the final round #Wattys2018

By everyhearthasahero18

2.3K 3K 47

a prequel to code lyoko More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 28

40 64 0
By everyhearthasahero18

Cold Sweat



"If you had a choice? Would you rather be a screwdriver or monkey wretch?" Hiroki asks Yumi walking up to the school gates. "Hey you dreaming or what?"

"What was that?" Yumi asked.

"If you were a tool which one would you use?"

"Can't you think of anything else that's not dumb to ask?" Yumi commented.

"Sure. Are you still in love with Ulrich or aren't you." Hiroki smirks.

"I'll never be a tool, but you always be a fool." Yumi growled walking away from Hiroki.

"Get your kadic news, off the presses...." Milly announces watching paper read their newspaper.

Yumi grabs one of the papers from Tamiya after hearing Milly say something about her. "Where did you get that picture?" Yumi asks.

"Sorry, but we never reveal our sources." Milly replied.

"All I can tell you is your very best friends and in this very minute he's in the wrec room." Tamiya commented.

"Wait till I get my hands on him." Yumi growled walking towards the wrec room.

"How could you do something so lame?" Milly asks Tamiya.

"What's wrong? I didn't say his name." Tamiya commented.

A few minutes later

"It's the champgain's cup final..." Odd cheered, then hears his phone ring.

"I bet it's one of your girlfriends I bet." Ulrich smirked.

Odd answers his phone.

"Hello, oh hi Milly yeah. What's happening? What?" Odd asks.

"Can we play now?" Ulrich asks.

"Yeah sure right away. Uh Ulrich I've got a little problem with Yumi. You really have to bail me out this time."

"What is it?" Ulrich asks.

"A little practical joke, nothing at all but you got say it was you."

Ulrich raises an eye brow.

"I mean please."

"I asked you, what you did Odd?" Ulrich replied.

"Please in the name of our friendship."

"I'm going to regret this I know it." Ulrich muttered.

"You'll do it. Lyoko Warriors honor?"

"Yeah okay." Ulrich muttered.


Yumi walks into the wrec room.

"Odd?" Yumi growled. "Are you the one who gave this picture to Tamiya and Milly." Yumi shows Odd the picture.

"For once Odd the dope is right. It's true pink does wonders to you Yumi..." Sissi smirked.

"Black is my color, black like your eye will be if you don't back off." Yumi growled.

"Your wrong Yumi, I gave the picture to Milly and Tamiya." Ulrich commented.

"It was you. Why'd you do it." Yumi asks.

"I have the slightest idea."

"Dork." Yumi growled walking away from Ulrich and Odd. "Don't ever speak to me again."

"You really are a good buddy thanks." Odd replied.

"Don't bet on that."

Yumi walks around the school being laughed at by other students.

"Yumi lend me your princess costume for Halloween." a girl laughed as Yumi walked by.

"Why don't you shut up." Yumi yelled.

"Are you okay Yumi." Jeremy asked.

"You look upset is something wrong?" Aelita asks.

"I really don't want to talk about it. What's happening?"

"We just located a new replica in the network." Aelita replied.

"We're going to destroy it tonight. See you at the factory later." Jeremy replied.

The bell rings

"I'll be there, I've got history now, see ya." Yumi replied.

"Let's just say it. She does look awful in pink, although the color looks really great on you Aelita." Jeremy blushed.

A few minutes later


"It's okay Jeremy, the skid is docked." Aelita informs him.

"That's great, I'll activate the tower."

Ice Sector

The tower as a green glow around it.


"Well who's going to get teleport-ed tonight?" Jeremy asks.

Ice Sector

"I vote for Yumi and Ulrich, they're good together on a mission." Aelita replies.

"No way, I'd rather go on my own than go with him." Yumi agrued back.

"I don't believe it." Ulrich muttered.


"Chill out Yumi, why don't you and Odd go this time." Jeremy commented.

Ice Sector

"Yeah sure." Yumi replied.

"Why not with me?" Ulrich asks.

"He wasn't dumb enough to make me look dumb in front of the whole school."

"Odd we got to talk, I just changed my mind." Ulrich says.

"No time to talk teleportation, come on Jeremy wake up." Odd rushed.


"Patience okay Odd." Jeremy replied, then presses a few keys on the keyboard. "Why is everyone so round up tonight? Energize Odd."

Ice Sector

Odd disappears from the skid.

"Energize Yumi."

Yumi disappears from the skid.

