An Unusual Mate

By TempestariiDragon

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Brooklyn Kelly or Brooke for short is a part of the Talkeetna Shifter Clan in Alaska because she is a shifter... More

An Unusual Mate
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Author's note
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Author's question
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twelve

627 28 10
By TempestariiDragon

Hello Readers,

Sorry for not updating in a while. 

I've edited chapter's One and Five where Brooke shifts into her Leopard form as I wanted it in Third Person's point of view.

Hope you continue to enjoy this Chapter :)

Dedicated to Mudface for making my day with the comment on Chapter Eleven :D


Edited - 05/01/2015 

Chapter Twelve

We arrive at the Ice Rink and I park the car quickly. I get out of the car and wait for Loki to get out before locking it.

I ask “Have you ever ice skated before?”

Loki shakes his head before announcing arrogantly “No I have not but I’m guessing it can’t be too hard if Mortals can do it.”

I lightly slap him on the shoulder while snapping “Enough with the Mortal bullshit we’re in public. If people hear you saying that then they’ll get suspicious of who you really are.”

Loki rolls his eyes and begins to walk towards the building and I follow very closely.

As we enter Loki stops walking just inside the entrance and looks around.

I walk past him urging “Keep walking otherwise you’ll look weird.”

Loki quickly follows me and bumps into me when I stop at the front desk.

I turn to him a scold “Watch where you’re going will you.”

Loki quickly apologises “I’m sorry Brooklyn.”

I nod with a huff and turn to the bemused person standing behind the desk.

I notify “I’m Brooklyn Kelly I’m from the Talkeetna Shifter Clan you should have been expecting me.”

The person smiles “Yes I was. You’re here to test out the ice as you put it over the phone. I didn’t realise that you would be bringing another person with you.”

I lie “I’m the Head Enforcer for the Clan. My friend here is simply ensuring that nothing happens.”

The man responds quickly “I assure you nothing will happen to you here except for the possibility of falling over on the ice.”

I smile “I’m a good ice skater my friend on the other hand is new to it.”

The man smiles and asks “Okay so I’ll have to ask for both of your shoe size.”

I respond “Size nine.”

The man nods and goes to get the ice skates I’ll be using.

I quickly turn to Loki and ask “What’s your shoe size?”

“My what?”

“For fuck’s sake Loki how big are your feet.”

“I do not know.”

“Okay how tall are you?”

“I’m six foot two inches in Mortal measurements.”

“Enough with the Mortal bullshit Loki.”


“Okay so that would make your feet roughly about size eleven.”

“Why is this important?”

“So you can get ice skates that will fit your feet.”

The man returns with my skates and looks at Loki expectantly.

I admit “His feet are a size eleven.”

The man nods again and goes to get Loki’s skates.

When he returns I take Loki’s skates and lead Loki away over towards the changing area where we can put our own shoes. I quickly change into the skates I’m using before putting my normal shoes into the locker provided. I wait for Loki to change before locking it.  But as usual he is struggling with the skates.

I quickly go over to him and kneel down in front of his and grab the skate he’s trying to get onto his feet. Loki looks up at me and we lock eyes briefly before I get the skate onto his foot and then do the same with the other one.

I notify “You can do up the laces on your own.”

Loki nods while commenting “Thank you for helping me Brooklyn.”

I reply “No problem.”

Loki quickly ties his laces up in neat yet tight bows and stands up. I grab his boots and put them with my shoes in the locker before locking it.

I slowly walk over to the rink while Loki walking behind me abit unsteadily not that he’s admitting it that is.

As I get onto the ice I ask “Do you want help getting on the ice?”

Loki shakes his head while notifying arrogantly “If you can do it then I most certainly can.”

I reply while a smile starts forming onto my face “Well don’t blame me when you fall onto your arse.”

Loki tries to get onto the ice and manages to get onto it but only just. As he goes to take a step he slips and falls over.

Loki yelps “Ow!”

I comment not bothering to hide my smile “Told you so.”

I skate over to him and offer him my hand to take. He takes my hand and I pull him up onto his feet. He’s unsteady on his feet and he goes to fall forwards this time but I catch him and keep him standing up straight.

I suggest “Let’s get you to the edge we’ve seemed to have strayed away from the edge abit.”

Loki denies “We don’t need to.”

“Yes we do Loki. You need support and I can’t be a support beam for you.”

I take both of his hands then begin to skate backwards towards the edge of the rink. Luckily for us the rink is pretty much empty at the moment but even so it appears as if the whole rink is full of couples as there are so many people kissing each other.

