Klance || Violated - Omegaver...

By ReyaStone

101K 3.1K 1.8K

Keith almost kills Lance in an alley next to a host club, but Lance saves his own life by offering to buy him... More

Ch1 - That Old Guy
Ch2 - Arsehole
Ch3 - Cupid Shuffle
Ch4 - Real Cupid Shuffle
Ch6 - After Party
Ch7 - BeKFesT
Ch8 - I think...
Ch9 - How DARE you
Ch10 - I dont know, yeet?
Ch11 - Its Either Yeet or be Yeeted
Ch12 - I could be your boyfriend
Ch13 - Regurt
Ch14 - The Last Dinner Pt. 1
Ch15 - The Last Dinner Pt. 2
Ch16 - The Last Dinner Pt. 3
Ch17 - Why tf u laughing
Ch18 - BeT
Ch19 - JUSt ShOoT Me
Ch20 - The Gorgeous Man
Ch21 - Baby
Hey yall
Ch22 - And I Oo-
Ch23 - Lances... stuff
Ch24 - Blueside
Sorry Yall

Ch5 - Real Cupid Shuffle 2

4.7K 156 172
By ReyaStone

and here it is folks! part two! hope ya enjoy




Lance: Yo

Lance: We never actually established where we would be meeting up

Me: Uhhhhh how about Bar of Marmora

Lance: That's a weird name for a bar but okay

About a half hour later Keith was waiting inside the bar for Lance.

"Why do you keep looking at the door?" Shiro asked Keith who kept looking over at the door hoping Lance would waltz in.

"Uh, no reason." Keith said looking down at his drink as his cheeks started to blush.

"Yeah. Okay." Shiro said clearly not buying it. Almost as if on cue, the door opened and Lance walked in. He looked around for a second until he made eye contact with Keith and started walking over with a smile. Keith couldn't help but to take notice of what Lance was wearing: a baggy white sweatshirt and black ripped jeans with vans. It was such a simple outfit but impacted Keith way too much.

I must not be completely off my heat.

While Keith was wearing a simple Nirvana tee, gray sweats, and old sneakers.

I knew I should've dressed nicer.

"Hey Keith." Lance said as he slid into the seat next to him with a stupid smile on his face.

"What can I get ya." Shiro asked in his usual hospitality like voice.

"Just a beer is fine." Lance said looking towards Shiro.

"Coming right up." Shiro said and left to get one since people don't usually ask for a normal beer.

"Sooooooo." Lance said.


"Didn't expect to meet in a gay bar." Lance said and smiled at Keith.

"Yeah, sorry. I just really like this place." Keith said nervously as he fiddled with his glass.

"I can see why." Lance said as he turned around in his spinny high chair to look at all the guys there. Keith just rolled his eyes and finished the rest of his drink in one go.

"Woah! Didn't know we were taking shots." Lance said as he swiveled back around.

"Were not." Keith said setting his empty glass down.

"Well, I vote we do."


"C'mon man. I'm paying so you aren't losing anything."

"I just... Don't want to okay?" Keith said as he squeezed his glass.

"Okaaaayyy fiiiiiinnnneee." Lance said as Shiro came in with his beer.

"And here you are sir."

"Why thank you very much." Lance said in a very flirtatious tone. Keith couldn't help but be bothered by this.

"Not interested, sorry." Shiro said with that stupid nice smile.

"Damn." Lance cursed as he took a swig of his beer.

"So Keith, mind introducing us?" Shiro said turning his head towards Keith.

"Uh, sure. Shiro this is Lance, Lance this is Shiro?" Keith wasn't exactly sure how these things worked.

"Nice to meet you Lance, please take care of my brother." Shiro said and extended his hand toward Lance. Keith chocked on his own spit.

"Will do. And brother?" Lance questioned as he shook Shiro's hand.

"Yes he's my beloved brother and I beat up anyone who does him wrong." Shiro said as he smiled eerily and tightly squeezed Lance's hand.

"You don't have to worry about me. I'm the perfect representation of boyfriend material." Lance stated and squeezed Shiros a little tighter.



"Okay, you guys can stop showing off your testosterone." Keith said grabbing Lances and Shiro's hand and pulling them apart, "More importantly can I get a refill?" Keith said waving his glass in front of Shiro.

"Of course." Shiro said and rushed to fill his glass.

"Sorry about Shiro, you can just ignore him." Keith sighed and put his hands over his face in embarrassment.

"Nah it's fine," Lance said with a shrug, "I got older and younger siblings so I know what's going in his head. It's only natural to feel protective of your family." Lance said with a soft smile.

Keith looked at Lance a little bit surprised. He didn't peg him to be such a family guy.

"So yo-" Keith began to say but was interrupted by Lance screeching as a song came on.

"This is my song!" Lance said hoping off his seat and grabbing Keith's hand and dragging him to the dance floor.

Keith was painfully aware that Lance had interlocked their hands and he suddenly couldn't think right. Even after Lance let go he was just stuck standing there.

"Yo man you gonna dance?" Lance asked snapping Keith out of his little trance(?). Only then did Keith recognize the song that was playing.

The fucking Cupid Shuffle. Keith mentally face palmed. But he saw Lance with the biggest, stupidest grin on his face as he danced along to the song. He looked so happy and carefree like the only thing that mattered was that song.

Lance noticed Keith standing there staring at him and grabbed Keith's hand yet again, but this time he was making Keith dance along with him

~🎶 To the right, to the right, to the right, to the right
To the left, to the left, to the left, to the left
Now kick, now kick, now kick, now kick
Now walk it by yourself, now walk it by yourself🎶~

Halfway through Keith gave in and started dancing on his own. Lance noticed but didn't let go of his hand as they danced along to the rest of the song and through many more afterwards.


Hm so ye. I finally incorporated the Cupid shuffle in it. be proud of me. oh and a whopping 900 words in this chapter😱 anyway cya in the next chapter which will finally be switched to Lance.

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