Changes (Lab Rats: Season 3)

By CallmeUnbroken

75.6K 1.1K 117

More drama. New revelations. When Dani is told her parents are alive it's a whole new chapter in her life and... More

The Fourth Lab Rat
Sink or Swim
The Jet-Wing
Mission: Mission Creek High
Zip It
Not So Smart Phone
Scramble the Orbs
Principal From Another Planet
Truths & Commando Apps
Three Minus Bree
Which Father Knows Best?
♡Family Reunion♡
♛Pranking War♛
You Posted What?
❣Thank You!❣
Armed & Dangerous
I Have A Brother??♞
Alien Gladiators
Brother Battle
Spike Fright
Face Off
Merry Glitchmas
Merry Glitchmas Part 2

Cyborg Shark Attack

2.2K 44 0
By CallmeUnbroken

"Man that movie was awsome!" Adam said as we walked into the house. "Yeah shark beach definitely lived up to the hype." Chase said. "Yeah it was the best! Although I couldn't hear most of it due to Leo's screaming." I said and Chase mocked Leo's screaming and I laughed. "No Chase that's not right, it was more like." Adam said and then copied Leo's screaming but this time his voice was higher. "Oh come on it was not that loud." Leo said.

"Dude, girls said you were screaming like a girl." Chase said and I nodded. "Look, this is hard for me to talk about. But when I was younger, I had a very traumatic experience with a shark." Leo said. "You did?" Chase asked. "It was the jetta summer, I was playing in the water, when all of a sudden everything turned red and that's when I realized...." Leo said.

"Realized what?" Adam said on the edge of his seat. "It bit me." Leo said. "A great white?" Chase asked. "No." Leo said. "Hammerhead?" I asked. "No." Leo said. "Tiger? Thresher? Mulsher?" Chase asked. "Okay it was rubber." Leo said.

"Wait, wait, wait. You were bitten by a toy shark at the beach?" Chase asked. "No! It was a bathtub." Leo said and Adam, Chase and I started laughing. "But, that water was choppy. And. I was not the only victim, Mr. Froggy is still missing." Leo said. "You know what's also missing?" I asked. "What?" Leo asked. "Your manhood." I said.


"Hey Janelle aren't you a little too old to be playing with dolls?" Adam asked. "Give it t Chase." He continued. "It's not a doll, it's a CPR dummy. Or in your case another inanimate object that's smarter than you." Chase said and I nodded. "I tried to see the movie last night but someone kept screaming the whole time." Janelle said. "Yeah we were at the movies last night too, guess who the screamer was?" Adam said laughing.

"It was them, they screamed. "AHHH Leo help tell us when the sharks are gone. You screamed. Screamers." Leo said supposably mocking our reactions. "Leo what are you doing?" Chase asked. "Yeah that's not cool." Adam said. "You're such a liar." I said. "You're right. It's rude to laugh in your faces. Let's go do it in the cafeteria." Leo said while "mocking" us again.


"I can't believe Leo told everyone that we were the screamers at the movie, it's time for a little revenge." Chase said and I nodded. "I got it we go to the aquarium." Adam said. "No, Adam we're not going to throw Leo in the shark tank." Chase said. "Really? Even just to see him suffer?" I asked and Chase shaked his head no and I pouted.

"No I was gonna throw you in the shark tank and make Leo rescue you." Adam said. "I say we strangle the little twerp by his shoes and beat him like a piñata." I said clenching my fists and Chase looked frightened and I giggled. "I like it let's save that for the end." Adam said and I nodded while smirking. "Look, Mr. Davenport developed a school of cyborg sharks that used to guard his top secret underwater facilities." Chase said.

"Why didn't he just use humans?" Adam asked. "He's cheap." Chase said and Adam and I nodded. "See the sharks are designed to attack intruders, still has a few prototypes in storage." Chase said and shark on a table popped up.

"Whoa he looks vicious, I'm gonna name him Carl." Adam said. "We can use Mr. Davenport's hover technology to repurpose it for land. I'll control it with this tablet and then we can scare Leo infront of Janelle. Awsome right?!" Chase asked he high fived me and waited for Adam to but..."Why would you put your hand in their?" Chase asked Adam. "Because my head wouldn't fit." Adam said.


"Man the cyborg shark is working perfectly." Chase said. "Yeah let's release the other two sharks before my hand gets stuck in them." Adam suggested and I nodded. "Alright, alright you got me now cut it out or Janelle's going to leave." Leo said. "Should have thought of that before you mocked us infront of the whole school." Chase said and I nodded.