Just before we get to the edge of the rink Loki falls forwards again. He falls straight into me and his lips land on mine. I suddenly feel electricity dance through me originating from my lips. Loki’s eyes are wide in shock and I won’t be surprised if mine are the same. Loki tries to get back to his feet but ends up falling further and this time bringing me with him. He lands on top of me setting my whole body on fire. Our lips are still together and the force of the fall makes Loki press down harder on my lips. His scent flares up my nose. A hypnotic scent of fresh snow, mint and jasmine shoots straight up my nose sending me into a sort of daze. My Snow Leopard wants me to bite him meaning she wants me to mark him and to claim him and for a second I want to as well. What the fuck!

Coming out the daze I push Loki off me. I quickly get to my feet and look down at Loki who is trying not to look at me. Loki’s cheeks are a rosy pink colour telling me that he’s blushing.

I offer my hand to Loki to help him get to his feet.

I ask “Still think you can skate like me?”

Loki replies awkwardly “No I think I can’t do this activity like you.”

I comment “Well we’ve got an hour for you to practise.”

Loki looks at me and opens his mouth to say something but stops himself.

I ask “What were you going to say?”

Loki hesitates before saying “I’m sorry that just happened.”

I reply shrugging off the incident “I’ve had better kisses.”

Loki looks awkward again and uneasy.

I smile “Its fine Loki. I’m not holding you to it. You slipped its fine.”

Loki admits “That was my first kiss.”

I exclaim “Really!”

Loki nods his head while looking down.

I smirk “Then I just accidently stole a God’s first kiss.”

Loki blushes even more and turns his head away from me. I nudge Loki playfully and skate backwards leaving him on his own. Loki flares out his arms trying to stay balanced.

I reassure “Its fine to fall over. It’s all a part of the learning process.”

Loki calls as I begin to skate off “Brooklyn don’t leave me here.”

I call back “Try skating for yourself.”

Loki tries to skate and I never thought I’d see someone let alone Loki the God of Mischief look like Bambi in the scene where he’s on the frozen pond with Thumper. Loki’s legs are going all over the place and I’m sure he’s going to fall over again soon. Whoops and there he goes again. It’s been twenty minutes since I first left him on his own.

I skate back over to him and help him back to his feet.

Loki comments “Thank you again Brooklyn.”

I announce “You’re doing well. You lasted for longer on your feet before falling over than you ever have before.”

Loki sighs “It’s still not a big improvement.”

I notify “It takes time to learn how to skate Loki. It took me years to get to the skill level I’m at now.”

Loki asks “Which is?”

“If I wanted to I could compete in the grand national Ice Skating championships.”

“I take that’s very skilled.”


Loki nods now looking more determined than ever to try again.  As I try to skate away Loki grabs my hand making me stop and turn to him with questioning eyes. My hand feels like electricity is running through it. I’ve got a serious problem with this. It’s always happening. Why is this happening?

Loki asks “Can you skate with me?”


I begin to skate slowly so that Loki has a chance to properly skate before I try to pick the speed up slightly.

Loki begins to smile as we’ve now been skating for fifteen minutes and he hasn’t fallen over yet. Yes there have been a few major wobbles but he’s not once fallen. I let go of his hand and Loki looks at me while beginning to wobble as he panics.

I reassure “Don’t panic keep skating I’ll still be with you just not holding onto you.”

Loki nods but still looks abit panicky as he continues to wobble slightly. I pick up speed so I’m in front of him. I turn so that I’m facing him and skating backwards.

I ask “Is this better for you?”

Loki nods his head but still looks panicky.

I comment “Then why do you still look like you’re about to go into a panic attack?”

Loki admits “I’m still unsure that I can do this by myself fully.”

I smile “Loki you’re skating away from the edge without any physical support from me you’re doing really well especially as you’ve only started skating today.”

Loki smiles and continues to skate around the rink with me. He’s still not one hundred percent but he’s doing really well. Hell he’s doing a lot better than Thea did the first time she tried skating.

Eventually after another fifteen minutes of skating Loki begins to lose his balance and his legs move in opposite directions making him fall down doing the splits.

Loki yelps “Ow!”

I quickly go to him and help him back to his feet. Loki clings to me as he struggles with his balance again. I steady him on my feet and then I hear people laughing and those who I can hear laughing sound very familiar to me.

I turn towards the laughing to see Rocco, Maya and Thea standing by the edge of the rink.

I call out in question while skating over to them “What are you three doing out of the territory?”

Thea notifies “We decided to go out for lunch somewhere and decided to come and see how you’re doing on evaluating this place.”

I respond “It’s a good venue.”

It’s true while skating on my own I had doing what I came here to do which was to evaluate this place. I deem it worth coming to.

Rocco smiles “Good I don’t want to have to try and find another venue that will close just for us tomorrow especially as it’s short notice.”

I smirk “Well in that case it’s terrible Rocco.”

Rocco grumbles “Hahaha you’re hilarious Brooke.”

