizarre decisions." Zayn mumbled.

Did I say that loud?

"So, Mr. Connor has suggested me the names of four groups who are completely fit to go for the camping and they are..." Dean asked the literature Professor to speak.

"Nathan and his group members, Josh Irvine, Skyler Rey, Tom Finch, Hannah and Kara."

Kara and Hannah are Nathan's friends? I never knew that.

They all stood up.

"Second group of Five girls. Clarissa, Brittany, Elizabeth, Victoria and Ella."

The five girls who I don't know stood up. All were dressed in very short clothes. Wait I know one, the girl I saw making out with Zayn in library. She blew a kiss towards him him and the same time the brown haired girl winked at him.

But he only gave smile to the one I know.

"Third group of famous band of our college. Seth Adley, Jonathan Grey, Austin Williams, John Evans."

The boys stood up and I saw the boy who wrote that note to me and than Zayn fought with him. He gave me a smile and I turned away, ignoring him.

"And last group is the famous group with five boys and four girls." He pointed to us.

What? We are selected for camping? Damn, I feel special. Where can I give my award acceptance speech?

"Niall, Liam, Lily, Louis, Harry, Zayn, Sophia, Lauren and Jasmine."

I've always loved Camping. I, Sarah and Mkye used to go on camping. It was our favorite kind of holiday tradition. Every Sunday was a camping day.

I walked to Liam and all the groups cheered and the other students clapped.

"We have this camp from fourth to ninth July and both of your Football coaches will be joining you." Dean declared.

Today is second. We've only got one day for preparing. Are these people out of their mind? How will girls pack their luggage in one day?

He declared and before leaving, he asked me and Zayn to meet him in his office.

"Oh god, I'm so excited. Camping is my favorite sport." I declared excitedly. "Me too." The three girls said in union.

"We are going to have so much fun." Harry stated.

We all nodded.

"But Sophia has to take care of her wounds." Niall stated. Aw. He never fails to take care of me. Liam nodded in agreement. I assured them that I'll be fine.

"We need to go to shopping." Lily declared clapping her hands in excitement. "After college ends, Let's get all of the things to pack."

"I will help you. Babe." Louis said placing his hand on her shoulder. She smiled. At this moment, I wish I had my personal Louis to help me pack the stuffs. I'm laziest person when it comes to placing all the things in one bag.


Finally the college ended and I had to meet the Dean with Zayn. I walked to his office and saw Zayn already standing there. He must be waiting for me.

"You smell bad." He smirked. He is right. My body stinks and I smell like coffee. "I wear the smell you gave me." I replied sarcastically.  "You smell like chinese bitch."

"Yes, I took shower in a noodles swimming pool." He let out a chuckle.

I laughed.

"Now stop and let's get in." He ordered like a boss and as always, I followed him. He knocked and opened the door and the Dean smiled at us. I thought he was angry. We both stood in front of him. No one must have ever visited him more than Zayn and now add me on the list.

"You both seem to have trouble getting along, don't you?" He asked. I nodded and Zayn just passed a smile. Why smiling, you Idiot!

"Despite the fact that you saved her and then also helped her with overcoming the fear?" He asked. Yes, so the whole world knows about it.

"She was worth the save." Zayn let out a whisper but I did hear it. Why would he say that?

"So I have decided you need a punishment for today's scene and that is for the coming project, you both have to work together. You both are good in that." Dean eyed us.

"You both wasted food, broke college's protocol and have been misbehaving a lot now a days." It's like he opened a book of sins that we committed together.

"No." We both said in union. Why do we end up staying stuff together? Are our minds connected?

"It's not a decision for you to make. I made this statement and it's final. Now you can leave."

"But Sir..."

"Leave." He gave his final order.

We both left the office and without speaking or fighting with Zayn, I walked on my heels out of the building to the parking where Liam was waiting for me. I'm not going to be his partner for such an important project. He will definitely do something because of which we will lose. He loves to see me losing.

I sat in the car and didn't speak anything. Liam chuckled.

"You've got a snappy mood. What did the old man say?"

"He said I and Zayn have to work together for some stupid Project. Ugh..I hate him."

Liam Laughed and I hit his shoulder which made him laugh even more. "Hate who? Mr. Ainsley or Zayn?"

"Both if that makes you feel like laughing a little more." I rolled my eyes as he laughed.


Jasmine called me and asked if I wanted to join them for shopping, but it looked like she ordered through the phone. I said yes and now I'm waiting for the three girls to come. When I returned home, I had to take shower for one hour to get the stinky smell out of my hairs.

