Poacher's Pride

By bcimlonely

14.2K 691 152

{ in which a guy falls in love with a wing ridden angel.} under editing More

Poacher's Pride
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 5

679 44 3
By bcimlonely

SOTC: Unravel Me -  Sabrina Claudio


"No, I'm not leaving." I said and crossed my arms

"The fuck you mean you aren't leaving," Draven said and pulled a face. "This is MY house and I pay the rent here not you."

"To be honest, I don't even understand why you are mad for," I said in a low monotone voice as I lay down on his bed picking at my bloodied fingernails.

"You don't understand why I'm mad? YOU CAUSED all of that downfall in my life. You are the one who made my parents disappear. You are the one who wouldn't let me feel loved. YOU are the reason why I am like THIS!" Draven said pointing a finger at me and walking towards me.

"First off stop yelling at me. Second, I refuse to talk to you while you are upset." I said crossing my arms.

"Fuck this shit." Draven said gathering his sweatshirt attempting to leave the apartment.

With a move of my fingers, Draven was back at his original place in front of me.

"You aren't leaving."

"The hell I am." He said moving to the door again just to respawn back in front of me.

"No, you aren't"

"Yes, I am."






" So now that we agreed that you are staying I'm going to explain how the system works." I said sitting back up.

"Go ahead." Draven said with anger still present in his voice then sitting next to me on the bed.

"Us angels are highly outnumbered by the lots of you humans on earth. To give an example there would be about two hundred you and only 20 of us. So for you guys to have eight billion people there would be about not a lot more of 500,000 angels to guard all of you guys."

I stopped to look at Draven to make sure he understood. He gave me a small head nod and I resumed,

"Each week an angel is assigned a new human to monitor. It can take decades for someone to receive an angel for the week. And this week I just so happened to be assigned to you." I said my voice softening so he could tell I was being sincere.

I looked at Draven to find him already staring at me.

I looked him straight in the eyes and resumed,

"The money you found on the floor was me. I planned to make this the best week ever and then this happened. I saw your sadness and I wanted to heal it even if it was just for this week." I said and my voice wavering.

I looked at Draven and he looked away from me.

Why was he still upset? I told him the truth?

I was about to get up to go to the bathroom, but Draven grabbed my wrist.

He stood up and hugged me.

"Thank you for trying."

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