"Look sometimes with the ladies you have to embelish to make yourself look good you'll understand this when you have ladies of your own someday." Leo said. "Ummm hello what about me?!" I asked. "Again, Chase is paying you to be his "girlfriend." Leo said and I rolled my eyes at him. "Nope your just jealous that I went out with him instead of you. You've always had a crush on me." I said. "What nooo." Leo said nervously while scratching the back of his head.

"I gotta go bye." He said running off. "That's what I thought." I said smiling while we walked to the living room and Chase had his arm around my waist.


"Hey Janelle what are you doing up there?" Leo asked. "Trying to remember why I ever come to this house. Your fake shark just ate my real shoes." Janelle said holding up her shoe just then the shark came by us. "I thought you turned it off." Leo said. "I did. Oh no the cyborg shark must have artificial intelligence it's ignoring my commands." Chase said.

"Oh calm down I'll just hit the off switch I know exactly where it is I was elbow deep in that thing for two hours." Adam said then the shark grabbed the CPR dummy and the arm flew off and then the head fell into Leo's hands and we all screamed in fear.


"Where'd it go?" Janelle asked as as we stayed on top of the counters then it came up and we screamed. "Man you think you know a mechanical shark then it turns on you." Adam said. "The shark is blocking my commands to shut it down and it's taking over the home security system. "So there's a shark loose in our house and trying to eat us. We're going to die!" Leo shreiked at the last part.

"Since we're gonners I need to get a few things off my chest. I have always wanted to be a florist but I don't want to pick them I want to arrange them. Oh and Leo was the one screaming at the movies." Adam said. "That was you? You told me that you werem't afraid of sharks. Why did you lie to me?" Janelle asked. Leo stuttered but Adam tapped him. "Hey, you know what would fix this? Some daffodils." Adam said.


The shark jumped at us and we screamed again. "This is getting ridiculous we've been up here forever I'm out here." Janelle said jumping off the counter while running towards the door. "Janelle no!" Leo shreiked. "Look out! Jump on the couch." Leo told Janelle as sharks tried attacking her. "Wait! We have two smaller sharks maybe I can program them to attack the big one." Chase said. "They're right here!'' Adam said holding up the bag but it was all ripped and there were no sharks in there. "Well that's weird where did they go?" Adam asked. "I think I found them." Janelle said as they surrounded the couch.


"Ahhh!" Janelle shreicked as the sharks shaked the couch. "Hang in there Janelle." Leo said. "What are we going to do? We can't use our bionics infront of her." Chase said and the couch shaked again. "Leo do something!" Janelle said clearly terrified. Then Leo jumped in. "Noooo!" We all screamed while Chase had his arms wrapped around my waist stopping me from going after him. "It's okay I'm alright." Leo said after taking one shark down and shrieked when one attacked him from behind. After that it all went silent.

"Where is he?" Janelle asked worried and you could see the fear in her eyes. "I don't know." Chase said. "Sorry sharks this beach is closed." Leo said popping up from the fog. "You did it! Thank you for saving me." Janelle said while hugging Leo and let me just say they are so cute together!

"And for buying me a new pair of shoes. I'm a size seven." Janelle said while patting Leo's shoulder. "Great job since you took down the big shark the other ones automatically deactivated." Chase said. "Dude I can't believe you got over your fear of sharks." Adam said. "I guess I was more afraid of never having a girlfriend." Leo said.

"Wait, how were you able to deactivate the shark without getting bit?" Chase asked. "Easy, I jammed the dummy's head in it's mouth then turned it off. I took that thing down and didn't even get a scratch." Leo said as he turned around to go talk to Janelle the back of his shirt was all ripped up. "Yup not a single scratch." I said sarcastically.


We all sat there watching Perry make noises admiring the flavor of the mint. "You know some people do that with their mouths closed." Chase said and I nodded clearly disgusted like the rest. "Cuz they don't know how to get the flavor out. Get used to it I'm going to be here all summer long." Perry said and we stood up about to leave. "Guys she's choking!" Bree said. "Leo you know CPR give her mouth to mouth." Leo said. "You don't give someone who's chocking CPR. You give them a heimlich." Leo said. "Oh I know how to do that." Adam said.

As he did it the mint came out and Leo swallowed it. "Did that just go in your?" Chase asked reffering to him swallowing it. "Mhm." Leo said in shock. "It's okay I know mouth to mouth." Perry said walking over to Leo. "No!" He protested while walking away and I laughed. "At least that will teach him to never make a lie about us again." I said and the guys nodded.

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