This will be the first time I will be shopping in Bradford.

A car came and in were my three girlfriends. I stepped in the car.

"Let's go." Lily cheered, driving out of the street. "I'm so excited for this. I and my two best friends used to go to camping a lot. Mainly every Sunday." I explained.

"You will love this camping as well. Four popular groups, five nights in a forest with so much drama." Lily stated, obviously excited about whatever drama she was talking about.

"Drama?" Jasmine asked. "Yes, because these four groups are the rivals of each other." Lauren laughed.

Oh, That will be fun.

"Sounds like a reality show." Jasmine declared. "What if it is one?" I asked. They three rolled their eyes on me. These girls just love me. Well, c'mon. This can be a reality show, hate, love and other filters. I'll be the least seen contestant of this show, always on the side, watching all the drama and laughing.

We reached to a mall and Lily parked the car. We walked in. The mall is huge. There are more than fifty stores. I'm going to enjoy my time here.

"First, Top Shop." She pointed to the store and we four walked in. "So what did Mr. Ainsley say?" Jasmine asked.

"Don't talk about it. He said I and Zayn have to work together for a Project. Ugh..I'm sure he will do something to fail me."

"I see you hate him all over again?" Lauren giggled. "You have no idea. He is such a pain in the arse, head, stomach, to the whole body. He knows how to ruin my day like God has specially made him to ruin my mood. He has a villainous purpose."

The three girls laughed. I took a denim blue shorts in my hand.

"I thought God made him to save you, always." Lauren stated, giving me an eye. I huffed. Always is a big term.

"He is not a bad guy like you portray him." Lily said. "He helped you, for God's sake."

"I know he did and I'm grateful to him. I can never return the favour to him. But he is bad though, even more than I can imagine." I groaned.

"You should know him first, try to understand him. He can be a good friend. You two had a good time together on the cliff."

Why do people keep mentioning about the cliff?

"Would never do that. I tried once, maybe twice, but everytime we come together, it's like everything goes against us. We can't, we just can't have a good time, it will always be a disaster." Well, except for when we're on the cliff talking about our lives.

I don't want him to be a part of my life. I'm already breaking down my walls after what he did to me. I can't let him walk in and knock at the door, let the emotions escape. He has known me enough, I can't let him read my thoughts as well.

"Your wish, but don't fall for him at the end of the day. He is a great boy." Jasmine stated. "And you'll be like, forget the Prince Charming, find me the guy with tattoos and bad boy look." She giggled.

"And Zayn will be the one." Lauren added.

"That will be a nightmare. Me falling for Zayn, that will never happen." I rolled my eyes. Why are we even talking about him? Can we get over the fact that he helped me. Yes, it was his new side to be seen, but yet he dislikes me. "He'll be the death of me."

"Yeah, whatever. Now let's enjoy shopping." Lily shouted again and a lady gave us a disgusting look.

We laughed.

We shopped for three hours and enjoyed a lot. Bradford has some good stores.


4th July◾

"Bye Mom. I love you." I hugged mom and kissed her cheek. She cried as if I and Liam were leaving the country. "Call me whenever you get free from your friends."

I nodded. Now she hugged Liam and asked him to take care of me and himself. She also asked not to go deep in the forest and asked me to keep away from the guys who are jerks. Mom !

I and Liam left the place. Americans got to enjoy the day as their day, while we get to go to camping.

I had only one luggage with me and Liam had his one. Harry came to receive us in his car. We stepped in the car, I took the passenger seat. "Hey, Styles."

"My girl." He kissed my cheek. Wow. He never did that before. He has never called me that too. I guess everyone is in the mood of camping. Liam cleared his throat from back seat.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought I had this beautiful girl alone with me." Harry joked.

"She is my sister and if you remember our whole group is going for the camping, so I'm a member of the group." Liam acted to be angry but failed.

"We don't have to wait for Zayn, right?" I asked. "He will be coming with his mom." Harry said turning on the ignition.

"Why, you wanted him to come with us?" Liam teased. I gave him a glare.

Harry drove and after ten minutes we reached to the college area. I saw those five girls already standing in their very short clothes waving to some boys. They had so many bags,huge ones.

Why these many bags when they have to wear so short clothes? Their clothes will be fitted in a hand purse.

I saw the Dean standing with our two coaches. One bus was already parked near the gate. We will travel in a bus. True camping feeling.

"Hey, Soph." I saw Niall approaching us. I hugged the Irish boy. "Excited?"

"Very much."

