Just A Fan: a Matthew Espinos...

By thatlittlejenni

2.4M 45.1K 27.8K

Matthew Espinosa, a 16 year-old vinestar and internet sensation, has over a million followers on a little app... More

Preview :
Chapter One: The Beginning
Chapter Two: The Letter
Chapter Three: Movies With Nick
Chapter Four: I'll Be Number One One Day
Chapter Five: #MatthewMonday
Chapter Six: I'm Going to Meet Matthew
Chapter Seven: 19 Days Until MAGCON
Chapter Eight: Letter Returned to Sender
Chapter Nine: Confrontation with Ellen
Chapter Ten: Matthew Espinosa Came to My Aid
Chapter Eleven: 16 More Days
Chapter Twelve: The Best Notification of My Life
Chapter Thirteen: Matthew Espinosa Just DMed Me
Chapter Fourteen: Time Flies When I'm Talking To Matthew Espinosa
Chapter Fifteen: Crumbling Under Expectations
Chapter Sixteen: I Was Just Tweeted At
Chapter Seventeen: Everything Changes for the Better
Chapter Eighteen: Taco Bell Meetup
Chapter Nineteen: THE Matthew Espinosa Knows Who I Am
Chapter Twenty: MAGCON Day One
Chapter Twenty-One: Kiss Me
Chapter Twenty-Two: "Menni!" "No Jatthew!"
Chapter Twenty-Three: I'm Friends With THE Matthew Espinosa
Chapter Twenty-Four: I Really Like You Jenni Waters
Chapter Twenty-Five: Party at Gilinsky's
Chapter Twenty-Seven: It's Been A Week
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Matthhhcchuuu Is In Loveeeeeeee
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Matt's Day in LA // Katherine's On To Something
Chapter Thirty: She's Going to Prom With Someone Else
Chapter Thirty-One: Katherine Needs to Keep Her Mouth Shut
Chapter Thirty-Two: Prom Night
Chapter Thirty-Three: Trying to Have A Long-Distance Relationship
Chapter Thirty-Four: They Want To Meet You. Pronto.
Chapter Thirty-Five: Back Together After 47 Days
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Abrupt Ending

Chapter Twenty-Six: The Goodbye to a New Beginning

44.6K 1.1K 971
By thatlittlejenni

*Ding ding*

I hear my text alert go off and I rub my eyes. I am still half asleep and I managed to finally get my eyes open. I reach for my phone on my nightstand and I open up my most recent text. It read:

Matt Espinosa: Hey i get on my plane in an hour and I just want to say goodbye i wish you were here so I could tell you that in person but we'll stay in touch i promise :)

Holy crap! What time is it?

I looked to see the time and it was already 10:30am.

Matt boards his plane in about less than an hour and I overslept. Great. What kind of person am I?! I have to be there!

I immediately hopped out of bed, still in my pajamas, and grabbed my phone. I went into the bathroom really quick and I brushed my teeth. Then I walked to Brandon's room and knocked on his door. "Brandon! Wake up!"

His bedroom door flung open, "What?!"

"Grab your keys. We need to go to the airport like now!" I rushed. I was running out of time.

"But whaa" Brandon said still half asleep.

"Please no questions. I'll explain later, but let's just please go now!" I saw Brandon get his keys. Then I grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards the car.

We drove to the airport in twenty minutes. I have ten minutes.

Brandon pulled up to the airport and I told him to stay in the car. I ran into the airport and tried to find Gate 27, which Matthew had informed me a few days ago. I ran towards the gate as fast as I could. I swear I felt like a track runner at that moment.

Once I found the gate, I saw one or two people getting their tickets checked before walking into the security check. I managed to see their faces before they walked in. It wasn't Matt. I missed him. I never got to say goodbye.

I sadly walked away from the ticket checking area. There was a glass window that showed the waiting area for the guests before they boarded onto the plane. I just stood there looking out onto the plane that Matt may have or may have not already been boarding.

I just leaned against the huge glass window with a feeling of defeat.

I started to walk back outside to Brandon's car until I heard my name being shouted.

I turned and looked back at the glass window where I heard my name. I saw a familiar face. It was Matt.

Matt was still here. He hadn't left yet. It was really him. I get to see him one last time. I didn't miss the opportunity. Seeing Matt brought the biggest smile to my face.

So at that moment, I did something any rational (in my opinion) person would have done. I ran. I ran into the entrance and zipped past the security check, hearing the machine beep as I past through it. But I didn't care. Once I got into the waiting room area, I found Matt. I ran towards him. He opened up his arms and I did the same. I ran into his arm and then he lifted me up. He spun me around as my head was slightly higher than his, due to fact he was still lifting me up. It felt like a moment in the movies.

