Hermione and the Lost Boys (H...

By LilLostLady

8.7K 290 85

After the war and her short-lived romance with Ron has sizzled out Hermione decided to rent a small flat by h... More

Movie Night
Welcome to Santa Carla (The Murder Capital of The World)
Blood Magic?
Of Witches, Vampires, and Sleeping Halflings
Heads Roll
The Change Part 1
The Change Part 2
The Final Night Part 1
The Final Night Part 2
Wrong Movie
New Plans

Unbreakable Blood Vow

540 22 4
By LilLostLady

Ginny, despite Paul's earlier invite to ride with him whenever, chose instead to ride with Dwayne on the way back mostly because she'd seen more of the other two killing people and he was the least bloody. Paul pouted when she picked Dwayne and spent the ride trying to mess with them, probably trying to make her act like she had during the ride earlier.

It didn't work as she remained deadly silent.

Hermione once again rode with David. Her own actions, however, mirrored her previous ride as she kept looking back to check on Ginny. The leader of the Lost Boys said nothing about it this time and in no time the group was back at the cave. Ginny, having only seen it in the movie, was curiously looking around though she made sure to stay close to Hermione's side ready to flee at a moment's notice.

Ginny noticed a little boy lying down in Star's bed and figured it was the one from the movie but for the life of her she couldn't recall the kid's name. It did make her wonder where Star was at the moment and if the kid had a story... It wasn't stated in the movie so did any of them really know their background? This whole movie made real thing was weird.

"Well, the night is nearly over... and now we have a problem." David's voice pulled the redhead from her inner ramblings.

Hermione thought she knew where this was going and wondered why she didn't think of it sooner. "We know where you sleep, that's the problem isn't it?"

David just smirked but didn't respond to her question. Instead, he looked to Dwayne and the other boys before asking, "So what should we do about it?"

"Kill them?" The dark-haired vampire shrugged making the redheaded witch tense up. But she glanced at Hermione and calmed down because the other didn't look scared.

"Aww, do we really have to?" Marko whined. Paul looked over at them thoughtfully but then looked back at his leader and shrugged not seeming to care either way despite his earlier flirting with Ginny.

"Well if you're casting a vote I'd like to get one," Hermione told him in a slightly sarcastic way and David laughed, "Would you now?"

The cave was as silent as the dead and Hermione was more than ready to apparate. With how close Ginny was sticking she was confident the two of them could leave before the boys attacked them if they end up choosing to do so. Unfortunately, Hermione was beginning to think that they truly might. Maybe agreeing to ride back with them after the bowling alley hadn't been the best course of action after all.

Ginny blurted out something then, "An Unbreakable Vow!"

Hermione looked startled and glanced at the girl beside her while the boys look confused.

"What's that?" Marko asked with a tilt of his head.

The brunette witch decided to answer him, "It's a magical promise that can't be broken... so, for example, if we promised not to harm you while you sleep then we wouldn't be able to."

"Just like that. You promise something and then have to keep it?" Dwayne asked looking suspicious.

"Well no. If I said it without the spell being cast then nothing would happen... it takes at least two witches or wizards to cast. Which we do have."

"That's convenient," Paul added.

"You think we're lying?" Hermione's question was mostly directed at David as he was the one who had the final say since Max was unaware of the situation right now.

David eventually asked, "How exactly does an Unbreakable Vow work?" His tone of voice gave nothing away to tell if he thought they were lying or not.

"One of us would recite the spell while the other would be making the promise. That person would hold onto the other person's hand or well the wrist would work too..." She added after Marko snickered about 'hand-holding, "so holding onto the wrist of the person they're making the promise to, which would be one of you, while that person does the same; hold the others wrist I mean. Then after the person finishes reciting the spell the one making the promise says, 'so mote it be' to accept the promise they made."

"You know if you just wanna hold hands you don't have to make up-" Hermione glared at Paul and him and Marko snickered again.

"You left out the most important part..." Ginny whispered and the brunette sighed. The other witch must really wanna do this... If they did, though, the wording would need to be very careful. Also, this would be more of an Unbreakable Blood Vow... which was once again blood magic and she could only hope that it worked exactly like a normal Unbreakable Vow.

David raised an eyebrow, "What part did you leave out?"

"The person who makes the vow can't break it because if they do... They die."

Paul whistled and Dwyane looked suspicious again, "Seems like a big thing to leave out."

"Well truthfully, I didn't think you lot would go for it either way. After all, it's too convenient, right?"

David hummed, "You don't want to make it do you?"

Hermione thought about her words carefully before speaking, "No I don't, but not because I plan to harm you. If I'm not very careful with my wording then if something does happen to any of you then my own life could be forfeit and given that I'm not suicidal I don't tend to want to make such serious promises."

Not to mention if worded wrong then she could be powerless to defend herself against an attack from them too. Hermione caught her fellow witch's look and added, "But I'll do it anyway if that clears everything up."

Ginny looked ready to speak up again, probably to offer to be the one to make the vow, but Hermione grabbed her hand and hoped she got the message. It may have been her idea but if anyone was going to risk it, it would be her whether the redhead liked it or not.

The girl looked put out and they'd probably be arguing about this later but at least she didn't want to start anything while surrounded by vampires.

David looked thoughtful before surprising them all, "Alright let's make this vow."