With Odd and Yumi

Yumi and Odd land somewhere during a snowstorm.

"Where are you?" Jeremy asks.

"In a middle of a snowstorm." Yumi replied. "I think I can see  some hand of a base, we'll go check it out." Yumi answered.

"Okay." Jeremy replied.

"Come on let's go." Yumi says to Odd pointing towards the building.

Yumi and Odd runs towards the building.


"Be careful guys." Jeremy muttered.

A few minutes later

Ice Sector

"Tell me Ulrich. What did you do to Yumi to make her so angry at you?" Aelita asks.

"It seems I gave the picture of her to the kadic news."


"That sounds like an idiotic stunt Odd would pull." Jeremy commented.

Ice Sector

"Funny you would mention that." Ulrich muttered.

"Yumi, must really hate you." Aelita replied. "Got any ideas how to get back on her good side?"

"The only way is to tell her the truth."

With Yumi and Odd

"Jeremy, I think I found a clue it says Union base." Yumi informs him.


"Position 63 degrees, 16 minutes north 143 degrees, 15 minutes East."

Jeremy types in all the things Yumi told him.

"Your in Siberia." Jeremy answers.


Odd and Yumi enter the base.

"How could Ulrich do such a thing?" Yumi complains. "I've never been so mad at somebody so much in my life."

"Even the day I threw your math homework in the incinerator?" Odd asks.

"Are you trying to get my on hit list or what?"

"Oh relax Yumi after all you got to admit the photo thing was funny wasn't it?" Odd smiles.



"Okay, now I've got you. Head for the staircase at the end of the corridor, it'll take you right down to the basement." Jeremy explains to them.

"On our way Einstein." Odd replied.


Yumi and Odd runs the direction Jeremy gave them.


"Rats an activated tower." Jeremy muttered. "Yumi? Xana counter-attacking."


"Roger." Yumi replied.

"What kind of an attack?" Odd asks.

"Search me."

Dark lightening appears in front of Odd and Yumi.

William appears.

"Did you get that Jeremy?" Yumi asks. "Xana managed to teleport William."


"That is pretty awful surprise." Jeremy muttered.

"Sure is, this might be a good time to deactivate the tower." Odd replied.

"I'm on it. Aelita activated tower east of your position."

Ice Sector

"We're on our way." Aelita replied. "Disembarking."

Aelita and Ulrich appear out of the skid onto the sector floor.

"Here comes your vehicles." Jeremy commented.

"Thanks Jeremy."

The over-bike and the over-wing appears.


Yumi throws two fans at William.

William dodges Yumi fans using his sword.

"Laser arrow." Odd smiled shooting at William.

William blocks all the laser arrows except for the one that hit his arm.

William drops his sword.

"Come on Odd." Yumi commands running down the stairs.

"I'm coming." Odd replied running behind her.

William growls.

"Jeremy, William has locked the door." Yumi comments.


"Don't panic I'll take care of it in no time." Jeremy replied.


William approaches Yumi and Odd.

"Laser arrow." Odd yells shooting at William again.

William disappears.

The door opens for Odd and Yumi.

"Jeremy which way do we go?" Yumi asks.


"Take the second hallway on your left." Jeremy replied.

"Okay, we're off."

"Ulrich, Aelita how's it going?" Jeremy asks them.

Ice Sector

"We can see the activated tower." Aelita muttered.

"Good, from this end everything's cool for the moment."

A mega-tank appears.

Aelita throws an energy field at the mega-tank destroying it.

Two tarantulas fire at Ulrich and Aelita.

The over-wing disappears from a laser hit.

Aelita and Ulrich fall to the ground.


William forces the door open, then runs down the hall.


"Odd, Yumi? William is on your tail. Hide somewhere until Aelita has deactivated the tower."

"Okay, we'll hide in the room just in front of us." Odd answered.


Odd and Yumi enter a another room.

"Wow, this looks like Dr. Shrinks laboratory." Odd comments.

"What's this stuff I wonder." Yumi comments.

"Beats me."


"Listen Ulrich, Odd and Yumi have William to deal with. I hope Aelita is already in the tower."

Ice Sector

"Nearly there, we'll have to force our way through." Ulrich sighs.

"Have a better idea." Aelita asks.


"You'd think it might work?" Aelita asks.

"No, supersprint."

Ulrich runs for the tower.

Ulrich destroys one of the tarantulas as Aelita destroyed the other one.

"Well done Princess."

Aelita runs over to Ulrich.

