Dying Liar {Saeran x Reader x...

By CapriciousGirly

116K 4.1K 4.4K

It has been a week since you got married to Saeyoung. Everything in the RFA is normal now. Saeran is saved, a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 ;)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 18

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By CapriciousGirly

It was a very awkward day. All it did was drag on and have the most miserable vibe. To be fair, you woke up to an empty house, and after many attempted calls to Saeyoung and Saeran, no one got back to you.

Hopefully, the chatroom was lively.

(Y/N) has entered the chatroom.

JAEHEE: Oh, hello.

JAEHEE: Nice day, huh? Ignore me, I'm a little pressed.

(Y/N): Yeah, me too :/ Have you heard from Saeyoung? Or even Saeran?

JAEHEE: Saeyoung was online earlier, talking nonsense as usual. I don't know about Saeran, though.

(Y/N): He was!? I haven't been able to reach him all day! It's annoying, you know??? 

(Y/N): Anyway, to get my mind off of things, why are you pressed?

JAEHEE: Work struggles... Nothing I should burden others with.

JUMIN: I have zoned out, but I am back.

JUMIN: Jaehee, why don't you just slack off for once.

JUMIN: Hearing your complaints are starting to get really annoying.

JAEHEE: Well, at least you're honest...

JAEHEE: But I don't believe in a slacking off morality.

(Y/N): Did I join at the wrong time? lol

(Y/N): enjoy ur days guys... while i wonder why my own husband wont return my calls!!

(Y/N) has left the chatroom.

Maybe you were a little salty about Saeyoung talking in the chatroom but not to you. You had no idea what his problem was, and you hoped you would find out.

Around dinnertime, he finally came home. You spent hours reading comics and watching dumb dramas on TV, and once he stepped through the door, you instantly started fuming.

"Hey, honey! I'm home!" Saeyoung had some bags in his arms, and his overly-confident greeting gave you mixed signals. He made his way to the kitchen (you were still on the couch) and set down the things he got. You peered over, trying to make what he had been doing the whole day.

"Where were you?" You sat up, legs crossed in an anxious manner. "How come you didn't return my calls? Jaehee said that you were on the chatroom today."

"I had a question about a certain brand of tea, one of which you certainly wouldn't know!" His reply made you so ANGRY. You had no idea why he was being so... annoying and arrogant.

"Hey, I know my tea, boy!" You didn't sound angry, but you had the tone you would use if you were... fake angry. When you got up to take a look at his stash, you realized he was doing grocery shopping of... sorts.

"Anyway, I drove like, two hours to some authentic Korean market and got some goodies!" He started showing off the exotic brands of food he bought, which couldn't cost too much, and started putting the fresh fruit he got in some baskets. You blinked, and gave a little smile.

"I could've gone with you," you said, a little quietly, because you were low key hurt that he didn't take you along. Saeyoung responded with a laugh.

"What's wrong with some alone time?" He finished putting things in cabinets, then leaned against the island counter. "I'm back, though. All in one piece!"

You bit your lip a little and nodded.

"Was Saeran with you, too?"

"Nope!" Saeyoung pushed himself from the counter and walked around to mess with some magnets on the fridge. "Have you tried calling him? Texting him?"

"Well, yeah!" You said. "No one has been responding to me, so... yeah."

"Let's hope he's not dead!" He smiled, and made his way toward the living room. You followed him. "Maybe he won't come back tonight, who knows?"

"Dude, you're creeping me the fuck out," you said. "You know where he is, don't you?"

"I don't know where he is," he replied. "Why does it matter to you? Are you, like, in love with him?"

You groaned in annoyance. "What do you mean? Why would I be in love with him when I have you? And it matters because he's family!"

"I know, I know, I'm just joking with you." He gave a wink, but his behavior was still making you feel unsettled. You shifted in your seat, pulling at the hem of your sweater.

"So... do you wanna like, watch a movie or something?" Even though you spent almost all day flicking through channels, you wanted to break the awkwardness between the two of you. Speaking of awkwardness, where did it even come from? All of the tension was uncalled for, and you felt like you did something wrong.

