The Perfect Emma

By ChemistryOfLife

3.1K 225 2

The Ghost Killer, a famous Los Angeles murderer has been hunted by the LAPD for years, undetected. The murder... More

About the Authors
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
The Perfect Grayson

Chapter Sixty-Three

43 4 0
By ChemistryOfLife

Emma Carroll

Day one was finally done. Unfortunately, the fact still stood that this was day one of more to come.

Emma leaned over in the car and rested her head against Gray's shoulder softly, taking his hand that wasn't on the steering wheel. Gray glanced over towards her and ran his thumb across her fingers softly with a smile. "You okay?"

"Just... glad to be done for today." Emma admitted honestly. "I felt like I was constantly on edge. At any moment I felt like I could have just been pushed off of the tightrope I was walking."

Grayson frowned, though kept his eyes glued to the road. "Well, how about we make that tightrope a bit more sturdy for tomorrow." He said, squeezing her hand softly. Emma squeezed it back in response. "Did you have something in mind that you wanted to do tonight?"

Emma shook her head. "Nothing that comes immediately to my mind. I just kind of... want to relax. Not really think about anything."

"I can do that." Grayson said with a slight laugh as he pulled into the parking lot of their new apartment. After parking the car, the pair pulled themselves out of the vehicle and began to walk towards the building. Gray glanced over his shoulder and pressed a button on his keys, making the car honk as a sign of it being locked.

Grayson wrapped his arm loosely around Emma's waist as they walked inside. She wasn't certain if he was reaching to touch her for his comfort or her own, though she didn't mind. Eventually, Gray unlocked the door. Emma stepped inside of the apartment and made her way over to the kitchen as he closed the door.

"What are you thinking for dinner?" Emma called, poking her head into the fridge. Grayson, as normal, didn't have much of an opinion. Emma rolled her eyes and sat up from the fridge. She glanced over at the man who currently was pulling off his tie and kicking off a shoe at the kitchen table. "I'm going to make you eat an onion raw." She threatened.

Gray smirked and gave a slight snort. "You just become more and more yourself every day." He remarked while glancing over towards her. "Honestly, I'm fine with anything. Did you feel like cooking after today or did you want to order in?"

With the thought of ordering in, Emma froze for a moment. Though she was content with cooking a part of her just wanted to relax. Slowly, Emma shut the fridge door and laced her fingers together. "...Chinese~?" She asked with a growing grin.

Grayson stood up and carried his shoes over to the closet. He dropped his shoes inside with a smile remaining on his lips. "I'll order it." He said, nodding his head to the couch. "Why don't you find something for us to watch."

Eager with the offer, Emma snagged a sucker and made her way over to the couch and sat herself down. She unwrapped the lollipop and stuck it in her mouth while turning on the television, beginning to flip around for a show that she knew both Grayson and herself would enjoy. She wasn't too concerned about what Gray was ordering for dinner - he already knew what she liked from the number of times they ordered Chinese out of pure laziness. Emma wouldn't be surprised if the restaurant began to know them personally.

Landing on a show, Emma leaned back on the couch and swirled the lollipop around in her mouth. Eventually, Grayson made his way over and sat himself down on the couch - obviously a sign that it was being delivered. Enjoying the relaxation with only the sound of the television blaring out, Emma let out a soft sigh. After a day as tense as today it was a large relief.

However, Emma couldn't help but glance over towards Grayson while watching the television show. He seemed engrossed and didn't notice that Emma turned her head in the slightest.

Doctor Simon's words pushed into her head about her having control while showing affection. Though his comments were days ago, Emma still vividly remembered his suggestions. She'd been a coward to try anything with him, since she didn't want to set herself back.

With Grayson not paying attention and with newfound determination in Emma's head, the woman reached up to pull the lollipop out of her mouth. Then, she leaned up and pecked a kiss on Grayson's cheek. Immediately, Emma leaned back and stared at him.

Grayson seemed surprised while glancing over to look at Emma. He merely watched her, likely inspecting to make sure that she was okay before talking.

Though... Emma got a bit too excited. She threw her hands up in the air, still holding on to her lollipop, and exclaimed, "I'm okay!" After all, it was her own personal victory.

At that, Grayson laughed and smiled towards Emma. He reached out his arm and wrapped it softly around her, pulling her into him for a sideways hug. Emma nuzzled into him happily and pushed the lollipop back into her mouth with a grin.

Then the doorbell rang.