"I'll wait here for ya."

Aelita enters the tower.


Yumi and Odd turn around to see William come in the room.

"He never gives up." Yumi complains. "Jeremy? William is here."


"Don't sweat it, Aelita is already in the tower." Jeremy replied.

Ice Sector

Aelita appears on the top platform in the tower.

"Uh, Jeremy?"


"A problem?" Jeremy asks.

Ice Sector

"This tower commands William and Harry's teleportation so this is in the interface Xana uses to control them."


"Yeah so?" Jeremy asks.

"So, we can hack into the date and maybe we can free William and Harry."

"That's right, Aelita your a genius." Jeremy cheers.

Ice Sector

"I'll send you the programs."


William throws his sword at Odd. Odd doges.

"Jeremy it's no panic around here. Is Aelita going to deactivate the tower or not?" Yumi complains.

"Oh, right yeah hang on a minute." Jeremy replied.

Ice Sector

Aelita swipes screens across the screen.


"Okay, Aelita I got what I need. You can enter the code lyoko." Jeremy informs her.


Yumi falls against the wall in pain.

Ice Sector

Aelita presses her hand on the screen.


Code Lyoko


William goes to attack Yumi, but stops and disappears.

"Nap time." Odd sighs.

Ice Sector

"Tower deactivated." Aelita commented.

Ulrich waits outside the tower waiting for Aelita.

The tower turns from red to white.


"Odd and Yumi? Go back into the hallway the supercomputer is not too far away." Jeremy says.


"Nap time is over."

Ice Sector

Aelita walks out of the tower.

"That takes care of that."

"Now we can go home and get some sleep." Ulrich smiled.


"Not yet." Jeremy replied.

"What do you mean not yet?" Ulrich asks.

"William is back and heading straight for the skid." Jeremy replied.

Ice Sector

"He can still wreck our mission by enter Code Xana into the tower." Jeremy explains.

William was running.

"You can always count on William to mess everything up." Ulrich commented.

"Any vehicles left for us in your garage?"


"Odd hates lending out his ride, but anyway here's the over-board." Jeremy replied sending them their ride.

Ice Sector

"I'll take care of it I promise." Ulrich smirks.


Odd and Yumi run down a hallway.

"Stop, to the right." Jeremy informs them.

"It's locked Jeremy." Odd replied.

"Odd, you know Ulrich pretty well? Why did he do it?" Yumi asks.

Odd sighs.

Ice Sector

William got close to the tower where the skid is connected to.

"Hey William." Ulrich yells.

Ulrich and Aelita jump off the over-board.

William dodges.

"Oh no. Odd's precious over-board."

William makes his sword appear in his hand.


"Jeremy, what do we do with the supercomputer?" Odd asks.


"There are a lot of wires." Yumi comments.

"Thanks, that's big help. You're going to have to be a little more specific."

Ice Sector

Aelita throws two energy fields at William making William disappear.

"All clear Jeremy, we took care of William." Aelita informs him.


"Perfect, it's smooth sailing for now on." Jeremy replied.

A few minutes later

"Yumi Odd, I think the supercomputer is based on a Russian m13 machine." Jeremy explains.

"If you say so comrade." Odd replied.

"Give me a couple of minutes and I'll tell you how to destroy it."

Ice Sector

"Jeremy what's going on?" Aelita asks.

"Xana is consolidating from all of the replicas." Jeremy replied.


"And I'm not talking about just two or three."

"Why is he doing it?" Aelita asks.

"I wish I knew."

Ice Sector

"What was that?" Ulrich asks as the ground moves.

"I have no idea." Aelita replied.

A big foot was walking on lyoko.

"It's coming from behind us."

"Oh wow, Jeremy?"


"I'm getting something on my screen." Jeremy replied.

Ice Sector

"We got a new monster to deal with Jeremy and he's huge." Ulrich answered.

Aelita and Ulrich run off getting sent back to earth.


Aelita and Ulrich's scanner doors open.

Ice Sector

The new monsters gets closer to the skid, Yumi and Odd manage to get back into the skid, then they leave.

A few minutes later


"We got to change our strategy." Jeremy comments.

"Got anything in mind?" Aelita asks.

"No, nothing yet."

Everyone leaves the factory to go home.

Odd calls Yumi explaining he was the whole reason behind the photo not Ulrich.


The next morning

Milly and Tamiya hand out another kadic new letter.

Ulrich chases after Odd madly after finding out what Odd said to Yumi.

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