I smile sweetly “I try.”

Thea smiles in question “Can I have a go?”

I notify “You’ll have most of the day tomorrow to skate.”

Maya smiles “I see that Loki is struggling with skating.”

I turn round to look at where I left Loki only to see him flailing his arms and legs around as he has a major wobble. He’s looking like Bambi again.

Thea comments “He looks kind of like...”

I interrupt smiling “Bambi I know.”

Thea grins “See we can read each other’s mind.”

Rocco notifies “She is a Telepath Thea.”

I correct “I’m a Telepath who doesn’t use her powers.”

Rocco questions “Why don’t you use them again?”

I admit “I don’t like intruding on other peoples thoughts.”

Loki suddenly exclaims in a panic “Brooklyn!”

I turn towards Loki and watch him fall. He’s fallen forwards and has landed on his stomach luckily he’s put his hands out to save himself.

I comment “If you excuse me I’d better help him up.”

I skate back over to Loki and offer him my hand. He gratefully takes it and allows me to pull him to his feet. He wobbles again and once again falls forward and I catch him again.

I smile “Isn’t this Déjà Vu.”

Loki comments while not looking too pleased about it “Yes it is.”

I help Loki back to his feet then skate him over to the others.

Rocco mocks “Having fun falling over Loki?”

I defend “You were like it as well.”

Rocco laughs “Yeah I was.”

I ask “Where are you guys thinking on going for lunch?”

Thea responds quickly admitting with a smile “La Fiesta Restaurant.”

I shake my head while notifying “I’ll pass this time. I think I’m still banned from there for at least another three weeks.”

Loki asks curiously “What happened?”

I admit “I had a small argument with one of the staff members.”

Rocco laughs “A small argument that’ll be the day you almost had his balls on a golden platter.”

I smile shrugging it off easily “He’s a pervert bastard. Thea I’m surprised you even want to go back to that place.”

Thea admits “I like their food not their service. I don’t particularly care. Plus they know I’m your sister.”

I roll my eyes then I suggest to Loki “How about we call it a day and go grab lunch somewhere”

Loki comments “That would be nice.”

Maya smiles “Well we’ll leave you two be as we still want to go to La Fiesta.”

I smirk “If you see my favourite waiter say that Brooklyn says hi.”

Thea laughs “Will do Brooke we’ll see you and Loki later.”

After Rocco, Maya and Thea have left I turn to Loki as he has a wobble again.

I urge “Come on then let’s get you off the ice and back into normal shoes.”

Loki nods and takes a hold of my hand again. I skate him over to the nearest exit and I get off the ice before him. I offer my hand again to help him off the ice and this time he takes it.

I ask with a smile as I help him off the ice “Are you going to listen to me more now?”

Loki notifies “I always listen to you Brooklyn.”

I reword “Okay are you going to take what I say into consideration now? That’s what I’m asking you.”

Loki admits “Yes I will.”

I smile “Good.”

Loki asks “Where are we going for lunch?”

I announce “We’re going to a Shifter friendly cafe in Anchorage. I’ve got to talk to a guy about bringing you with us. We’ll have to get you passed.”

Loki asks “So you’re going to tell this person that I’m on Earth?”

I explain “No I’m going to say that we’re bringing one more clan member than what was first said.”

Loki nods and quickly sits down on a nearby bench and begins to get the skates off his feet. I sit next to him and do the same.

Loki’s not that bad to be fair on him. I can see through his disguise now. He’s not evil he’s broken. We’re all broken at some point. It’s just how far we fall into the despair that comes with being broken which determines how we deal with it. Loki puts on an act to cover up the fact that he’s so broken. I have an aggressively feral Snow Leopard which shows that I’m broken.

Loki asks “Are you alright Brooklyn?”

I nod my head coming out of my thoughts to smile “Yeah I’m good and yourself?”

Loki admits “A little bit sore from falling over so many times. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to skate as confidently as you.”

I nudge him and smile “Of course you will just give it time and a lot of practise.”

Loki looks at me and smiles. As quick as lightning he puts his arms around me and pulls me into a hug. I tense up on instinct but I soon hug him back not really knowing what else to do.

Loki notifies “Thank you Brooklyn.”

I joke “Keep this up and we might just become friends.”

Loki asks while releasing me from his arms “What’s so bad about that?”

I smile “I’ve got a reputation to uphold.”

“And what reputation would that be?”

“That I’m a hard person to befriend.”

“You are a hard person to befriend.”

“So you’ve been trying to befriend me then have you.”

“Yes I’ve found its better to be on your good side than on your bad side.”

I burst into laughter and shake my head. I unlock the locker and grab our shoes before throwing Loki’s boots at him. He catches them and begins to put them on. I quickly slip mine onto my feet.

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