Did you do something wrong?

"Nah, I'm pretty tired." For dramatic effect, he added a yawn. "I think I'm gonna head up."

"Alright, I'll come with." You gave a reassuring smile.

"Oh, but wouldn't you want to wait for Saeran to come home? So you can make sure he's okay?" Saeyoung sounded... petty. And salty. And really fucking annoying.

"What's up with you?" Your eyebrows furrowed. "You act like I'm in love with him or something! You're starting to really piss me off!"

"Well maybe I'm just paranoid," Saeyoung said, reeeeally stressing the word "paranoid". 

"For what reason??" You were breaking a sweat, and you knew that Saeyoung had broken a gasket. "The fuck are you even getting at?"

Did I do something wrong???

"You know what you fucking did," he said, his tone actually making you shrink. "Why are you acting like you don't know?"

What did I...

You gave a defeated sigh.

"Just tell me..."

"(Y/N), did you forget about the cameras in the kitchen?" He raised a brow, obviously amused by the scene he was creating. His response made your heart drop into your stomach.

"Y-Yeah, I guess so." You had to decide whether or not to just confess, or keep playing dumb. Pretending not to know would just waste time, because Saeyoung obviously had proof of your night with Saeran...

"Then why would you do that." Saeyoung sounded like some strict teacher asking why you pulled the fire alarm when there was obviously no fire. Well, in this case, there was a fire.

"I don't know, okay?" You tried holding yourself together. "I-I was drunk, and... this is a lame excuse..."

"Yeah, it fucking is," he took a deep breath. "But it hurt, (Y/N). It hurt to watch you just... eat my own brother's face."

You stayed silent, unable to even think straight.

"You know how that felt? It fucking sucked, because I married you, thinking you would be loyal to me, but I guess I was wrong." His glasses were fogging up from all the anger he was containing. "I can't get the image out of my mind, and it's... kind of hard to trust you now."

You were biting your lip decently hard, trying not to cry, because let's face it: You knew you did something wrong, and you felt so guilty about being confronted for it.

"I swear, it meant nothing," you coaxed. "I was totally out of the loop, okay? It sounds lame as fuck, but I swear it wasn't me who did it, it was all the alcohol... I was irresponsible." You wiped away a few tears that you couldn't control and blinked a couple times. "I was wrong, it was all wrong..."

Saeyoung had a pained expression on his face, but he was listening.

"I'm sorry," you said, inching closer to him. "If it makes you feel better, I've hardly been talking to him ever since. It just made everything so awkward because I only love you."

He didn't have anymore to say, so he slightly nodded.

"I only love you." You were next to him at that point. "I swear to God, I only love you."

He watched you attach to him.

"You love me, right?" You didn't want to ask that question, but you had a feeling like it wouldn't be said if you didn't ask.


"Right?" Tears made your voice crack because you just couldn't hold them back anymore. You buried your face into his shoulder, which was fairly awkward since you were sitting next to him, and just sobbed. He eventually turned around and wrapped his arms around you, letting you cry into his sweater.

And you cried for a little while, and he held you the whole time, so you had the feeling like he still loved you. Fuck, you knew he still loved you...

"Let's go upstairs, okay?" He nudged you a little, and you stirred, looking up at him with a wet face and sore eyes. He took his sleeve and wiped your face, but you knew you didn't deserve that treatment. You still felt so much guilt that it was unbearable.

He lead you to your bedroom and you crawled under the covers, trying to isolate yourself from him. Getting special attention just made you feel like shit.

"It's okay," he said, laying next to you.

"It's not." Your voice was muffled from the blankets over your face. "I fucked up, and I feel horrible."

"Would you like some space?"


Saeyoung turned over so he wasn't facing you. You lied there, your eyes closed and your mind spiraling. Why was he being so nice even though you knew you were the one in the wrong? It didn't make sense at all, but at least thinking about it gave you the chance to calm down.

As you drifted to sleep, you heard him mumble beside you.

"I love you too."

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