And since I had already been spontaneous this morning, I didn't think and I just did what I've been wanting to do since I met Matthew.

I kissed him. Yes, I kissed Matthew Espinosa on the lips.

He kissed me back as his arms were holding my back as he continued to lift/carry me in the air. I put my hands around his face as I continued to kiss him. He then put me down and we both pulled away. His eyes were widened, but he had the biggest smile on his face. And so did I. I didn't think he expected that I was going to do that at all, but I think he liked it as much as I did.

All Matthew managed to say was, "Wow."

I bit my lip and held both of his hands, "Consider it as a 'Going-Away Present.'"

He smiled and laughed a little, "Well that was one of the best presents I have ever had."

"Well I'm glad," I smiled.

I couldn't stop smiling. Did that really just happen? Did I really just do that? Of course I did because how else could I be feeling this way?

Then we both heard over the intercom, "Now boarding flight to Virginia."

Now my smile slowly went away. I didn't want him to leave me. He just became mine and I don't want to let him go.

I hugged him and didn't want to let go. I whispered into his ear. "Please don't go."

His arms wrapped around me and it was amazing. He whispered back to me, "I'm not leaving you. This is only going to be temporary. We'll be back together soon."

He let go of me. Then he grabbed his bag and put on his backpack. He then looked at me, "I'll call you once I get home."

"Do you promise?" I held his hand. Why did he have to live 2,000 miles away?

"Jenni, have I ever lied to you?" He smiled.

Then the intercom went off again, "Final call for the flight to Virginia."

He squeezed my hand before letting go, "I'll see you soon. We'll figure everything out. Okay?"

He gave me a quick peck on the cheek and then walked towards the door to board his plane.

I waved to him and watched him walk away. He turned around one last time. He smiled as he waved to me. Then he walked into the door. This was the last time I'm going to see him for awhile.

This wasn't a defeat at all. Matthew and I had defined our relationship and I made the first move, which I did not regret. So I would like to call this a win.

I then turned around to go back outside to where Brandon was but then was stopped by security.

"Excuse me miss," a security guard said.

"Is there a problem?" I asked him.

"We're not allowed to have teenage girls running past security without a thorough inspection," he explained.

"I'm sorry. I just had to say goodbye to my boyfr- I mean to a guy," I hesitated. Was Matthew my boyfriend? It was never formally brought up. "It was a quick and harmless goodbye. I didn't intend to past security. It was just an impulse move."

"Okay ma'am, how about this," the security guard told me. "I'll let you go off on a warning as long as you don't do any more of those impulse moves. Sounds good?"

"Yes sir. Thank you. Thank you so much," I excitedly said as I shook his hand and then walked away towards Brandon's car.

I then saw Brandon panicking and worrying in the car, "So now are you going to tell me what the heck is going on?"

So on the car ride home, I explained the whole entire story, but I decided to leave out the kiss part. Because I know how Brandon's older brother instincts would kick in.

"So you mean to tell me I woke up early, rushed to the airport, and waited in the car for a good thirty minutes all so you could say goodbye to a boy?" Brandon said. I couldn't tell if he was upset or not.

"Not just any boy," I interrupted. "Matthew Espinosa."

"I don't care if this guy is Matthew Espinosa, Dylan O'Brien, Channing Tatum, or Zac Efron. That's not the point," he said. "But this guy better be worth it."

"He is," I smiled.

"Better be. He better not play any games with my little sister or I will personally come to his house and beat him up," Brandon reassured.

"Well I'm glad that you're looking out for me, but I don't think it's necessary," I said.

"Whatever," Brandon said. "So are you guys like dating now?"

"I don't know."

"How can you not know?"

"It was implied. I think," I answered unsurely.

"You think?"

"Yes. No. I don't know."

"Well you better find out soon because I don't want you being led on and end up being some side chick," Brandon said. Sometimes I wonder if it's a blessing or a curse to have a big brother.

Once we got home, I just continued on with my day. I kept having my phone in hand, just in case Matthew decided to call me whenever he got off his flight. It was around 9pm when I heard my phone ring. I was just in my bed in the middle of an episode of Teen Wolf. Brandon was out with Brittney again so I was home alone once again.

I saw that it was Matthew calling.

"Well hello Mr. Espinosa, I thought you forgot about me," I said as I picked up the phone.

I heard him laugh, "Hey sorry I would have called you sooner, but after my flight, my family and I went out."