Emma stuck her legs out infront of herself and pushed herself up to her feet before Grayson. "I got it," She said while walking around the man she just kissed the cheek of towards the front door. Emma grinned happily, pushing the stick around in her mouth while snagging her purse off of the counter. She stepped over to the door and pulled it open, beginning to reach her hand into her purse.

And froze.


Emma furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion as she stared at Lily who showed up on her apartment doorstep. Slowly, Emma placed her purse back on the counter and stared at the woman, her once friend, who had an affair with her husband. Ex-husband.

"Can I help you?" Emma said, likely with a bit more snark than she should have used. Raising up her arms, Emma smoothly crossed them over her chest and held the door open with her foot. She couldn't help but be bitchy.

"Coming over was a bad idea," Lily murmured. At this rate, Grayson heard Emma's not-so-pleasant attitude and dragged himself over from the couch. He placed his hand on the door and pulled it open wider to see Lily standing there.

Fortunately, Grayson knew to not say too much. Emma slowly raised her hand up to her nose and pinched the bridge softly. She didn't love Arthur. That much was over. But the betrayal between Emma and Lily was most definitely still fresh and something that would take a long while to heal.

...But Emma still wasn't heartless. "Come on in," Emma said with a slight nod to her head.

Lily shook her head and gave a soft smile - a smile filled with intimidation and slight fear. Emma knew that smile well. She used it a lot around Aaron. "No, it's okay." Lily pulled her bag up onto her shoulder and rubbed her wrists nervously. "I just... I wanted to stop by and say I'm sorry. I really, really am. I shouldn't have... with Arthur..." Lily trailed off with a slight frown.

"No. You shouldn't have." Emma said with a nod to her head. In the end, things worked out for the better for Emma. She was happy with Grayson - be it that they only knew each other for about five weeks. Technically more, if she counted the brief encounters they had before the kidnapping. However she still wasn't going to give Lily the benefit of knowing that things were happier now. "My ex-husband having an affair is one thing." Emma started and frowned. "But with a friend of mine?"

Lily immediately jumped in to defend yourself. "We just... It started off as us just comforting each other with your disappearance." Lily said with an apologetic frown. "I didn't mean for it to..."

Emma sighed. She pressed her lips together and rubbed her neck softly. "I can't forgive that, Lily." Emma eventually said. "Nothing you say can change the past. Nothing I can say can change the past, either. Trust me, if I could take back my time with Aaron I would."

Both Grayson and Lily tensed up at that comment. Everytime Aaron's name was mentioned people tended to tense up - Emma included.

"But it can't change." Emma continued. "Thank you for coming by to apologize, at least."

"Yeah." Lily stammered slightly and nodded her head. She reached out her hand, holding a pair of car keys. "I brought your car over, too. I figured you might want it again... and..." Lily trailed off and gestured her hand slightly.

Emma took the car keys and raised her eyebrows up slightly. She'd been so used to walking and getting Grayson to take her around that she had completely forgotten about the fact that Arthur had her car. "Oh. Thank you." Emma said. She glanced down at the car keys as the gears ticked around in her head.

If Lily drove over here to drop off Emma's car it meant that she had to walk back to her own home - or Arthur's home. Wherever she was going. "Let me give you a ride back," Emma offered, reaching for her purse. She froze slightly, recognising that she actually hadn't been behind the wheel of a car for now over sixteen months. Jumping right back into Los Angeles driving during rush hour wasn't one she was interested in doing. Emma slowly turned her body to glance over at Grayson. "Actually, let Grayson drive you back." Emma smoothly kicked him under the bus while glancing towards Lily.

Lily blinked her eyes and shook her head. "No. Uh..." She pressed her lips together. "Arthur... drove over here with me." She said slowly.


Emma raised up her eyebrow. "So you came over here to apologize for having an affair with my ex-husband... and brought my ex-husband?" Emma gave a slight snort in disbelief. She clenched the door slightly in annoyance. Not knowing what else to say, that wouldn't come out with pure anger, Emma merely glanced up. "You know what? Thanks for coming, Lily." Emma said simply. She bobbed her head and closed the door before Lily could speak, locking the door.

Grayson and Emma stood awkwardly in silence in front of the apartment door. Emma let out a slow breath and raised her hand up to her temple, pressing against it slightly. Gray, on the other hand, went for the approach to try to make Emma smile. "Here I was hoping that was Chinese."

It worked.

Emma let a smile grow on her face as she rolled her eyes. She rolled the sucker around in her mouth and placed her hand on his back, beginning to guide her boyfriend, or whatever he was, over to the couch. "It will be here soon," Emma said with a smile. Grayson grinned as well, letting himself get pushed towards the couch.

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