So that was how Hermione found herself going over the phrasing of the promise for the next few minutes. It ended up being as follows; "I, Hermione Jean Granger, do hereby swear that both myself and Ginevra Molly Weasley will not, in any way, intentionally harm, through ourselves or through others, the vampires of this cave during the day, so mote it be."

They went over many different versions such as 'when the vampires sleep/rest' but Dwayne pointed out all the had to do was wake them during the day and take them out when they were still groggy. Hermione specifically made sure 'intentionally' was in there because if something accidental happened for some out there reason... She wasn't looking to die, thanks.

They didn't know if names would work without last names so 'the vampires of this cave' came into play. Paul claimed not to remember his last name and Marko didn't want to tell his and the other two were no help. Not that it mattered as in the end they had something that was usable. Though the whole last name debate made Ginny wonder about her earlier thoughts, did they actually have a past... If not how could they not notice?

Speaking of names though... When they found out Ginny's full name Paul and Marko had a field day and wouldn't stop calling her by it. It seemed to break some of the ice that had formed between Paul and Ginny because she was currently glaring daggers at him for using her full name again. He was just as immature as her brothers. If he wasn't hot he would have been unbearable. The name teasing was momentarily halted to perform the spell and Paul produced a pocket knife which he gave to Ginny so that she could cut her finger and Hermione's when she spoke the spell. Hermione had wanted to just bite her lip or something but that might mess with the wording, so she relented to Ginny using the knife.

With that, she was holding David's hand and it was cold, like she expected, but not terribly so. Though the snicker of Marko and Paul's taunting 'hand-holding' rang in the background she just rolled her eyes. She would not blush because that would be ridiculous. Seeing as her hand was in a vampire's she gave the one not holding David's own to be cut once Ginny was ready, this was when both girls, despite feeling the magic swelling up during the spell, realized something.

A little cut on both their fingers wasn't going to work and when the light Hermione told them about didn't appear at the end, Hermione sighed, "We have to do it again... it didn't take."

David looked between the girls as he watched their silent exchange. They were worried about something. This was all very new and entertaining to him.

The first one to speak was, strangely enough, a curious Marko, "Why not? Cause we're vampires?"

"No, it's not that..." Ginny said before looking to the other girl because she didn't want to let on just how much they didn't know about their own magic as of now. Hermione was also going to have to wing it, but she was sure they were right in their guess. An Unbreakable Vow required more magic thus more blood... and around vampires too. Just their luck. Still, Hermione had used an imperius curse with just a drop so what determined how much a spell or curse would need? That was something to consider at a later point.

"We've never cast this spell but all adult witches and wizards know how to... basically. Turns out this spell is going to take a bit more magic... so that means more blood than we thought so um, do you mind holding your breath or something?"

Marko laughed, Paul looked intrigued having had a slight taste of Ginny's earlier that night, and Dwayne raised an eyebrow and looked towards their leader before speaking. "Well, David might have a problem but we've all ate tonight."

That caused Ginny to tense as she recalled them 'eating' and glanced over to Paul who smiled at her in a way that was probably supposed to reassure her, but didn't.

"Okay come on. We need to do this now. The sun is nearly up," Hermione reminded them.

Ginny snapped back to attention and they started over. This time the redhead cut her arm with only a slight grimace of pain, instead of just pricking her finger, and then she did the same to the other witch's arm who was better at hiding her pain. It made Ginny only somewhat jealous. She brought their arms together in hopes of having their bloods' magic mix and become strong enough to pull off the spell.

It worked and a red light appeared in a string like fashion around David and Hermione's hands before it disappeared. Ginny pulled her own arm away quickly willing it to heal. It did, much to her relief because she was suddenly very tired. Was that normal? The younger witch wasn't sure but Hermione and her needed to discuss their magic more. But first, sleep was a thing that they both needed.

"There it's done..." The brunette girl told them not noticing her friend's sudden lack of energy while taking her hand back from the vampire. His eyes were on her other hand though which still had blood running down it from the cut Ginny made. Hermione was pretty sure the cut was deeper than the one the other girl made on her own arm but it made sense... Cutting oneself made that person aware of the pain whereas cutting someone else didn't.

It probably didn't help that Hermione had a unusually high pain tolerance. Just as the witch started to concentrate on closing up her wound, the hand that had been holding hers just seconds before grabbed her bleeding arm and before she could react David had it up to his mouth taking a taste.

Ginny's gasp was only drowned out by Hermione's own. It surprised her, though it shouldn't have as the words 'Dwayne did warn you,' were spoken by someone. But the girl's mind wasn't focusing the way it should so the words meant nothing. It really should have bothered her more that a vampire was licking her arm, that David was tasting her blood, but it didn't. She was allowing it to happen. Her eyes were following his tongue and his tongue was following the cut up her arm.

Hermione's eyes caught his own. He was watching her.

Her eyes locked with his then and the trance was only broken a few seconds later when Ginny got her wits together and called out her name, "Hermione."

Then he pulled away and she automatically took an unsteady stepped back.

Her actions or rather inactions scared her.

What was wrong with her?

The cave was eerily quiet and a quick look away from David showed that it was just him and Ginny still left in there. Well them and a still sleeping Laddie... the others must have gone deeper into the cave.

"The sun's nearly up. You'd better go otherwise you'll be in even more danger," David's tone was teasing and the glint in his eyes scared her just as much as it intrigued her.

Without any more prompting needed Hermione grabbed her friend's hand, and since her cut was not yet healed and was still bleeding a bit, apparated them both out of there.

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