"Spare me your excuses Matt," I laughed. "I didn't need you to call me immediately when you got home. I'm just happy you actually called."

"I'm happy I called too," Matthew said.

"So how was your flight?" I asked.

"It was surprisingly nice, considering I've flown a lot. This flight was one of the best I've had," Matthew added.

"That's awesome!" I said, "Well since we last talked, I've managed to finish an entire package of cookies, a bag of Sour Patch Kids, and a season of Teen Wolf."

"That's really impressive Jenni! I'm so proud of you!"

"Thank you! I've felt really productive day," I laughed as that I did the complete opposite.

We spent the next hours talking, flirting, and joking on the phone. I spent most of our time on the phone laughing.

"Matthew, can I ask you for your honest opinion?" I asked him. I'm not sure if I should ask this question, but I really want to know what he thinks so I have to ask him.

"Sure," Matthew replied.

"What did you think when I kissed you?" I hesitantly asked.

"Umm..." I heard him laugh, "Well I was surprised, but I liked it. It just reassured me that you like me because I felt like you may have rejected me if I kissed you."

"Are you kidding me?" I laughed, "Of course I like you and I would NEVER reject THE Matthew Espinosa. Vine star and social media influencer."

"Don't you dare pull that 'famous' card on me. I get that way too much," he said.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it, but I promise I'll never do that again. Maybe. Probably not. I'll probably get to say it a few more times before it gets old."

He laughed, "Fine, but only because it's you."

"Well lucky me," I smiled.

"But do you know what I can't believe?" Matthew asked with enthusiasm.

"What?" I smiled.

"I can't believe that THE Jennifer Waters, Netflix Expert and Food Enthusiast, likes me," Matthew said jokingly.

"Oh my gosh Matt," I laughed. "First of all, you used my real first name. Ew. Secondly, I don't deserve an emphasized 'THE.' And third of all, I'm a proud Netflix Expert and Food Enthusiast."

I heard Matthew laugh, "You deserve the emphasized 'THE,' Jennifer. You're just as good as me and you deserve it. Don't ever say that you don't again."

"Geez Matthew, it's just an article. It's not that important," I laughed.

"But seriously though, I don't ever want you thinking that I'm better than you just based on the number of Twitter followers I have," Matthew said.

"Fine Matt," I said. "But honestly, my twitter followers are way more impressive than yours. Like your 1.6M got nothing on my 1,279." I laughed and couldn't stop laughing.

Matthew chuckled, "Of course. You're the more Twitter superior one in our relationship."

Relationship? Did he just say relationship? Does that mean it's official now? Right. Of course, it's been official. I've just been stupidly denying it all along. It's happening. I'm actually dating Matthew Espinosa.

I laughed, "Well thank you."

"Jenni, your voice is so cute. Did you know that?" Matthew laughed.

His voice is cuter.

"Aw Matt, you can't see it right now but I'm blushing," I laughed.

"Talking over the phone sucks balls. I want to be able to see you," he said.

"Hey it's better than nothing," I laughed. "But there is also a thing called FaceTime."

Matthew laughed, "Oh I completely forgot about that. Great idea, I'll do that tomorrow."

Was he implying that he's going to call me tomorrow? Is this going to be a nightly thing because I'd love that!

"Well I can't wait," I smiled.

I then looked at the clock and it was already 3am.

"It's getting pretty late. I'm sad to say this, but I have to go," I sadly said.

"Aw does Jenni have a bedtime?" Matthew said in a childish way.

"It's 3 in the morning!" I said.

"And it's 4 here, what's your point?" Matthew said.

"Well I'm sorry. I normally don't stay up this late," I added.

"Fine," Matthew said sadly. "I'll let you go to sleep. Goodnight babe."

Aw I really like it when he calls me babe.

"Goodnight Matthew Lee Espinosa," I smiled.

We both hung up the phone. I've been talking to him on the phone for six hours, that's crazy! But I honestly can talk to him for hours and it could seem like ten minutes.

This is only the first day in our relationship and I'm already falling hardcore for this kid. And to think just a week ago, I only saw myself as just a fan.

It's Friday night and I'm updating like I always will from now on! The schedule is going to be regular now!

Thank you so much for reading!

You guys are awesome! It's crazy that this story already has 707k reads! That's amazing!

If you guys ever want to reach me with ideas or anything, you can message me on Wattpad or tweet me @awhespxnosa

So do you approve of Matt and Jenni's relationship? Do you like it that their dating now? Do you think they'll last long distance?

In stories, there are always plot twists so what do you think is going to happen next? Let me know with your ideas.

Love you guys!

- Jenni. :)

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