I know I and Niall are going to have good time together. "I love the happy Sophia." He winked. I smiled.

"Well, what can I say. I'm happy when I'm around you guys." I stated the truth. Everyone in the group is a charm. They are full of life, everyone loves each other and support each other. These people live for each other.

Lily came with Louis, Jasmine and Lauren.

"Harry, what about your car?" I asked. "My driver will come and take it from here."

"Rich kid." Louis joked. Harry hugged him and kissed his cheek to tease Lily.

"Where is Zayn?" Lauren asked. "Right here."

We heard a voice from a distance. I turned and saw Zayn approaching us dressed in his famous Black jacket with white tee and black pants. Does he not have anything else to wear? Who wears a jacket in this hot climate. Well, he is capable of doing anything.

He hugged all the others and not a single hello to me. I don't even care as I'm used to being ignored by him. He only played to be a good guy for those two days.

"Okay, Campers. Get in the bus." The dean shouted. Campers!

We nodded and all one by one stepped in the bus. Liam sat with Niall. I don't know why but I feel like Lauren is avoiding Liam. Lily with Louis without any doubt. Jasmine Sat with Lauren.

Harry took his seat and I was going to seat next to him when a girl sat next to him, so I had to switch place.

Wow. I'm alone. Perfect way to start the camp.

Zayn sat with the girl he was snuggling in the library. Does he not feel like the girl is trying to throw herself on him?

"Hey." A male voice came. I saw up and was facing Nathan.

"Hello." I greeted him coldly. "I see you're alone. I guess I can seat with you." He asked.

"Sure." I said unsure with my voice.

I didn't forgive him yet. I don't think I can forgive him ever. He sat next to me and I was sitting near the window side. If he didn't leave that night, I would have walked back with him and nothing would have happened. He would've been with me, he could've stopped that guy from..STOP SOPHIA!

"Students have fun and enjoy your camping. No fights and only friendship." Dean spoke mostly addressing me and Zayn. As if! We nodded. He stepped out of the bus and our coaches sat in the front seat and the driver started driving. All of them were busy with their talks.

I got a message from Liam.

You okay?
Or else I can come and seat with you.

I turned my gaze to him and passed a smile.

I'm fine.
You enjoy your lovely time with Niall .

I hit the send button.

"So, are you enjoying the trip?" Nathan asked. "It just got started." I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you so mean to me?" He asked. I didn't find it necessary to answer. I thought he was smart enough to understand but no, he is dumb AF.

My phone vibrated and I got a message.

From an unknown number?

Camping time, camping time,
Have great fun with the one seated on your nine.

I know you don't hate him,
But don't love him too.
He may cause you pain,
This way, it will be my gain.

The fuck is this. A riddle? seated on my nine? It was Zayn. I shall not love him, who will gain from the pain? Ugh, the heck is going on.

Who can this be?

Might be a wrong message.

Ignoring the creepy anonymous message and the guy seated next to me, I plugged in the headphones to my phone and placed them in my ears and shuffled the songs.

Drunk by Ed Sheeran played.

I saw coach Derek speaking something and so unplugged the headphone.

"So, Let's play something to make this camping more fun." The others nodded. Can't they all go to sleep?

"Let's sing songs." The blonde girl suggested. "OK, that's a good idea, Clarissa." Coach said. Clarissa is her name. Is she Zayn's Clarrisa? The girl these guys hate the most?

She and her two other friends started singing "Skyscraper" of Demi lovato. She has a great voice. I mean, she can try for some singing show. I hope they give her enough money to buy clothes that aren't short enough to display her ass out.

They completed the song and than Niall started singing "Friday" By Rebecca Black.

Seriously Niall? He sang in her voice and the others laughed. The singer's band sang too.

I don't know their names. In Fact I don't know many of their name. They sang. I joined them too. All were singing in their pathetic voices. Some in good while some were horrible and I was the one in horrible singing.

"That was awesome." Coach Samuel said laughing once we finished singing. Seriously? Awesome?

We sang the song and today is Friday, best way to sing. We played and enjoyed in the bus and finally the bus stopped in the dense forest. Are we there?

"This is where we are going to have our camping for next five days." Coach said.

All stepped out of the bus and I yawned and stretched my arms in air. Finally got fresh air to breathe. I hope these days go good and things turn out to be awesome. I really wanna forget whatever happened in past days and move on with good memories.


Camping. 24 teens. Many mixed feelings. What will happen in the camp.


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It's been four years to One direction today....Woah!!!The biggest boy band who changed lives of many.

The boys have changed from 2010. to 2014.....

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