Card Tricks -Jikook

由 StraightlyViolette

95.2K 5.6K 2.3K

"Thinking of me again, I see." Jungkook was going to punch that smirk one day. 更多

Welcome 💜
Slight of Hand
Ace of Spades
Rabbit Hat
Box of Swords
Counting Doves
Opening Night
Hidden Talent
Now You Don't
Triple Crown
Live For The Applause
Am I Wrong?
Disappearing Act
Fried Rice
A-Hole Classified
Strike A Deal
Hold Me Down
Precautioned Caution
Simon Says
1,209,600 Seconds
Find Me, Find You
Hold On Tight
• End •

Street Audition

2.6K 190 47
由 StraightlyViolette

Double Update ❤️


"So will you tell us something about the receipt now?" Min Young asked stubbornly as she crossed her hands and gave Taehyung her best Boss Woman stare. Taehyung opened his mouth to speak, but a blue light began flashing to the right of him, and he gave his best feigned surprised expression he could. He had acted in Hwarang after all, so these new plot variety shows were pretty easy for him.

"Ya!" Jimin shouted, pointing at them. "Come here."

"Us?" Sehun asked, confused and looking around but the other costumers didn't flinch. Some of them yelled to complain their coffee hadn't reached them yet, one old man swore.

Jimin nodded, smirking. "Yes you, don't worry, I don't bite. Hard."

The Busted! cast members fell behind the counter to enter the barista area. Jimin slipped behind them, flipping some more cups onto the counter. He premade four different types of coffee, each with a unique design on it made from milk. Another customer whined for their coffee, and Jimin rolled his shoulders as he got into character.

"We're short staffed, I need you to help finish all these orders. The color you pick from this box of orders is the type of coffee you have to recreate from the four I already have set out as an example."

"Why don't you just send those four out-" Sehun said, making Jimin laugh. He shook his head, pushing the box into Sehun's chest.

"Because if you finish these orders before the customers murder us - meaning ten minutes-" Jimin said glancing down at his watch, "then I'll be one grateful barista who can tell you exactly why Kang Daniel visited this cafe."

Min young brightened at that, Sehun giving Jimin a playful glance which was met with a challenging leveled stare of Jimin's own. The three maknae's of the cast all had a burning look in their eyes as they got ready for the game to begin. Jimin took out his watch, and pressed the timer - nodding at the cast to start.

And oh God was it madness. Only Min Young slightly had her coffees resemble Jimin's prepared ones. The customers all kept yelling for effect and to apply pressure, making it so much more of a frenzy. Jimin broke character several times to laugh, falling down to his knees at one point when Sehun managed to spill his entire cup on his body, then throwing the foamed milk to shut Jimin up - which only made Jimin laugh harder as he dodged it. For a split second his heart dropped as the image of dodging Jungkook's pillow appeared in his mind. He tried to shake it off as best as possible, Taehyung slipped to next to Jimin  subtly - mistaking Jimin's sudden drop in energy to be a moment of panic over the variety show rather than regret.

Ten minutes past, and the cast did an awful job, but it was so entertaining - which was the point - so Jimin sat down with them anyway, Taehyung slipping into the booth next to him.

"So can you please tell us about this receipt before this coffee sinks further into my skin and I change ethnicities" Sehun breathed out, he had gotten the worst of the splashings as the girls had been merciless with him. The tall boy's gaze was locked on Jimin's and Jimin felt his lip twitch with a grin.


"I swear to God-" Min Young muttered which made Taehyung punch Jimin in the shoulder for being a dick. That earned an equally as hard kick under the table from Jimin, which Taehyung showed no sign of reaction to other than the burning in his eyes and clenched jaw to hold in his laugh. Sehun watched the two of them, clearing his throat.

"R-right," Jimin said, regaining focus as he tried to remember the script. He had gotten pretty lost in just having fun to let his mind get overthrown with all the commotion of cameras and people. There were too many people - the booth too.

"The man you're looking for goes by Kang Daniel." Taehyung started instead, seeing the signs of Jimin's uncomfort start to take place - regretting his fight with him earlier. To be honest, Taehyung had no clue what made Jimin have such strong reactions to non stage appearances as it changed out of no where one day - but he also respected the guy enough to try and give him some space. Jimin would tell him when he was ready, Taehyung hoped. "He's a regular here who always orders Wanna One Shot Expresso. But he hasn't come in since a couple days ago."

(Wether or not you're reading this before or after Wanna One disbands, they're still together in this fic. Again, my story, my boys, let me grieve)

"His coffee order is different on the receipt," Min Young acknowledged, Sejeong nodded adding a comment about what that may mean.

"He looked nervous the last time we saw him," Jimin noted. "I asked him what was wrong and he said that he had to start running. The guy acted really scared, did something happen to him?" Jimin tilted his head, his breathing back to normal allowing him to get back to playing his part - marvelously too.

"Maybe we're looking for the wrong guy." Sehun shook his head, lifting it to look at Jimin, leaning forward on the table getting close. "Did he mention anyone specific?"

"Something about a C?"

"C?" Min Young yelled, pulling the members out of the booth to leave. "We should go find the others." The trio nodded to leave, Sehun pausing for a moment to take one last glance at Jimin before running out after them.

After a few moments they were gone, and Jimin leaned his head against the booth as the staff moved to clean up the mess the cast left in the cafe. 4'oclock was about to shift to go help them as well, but Jimin grabbed Taehyung's wrist before he could move. There was too much running around in Jimin's mind, the conversation with Jungkook, the way Sehun stole more of Jimin's attention than the female members, the wondering over what that meant.

"Do you have a tablet on you?" Jimin said in a hushed voice.

"Jimin I don't think that's a good idea-"

"- you were the one who-"

"-yea and I regret that. Jimin you shouldn't go down that road again-"

"Please. I need - I need to shut my mind up."

Taehyung was silent, taking in a long breath as he looked around the cafe finding Namjoon start to make his way over to them.


A/N - so I'm sitting in church like the good girl I am and suddenly these wasp larger than my imagination was flying above me so I like dove under the seats and full on planked while these old woman stared in horror not understanding that evil epitomized was flying after me with its beady eyes going Violette Imma Gut You

I hate bees.

- Violette 🌷


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